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Ecto Without a DB: Many Meanings of Map

Ecto Without a DB: Many Meanings of Map

Conference talk video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_xDi7zAcNM

At a high level Ecto is about 3 main concepts: 1) managing connections to a database, 2) generating SQL, 3) defining and validating schema structs. This talk ignores the first two and focuses on the last part. Ecto 3.0 was refactored to separate core ecto from ecto_sql, but even Ecto 2.0 can be used without a database.

Peek behind the curtain a bit on how Ecto schemas and changesets work to gain intuition on what's possible and troubleshooting ideas when things don't go as you expect. Changesets are remarkably general and can be used to abstract an HTML form from an underlying data storage layout, or to manage advanced search criteria, or even as an anti-corruption layer for not-completely-trusted data coming into your system. We'll explore these use cases with practical code you could start using in your projects tomorrow.

Greg Vaughn

March 01, 2019

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  1. • @gvaughn or @gregvaughn on GitHub, Twitter, Slack, ElixirForum, etc.

    • Elixiring since 2013 • Professionally since 2017 Who Dat
  2. iex environment $ mix phx.new ecto_without_a_db --module EctoNoDb --no-ecto Added

    to mix.exs in `deps/0` function: {:ecto, "~> 3.0"}, {:phoenix_ecto, "~> 4.0"} $ mix deps.get $ iex -S mix
  3. Anatomy of a Struct iex(1)> defmodule A, do: defstruct [a:

    1, b: 2, c: 3] {:module, A, <<... iex(2)> inspect %A{} "%A{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}" iex(3)> inspect %A{}, structs: false "%{__struct__: A, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}" iex(4)> A.__info__(:functions) [__struct__: 0, __struct__: 1] iex(5)> inspect A.__struct__(), structs: false "%{__struct__: A, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}"
  4. Anatomy of an Embedded Schema iex(1)> defmodule B do ...(1)>

    use Ecto.Schema; embedded_schema do ...(1)> field(:a, :integer); field(:b, :string); field(:c, :float) ...(1)> end ...(1)> end {:module, B, <<... iex(2)> inspect %B{}, structs: false "%{__struct__: B, a: nil, b: nil, c: nil, id: nil}" iex(3)> B.__info__(:functions) [__changeset__: 0, __schema__: 1, __schema__: 2, __struct__: 0, __struct__: 1] iex(4)> B.__schema__(:fields) [:id, :a, :b, :c] iex(5)> B.__changeset__() %{a: :integer, b: :string, c: :float, id: :binary_id}
  5. Anatomy of a Changeset iex(1)> inspect %Ecto.Changeset{} #Ecto.Changeset< action: nil,

    changes: %{}, errors: [], data: nil, valid?: false > iex(2)> inspect %Ecto.Changeset{}, structs: false "%{__struct__: Ecto.Changeset, action: nil, changes: %{}, constraints: [], data: nil, empty_values: [\"\"], errors: [], filters: %{}, params: nil, prepare: [], repo: nil, repo_opts: [], required: [], types: nil, valid?: false, validations: [] }"
  6. Anatomy of a Changeset iex(3)> c = Ecto.Changeset.cast(%B{a: 0}, %{a:

    1, b: "Lonestar", c: 3.0}, [:a, :b]) #Ecto.Changeset< action: nil, changes: %{a: 1, b: "Lonestar"}, errors: [], data: #B<>, valid?: true > iex(4)> inspect c, structs: false "%{__struct__: Ecto.Changeset, action: nil, changes: %{a: 1, b: \"Lonestar\"}, constraints: [], empty_values: [\"\"], errors: [], filters: %{}, prepare: [], repo: nil, repo_opts: [], required: [], valid?: true, validations: [] data: %{__struct__: B, a: 0, b: nil, c: nil, id: nil}, params: %{\"a\" => 1, \"b\" => \"Lonestar\", \"c\" => 3.0}, types: %{a: :integer, b: :string, c: :float, id: :binary_id}, }"
  7. Back to Struct-land iex(1)> {:ok, b} = Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(c, :update) {:ok,

    %B{a: 1, b: "Lonestar", c: nil, id: nil}} iex(2)> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%B{}, %{a: 3.14}, [:a, :b]) |> ...(2)> Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(:update) {:error, #Ecto.Changeset< action: :update, changes: %{}, errors: [a: {"is invalid", [type: :integer, validation: :cast]}], data: #B<>, valid?: false >}
  8. Transform to Form iex(1)> {:error, c} = Ecto.Changeset.cast(%B{}, %{a: 3.14},

    [:a, :b]) |> Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(:update) ... iex(2)> Phoenix.HTML.Form.form_for(c, "http://somewhere/clever") %Phoenix.HTML.Form{ action: "http://somewhere/clever", data: %B{a: nil, b: nil, c: nil, id: nil}, errors: [a: {"is invalid", [type: :integer, validation: :cast]}], hidden: [], id: "b", impl: Phoenix.HTML.FormData.Ecto.Changeset, index: nil, name: "b", options: [method: "post"], params: %{"a" => 3.14}, source: #Ecto.Changeset< action: :update, changes: %{}, errors: [a: {"is invalid", [type: :integer, validation: :cast]}], data: #B<>, valid?: false > }
  9. Example: Advanced Search iex(1)> query_params = %{"name" => "BBQ", "city"

    => "Austin", "start" => "2019-02-28", "end" => "2019-03-03"} iex(2)> types = %{name: :string, city: :string, start: :date, end: :date} iex(3)> c = Ecto.Changeset.cast({%{}, types}, query_params, Map.keys(types)) #Ecto.Changeset< action: nil, changes: %{ city: "Austin", end: ~D[2019-03-03], name: "BBQ", start: ~D[2019-02-28] }, errors: [], data: %{}, valid?: true >
  10. Example: Advanced Search iex(4)> inspect c, structs: false "%{__struct__: Ecto.Changeset,

    ... without fields shown above ... constraints: [], empty_values: [\"\"], filters: %{}, prepare: [], repo: nil, repo_opts: [], required: [], validations: [], params: %{\"city\" => \"Austin\", \"end\" => \"2019-03-03\", \"name\" => \"BBQ\", \"start\" => \"2019-02-28\"}, types: %{city: :string, end: :date, name: :string, start: :date} }" iex(5)> Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(c, :update) {:ok, %{city: "Austin", end: ~D[2019-03-03], name: "BBQ", start: ~D[2019-02-28]}}
  11. Example: Advanced Search defmodule EctoNoDb.EventSearchController do use EctoNoDbWeb, :controller @query_types

    = %{name: :string, city: :string, start: :date, end: :date} def index(conn, %{"q" => query_params}) do with {:ok, query} <- cast_params(query_params, @query_types), {:ok, results} <- NotInScopeForThisTalk.get_results(query) do ... do your thang ... end end defp cast_params(query_params, type_map) do {%{}, type_map} |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(query_params, Map.keys(type_map)) |> Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(:update) end end
  12. Anti-Corruption Layer “If your application needs to deal with a

    database or another application whose model is undesirable or inapplicable to the model you want within your own application, use an AnticorruptionLayer to translate to/from that model and yours.” – c2 wiki
  13. Anti-Corruption Layer defmodule EctoNoDb.Event do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset embedded_schema

    do field(:name, :string) field(:venue_name, :string) field(:venue_city, :string) field(:occurs_at, :naive_datetime) end def new(raw_map) do %__MODULE__{} |> cast(raw_map, [:name, :venue_name, :venue_city, :occurs_at]) |> apply_action(:update) end end
  14. Anti-Corruption Layer defmodule EctoNoDb.Event do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset embedded_schema

    do field(:name, :string) field(:occurs_at, :naive_datetime) embeds_one(:venue, EctoNoDb.Venue) embeds_one(:performer, EctoNoDb.Performer) end def new(raw_map) do %__MODULE__{} |> cast(raw_map, [:name, :occurs_at]) |> cast_embed(:venue) |> cast_embed(:performer) |> apply_action(:update) end end
  15. Anti-Corruption Layer defmodule EctoNoDb.Event do ... def new(raw_map) do %__MODULE__{}

    |> changeset(raw_map) |> apply_action(:update) end defp changeset(base, raw_map) do base |> cast(raw_map, [:name, :occurs_at]) |> cast_embed(:venue) |> cast_embed(:performer) end ... end
  16. Meta-Anti-Corruption Layer defmodule EctoNoDb.Event do use EctoNoDb.AntiCorruptionSchema embedded_schema do field(:name,

    :string) field(:occurs_at, :naive_datetime) embeds_one(:venue, EctoNoDb.Venue) embeds_one(:performer, EctoNoDb.Performer) end end defmodule EctoNoDb.Venue do use EctoNoDb.AntiCorruptionSchema embedded_schema do field(:name, :string) field(:city, :string) end end
  17. Meta-Anti-Corruption Layer defmodule EctoNoDb.AntiCorruptionSchema do defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do

    use Ecto.Schema @primary_key false def new(raw_map), do: unquote(__MODULE__).generic_new(raw_map, __MODULE__) def changeset(base, params), do: unquote(__MODULE__).generic_changeset(base, params) defoverridable new: 1, changeset: 2 end end def generic_new(raw_map, struct_module) do struct(struct_module) |> struct_module.changeset(raw_map) |> Ecto.Changeset.apply_action(:update) end def generic_changeset(base, raw_map) do struct_mod = base.__struct__ embeds = struct_mod.__schema__(:embeds) allowed = struct_mod.__schema__(:fields) -- embeds chg = Ecto.Changeset.cast(base, raw_map, allowed) Enum.reduce(embeds, chg, &Ecto.Changeset.cast_embed(&2, &1)) end end
  18. Thank You • Takeaways • Maps -> Structs -> Schemas

    -> Changesets -> Structs/Maps • Understanding one level below where you are focused • Ideas for when to use typed structs in your domain • gvaughn@gmail.com • Twitter: @gregvaughn • Elixir Slack: @gregvaughn • Elixir Forum: gregvaughn • Questions?