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Ruby without the Syntax

Syed Faraaz Ahmad
December 16, 2023

Ruby without the Syntax

Syed Faraaz Ahmad

December 16, 2023


  1. Yet Another Virtual Machine a.k.a YARV putobject 1 putobject 2

    opt_plus leave YARV 010101010101 100001010101 001010101010 101000010101 010100001011
  2. Top level methods are stored in the Kernel module >

    puts 25 25 => nil > Kernel.puts 25 25 => nil
  3. Top level methods are stored in the Kernel module >

    def foo = 420 => :foo > Kernel.private_methods => [..., :foo, ...]
  4. You can do all of it (I think) rb_require(...); rb_load(...);

    rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Error code %d", 404 ); VALUE gv; rb_gv_set("$x", gv); gv = rb_gv_get("$x"); iv = rb_iv_get(obj, "@x");