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Art + Politics 2021

April 16, 2024

Art + Politics 2021


April 16, 2024


  1. Art + Politics Blocktober 2021 Jordan Boutelle Logan Carroll Hannah

    Glaser Hayley Lester Heather Loo Izzy Narvais Nicole Osetek Gage Perna Reinna Que Helena Riedeburg Carmen Watson
  2. Flourish in the Light Jordan Boutelle We come from different

    places and different backgrounds. Our lives are a constant trial and error. There are pasts within all of us that make us bloom into the people that we are today. I wanted to share my story to create a safe place to talk. In the place of darkness and sadness that I sat in for so long there was a bright light and a flower growing through it all within me. I have been bullied, abused, and sexually assaulted. I take that as not a place of weakness, but a place of strength. I stand strong to be a voice to those who have been through the rough parts of this world. I am here to say that the light will always be stronger. I presented my pain for everyone to see and for those to see my vulnerability. I want to feel connected to the audience and be a role model for those who fight everyday to keep their heads up. There is so much space for growth within every individual and as a survivor myself I know my hand will always be open to help those who need it. 
 • I stand strong among the dark. • I am a safe space. • It is not your fault. • I survived. • I will make a difference.

  3. The Future is Too Bright Logan Carroll The Earth is,

    for the foreseeable future, the only home for human beings. We need to tread carefully, and preserve its natural state. Cities are constantly being constructed, new fumes are being emitted, and more kinds of pollution are being created. The path our civilization is going down is one that involves too much deforestation and pollution. Essentially, the future is too bright; there will be too many cities, too much of both waste and light pollution, and not enough of the natural world will be preserved. and pollution. • The future is here. • The Earth is a precious safe haven for all forms of life. • Our current methods of deforestation/urbanization are too harmful. • Deforestation is harmful long term, pollution of land and air are harmful short term. • Urbanization and advancement are natural and positive, if done cautiously. • We need to hold each other accountable for the air and land pollution.
  4. Hysteria Hannah Glaser
 The history of medicine is woven with

    the history of gender discrimination. The perpetuation of cisgender heteronormative ideals has carried into the modern era to the point that autonomy can be stripped by being born with ovaries. We are beyond assigning identity on the basis of anatomy. Titles of gender identity should not be what defines the quality of medical care one receives. We may no longer use the word, but the taint of hysteria exists in every doctor’s office where a patient has been belittled with comments of anxiety, exaggeration, or had assumptions of “their time of the month” over their own voice. • NO assigning care on the basis of gender
 • NO assigning gender on the basis of anatomy
 • My mind is part of my body: listen to me when I voice concerns • Do NOT call me hysterical • The “time of the month” does not define the validity of my concerns
  5. Unsound Derangement Hayley Lewter What happens when the derangement of

    the body creates an unsoundness of mind? Surviving is not living and we need to fight to end the stigma against seeking help for mental illnesses. Amidst the pandemic, myself and my peers (among others) have struggled more with our mental illnesses than would be typical in a pandemic free world and starting the conversation about the stigmas, stereotypes, and hardships of mental illnesses is more important than ever. • Getting help does not mean you’re weak • Financial support for mental health help • Fight against the stereotype that being mentally I’ll means you’re crazy • Know when to care for yourself • Know when you or your friends need more than just regular support • Advocate against medical malpractice against people who suffer from mental illness
  6. Care for the Unseen Heather Loo If an illness is

    not something that can be seen, it can oftentimes be discredited and it is harder to get the help and care we need. A person with such an illness, feels a sense of guilt, especially when others tell you that you’re not as a bad off or that they have it worse. Things such as anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue are all things one can suffer from silently with no obvious signs. We need to acknowledge that everyone has their own struggle, even if it is unseen.
 We need to offer aid not put anyone down just because it doesn’t look like they are struggling. By offering support, we are alleviating their load. • Find time for yourself. • Not everything is a competition; set manageable goals. • Take a step back and acknowledge what you’ve accomplished. • Accept your own struggles and know your own limits. • Be willing to accept and offer help. • Acknowledge others struggles.
  7. Flourish in the Light Izzy Narvais
 We come from different

    places and different backgrounds. Our lives are a constant trial and error. There are pasts within all of us that make us bloom into the people that we are today. I wanted to share my story to create a safe place to talk. In the place of darkness and sadness that I sat in for so long there was a bright light and a flower growing through it all within me. I have been bullied, abused, and sexually assaulted. I take that as not a place of weakness, but a place of strength. I stand strong to be a voice to those who have been through the rough parts of this world. I am here to say that the light will always be stronger. I presented my pain for everyone to see and for those to see my vulnerability. I want to feel connected to the audience and be a role model for those who fight everyday to keep their heads up. There is so much space for growth within every individual and as a survivor myself I know my hand will always be open to help those who need it.
 • I stand strong among the dark. • I am a safe space. • It is not your fault. • I survived. • I will make a difference.
  8. Animal poaching Nicole Osetek Conservation of any endangered species must

    begin with aggressive efforts to protect its natural habitat and livelihood by the enforcement of rigid legislation against human encroachment into parks and other game sanctuaries. Wildlife crime is not only a massive danger to already endangered species but also impacts society. Where it undermines the laws in place to protect these beautiful creatures, and fuels economic instability. Nearly all animals that are poached - are done so for the economic gain of the black market. Animal poaching is when an animal is killed illegally, usually when an animal possesses something that is believed to be valuable. It is our responsibility to protect those that cannot protect themselves -- for future generations to appreciate and learn about. Our world would not be where it is today without our wildlife ecosystems. • Protect our wildlife • Strong retaliation against poachers • Refuel our ecosystem • Protect habitats • Increase efforts to protect endangered species • Conserve • Take responsibility into our own hands
  9. The Capitalistic Bait Gage Perna We need to highlight the

    downfalls and suffering caused by late stage capitalism. The wealth inequality in America is larger now than it has ever been prior, and each day it reaches staggering new heights. Cost of living has skyrocketed while a “livable wage” as defined by the higher powers has stagnated. The shot at fame and fortune in America is the bait they hold over our heads to pit us against one another while their pollution and exploitation of workers destroys our Earth and will to fight back. We must work towards a brighter future and the first step towards that is realizing the havoc that late stage capitalism has wreaked on our society. • Realize capitalism is failing • Tax the rich • Increase Minimum Wage • Hold corporations and hedge funds accountable • Work towards greener solutions
  10. JIĀYÓU! Reinna Que Growing up as a Chinese American has

    not always been easy amidst the perpetuating racism in our country. Countless times we have been told our traditions are abnormal, that we should speak English instead of Chinese, or to go back to a place most of us have never even been to. We have been made to be ashamed of our culture instead of celebrating it, leaving us feeling lost or othered from our community when we are older and wished we could have ignored the hate we endured when we were younger. We have let our lives to be stolen from us for too long. It is time that we let go of our shame and embrace our identity and heritage as fully as possible, and encourage our fellow Chinese Americans to do the same. Keep going.
 • Connect with your roots • Respect the culture • Embrace your heritage • Fight against racism • Do not take moments in life for granted • Encourage each other • Persist
  11. Silent Suffering Helena Riedeburg It is essential we spread awareness

    of different forms of animal abuse that have been normalized and accepted in society. We, human beings, decided that we were superior and because of that we can treat any other living creature with no respect, like they don’t feel pain, distress, and confusion. Animals are bred and killed to be eaten and made out of clothes, and are kept alive for product lab testing, to hunt for human being’s own amusement, and to steal the milk they create for their own offspring. Due to this, animals cannot fight for their own rights, so other human beings must advocate for them. • Animal abuse is unacceptable. • Stop trophy hunting. • End cosmetics testing. • Cease slaughterhouses. • Protect domesticated animals. • Don’t take their offspring’s milk. • Ban wild animals in circuses. • Be a voice for them. • Help fight against global animal cruelty.
  12. Woman: The Definition of Resilience Carmen Watson I want to

    bring awareness towards the public health crisis that women are faced with when dealing with interpersonal violence. It can happen to us, it can happen to our mothers, it can happen to our sisters, friends, brothers. It is important to listen and not pass judgement. Domestic abuse does not have to be physical - it can be gaslighting, financial abuse, or any other controlling and demeaning behavior to establish control and dominance. All of these forms of abuse create trauma for the individual experiencing the abuse. The ability to face obstacles that can be life- threatening and come back stronger than before - that's resilience. These women are not victims of a situation, they are survivors. It is important for women to know that even in moments where they cannot show their strength, we will be strong for them. • Speak up when it is uncomfortable. • Listen to them. Believe them. • Recognize that growth is not linear. • There is no shame in being human. • Feed your mind with love and truth. • Be an advocate.
  13. Art + Politics Blocktober 2021 UNF Art, Art History, and

    Design Sheila Goloborotko Associate Professor Printmaking