Sue standing still in a chaotic crowd Scene: 1 Shot:1 Scene:1 Shot:4 Pan right following Sue down alleyway High angle FS of Sue, zoom into MCS as she bites a penny a er her the Scene:1 Shot:2 Scene:1 Shot:5 CU of Sue’s hand entering from bottom frame, reaching into the darkness CU of Sue, pan right revealing dark gure |walking Scene:1 Shot:3 Scene:1 Shot:6 FS of car driving past alley
revealing TinCat in the light Scene:1 Shot:7 Scene:1 Shot:9 Shaking FS of Sue as she leaves alley way panting Shaking CU of Sue’s face Scene:1 Shot:8A Scene:2 Shot:1 SS of Sue running in from le frame holding newly stolen trinkets Shaking CU tracking Sue’s face as she runs Scene:1 Shot:8B Scene:2 Shot:2 OVS of two cats on a trash can as Sue freezes
her house window Scene:2 Shot:3 Scene:4 Shot:1 Two shot of Sue entering alley followed by Tom Top Shot of Sue sleeping in her bed, zoom into CU of Sue Scene:2 Shot:4 Scene:5 Shot:1 MCU of Sue with cage shadows casted over her High angle 360 of Tin Cat in dreamscape Scene:3 Shot:1 Scene:5 Shot:2 Two shot of Sue in cage and Tom li ing a cage
Sue looking into camera, zoom out revealing cage Scene:5 Shot:3 Scene:5 Shot:6 MCU of Sue smiling while holding cage bars POVS of Sue looking at birds outside of cage Scene:5 Shot:4 Scene:5 Shot:7 POVS of Tin Cat o ering hand FS following Tin Cat as they land on Tom’s head Scene:5 Shot:5 Scene:6 Shot:1 CU tracking feet hopping from pole to pole
Tin Cat’s shoulder Scene:6 Shot:2a Scene:7 Shot:1 POVS of Tin Cat and Sue through a scope Zoom out into WS of Tin Cat and Sue hopping poles Scene:6 Shot:2b Scene:7 Shot:2 CU of grappeling hook heading towards Tin Cat’s foot 2S of Sue and Tin Cat sitting on a ledge in a full moon Scene:6 Shot:3 Scene:7 Shot:3 Top shot of Sue reaching for Tin Cat as they are being pulled down
he pulls the rope down Scene:7 Shot:4 Scene:8 Shot:1 MS of Sue, pan right revealing Tom standing behind his truck Low angle MWS of Tom and over Tin Cat in his truck as Sue reaches for them Scene:7 Shot:5 Scene:8 Shot:2 Two Shot of Tom holding scissors next to Tin Cat in a cage as Sue peaks from behind a corner Slight low angle MCU of Sue crying Scene:7 Shot:6 Scene:8 Shot:3 MS zooming into a CU of Sue climbing up as she reaches for the key around Tom’s neck
Cat leaning on Sue as they sit against a wall Scene:8 Shot:4 Scene:8 Shot:7 FS of Tin Cat on the oor CU of Tom’s hand reaching out Scene:8 Shot:5 Scene:8 Shot:8 FS tracking Tin Cat as he falls to the oor Two shot of Tom li ing Sue into the air Scene:8 Shot:6 Scene:9 Shot:1 CU of Tom staring at Sue
she kicks Tom in the face Scene:9 Shot:2 Scene:9 Shot:5 FS of Tom in cage, slowly zooms out MS of Sue as she grabs Tom’s hair Scene:9 Shot:3 Scene:10 Shot:1 MCU of Tin Cat and Sue, zoom out into WS Camera follows everyone in a MWS as they all fall down Scene:9 Shot:4 Scene:11 Shot:1 MS of Sue with needle and thread, Tin Cat in the background sitting