A talk from #PuppetConf 2016 covering the state of affairs with testing Puppet code. Mainly a talk about what we, as a community, can do to improve the tools and adoption of those tools. Lots of survey data and bigquery research.
files? SELECT QUANTILES(total_lines, 10) AS q FROM ( SELECT COUNT(line) total_lines FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') AS line, id FROM [puppet.puppet_content] ) GROUP BY id )
it { is_expected.to compile } it { is_expected.to contain_class('db') } it do is_expected.to contain_package('mysql-server') .with_ensure('present') end it { is_expected.to have_exec_resource_count(0) }
package, COUNT(*) count FROM ( SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r'gem [\'|"](.*)[\'|"]') packag FROM ( SELECT SPLIT(content, '\n') line, id FROM [puppet.gemfile_contents] WHERE content CONTAINS 'gem' ) GROUP BY package, id ) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 30;