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Nick Newman

Energy Now Expo 2013
February 21, 2013

Nick Newman

An Introduction to Passive House

Energy Now Expo 2013

February 21, 2013


  1. bere:architects 73 Poets Road London N5 2SH T +44(0)20 7359

    4503 www.bere.co.uk Energy Now Expo 2013, Wednesday13th February An Introduction to Passive House Performance and Costs in New Build and Retrofit Nick Newman of twitter: @bere:architects | www.bere.co.uk PRESENTATION INCLUDES CONTENT FUNDED BY THE TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY BOARD’S BUILDING PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAMME http://goo.gl/ny5vG
  2. c bere:architects 2012 Closing the Performance Gap – – The

    Muse performance in practice - indoor temp generally 20 - 25°c without any heating Red spikes show sunlight measured with an i-button on an upper floor window 12 July 2010 07 Nov 2010 Black line indicates 20°celsius Pale blue line indicates outdoor temps COST OF GAS 10 June - 11 July £1.98 12 July - 8 Aug £1.08 9 Aug - 5 Sept £1.31 6 Sept - 11 Oct £3.27 12 Oct - 7 Nov £4.05 8 Nov - 12 Dec £30.07 13 Dec - 9 Jan £34.32 10 Jan - 13 Feb £34.44 - (included 2 day overheat test)
  3. c bere:architects 2012 Passivhaus 3 4 2 1 – –

    The term passivhaus refers to an advanced low energy construction standard for buildings, which have excellent comfort conditions in both winter and summer. They typically achieve a heating saving of 90% compared to existing housing. Passivhaus buildings are easy to live in and require little maintenance. 1-Super Insulation 2-Air Tightness 3-Heat Recovery Ventilation 4-Passive Solar Gains 5-No need for radiators
  4. c bere:architects 2012 Wall U-Value Roof U-Value Floor U-Value Window

    [W/m2K] [W/m2K] [W/m2K] [W/m2K] Passivhaus 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.8 Bldg Reg UK 0.30 0.20 0.25 2.0 Super Insulation
  5. c bere:architects 2012 Airtightness Weak points Penetrations through ceiling Mortar

    gaps & plaster cracks leaky windows Party wall penetrations Ground slab or timber floor Air tightness @ 50 Pa [1m3/h/m2] Passivhaus 1 Bldg Reg UK 10
  6. c bere:architects 2012 New Build: Camden Passivhaus, Ranulf Road Comfort

    - Winter temperatures and relative humidity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Relative Humidity, % Temperature, °C Comfort chart for January 2012 V C L B Average daily temperatures living room 21 - 22 oC bedroom 19.6 - 20.4 oC Very comfortable Comfortable Living room Bedroom
  7. c bere:architects 2012 New Build: Camden Passivhaus, Ranulf Road Comfort

    - Winter temperatures ‐5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Temperature (OC) Date Thermal comfort in January Living room Bedroom External 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 MONITORED PHPP DESIGN Energy consumption (kWh/m2) Space heating demand in January T=20OC T=21.4OC
  8. c bere:architects 2012 New Build: Camden Passivhaus, Ranulf Road Comfort

    - Summer temperatures and relative humidity Average daily temperatures living room 23.5 -24.5 oC bedroom 21 - 22 oC Very comfortable Comfortable Living room Bedroom 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Relative Humidity, % Temperature, °C Comfort chart for June 2012 V C Li B
  9. c bere:architects 2012 New Build: Camden Passivhaus, Ranulf Road Comfort

    - Summer temperatures and relative humidity 5 10 15 20 25 30 Temperature (OC) Date Thermal comfort in June Living room Bedroom External 8 8 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PHPP predicted Actual (>25C) Actual (>26C) Overheating % Comparison of PHPP predicted and actual annual overheating PHPP LIMIT 8 5 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 PHPP predicted Actual (>25C) Overheating % Comparison of PHPP predicted and actual overheating Oct‐Mar Summer (Jun‐Sep)
  10. c bere:architects 2012 New Build: Camden Passivhaus, Ranulf Road Energy

    consumption - Space heating Monitored vs. predicted space heating demand
  11. c bere:architects 2012 New Build: Camden Passivhaus, Ranulf Road Energy

    consumption - Space heating Design targets 13.7 kWh/m2 24.3 kWh/m2 120kWh/m2 Specific space heating demand Electricity consumption Total primary energy demand Measured performance 12.1 kWh/m2 33.3 kWh/m2 124kWh/m2 (113 kWh/m2)
  12. c bere:architects 2012 Larch & Lime House Passivhaus, Ebbw Vale

    The Larch House & (foreground) the Lime House
  13. c bere:architects 2012 Top: Larch House South elevation thermal image

    Bottom: Larch House monitored Winter temps. Larch House Passivhaus, Ebbw Vale Practical Research and Development Indoor temperatures in Winter - unoccupied
  14. c bere:architects 2012 Larch House Passivhaus, Ebbw Vale Practical Research

    and Development Energy cost - average expenditure- source DECC
  15. c bere:architects 2012 Larch House Passivhaus, Ebbw Vale Practical Research

    and Development £8.45/week: Larch House average expenditure on gas and electricity (July-September) Energy Cost- Larch house
  16. c bere:architects 2012 Low Cost Housing, Wales for BRE Wales

    & UWHA LARCH HOUSE, 2010 • Excellent co-heating test • Excellent fabric test results • No cold surfaces • No cold draughts • Healthy • Comfortable • Low running costs • Local products & skills, including Welsh-made frame, using Welsh wood for approx £20,000 incl. roof trusses and upper floor • Contractor now ready to test their proven skills at a larger scale in row housing!
  17. c bere:architects 2012 Low Cost Housing, Wales LIME HOUSE, 2010

    • Excellent co-heating test • Excellent fabric test results • No cold surfaces • No cold draughts • Healthy • Comfortable • Low running costs • More local products & skills, including Welsh-made PHI certified windows • Smaller windows (cost less) don’t need blinds (cost less) and performance is more robust because less reliant on occupant use of blinds
  18. c bere:architects 2012 Passivhaus Prototypes, Ebbw Vale Practical Research and

    Development Passivhaus standard (without PV panels) *using existing building data Passivhaus standard to Code level 5 - with PV panels on 48% of South facing roof *using existing building data Passivhaus standard to Code level 6 - with PV panels on 80% of South facing roof *using existing building data Code level 4 *using data from Holbrook Timber Frame Company 3 bed Welsh Passivhaus - Charts from PHPP Annual energy cost comparison: 3 bed Welsh Passivhaus at 2010 Building Regs, Code Level 3, Code Level 4, Code level 5 Passivhaus and Zero Carbon Passivhaus Space Heating £332.61 (8407 Kwh) Code level 3 *using data from Holbrook Timber Frame Company ANNUAL COST OF SPACE HEATING **AND ELECTRICITY USAGE ***(£) Space Heating £371.91 (9717 Kwh) 2010 Building Regs *using Part L Approved Document U-Value and Ventilation requirements **Using gas unit calculation. Unit price taken from British �as Website (6p for �rst 2680 Kwh -Tier1, and 3p thereafter - Tier 2) ***Using electricity unit calculation. Unit price taken from British �as Website (13.4p/Kwh �at rate) ****Using feed in tariff payment prices (36.1p/KWh +3p/Kwh Export price. 50% assumed exported) Space Heating £520.35 (14665 Kwh) Electricity £208.64 (1557 Kwh) Total £728.99 (16222 Kwh)* Electricity £199.93 (1492 Kwh) Total £571.84 (11209 Kwh)* Electricity £197.65 (1475 Kwh) Total £530.26 (9882 Kwh)* Space Heating £78.18 (1303 Kwh) Total £295.77 (2927 Kwh)* Total -£696.65 (-759 Kwh)* Total -£1367.48 (-2543 Kwh)* Electricity £217.62 (1624 Kwh) Space Heating £78.18 (1303 Kwh) Electricity -£775.45 (2062 Kwh) from PV Feed in Tariff Payment**** Electricity -£1446 (3846 Kwh) from PV Feed in Tariff Payment**** Space Heating £78.18 (1303 Kwh) How much does it cost to run a Passivhaus with PV? 800 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 700 -700 600 -600 500 -500 400 -400 300 -300 200 -200 100 -100 0
  19. c bere:architects 2012 Payback 3 bed Welsh Passivhaus - Charts

    from PHPP Year of occupation Capital payback comparison: 3 bed Welsh Passivhaus (99m2) - Comparing: estate house at Building Regs standard, estate house at Passivhaus standard, and estate house at Passivhaus standard with 2.52Kwp photovoltaic system and associated Feed in Tariff payments (36.1p/Kwh + 3p/Kwh export bonus) and estate house at zero carbon Passivhaus standard with 4.7Kwp photovoltaic system and FIT as above. Total Cost (Original build plus total running costs) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Code level 5 Passivhaus with PV becomes cheaper than Building Regs house after 23 Years After 50 years, the Building Regs house becomes most expensive building - at more than double the cost of the Zero Carbon Passivhaus. Scenario: Energy prices remain at current level Passivhaus with PV becomes cheaper than Passivhaus without PV after 11 Years Zero Carbon Passivhaus becomes the cheapest building after 17 Years What is the payback period for a Passivhaus? Estate Level 5 Passivhaus with PV and FIT Estate Zero Carbon Passivhaus with PV and FIT Estate Building Regulations House Estate Passivhaus with no PV or FIT
  20. c bere:architects 2012 Payback 3 bed Welsh Passivhaus - Charts

    from PHPP Year of occupation Capital payback comparison: 3 bed Welsh Passivhaus (99m2) - Comparing: estate house at Building Regs standard, estate house at Passivhaus standard, estate house at Passivhaus standard with 2.52Kwp photovoltaic system and associated Feed in Tariff payments (36.1p/Kwh + 3p/Kwh export bonus) and estate house at zero carbon Passivhaus standard with 4.7Kwp photovoltaic system and FIT as above. Scenario: Energy prices rise by 5% each year Total Cost (Original build plus total running costs) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Passivhaus without PV becomes cheaper than Building Regs house after 14 Years Estate Level 5 Passivhaus with PV and FIT Estate Zero Carbon Passivhaus with PV and FIT Estate Building Regulations House Estate Passivhaus with no PV or FIT After 15 Years, Zero Carbon Passivhaus becomes the cheapest building. After 27 years, minimum standard construction becomes the most expensive. After 50 years, the zero carbon Passivhaus is cheaper than when it was built. The minimum standard house is more than four times as expensive. What is the payback period for a Passivhaus?
  21. c bere:architects 2012 Low Cost Housing, BRE Watford Design aimed

    at broad market appeal - RSL and PFS versions look identical from street (& traditional) The cost of the frame is again a small part of the total cost of the house Further simplifying the services strategy, and simplifying the maintenance compared to Ebbw Vale houses CHESTNUT HOUSE, 2012
  22. c bere:architects 2012 Low Cost Housing, BRE Watford Concept to

    fabricate wider studs in the UK to utilise small- section UK timber. This will increase the core wall panel from 215mm to 300mm and thereby reduce wall build up from three construction stages (Ebbw Vale) to two construction stages. (This was considered for Ebbw Vale houses but team would have needed more development time to collaborate with the timber framer in a new and unfamiliar production process)
  23. c bere:architects 2012 Low Cost Housing, BRE Watford Orientation 1.

    South Space Heating 13 kWh/(m ²a) Frequency of overheating 6% Deviation from North 180º STRATEGY TO PRODUCE A REPLICABLE, COST-EFFECTIVE VERSION OF THE CHESNUT HOUSE Many urban planners and developers want complete flexibility to lay standardised houses out around squares or along streets, regardless of solar orientation and here we show how this is possible with our design: The overall wall build-up has been increased by 130mm improving the BRE Watford - UK Passivhaus Competition 2012 Stage 2- BRE Innovation Park Network 4/8 c bere:architects 2012 1. South Space Heating 13 kWh/(m ²a) Frequency of overheating 6% Deviation from North 180º 2. West Space Heating 14 kWh/(m ²a) Frequency of overheating 2% Deviation from North 270º STRATEGY TO PRODUCE A REPLICABLE, COST-EFFECTIVE VERSION OF THE CHESNUT HOUSE Many urban planners and developers want complete flexibility to lay standardised houses out around squares or along streets, regardless of solar orientation and here we show how this is possible with our design: The overall wall build-up has been increased by 130mm improving the fabric U-value from 0.16 to 0.108 W/ (m²K). The width of the rear windows and french doors have been reduced to a single casement matching the width of the front elevation. This has an added benefit of cost reduction for repeated element detailing. The summer ventilation strategy for each orientation remains the same, with first floor windows opened to tilt for 50% of the time. 3. North Space Heating 15kWh/(m ²a) Frequency of overheating 0% Deviation from North 0º STRATEGY CONTINUES. No overshadowing is assum the orientations have been exterior blinds. This analysis shows that it i to develop the Watford Che into a straightforward soluti equally well in any orientatio Passivhaus criteria in a repl cost-effective way. Design works in any orientation for traditional street patterns
  24. c bere:architects 2012 Low maintenance housing, BRE Watford Reducing filter

    maintenance without increasing cost of the installation Using standard gas combi boiler Avoiding cost of solar thermal, but providing easy future upgrade The aim is to make the house really as basic as possible! VENTILATION FILTER MAINTENANCE
  25. c bere:architects 2012 Thermal image of Passfield Drive Retrofit for

    the Future project, which aimed for the Passivhaus Enerphit standard, January 2012 Retrofit: no.3 Passfield Drive, London                                          User comfort in Winter Steady Indoor temperatures in January Steady Indoor temperatures in November Mostly ideal indoor humidity in November Mostly ideal indoor humidity in January very cold outside
  26. c bere:architects 2012 Planning for society to save costs Data

    from UK Office for National Statistics indicate how UK construction costs peak and trough according to a rocky economic climate compared the more steady economies of Germany and Austria and France. Why? Leading up to the financial crisis, the cost of UK non-domestic construction was by far the most expensive in Europe German, Austrian, French domestic and non-domestic construction costs remain steady after 2007 UK domestic and non-domestic construction costs crash after 2007, while Europe remains steady
  27. c bere:architects 2012 Energieinstitut Vorarlberg BM Harald Gmeiner Vision 2050

    Vorarlberg today 2050 Energy demand Energy consumption The path to energy autonomy in Vorarlberg Renewable energy Fossile energy Sustainable energy supply Planning for society to save costs