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Papermaking Sustainability: Rooftop Garden

November 10, 2014

Papermaking Sustainability: Rooftop Garden


November 10, 2014


  1. papermaking rooftop garden PAPERMAKING ROOFTOP GARDEN Handmade Paper Area: Papermaking

    Sustainability -­‐   Printmaking is requesting funds to set up a papermaking rooftop garden and studio. - Papermaking and Sculpture are interdisciplinary courses intrinsically connected with Contemporary Printmaking - Our studio has a rudimentary papermaking area with inadequate old molds. We currently purchase paper pulp for our classes from outside sources. - We envision papermaking as a tool to reinforce the campus approach to sustainability by recycling paper from campus and by growing our own fibers on our rooftop garden. - We designed roof top garden beds to grow fibers and pigments for our papermaking, printmaking and sculpture projects. - This initiative aligns with our campus sustainability vision, present student’s needs and future of the Art Department. - Papermaking facility will strengthen our program and attract new students. - Other areas will benefit from Papermaking equipment creating interdisciplinary collaborations such as Sculpture, Graphic Design, and English Department-or cross studies with biology – invasive plants and etc. - Plans have been developed with the support of sustainability coordinator and Sponsored Programs is actively searching for more grants. - Special Event with guests attracted interest from many areas, students, faculty and administrators. SUNY New Paltz Rooftop Garden Research Proposal Prepared by: Prof. Sheila Goloborotko Prof. Jill Parisi 2014 Handmade Paper Area: Papermaking Sustainability
  2. papermaking rooftop garden Papermaking is a medium with substantial opportunitity

    to develop an environmentaly responsible art making practice. — hand papermaking inc. PAPERMAKING Paper is the chief printing substrate used in the printmaking. Part of the ongoing goal of the Printmaking Studio is to become self sufficient through sustainable production and recycling of handmade paper. This goal runs parallel to the University's sustainability program as well as our student-body’s quickly growing interest in environmentally sustainable art practices. Currently we are finalizing the budget and layout for our own papermaking fiber garden, and will be creating papers from recycled waste paper on campus. Students in other areas have used their own handmade paper improvised equipment for thesis exhibitions, and students have created paper sculptural artworks. Printmaking was able to lend the few rudimentary molds, tubs and blankets that we have for this purpose. But with more and better equipment, the potential for creating dynamic two and three- dimensional pieces will increase significantly. PAPERMAKING PEDAGOGICAL RATIONALE
  3. papermaking rooftop garden PAPERMAKING EQUIPMENT PAPER BEATER The Hollander beater

    for preparing the pulp is the key item. With this acquisition, more possibilities can be realized. As it stands, we must order beaten pulp from outside vendors. This is not cost-effective, and leaves out many possibilities for creating our own recycled pulp, and to experiment freely with different fibers and combinations of fibers. Interesting cross- disciplinary collaborations, for example, touching on ecology and invasive plants, or in the English Department, Graphic Design, etc. with regard to bookmaking, would be excellent examples of these cross-disciplinary ideas. 2 lb Reina Paper Beater *Please note that Reina Designs is the only company that makes and sells this machine within the specs required by our studio, and as a result secondary quotes aren't available. Handmade Paper Area: Reina Paper Beater 2014-2020 SUSTAINABILITY PLAN Papermaking: recycling campus production
  4. papermaking rooftop garden PAPERMAKING EQUIPMENT MOLDS MOLDS AND DECKLES Various

    Large Format Paper Mahogany Molds MOLDS AND DECKLES Various Pine Papermaking Molds
  5. papermaking rooftop garden PAPERMAKING EQUIPMENT: THERMAL FAX - Resin Paper

    Sink/Vat -­‐ Hydraulic Press -­‐ Additives (sizer, retention agent, calcium carbonate) - Cotton Linters/Rag - 2 Strainers - 4 Plastic Vats - Pellons (25- 20” x 26”): - Felts - 4 Press Boards -­‐ Second cut cotton blotters -­‐ (40- 24” x 30”) - Triwall cardboard (30 pices) - Drybox Fan, curtain, etc - Pigments for spray pulp - Spray Bottles - Misc Supplies (mats, cutting tools, buckets, netting, cleaning supplies, pencils, rulers, markers, etc) OTHER MATERIALS Papermaking Thermal Fax Machine: Pulp Painting
  6. papermaking rooftop garden PAPERMAKING ROOFTOP GARDEN Our rooftop garden will

    offer access for all artists who work in our printmaking and hand papermaking studio. We plan to work with plants known to produce good papermaking fibers; plants we suspected might yield fibers good for papermaking, and plants that enhance specific qualities of traditional paper fibers. We will plant native and gathered invasive species and tested the material for their strength, coloring capacities and print worthiness. We hope that the entire process, from planting to processing, will become integral to all of our studio programs. The benefits of a rooftop garden are obvious: Easy to Set-up & Maintain High density planting - high yield Optimum soil conditions Open and easy access Sustainability ROOFTOP GARDEN Rooftop Size: 24ft x 14ft approx. We believe above ground fiber and pigment garden in raised beds will offer total performance as well as an attractive appearance. Our rooftop gardens is designed to be constructed from EverEdge galvanized steel, powder coated edging. The EverEdge frames offer maximum durability, ease of use, and state-of-the-art garden design. Handmade Paper Area: Reina Paper Beater First Rooftop Garden at SUNY System
  7. papermaking rooftop garden http:// store.backyardfarmers.com/ ProductDetails.asp? ProductCode=RGB1 Steel raised beds

    are the modern, sustainable solution to above ground gardens. Manufactured in England from heavy-duty 2 mm galvanized steel, they are extremely resistant to corrosion and suited for long term garden use. A rich, earthy brown powder coating adds longevity and a polished, robust style. These beds will last for decades of rooftop gardening. In addition, galvanized steel is 100% recyclable, making it a high- quality, sustainable material. Rooftop Garden Beds and drip system First Rooftop Garden at SUNY System PAPERMAKING ROOFTOP GARDEN
  8. papermaking rooftop garden PAPERMAKING EQUIPMENT IRRIGATION The beds assemble flush

    at each corner by way of a hinge and a steel pin. These pins are perfect for sliding hollow galvanized tubing over and then cover with plastic film to create mini-greenhouses for season extension. If for some reason a move is needed we can easily remove the pin and relocate the bed to another location. The weight of the frames and the soil holds them on the roof - nothing penetrates into the roof in any way. The beds are 36" x 36" x 8" tall. A hole is pre-drilled at the bottom of one side near the corner for allowing the drip system feed line to run from one bed to the next (a continuous run). Each bed comes with a drip system (see photo above), a bag of "Native Goodness" soil amendment, a 36" x 36" section of 1/4" thick filter/water retention fabric (for the bottom to keep soil mix from seeping out over time, and to hold moisture), and complete instructions. We plan to add a timer and liquid fertilizer in line injector and to purchase galvanized steel hoops to turn these into mini-greenhouses. We plan to position the beds around the perimeter of the roof so they can rest over top where the walls join the roof for maximum support. We also plan to have a waterproof rubber roofing material. Handmade Paper Area: Irrigation and other supplies OTHER SUPPLIES 8 Beds Soil Composition 60 percent topsoil 30 percent compost 10 percent soilless growing mix that contains peat moss, perlite and/or vermiculite 1 Liquid Fertilizer Injection: Soil (6 cubic feet of dirt each bed) 6 cu ft x $5 per bed x 8 beds 4 cubic feet of topsoil 1.5 cubic feet of compost 0.5 cubic feet of soilless growing mix 0.5 cups Gardener's Supply All-Purpose Fertilizer Seeds and cuttings Waterproof rubber roofing material Gardening Tools Our garden will increase the functionality of your Dripper Irrigation System by connecting the EZ-Flo Automatic Fertilizer Injection system to your water supply. EZ-Flo systems are the effective, environmentally friendly choice for fertilizer injection, or fertigation. With the EZ-Flo system connected in- line from the spigot to the Dripper Irrigation System, liquid fertilizer will be evenly distributed from each dripper directly to your plants’ root zones. The EZ-Flo system features automatic metering of fertilizer for a consistent release of nutrients. Simply add organic fertilizer to the ¾ gallon tank and dilute it with water at the ratio recommended in the instructions. The fertilizer tank connects in-line to the water supply and irrigation system at the spigot using a commercial grade, hose thread adapter. As water flows through the adaptor, diluted fertilizer automatically enters the water supply in a steady, continuous flow.