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Go Profiling from Bottom Up - Felix Geisendörfer

Go Profiling from Bottom Up - Felix Geisendörfer

GopherCon Russia

April 23, 2021

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  1. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Go Profiler Notes -

    https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes - Research and documentation for anything Go profiling related. - Feedback welcome!
  2. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Company Duration What Datadog

    ~3 month Continuous Go Profiling Product Apple ~6.5 years Secret Manufacturing Stuff using PostgreSQL and Go Thomson Reuters ~1 year XMPP Chat Server in Go Transloadit ~4 years Co-Founder, File Uploading / Encoding, Node.js, AWS, etc. My trail of destruction work history + A lot of open source: https://github.com/felixge (Node.js core contributor, many small Go projects, etc.)
  3. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge How the Profiling Sausage

    is Made Not Depicted: Profiling, Sausage
  4. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Go ships with great

    profiling tools, but it’s easy to get confused and misunderstand the data.
  5. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge “There is a lot

    of data, yet very little information on what any of it actually means” FlameGraph View go tool pprof CPU Profile Allocation Profile Goroutine Profile Mutex Profile Block Profile gopclntab DWARF Frame Pointers Stop-The-World Pauses CPU Overhead Sampling Bias pprof Format SIGPROF Memory Overhead TSC Spin Locks profiler labels waitsince waitreason gopc Skid Stack Layout cgo Graph View Created by Uwe Kils (iceberg) and User:Wiska Bodo (sky) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Iceberg.jpg Documentation
  6. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Assembly - Computer like

    Assembly. It’s easy for them to execute. - Humans don’t like Assembly. It’s difficult for them to read and write.
  7. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - Humans like source

    code. It’s relatively easy for them to read and write. - Computers don’t like source code. They think humans are weird. Source code
  8. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Assembly to source code

    translation information go build main.go
  9. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge gopclntab: main idea func

    entry pc main.foo 0x110d6c8 main.bar 0x110d63e main.main 0x110cd08 ... ...
  10. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Unwinding - gopclntab: Used

    by Go runtime (including all profilers) - Frame Pointers: Used by Linux perf - DWARF: Used by Debuggers, Linux Perf
  11. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - Supports unwinding &

    symbolization - O(N) with regards to number of stack frames - gentraceback() has all the magic - Complex and “slow”: ~1-2 µsec for stack depth 16 - Very little documentation - Works without frame pointers (has “virtual frame pointer tables”) - Can be a significant contributor to Go binary size - Public APIs - unwind: runtime.Callers() - symbolization: runtime.CallersFrames() - both: runtime.Stack() - debug/gosym package gocplntab
  12. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - O(N) with regards

    to number of stack frames - Supports only unwinding, no symbolization - Enabled for all 64bit Go binaries - Allows fast & simple unwinding (~50x faster than gopclntab) - Doesn’t handle inlined functions. - Add 2% overhead to regular program execution. - No -fomit-frame-pointer in Go (IMO that’s a good thing) - Pushed by callee -> Race condition for interrupts (CPU profiling) - runtime: use frame pointers for callers #16638 Frame Pointers
  13. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - Supports unwinding &

    symbolization - Very very complex, but standardized and documented - Rejected for unwinding stacks in the Linux Kernel (only ORCs are allowed there) - Go emits DWARF v4 symbols by default - Rob Pike: proposal: by default, do not write out DWARF #26074. - Would enable faster builds and smaller binaries - A bit of devil’s bargain (breaks linux perf and debuggers) - Debate on whether distinction between DWARF and the devil makes sense is still ongoing ... 🍿 DWARF
  14. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Stack Traces 📚 More

    Information: https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes/blob/main/stack-traces.md 󰚦 Michael Pratt from the Go team for helping me with gopclntab questions and review.
  15. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - protocol buffer format,

    stored using gzip compression. - Contains program counters and symbols (func, file names, etc.). - Go profilers generally output data using the pprof format. pprof format
  16. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge pprof format - Just

    a fancy way encoding a frequency table of stack traces: - 󰗲 to FlameGraph OG Brendan Gregg for keeping it real with his folded text format: stack trace count main;foo 5 main;foo;bar 3 main;foobar 4
  17. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - For a simple

    view, use pprofutils: pprof format https://github.com/felixge/pprofutils
  18. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - For a more

    details use go tool pprof -raw pprof format
  19. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - For all the

    gory details use protoc pprof format
  20. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge pprof format 📚 More

    Information: https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes/blob/main/pprof.md
  21. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Tracing: Capture all Events

    Hey, can you write down everything you’re doing? Ugh, that will slow me down a lot, but sure! timestamp event 1 Start X 2 Stop X 2 Start Y 5 Stop Y 5 Start X 6 Stop X ... ... Event Log Blue Gopher Pink Gopher Example: Go Tracer
  22. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Go Tracer - Captures

    all kinds of interesting events in the Go runtime. Various ways for enabling it, e.g. go test -trace=trace.out - Only available in firehose mode, 40-50% overhead. - A significant amount of this is capturing stack traces. - go tool trace can be used to analyze data.
  23. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge This is slowing me

    down a little, but low frequency makes it okay. Profiling: Observe by Sampling Hey, what are you doing? Working on X Hey, what are you doing? Working on Y Hey, what are you doing? Working on X event count X 2 Y 1 Frequency Table Blue Gopher Example Go Profiles: CPU, Goroutine Pink Gopher
  24. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge CPU Profiler - Use

    setitimer(2) system call to interrupt and stop Go program 100 times per second. - Interrupt happens via SIGPROF signals delivered to “random” threads. Interrupted thread takes stack trace. - Minor Issues: Signal Deliver Bias, Skid, Overhead (a few %), etc. - pprof profile looks like this: stack trace samples/count cpu/nanoseconds main;foo 5 50000000 main;foo;bar 3 30000000 main;foobar 4 40000000
  25. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - SIGPROF signals can

    make certain workloads go 2x faster 🤪. Could be frequency scaling or scheduler issue. CPU Profiler
  26. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge CPU Profiler 🚧 More

    research coming soon: https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes
  27. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Goroutine Profiler - Returns

    a list of all goroutines and their current stack trace - Stops the world (!): ~2-10 µsec / goroutine pause. Possibly problematic when you have > 10-100k goroutines. - fgprof uses it for wall clock profiling, but has scalability issues. - pprof profile looks like this: stack trace goroutine/count main;foo 5 main;foo;bar 3 main;foobar 4
  28. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Goroutine Profiler - Different

    APIs offer different additional details 🙁
  29. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Goroutine Profile 📚 More

    Information: https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes/blob/main/goroutine.md
  30. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Tracing + Profiling: Summarizing

    a Subset of Events Hey, can you capture every 10th thing you do and summarize it? Sure, I can do that pretty fast. Pink Gopher event count X 2 Y 1 Frequency Table Examples Go Profiles: Heap, Mutex, Block, ThreadCreate Blue Gopher
  31. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Heap Profiler - MemProfileRate

    can be used to control the sampling, default aims at 1 sample per 512KiB of allocs (uses poisson sampling). - inuse = allocs - frees stack trace alloc_objects/count alloc_space/bytes inuse_objects/count inuse_space/bytes main;foo 5 120 2 48 main;foo;bar 3 768 0 0 main;foobar 4 512 1 128
  32. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Heap Profiler 🚧 More

    research coming soon: https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes
  33. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Block Profiler - Integrated

    into channel and mutex codes paths that might “park” a goroutine that has to wait for something, e.g. chansend() while nobody is reading. - Sampling and recording happens after the blocking event is over and the goroutine is scheduled again. - Does NOT track blocked syscalls, time.Sleep(), cgo, spinlocks, etc. stack trace contentions/count delay/nanoseconds main;foo;runtime.chansend1 22820 867549417 main;foo;bar;runtime.chanrecv1 22748 453510869 main;foobar;sync.(*Mutex).Lock 795 5351086
  34. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Block Profiler - runtime.SetBlockProfileRate()

    controls sampling rate. - My research indicates 10000 is a safe default for production.
  35. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Block Profiler - Sampling

    bias favors infrequent long over frequent short events - Submitted patch: runtime/pprof: fix block profile bias
  36. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Block Profiler 📚 More

    Information: https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes/blob/main/block.md
  37. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - Similar to to

    block profile, but focused on mutexes. - Built into mutex Unlock() code paths (unlike block profile). - Sampling and recording happens when Unlock() unblocks another goroutine that was blocked. - Use runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction() to tune sampling rate. - No sampling bias. Mutex Profiler stack trace contentions/count delay/nanoseconds main;foo;sync.(*Mutex).Unlock 22820 867549417 main;foo;bar;sync.(*Mutex).Unlock 22748 453510869 main;foobar;sync.(*Mutex).Unlock 795 5351086
  38. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Mutex Profiler 🚧 More

    research coming soon: https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes
  39. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge - could not get

    it to work, see: runtime: threadcreate profile is broken #6104 - in theory should capture stack traces that cause new OS threads to be created ThreadCreate Profiler stack trace threadcreate/count main;foo 2 main;foo;bar 1 main;foobar 3
  40. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Recap - For profiling,

    stack traces are load bearing subsystem. - Go uses various techniques: Tracing, Profiling, Hybrid - Understanding how the data is collected is important to do safe profiling in production and interpret the resulting data correctly.
  41. 󰗞 Say hello on Twitter: @felixge Image Credits - Original

    Gopher by Renee French - BBQ Gopher by @RuixRicardo - Black & White Gophers by Olga Shalakhina - Bottom up Gopher & King Kong Gopher by Egon Elbre - GopherNotes Gopher by Marcus Olsson - Lots of Gophers by Ashley McNamara Questions? Watch https://github.com/DataDog/go-profiler-notes for more research