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CLI in Go: From development to distribution – Michail Grachev

CLI in Go: From development to distribution – Michail Grachev

GopherCon Russia

April 13, 2019

More Decks by GopherCon Russia

Other Decks in Programming


  1. /evrone. PLAN ‣ Development CLI ‣ Libraries ‣ Problems ‣

    Distribution CLI ‣ Instruments ‣ Release
  2. /evrone. spf13/cobra ‣ Code generation ‣ Nested commands ‣ Flags

    and Arguments ‣ Intelligent suggestions ‣ Bash/Zsh-completion ‣ Hooks
  3. /evrone. ‣ JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, Java properties ‣ ENV

    ‣ Etcd и Consul ‣ Live watching spf13/viper
  4. /evrone. SUMMARY ▸ Development: cobra, viper, survey, go-homedir, afero ▸

    Distribution: homebrew, snapcraft, scoop ▸ Release: goreleaser, nfpm, godownloader