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Greg Malcolm
March 18, 2018


Greg Malcolm

March 18, 2018


  1. This is what we’re want to build out. We’ll be

    adding a checkbox. Clicking the checkbox will cause the attributes to change and magical glow to appear. Work has actually already begun on this but tragically my predecessor was tragically eaten by a balrog from the accounts department.
  2. We keep explaining to Gary that developers are friends not

    food, but he hasn’t quite grasped the difference yet.
  3. Template - Add a checkbox Sources Panel Enchanted Weapons Part

    2 Tasks: View - Add a checkbox event listener Controller - Update the weapon model
  4. Resources https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/ Learn Dev Tools: (or go to Dev Tools

    Menu -> Help -> Documentation ) Presentation Materials: https://speakerdeck.com/gregmalcolm/chrome-dev-tools https://github.com/gregmalcolm/WackyWandasWickedWeaponsDotNet https://github.com/gregmalcolm/wacky-wandas-wicked-weapons-api http://bit.ly/wickedweaponsdotnet or