notation = … • … super quick to bootstrap by “busy” graduate students • Corpus clearly delineated in minds of scholars • Undertheorized - what are the norms? • Quite diverse within rep. • (Preservation/dissemination)
Syllabic Neumatic Melismatic M-index increases Estimated fl. date of composer of song M-index M-index for all songs (where melisma ≥ 2 notes) Aubrey: “By the early thirteenth century, the textures of the troubadour melodies, largely syllabic in the early generations, become more neumatic or melismatic”
all songs (where melisma ≥ 2 notes) Aubrey: “By the early thirteenth century, the textures of the troubadour melodies, largely syllabic in the early generations, become more neumatic or melismatic” Guiraut Riquier’s songs
all songs, excl. Riquier (melisma ≥ 2 notes) Aubrey: “By the early thirteenth century, the textures of the troubadour melodies, largely syllabic in the early generations, become more neumatic or melismatic”
don’t roll your own ▪ Never • Ever • Humdrum/shell used for high-level stats • music21 also used ◦ Not amazing for future text underlay work • Google Docs, Wikispaces and the usual collaboration tools • Future component: web-app for gradsourcing proofreading
v. b-mollis) 2. Cadence and Incipit Structures 3. Recurring melodic figures 4. Music and text (intractable) 5. “Mode” / relationship to contemporary secular music Conclusion