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How to Measure SEO Sustainability

Ellie Connor
September 14, 2023

How to Measure SEO Sustainability

My talk for Brighton SEO 2023 - with link to tool

For more information contact [email protected]

Ellie Connor

September 14, 2023


  1. iCrossing UK How Many of You Have Considered Sustainability in

    Your SEO Strategy? Poll Time • Client Name • 10.03.2022 • Project Name
  2. It is our duty to take action now With the

    rise of AI, internet carbon emissions will double by 2030
  3. We can’t stop our reliance on the internet , but

    we can reduce how much energy is spent on search Reducing energy needed to load a page Reducing users’ number of page loads Making bot crawls easier
  4. We know that reducing energy usage reduces water waste and

    carbon emissions Energy usage Water Waste Carbon Emissions
  5. Metrics That Reflect Lower Energy Consumption • Page Speed •

    CWV • Server Load Time • CDN Time • SSR Presence • Text to Code Ratio • Page Size
  6. Metrics That Reflect Lower Energy Consumption • Low time spent

    on page + high conversion for PLPs • Low Bounce Rate • Crawl Depth < 3 Less Page Loads
  7. Metrics That Reflect Lower Energy Consumption • Optimised IA •

    All 200 indexable URLs in sitemap • No 4xx/5xx errors • No 3xx redirect chains
  8. A Good SEO Strategy is a Sustainable Strategy A good

    user journey is naturally a more sustainable one, which is SEO’s bread and butter
  9. If we calculate energy usage per web page load, we

    can (roughly) calculate CO2 and water usage CO2
  10. To calculate energy, we need to look at the journey

    of a web page load Total energy = server energy + data centre energy
  11. CO2 For every 1 second of page load 0.0004kWh 0.5kg/kWh

    0.2g CO2 Measuring carbon footprint =
  12. For every 1 second of page load 0.0004 kWh 3L/kWH

    1.2 ML Measuring water footprint =