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.NET Day Switzerland is an independent technology conference for developers, architects and experts to discuss about and get to know .NET technologies all around .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Angular, Azure and more. Experienced speakers share their know-how on the latest topics and give you deep insights into the new world of Microsoft software development and beyond. In addition to the technical talks, the .NET Day provides a space for discussions with the speakers and other attendees.

The .NET Day is your place for networking, discussions and questions!

.NET Day Switzerland is a Non-profit Community Conference. All the speakers and staff engage on a voluntary basis because they are good people and want to support the Swiss .NET Community. Any positive financial balance from the ticket sales will be used to support non-profit organizations either involved in charity projects or the Swiss software developer community.

Questions, input or improvements can be dropped at any time via or on Twitter at @dotnetday_ch.


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