Webshop CIW (certified webshop)and Webshop CIWB (webshop certified webshop business) certifications are certificates that show customers that you comply with international and national laws and regulations, along with conditions of ISCOW. Certification is an easy way to show customers that they can be safe with you, and also to increase your business through the ISCOW network. When you are a certified company with ISCOW, you can safely bet that your customer satisfaction will increase, along with the number of sales that you receive!

Consumers have a deep trust in ISCOW certified webshops. For businesses that focus on business-to-business sales, choosing a CIWB certification is the best way to show other businesses that they can trust you, and become you regular customers without worry. When your organization receives its reliable, safe, and service-oriented stamp, people will know that they can buy from you with confidence.


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