Psychics have an inner intuitive power which helps them to foresee the future of any person. There are various forms and methods of psychic counseling like clairvoyance, astrology, numerology, tarot card reading, lithomancy and many more. Today we can reach a psychic via phone or through online psychic chat reviews.

Apart from forecasting your future, psychics are known to counsel your mind and heal you. Healing is a common post-session practice done by many well-known psychics. Various forms of healing are there. One of which is called the Crystal healing. Some of the known facts about this process:

1. It is an ancient practice which has been referred in history since the age of Sumerians. It is almost 7000 years old. The time frame is so large that this practice would have dissolved if it did not bring any positive output.

2. Modern forms of crystal healing are based on several spiritual concepts of the Chinese, the Buddhists and the Hindus this one. Hindus and Buddhists believe that seven colours of the rainbow are associated with the seven different chakras or stimulation points in the human body. Also the type of compound effects

3. In this practice it is believed that gem stones and crystals can actually influence your life. The colour and the compounds can influence your life’s course. If worn the right one it can have profound positive impact on you replacing the negatives that you are suffering from. Some call it their talisman while other prefers to call it their amulets.

4. In fact some of these crystals are known to cure illness which medicines could not. Today some prefer to call crystal healing as alternative medicine.

5. Each crystal has a specific property. Health, finance, career, education, mental clarity, marriage, love and all possible arenas of life can be healed with the help of each of these stones. They are worn to tackle or reduce or negate different problems. For example, Yellow topaz is known to give your career stability; a moon stone is worn to give peace of mind; amethyst is known to have properties that cure problems in the intestine.

6. Astrologers believe that the weight of the crystal to be worn is also very important. Also, the astrological chart of each person is different from another. Thus wearing a stone or a particular crystal which might be beneficial to a person may prove to have negative effects on another.


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