Planners 33. Nevertheless, because of the particular siting of the wind turbine together with its height, the wind turbine would be a constant and intrusive overbearing presence harmful to the residential amenity of the occupiers of Hill Top Farm and, to a lesser extent, Valley Farm House. This harm, including conflict with CS policy CS11, would be such for the period of the growing up of a generation as to outweigh the benefits. 12. A modern wind turbine with a blade sweep diameter of 54m and a tower height of 50m would inevitably have an impact on the landscape and visual environment. It cannot have anything other than a major impact on the landscape as it currently exists. Trees and hedgerows would constrain some views but it would fundamentally change the landscape up to 1.5 to 2km away. However, to some extent, the degree of harm to the landscape and visual amenities would be mitigated by the wide skies, sense of space, undulating landform and existing trees and hedgerows. Overall the more expansive views could accommodate the proposal without an unacceptably adverse impact on the landscape character and visual amenities.