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LED custome AfrikaBurn KAT-O

LED custome AfrikaBurn KAT-O

Gijs Molenaar talks us through the LED jumpsuit he built for AfrikaBurn last year :)

Gijs Molenaar

March 23, 2016

More Decks by Gijs Molenaar

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  1. THE INGREDIENTS Digital RGB LED strip WS2812B - 60 LED

    - 2.5 M ( € 50 ) 8000 mAh powerbank ( € 50 ) Arduino Uno ( € 25 ) Suit, custom made by friend ( € can’t remember ) Money belt ( € 2,50 )
  2. each cell containers 3 LEDS Red, Green Blue 0-255 brightness

    per led 16M different colors Cascading port transmission signal by single line Number of LEDS depends on update freq
  3. PRACTICAL ARDUINO very easy to do runs out of memory

    quickly (my poor embedded programming)
  4. EXAMPLE #include "FastLED.h" CRGB leds[1]; void setup() { FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, 6>(leds,

    1); } void loop() { leds[0] = CRGB::White; FastLED.show(); delay(30); leds[0] = CRGB::Black; FastLED.show(); delay(30); }