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Overview of 3D geoinformation group at TU Delft

Hugo Ledoux
April 30, 2020

Overview of 3D geoinformation group at TU Delft

Presented during the Episode #3 of "De Grote Geo Show"


Hugo Ledoux

April 30, 2020


  1. 8 Whole of the Netherlands: 10M+ LoD1 buildings + terrain,

    roads, forest More and more 3D data from cities
  2. Quality control of 3D city models Automatic repairing of broken

    3D city With my colleague John Zhao, we’re making an overview of the most common errors/problems, such as: 12 http://geovalidation.bk.tudelft.nl/val3dity/
  3. ➡ https://3d.bk.tudelft.nl more info than you probably need! projects, papers,

    code, etc 2 courses are open (book+YouTube): • Terrain modelling (AHN) • 3D modelling Thank you