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Programação Assíncrona com JavaScript

Programação Assíncrona com JavaScript

Diego Leite

November 10, 2018

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  1. Resumo sobre Event Loop • JavaScript runtime é single thread

    One thread === Single call stack === One thing at a time @di3goleite
  2. Callbacks In JavaScript - Functions are 1st class objects -

    Functions can be stored in variables, passed as arguments to functions, created within functions and returned from functions. Because functions are first class objects, we can pass a function as an argument in another function and later execute that passed-in function. $('#btn_1').click(function () { alert('HUEHUE BRBR'); }); var showAlert = function () { alert('HUEHUE BRBR'); }; $('#btn_1').click(showAlert); @di3goleite
  3. Callback hell getMoreData(a, function(b) { getMoreData(b, function(c) { getMoreData(c, function(d)

    { getMoreData(d, function(e) { console.log('Callback Hell'); }); }); }); }); Callbacks === Continuations @di3goleite
  4. Callback hell - how to solve? setTimeout(function () { console.log('one');

    setTimeout(function () { console.log('two'); setTimeout(function () { console.log('three'); }, 1000); }, 1000); }, 1000); function one(callback) { console.log('one'); setTimeout(callback, 1000); } function two(callback) { console.log('two'); setTimeout(callback, 1000); } function three(callback) { console.log('three'); setTimeout(callback, 1000); } one(function() { two(three); }); @di3goleite
  5. What are promises? A reference for a value that will

    eventually become available @di3goleite
  6. Promises - top to bottom // There can be one

    or more then() method calls that // don't provide an error handler. Then the error is // passed on until there is an error handler asyncFunction1() .then(asyncFunction2) .then(asyncFunction3) .catch(function (error) { // Something went wrong above }); Promises can be chained. This is one of the fundamental point to understand it. @di3goleite
  7. Promises - how that works inside? let promise = new

    Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve("done"); reject(new Error("…")); // ignored setTimeout(() => resolve("…")); // ignored }); @di3goleite
  8. Async functions - how to use that? function doAsyncOperation() {

    return asyncOperation().then(function(val)) { console.log(val); return val; }); } async function doAsyncOperation() { var val = await asyncOperation(); console.log(val); return val; } @di3goleite
  9. Async functions - chaining function doAsyncOperation() { return asyncOperation().then(function(val) {

    return asyncOperation(val); }).then(function(val) { return asyncOperation(val); }).then(function(val) { return asyncOperation(val); }); } async function doAsyncOperation() { var val = await asyncOperation(); val = await asyncOperation(val); val = await asyncOperation(val); return await asyncOperation(val); } @di3goleite
  10. Async functions - handling errors function doAsyncOperation() { return asyncOperation().then(function(val)

    { return asyncOperation(val); }).then(function(val) { return asyncOperation(val); }).catch(function(error) { console.error(error); }); } async function doAsyncOperation() { try { var val = await asyncOperation(); val = await asyncOperation(val); return await asyncOperation(val); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } @di3goleite