Object Relational Mapping
Convert data between two different type systems
In memory representation of domain objects (better abstractions of reality)
Structure / Modularity(The M in MVC, Object Representation / Relational Mapping)
Agnostic Database Integration (configs)
Boilerplate Reduction (Spaghetti, Complex Queries, DRY)
Providing hooks Tx lifecycle (Before/After)
Easier data validation (Maintaining Data integrity)
Sensible Defaults (Better naming, Connascence/Cognizance etc)
RAW SQL strings have a high chance of compiling with semantic errors and @ runtime.
Go's Philosophy..
As it Affects ORMs
Duality (Class / Type)
Non existence of a type hierarchy
Struct embedding (Composition)
Plumbing not encouraged
they don't have to announce their relationships
Video Link: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/6162-orms-with-golang