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40만명이 쓰는 Django channels 채팅서버, 우리는 어떻게 만들었나?

40만명이 쓰는 Django channels 채팅서버, 우리는 어떻게 만들었나?

2018 Pycon. @EJSohn

Eunju Amy Sohn

August 17, 2018

More Decks by Eunju Amy Sohn

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Name: 손은주 Nickname: Amy Who: Devops Engineer @Mathpresso Comment: I

    love The magical moment! github: http://github.com/EJSohn email: [email protected]
  2. Contents 1. Why? 1. background explanation 2. introduce Django channels

    2. How? 1. server-client communication protocol 2. coding 3. testing 4. deployment & maintenance
  3. Why? Slack – Java Facebook Messenger – Erlang Line –

    Java, C++, Erlang Kakaotalk – C++ Snapchat – Java * 구글링 첫 페이지에 나온 정보들입니다. 신뢰도가 그리 높지 않습니다 ㅠ
  4. Why? – background explanation Main language: Python + deeply use

    Django ORM + fast action and output required + but all thing has to be maintainable and scalable Had to make Reliable app Faster, with existing technical stack
  5. Why? – Django channels ASGI? = Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface

    Spiritual successor of wsgi. Extend not only support HTTP-style request/response but also websocket and others.
  6. How? – server-client communication protocol Requirement User – Bot 1:1

    chatting with multiple templates User – User 1:1 chatting User group chatting
  7. How? – server-client communication protocol Had to build communication protocol

    & • Communicating text, byte-data based pre-defined json. • Serializing& deserializing into object.
  8. Why? – conclusion 소수의 인원으로 빠르게 관리하기 편한 채팅 서버를

    만들 수 있었습니다. + 채팅 서버의 성능에 대해 관심 있으신 분들과 이야기를 나누고 싶습니다!