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OSDD: Open Source Driven Development

OSDD: Open Source Driven Development

"OSDD: Open Source Driven Development" Tech Talk at Lisbon JUG, April 2, 2024, hosted by KLx, Crédit Agricole Group

Power point with introduction video: https://1drv.ms/p/s!AqALWM_RNDmAirYORwZp4Es2leixJQ?e=2u5kpj

Fanon Jupkwo

April 02, 2024

More Decks by Fanon Jupkwo

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Lightbend changed the license of Akka from open source Apache

    2.0 to source-available Business Source License 1.1
  2. Bruce Perens, co-founder of Open Source Initiative, emphasizes that Big

    orgs must rethink their relation with developers (individuals like Marak or companies like Lightbend)
  3. Open Source Society Cameroon | Open Source Community Africa |

    Snapchat | TikTok Google | Mercedes-Benz | Société Générale | Orange | Meta | Microsoft | Amazon Amazon Web Services | Zalando | Tesla | NVIDIA | LinkedIn | Alibaba Apple | Samsung | Uber | Bolt | Spotify | Telegram | Adobe | Visa | Mastercard BMW-InnovationLab | Audi | Tencent | Hotels.com | Expedia Group | Airbnb | Booking.com Nike | adidas | Twitter – X | Toyota Research Institute - Machine Learning OpenAI | Adyen | Trivago
  4. Above all, I was jobless in 2019. Despite all the

    difficulties, I was really motivated to change things for the better. I read an article on Medium from an Uber's Engineer inviting devs to not only send their resumes but to show their skills by contributing to Open Source.
  5. It was really fun to contribute to projects used by

    other devs. Seeing my name amongst other contributors motivated me to keep going then I continued to contribute again and again.
  6. 2023 Mercedes- Benz, Jakarta EE, JUnit 2020 Google, Microsoft, Apple

    2019 Société Générale, Open Source Society Cameroon My Open Source Contributions
  7. I was recommended - by Vincent Fuchs, Lead Dev of

    these open source projects at Société Générale to which I contributed – to work in Portugal.
  8. Thanks to Open Source, I am starting my speaking Journey

    this year. I am speaking in front of you today and will do the same in June at Jnation.
  9. I started Open Source in order to show my skills

    to get a job then I got motivated about contributing to give back to the community.
  10. It's not that easy to find time but thanks to

    passion I keep going. I did not yet receive any money from Open Source but I improved my skills which allowed me to travel to work in Portugal and start my speaking journey.
  11. • Open Source Law, Policy and Practice authored by Amanda

    Brock • Developer Career Masterplan: Build your path to senior level and beyond with practical insights from industry experts co-authored by Heather Vancura and Bruno Souza • FOSSA -> Open Source Developer Sabotages npm Libraries ‘Colors,’ ‘Faker’ • Lightbend -> Why We Are Changing the License for Akka • The Register -> What comes after open source? Bruce Perens is working on it