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May 10, 2014

iOS App



May 10, 2014


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    up. Currently available in San Francisco and Seattle.
  3. CoffeeMe 42% Sketch 9:41 AM @joshelman www.linkedin.com/in/joshe Invited by Hsu

    Ken Ooi, Founder of CoffeeMe Current Previous Education Greylock, Medium, Jelly Twitter, Facebook, Zazzle Stanford University Josh Elman Partner at Greylock, longtime product manager Yes Maybe Later
  4. Josh Elman Profile 42% Sketch 9:41 AM Write something.. Send

    Sweet. Thx brah I’d love to talk to you about things that have to do with lots of startupy stuff you know. Good to meet u josh. Cool. I like that fun.
  5. Matches 42% Sketch 9:41 AM Josh Elman Partner at Greylock,

    longtime product manager CoffeeMe man kedin.com/in/joshe en Ooi, Founder of CoffeeMe Greylock, Medium, Jelly Twitter, Facebook, Zazzle Stanford University Josh Elman Partner at Greylock, longtime product manager Yes ater