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September 21, 2019



September 21, 2019

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 講者簡介 • 國泰⼈人壽 iOS ⼯工程師 • Fintech 創新實習專案 Mentor •

    協助現⾏行行公司導入 Jenkins、BDD、MVVM • 新⼈人教育訓練
  2. 動作 • dae 是 xml 格式的檔案 • 從建模軟體輸出動作時,會含有複數的 animation 標籤

    • 使⽤用 ConvertToXcodeCollada ⼯工具,將 animation 合併成⼀一個,⽅方便便在 Xcode 做程 式控制
  3. 取出模型,加入 AR 場景 // ARSCNViewDelegate func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd

    node: SCNNode, for anchor: ARAnchor) { } // 1. 判斷是否為 imageAnchor guard let imageAnchor = anchor as? ARImageAnchor else{return } // 2.從 scn 檔取出 CathayTown guard let townScene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/Scene/ CathayTown.scn") else{fatalError("no townScene") } townNode = townScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "town", recursively: false)! // 3. 將 CathayTown 加進 node node.addChildNode(townNode)
  4. Animation // 1. 載入「樹寶走路路」的場景檔 let scene = SCNScene( named: "art.scnassets/Scene/TreeBaby-

    walk.scn" )! // 2. 從節點階層取出第⼀一個 animationKey var walk: SCNAnimationPlayer! = nil scene.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes { (child, stop) in if !child.animationKeys.isEmpty { walk = child.animationPlayer(forKey: child.animationKeys[0]) } } // 3. 將動作設定給「閒置樹寶」 treeBaby.addAnimationPlayer(walk, forKey: "walk") // 4. 執⾏行行走路路的動作 walk.play()
  5. Collision-SCNPhysicsContactDelegate public protocol SCNPhysicsContactDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { } // 1.

    碰撞開始 optional func physicsWorld(_ world: SCNPhysicsWorld, didBegin contact: SCNPhysicsContact) // 2. 碰撞期間 optional func physicsWorld(_ world: SCNPhysicsWorld, didUpdate contact: SCNPhysicsContact) // 3. 碰撞結束 optional func physicsWorld(_ world: SCNPhysicsWorld, didEnd contact: SCNPhysicsContact)
  6. 預覽效果 •⽅方法⼆二:使⽤用 Unity ARKit Remote Plugin • AR 效果在電腦上 •

    ⼿手機超燙 • 和電腦須保持實體連線 • 不能測試 hitTest 功能
  7. • 不穩定 • 升版後直接崩潰,試了了半天才知道該版本不能 ⽤用 • 已被棄⽤用 ( deprecated as

    of 2019-06-03 ) • Unity 跨平台的特性不適⽤用 • 因為 ARKit 是在 Metal 基礎之上運⾏行行 其他
  8. 參參考資料(⼀一) • Introducing ARKit: Augmented Reality for iOS • https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/602/

    • blender • https://www.blender.org/ • SceneKit: What's New • https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/604/ • SCNMaterial • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnmaterial • 蘋果要出新產品?可與iPhone互聯聯的AR設備 • https://kknews.cc/tech/j92n95y.html
  9. 參參考資料(⼆二) • Building Collaborative AR Experiences • https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/610/ • Shared

    AR Experiences with Cloud Anchors • https://developers.google.com/ar/develop/java/cloud-anchors/overview- android • iOS Stereoscopic ARKit Template • https://github.com/hanleyweng/iOS-Stereoscopic-ARKit-Template • Using Machine Learning and CoreML to control ARKit • https://medium.com/s23nyc-tech/using-machine-learning-and-coreml-to- control-arkit-24241c894e3b • Animating a 3D model in AR with ARKit and Mixamo • https://blog.pusher.com/animating-3d-model-ar-arkit-mixamo/
  10. 參參考資料(三) • Creating Great Apps Using Core ML and ARKit

    • https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/228/ • Reality Composer • https://developer.apple.com/augmented-reality/reality-composer/ • Introducing the Unity ARKit Remote • https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/08/03/introducing-the-unity- arkit-remote/ • What’s new in Unity ARKit Plugin for ARKit 2 • https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/06/14/whats-new-in-unity-arkit- plugin-for-arkit-2/