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Meowtch Maker Script

Akari Johnston
October 10, 2024

Meowtch Maker Script

Akari Johnston

October 10, 2024


  1. EXT. CITY - DAY City skyline. It is Valentine's Day.

    People are out celebrating, couples lining the streets. NARRATOR Cool Name City, where the evil supervillian Lord Destructo has made their home. There's no telling what terrible Valentine's Day scheme they're plotting. INT. SUPERVILLIAN'S LAIR - DAY LORD DESTRUCTO is sitting on their throne looking across the Valentine's Day loving city from their tower. LORD DESTRUCTO (flatly, sad sounding) Secretary Stella. Do you know what day it is? SECRETARY STELLA Why, I believe it’s Valentine’s Day, Lord Destructo. LORD DESTRUCTO (flatly, sad) Yes, Secretary... Valentine’s Day. Do you know what that means? SECRETARY STELLA (cheerfully) Well… it means it’s a day for people to show their love for each other! LORD DESTRUCTO (mocking then annoyed) Their love for each other… It’s pathetic, Secretary Stella! Absolutely pathetic!! Everyone… giving presents and eating chocolates and reading love letters. WHO WANTS IT!? I SURE DON'T! A lightbulb appears above LORD DESTRUCTO's head. An evil grin creeps onto their face.
  2. 2. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) (excitedly) SECRETARY! I’ve just had an

    idea for the most devious scheme! I could just cleanse the city of every measly, little, lovey-dovey thing! No more Valentine’s day chocolates, no more heart-shaped balloons, and No. More. Parades. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! LORD DESTRUCTO’s cloak fills the screen as they get up, and it sweeps across the throne room transitioning to the next scene. EXT. JUNKYARD - DAY LORD DESTRUCTO digging through the junkyard with STELLA keeping watch next to them. The junk towers over them. LORD DESTRUCTO and STELLA are silhouetted against the giant pile of junk as it shimmers in the sunlight. SECRETARY STELLA (impressed) This is great, Lord Destructo! But… What are you even going to use it for? LORD DESTRUCTO (confidently) It will destroy Valentine’s Day! STELLA looks confused, makes a funny face. SECRETARY STELLA How's that gonna work? LORD DESTRUCTO Don’t worry about it right now, my secretary. Hm… How are we going to carry it all back to the Lair? SECRETARY STELLA (confidently) I’ll handle it. You won’t have to lift a finger, boss. LORD DESTRUCTO Secretary, you don’t have to- STELLA lifts the entire pile of junk with ease.
  3. 3. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) (shocked) You- uh… you- you- wow,

    ok then… LORD DESTRUCTO’s face is flush with red as they clear their throat and brush themself off. STELLA walks off with the huge pile of junk in their hands as LORD DESTRUCTO stumbles along after her. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) Let's keep moving. EXT. MUSEUM - DAY The museum has a big sign outside advertising the heart shaped jewelry collection that is on display. INT. MUSEUM LORD DESTRUCTO and SECRETARY STELLA walk into the museum together. They sneak into the heart shaped jewelry exhibit, in the center of the display is the famous ANGEL HEART RING. SECRETARY STELLA (nervous) Uh, Lord Destructo? I don’t know about this. There’s a lot of people here, someone could see us. LORD DESTRUCTO (confidently) Don’t worry, my secretary, we’ll be in and out. No one will even notice we were here! And your cool, super smart, very powerful, very evil boss is here to keep us out of trouble. LORD DESTRUCTO trips an alarm. SECRETARY STELLA Lord Destructo! LORD DESTRUCTO Uh oh. Three security guards enter the room, two of them run towards LORD DESTRUCTO and STELLA with their batons raised, ready to attack. LORD DESTRUCTO easily dodges them and the two GUARDS hit each other instead.
  4. 4. STELLA is fighting with SECURITY GUARD A, pulling the

    GUARD over her back and slams them against the tile floor. STELLA gives DESTRUCTO a thumbs up. A small red dot appears on STELLA's chest. SECURITY GUARD C has their stun gun pointed at STELLA and pulls the trigger. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) NO! A shadow spreads rapidly across the room causing every light in the room to shatter. Darkness engulfs the exhibit. LORD DESTRUCTO steps out of the shadows menacingly, grabbing the strings of the stun gun and pulls SECURITY GUARD C up to their face. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) (flatly) Boo. SECURITY GUARD C faints from fear. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) (cackling evily) Hahaha…HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STELLA walks over to LORD DESTRUCTO awestruck. LORD DESTRUCTO and STELLA silently stare at each other for a moment before they realize. LORD DESTRUCTO AND STELLA (CONT'D) (together) OH! The Ring! INT. SUPERVILLIAN'S LAIR - AFTERNOON LORD DESTRUCTO is looking wistfully out of the window in their throne room. They jump at the loud screeching the finished VALENTINE’S DESTROYER being pulled into the room. SECRETARY STELLA is smeared with grease and wearing a tool belt. SECRETARY STELLA Your Valentine Destroyer is ready to go, boss! LORD DESTRUCTO (unsure, unconfident) Yes, of course. Thank you, Stella. STELLA jumps down from where she is sitting towards where LORD DESTRUCTO is standing.
  5. 5. SECRETARY STELLA Is everything alright, boss? Did me and

    the boys get something wrong? LORD DESTRUCTO No, no, it’s not that. LORD DESTRUCTO’s hand hovers over the controls. They hesitate. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) It’s just… The day is almost over and, really, if you think about it, Valentine’s Day is actually a very, very evil holiday. LORD DESTRUCTO turns away from the machine. LORD DESTRUCTO’s eyes are closed as they tell STELLA of their revelation. LORD DESTRUCTO (CONT'D) After all, people are brutally reminded of their breakups and... loneliness on this day. Not to mention the litter caused by chocolate wrappers on the streets and balloons tangled in electrical wires. No, this day is very evil already. And… I was thinking that maybe… perhaps… it would be the most evil of us to… partake in the vile festivities of this day? A- After all you are the most evil person I know, other than myself, of course, so together we would be the city’s most evil partners-in- crime! And maybe... uh... if your schedule permits it we can… (in a quiet, squeaky voice)... grab some dinner tonight? SECRETARY STELLA Wha- What was that last part boss? LORD DESTRUCTO Can we… grab some dinner tonight together…? Just the two of us, Miss Stella? STELLA’s face goes from shock to a bright smile. They scoop up LORD DESTRUCTO in their arms bridal style.
  6. 6. SECRETARY STELLA Of course Lord Destructo! It’ll be the

    most evil of dinner dates!! NARRATOR () Looks like even evildoers can get a valentine. Now the question is, where's mine? Hm? Well? I'm waiting! INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - NIGHT LORD DESTRUCTO and STELLA at dinner looking very fancy. STELLA is wearing the ANGEL HEART RING from the museum. SECRETARY STELLA Hey, Lord Destructo, what does your Valentine’s Destroyer even do? LORD DESTRUCTO Actually, I don’t know what it does. LORD DESTRUCTO and STELA keep eating their food. INT. SUPERVILLIAN'S LAIR - NIGHT A LESSER MINION is sitting at the controls of the Valentine’s Destroyer and accidentally sets it off. Oopsies…! END