
154 Follows

Caitie McCaffrey


Caitie McCaffrey is a Backend Brat and Distributed Systems Diva. She currently is the Architect & Developer Manager o...

21 followers 26 decks

PyCon 2013


Slides from PyCon 2013!

http://pycon.github.com/2013-slides/ has slides for:
* Auth Is Hard, Let's Ride Bikes by ...

8 followers 96 decks

Lemi Orhan Ergin


Lemi Orhan Ergin is a software crafter based in Turkey with a passion for raising the bar of his profession and shari...

90 followers 83 decks

Michael Plöd


Fellow at INNOQ

Speaker at national and international conferences

Based in Nürnberg, Germany

29 followers 33 decks