• Researcher language programming, scientific concepts for the development of training systems
• Tutor of Rust programming language.
• Research using Delphi, Python, Scala, WebAssembly (emsdk), Clojure, Prolog, Lisp
• Ability to quickly adapt to new languages, development tools, someone else's code
• Software development using Erlang, Elixir, Python, Java, Groovy, Scala, Rust, Java, Groovy, C/C++, R, Perl, VBA, VB, C#, Go, JS, NSIS
• Experience of Data Analytics (VBA)
• Experience of Data Engineering
• Domain Driven Development by Actifsource (http://www.ciptool.ch/)
• Experience with distributed stream processing frameworks
• Experience with SQL DB: MS Access, MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle Database, Derby
• Research of Rust compiler features https://github.com/rustkas/error-index
• Research of fundamental algorithms using Rust https://github.com/rustkas/Longest-Common-Substring-Problem
• Collect tips and tricks of using Rust https://github.com/rustkas/Tip-and-Tricks-Rust-Programming
• Writing Rust tutorials https://github.com/rustkas/simple-about-rust
• Development Rust community http://vk.com/rust_for_developers
• One-time consultation of Deutschland bank analysts.
• Admin of https://vk.com/rust_for_developers
• Created source codes for the book "Understanding ECMAScript 6": https://github.com/java1cprog/understandinges6/tree/master/manuscript/source%20code
• Teaching Rust. I provide individual and group classes. http://sites.google.com/view/study-rust/home
• Translation of a book "Rust book" (second edition) into Russian https://github.com/java1cprog/book/tree/ru_version/second-edition/src
• Rust development for back-end
• My social Rust group https://vk.com/rust_for_web
• Improving the source code for the book "Java 9 Recipes" - http://www.apress.com/gp/book/9781484219751
• Jetty web server setup, tuning, using.

Full stack development Creating a commercial product «Languages with Music» (software development, site, marketing).
Development of technical specifications.
Selection of the necessary technology for the project.
Implementation of the project.
Mass media publications:


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