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The Cereal Killer Storyboard

Emily Light
December 24, 2023

The Cereal Killer Storyboard

A classic "who done it?" of four robots trying to solve who amongst themselves killed their cereal.

Emily Light

December 24, 2023


  1. Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00

    Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 2 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Cereal Killer Title appears Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Gradation to Elblow's window Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 00 Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 8 Duration 01 00 TheCereal Killer Page 1/15
  2. Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 9 Duration 01 00

    Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Elblow is asleep in their bed. Morning/ outer space light shines through their window. Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 12 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Their door opens and their friend Eye- Bell cautiously walks in... Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 13 Duration 01 00 Action Notes ...as Elblow continues to slumber. Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 14 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye- Bell (cautiously) Dude. Action Notes Eye-Bell approaches Elblow's bed Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 15 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye-Bell (contʼd) Dude?– Elbow awakens dramatically and cuts off Eye- Bell. Elblow What?! Iʼm sleeping! Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 16 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye- Bell Youʼre missing out on brunch. TheCereal Killer Page 2/15
  3. Scene 1 Duration 17 00 Panel 17 Duration 01 00

    Dialog Elbow Itʼs ten oʼclock already? Wow, time really flies! Action Notes Elbow turns to face their alarm clock to find it is 10 00AM. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Scene cuts to Elblowʼs kitchen, where Elblow, Eye- Bell, TV3D, and Bumble- Boo are seated at the kitchen table eating and enjoying brunch. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 2 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye- Bell Bumble- Boo, are you okay? You seem a little antsy. Bumble Boo (appearing uneasy) Well… donʼt you guys have Cereal O's? Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elbow(faceful of food) Sorry bro, just finished the last box… about two months ago. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 Dialog Bumble- Boo Oh, well along with that, did you guys notice this animation is in black and white? Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Dialog TV3D Oh yeah, I noticed that. Action Notes Wide shot of everyone looking at the camera. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow Wait a second, do you guys know what this means..? Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye- Bell(fearfully) W-What..? TheCereal Killer Page 3/15
  4. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 8 Duration 01 00

    Dialog Elblow Thereʼs going to be… Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 9 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow (contʼd) A SILENT FILM!! They collapse his upper body in defeat on the table. Elblow(contʼd) Ohhh what boredom is to come! Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye-Bell Whoa, looks like I gotta go. I guess Iʼll see you guys tomorrow. Action Notes Eye- Bellʼs wristwatch beeps. Eye- Bell gets ready to leave. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow Speaking of leaving, I have to go shopping, even though I was happy with Hoo- Hoo doing it for the past five years. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 12 Duration 01 00 Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 13 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow(contʼd) See you guys later. Action Notes Elbow gets up to leave and opens the front door to exit. Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 14 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Elbow leaves and closes the door behind them Scene 2 Duration 15 00 Panel 15 Duration 01 00 Dialog Bumble- Boo Iʼm still hungry. Action Notes TV3D and Bumble- Boo are left in Elblowʼs apartment alone and finishing up brunch. TheCereal Killer Page 4/15
  5. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes Scene cuts to a few hours later and Elblow enters his darkened home. He talks to Hoo- Hoo who is out of frame. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 2 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow(head turned from camera) Yep, see you later Hoo- Hoo. Action Notes Scene cuts to a few hours later and Elblow enters his darkened home. He talks to Hoo- Hoo who is out of frame. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Elblow walks in exhausted from doing his own shopping for once. They notice their place appears different than how they had left it. Interior is very dark. Elblow searches for the nearest light switch. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow(contʼd) Thatʼs weird. I donʼt remember it being so dark in here. Action Notes Elblow flicks the light switch and turns around to face his kitchen. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Elblow flicks the light switch and turns around to face his kitchen. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Elblow is frozen with fear by what they have discovered. Elblow gasps in shock and horror. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow(contʼd) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHH!!!! Action Notes Camera pans out to outside of the spaceship the robots reside in. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 8 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Elblow slowly backs up. Their arms and back hit the wall. A small table with their landline telephone is next to them. TheCereal Killer Page 5/15
  6. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 9 Duration 01 00

    Action Notes The scene cuts to an iPhone ringing. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye- Bell Hello? Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow Dude! Come over here quick! Action Notes A diagonally split screen shows Eye- Bell in one panel answering the iPhone. In the other panel is Elblow freaking out about what they had just encountered in their home. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 12 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye- Bell What is i- Action Notes Scene shows Eye- Bell leave their home and enter Elblowʼs which is right next door with minimal walking distance. The door to Elblowʼs apartment is ajar. Eye- B ell enters but freezes from the sight. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 13 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Before them is a knife stabbed into a box of Cereal O's cereal. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 14 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Milk drips lifelessly from the table onto the floor. TheCereal Killer Page 6/15
  7. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 15 Duration 01 00

    Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 16 Duration 01 00 Action Notes The murder scene is horrifying. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 17 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye-Bell W-Who did it? Action Notes Eye- Bell slowly turns to Elblow. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 18 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow(somber tone) Well, whoever it was… is a Cereal Killer. Scene 3 Duration 19 00 Panel 19 Duration 01 00 Action Notes From a faraway shot. The two gaze in awe and fear of the sight as the knife, penetrating the lifeless cereal box, glistens in the light. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 Dialog Bumble- Boo Hey guys, what happ- His words are cut off by the scarring sight before him. Action Notes Suddenly a concerned Bumble- Boo enters the open doorway. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 2 Duration 01 00 Dialog Bumble- Boo(contʼd) We have to call the police! Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow NO! Action Notes Bumble-Boo quickly reaches for Elblowʼs phone, but their hand is instantly smashed by Elblowʼs. TheCereal Killer Page 7/15
  8. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 4 Duration 01 00

    Dialog Bumble- Boo(annoyed with hand pulsing from the brute force) OW! What was that for?! Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow First of all, there arenʼt any police in space. Slugging Camera zooms out making Elblow fully visible and in the foreground. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow Unless you mean The Police, but I donʼt think Sting will be able to help us. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Dialog Bumble- Boo Or maybe youʼre the MURDERER! Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 8 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye-Bell *gasps* He could be right, you know. This is your house. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 9 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye-Bell And YOU were here before the both of us! Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Dialog Bumble- Boo Yeah! Action Notes bumble- boo pops up from below Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow(pointing at Eye- Bell) Or maybe youʼre the murderer, EYE- BELL! TheCereal Killer Page 8/15
  9. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 12 Duration 01 00

    Dialog Eye-Bell(angry from the accusation) How is that? Elblow(contʼd) Because you said… Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 13 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye-Bell Whoa, looks like I gotta go. I guess Iʼll see you guys tomorrow. Action Notes Elblowʼs words are cut off by a flashback earlier in the film during brunch when Eye-Bell said, “Whoa. Looks like I gotta go, I guess Iʼll see you guys tomorrow.” Fl ashback ends and returns to the present situation. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 14 Duration 01 00 Dialog Elblow(contʼd) So today is yesterdayʼs tomorrow, and we didnʼt have any plans for today! Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 15 Duration 01 00 Dialog Eye- Bell How do you know that?! Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 16 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW Because I have a calendar! Action Notes Elblow dramatically points to their calendar. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 17 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE- BOO Heʼs right, thereʼs nothing planned for us today. Action Notes Bumble- Boo walks next to him and finds the current date and sees there is nothing planned for the day. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 18 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE- BOO So you planned to come over here to kill the cereal! Action Notes Bumble- Boo walks next to him and finds the current date and sees there is nothing planned for the day. TheCereal Killer Page 9/15
  10. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 19 Duration 01 00

    Dialog EYE-BELL No! It wasnʼt me, it was Elblow! Action Notes Camera focus on Eye- Bell Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 20 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW (gasps) No! Action Notes Camera focus on Elblow Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 21 Duration 01 00 Dialog EYE-BELL(DELIRIOUS) Yes! Yes it was you because after you knew everyone left, you came back from your “shopping spree” with Hoo- Hoo! Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 22 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW Hey, from both of our experiences with Hoo- Hoo, you should know that now she definitely wants to make sure we do our own shopping. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 23 Duration 01 00 Dialog HOO-HOO (OFFSCREEN) (OFFENDED AND ANNOYED) HEY!! Action Notes In the other apartment there is a loud knocking noise on the wall. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 24 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW (CONT'D) But! Whenever I leave the house I always lock my door… EYE-BELL Oh yeah, I guess youʼre right. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 25 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW … So the murderer had to use the key to get inside to kill the cereal! (Pause) Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 26 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW So Eye-Bell is the murderer! EYE-BELL What?! NO! TheCereal Killer Page 10/15
  11. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 27 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ELBLOW Dude you know where the key is… right? Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 28 Duration 01 00 Dialog EYE-BELL No, I didnʼt even know you kept it here. Scene 4 Duration 29 00 Panel 29 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Awkward silence between the three friends. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Awkward silence between the three friends. Scene cuts to Elbow with the others behind as they open the front door and looks at their doormat. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 2 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Elblow pulls it upwards only to find the aged outline of their key. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW It's gone! Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 Dialog EYE-BELL So, I guess whoever has the key is the cereal killer. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW Well the murderer isnʼt you or me, so it must be… TheCereal Killer Page 11/15
  12. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 00

    Dialog Elblow (CONT'D) so it must be… Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Dialog Bumble- Boo is cornered out, standing alone and in silence with a blank expression. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 8 Duration 01 00 Dialog EYE-BELL Bumble- Boo, did you kill the cereal? Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 9 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Bumble backs up nervously. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Bumble- Boo unexpectedly bumps into the wall behind. From that there is a clink noise like something fell out of their pocket and hit the floor. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Action Notes The camera shows it is Elblowʼs house key. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 12 Duration 01 00 Dialog EYE-BELL The key… Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 13 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW Bumble- Boo… why? TheCereal Killer Page 12/15
  13. Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 14 Duration 01 00

    Dialog BUMBLE-BOO (breaks down, sobs) It happened so… fast! I didnʼt know what was happening! Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 15 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW (CONT'D) Cʼmon dude, itʼs ok. Just tell us what happened. Action Notes Elblow gestures to his couch Scene 5 Duration 16 00 Panel 16 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION OVER FLASHBACK So after you guys left TV3D said- Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 Dialog TV3D Dude, you look really hungry. Elblow has a secret stash of stuff over there. Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 2 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION (CONT'D) So then TV3D left, and I got some Cheerios and milk for myself… Action Notes Shot of innocent cereal, milk, and bowl. Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION Then when I went to open the cereal box I wasnʼt able to… Action Notes Shot of Bumble- Boo struggling to open the cereal box. Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION So then I found a knife to pry it open with… Action Notes Shot of Bumble- Boo peering at knife from afar. Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION But then I tripped over a hard object Action Notes Scene of Bumble- Boo tripping TheCereal Killer Page 13/15
  14. Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 00

    Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION and- killed the cereal. Action Notes and stabbing the cereal. Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 8 Duration 01 00 Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 9 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION Once I had noticed what I had done, Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 10 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION I ran out of the house and noticed Elblow had left his key. Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 11 Duration 01 00 Scene 6 Duration 12 00 Panel 12 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION So I brought it along with me so I could give it back to him Action Notes The camera shows it is Elblowʼs house key. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 1 Duration 01 00 Dialog BUMBLE-BOO NARRATION (FLASHBACK ENDS) I guess I just forgot to give it back to you. TheCereal Killer Page 14/15
  15. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 2 Duration 01 00

    Dialog ELBLOW Well the good thing is when you kill something that isnʼt alive you wonʼt go to jail. And, there arenʼt any cops in space. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 3 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW But the bad thing is that the cereal is still dead. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 4 Duration 01 00 Dialog EYE-BELL Iʼm glad that the case is finally closed. Hey! We should go get ice cream to celebrate! Action Notes Eye- Bell stands at the doorway. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 5 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Camera is facing the bottom of the dinner table. There is a box underneath it. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 6 Duration 01 00 Dialog ELBLOW (OUT OF FRAME) Cʼmon dude letʼs go, case closed. Action Notes It cuts to a close up of Bumble- Boo squinting their eyes with suspicion. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 7 Duration 01 00 Action Notes Camera zooms in on an evil looking character on the cereal box under the table. Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 8 Duration 01 00 Scene 7 Duration 09 00 Panel 9 Duration 01 00 TheCereal Killer Page 15/15