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SEARCHLOVE DAN DIEGO 2013-Mackenzie Fogelson

September 30, 2013

SEARCHLOVE DAN DIEGO 2013-Mackenzie Fogelson

Are We There Yet?


September 30, 2013

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  1. many companies don’t invest in community building. start now before

    they do. @Mackfogelson http://www.muscleandfitness.com/training/arms/get-grip-0
  2. communities are full of people who know other people who

    are like them. @Mackfogelson http://pinterest.com/pin/258042253622760857/
  3. communities develop brand advocates who become your business development team.

    @Mackfogelson http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/lsu-group-wants-football-fans-to-wear-crosses.html
  4. from interruption to being a part of a customer’s life.

    shift @Mackfogelson - Avinash kaushik -
  5. - services based - boring niche - non-tech savvy audience

    -18 month avg sales cycle @Mackfogelson
  6. 1. @Mackfogelson This community building STUFF takes a long time

    to gain traction. be flexible & learn to adjust quickly. The process
  7. @Mackfogelson Foundational stuff Time research & persona development Blog Integration

    social media & email marketing setup intial strategy revamp nav structure/transform pages optimize website 30 days 30 days 30 days 60 days 60 days 60 days
  8. @Mackfogelson Foundational stuff Time research & persona stuff Blog Integration

    social media & email marketing setup intial strategy revamp nav structure/transform pages optimize website 30 days 30 days 30 days 60 days 9 Months 9 months
  9. 2. @Mackfogelson focus your efforts on getting the right things

    done to grow your community and your business. goals not tools
  10. @Mackfogelson thought leadership goal breakdown Push government innovation & efficiency

    Drive neighborhood & Community improvement change perception of city government bridge the gap between building dept & community development services
  11. S reach their goals b basic routine HEre’s what we

    did to build community @Mackfogelson
  12. @Mackfogelson SAFEbuilt’s community building checklist content, seo & outreach email

    marketing social media community management training strategy & analysis
  13. @Mackfogelson improvements in audience engagement starting & having conversations increasing

    who shares content increasing applause & activity levels getting the content right
  14. @Mackfogelson improvements in long-term relationships Leverage offline community transform friends

    into brand advocates increase subscribers to blog & email increase pre & post customer outreach
  15. 3. @Mackfogelson you must prove the value of your efforts

    so that you can earn your budgets. all the right things
  16. @Mackfogelson prove value of community building efforts track events in

    google analytics Track form submissions set up & monitor custom dashboards Place annotations in google analytics utilize social media tools
  17. more visits through social media, email marketing, and the blog

    than we ever have. @Mackfogelson driving
  18. @Mackfogelson The obvious community building indicators engaged followers, social shares

    & applause advanced segments related to content click-throughs on socialy shared content brand mentions & conversations Traffic from social: visits & pageviews comments & subscribers
  19. an activity doesn’t have tangible roi doesn’t mean that it’s

    not valuable or useful. because @Mackfogelson - @hannah_bo_banna -
  20. b @Mackfogelson b Our blog - www.mackwebsolutions.com/blog Link Bundle -

    bitly.com/bundles/mackwebsolutions/5 free communty building guide signup - http://building-online-communities.mackwebsolutions.com