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Advanced Puppet For PHP Devs - Webinar

Joshua Thijssen
August 12, 2013

Advanced Puppet For PHP Devs - Webinar

Joshua Thijssen

August 12, 2013


  1. Joshua Thijssen Freelance consultant and trainer @ NoxLogic & TechAdemy

    Founder of the Dutch Web Alliance. Development in PHP, Python, Perl, C, Java. Lead developer of Saffire. Blog: http://adayinthelifeof.nl Email: [email protected] Twitter: @jaytaph
  2. • TechAdemy workshop days • Monthly workshops with 2 half-day

    sessions. • Training & Consultancy • Techademy.nl
  3. • Don’t confuse vagrant with puppet (or any other provider)

    • “My vagrant does not work” equals “My spoon needs new batteries” or “This printer won’t can’t the dishes”. • 2 step process (provide & provision)
  4. • Provide your environment • downloads basebox • creates vm

    from basebox • fiddles with settings and starts the machine
  5. • Provision your machine • puppet (remote puppet master) •

    shell script • chef (solo or master) • ansible
  6. • Vagrant is originally virtualbox only • Now: vmware fusion

    as well (paid) • Custom providers - like EC2
  7. Vagrant::configure("2") do |config| # Use a standard box config.vm.box =

    'precise64' config.vm.box_url = 'http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box' # Define our virtual machine settings config.vm.define :symfony2 do |symfony2| symfony2.vm.hostname = "symfony2-project.dev" symfony2.vm.network :private_network, ip: "" symfony2.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :nfs => true # Here we customize our virtualbox provider. If there are others, add them accordingly below symfony2.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vbox| vbox.gui = true vbox.customize [ 'modifyvm', :id, '--chipset', 'ich9', # solves kernel panic issue on some host machines ] end # Provision through puppet symfony2.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "support/puppet/manifests" puppet.module_path = "support/puppet/modules" puppet.manifest_file = "symfony2.pp" puppet.options = [ '--verbose' ] # Add --debug for more info end end end
  8. • Shared directories • vboxfs can be slow • Try

    NFS.. Still not the best, but ok’ish • But does not work under windows
  9. • Shared directories • vboxfs can be slow • Try

    NFS.. Still not the best, but ok’ish • But does not work under windows • :nfs => (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ or RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/)
  10. • Vagrantfiles are just RUBY includes! • (could well have

    been: Vagrantfile.php) • Thank god it’s not...
  11. • Vagrant can boot up multiple machines at once. •

    Separate web - db - solr - whatevers • Have a vagrantfile.single and vagrantfile.multi • Let users symlink correct vagrantfile (or use script)
  12. • Vagrant issues: • Issue: No “REAL” way to push

    arguments • Issue: boxes are created sequential. This can take a LOOONG time :(
  13. #!/bin/sh if [ -z $1 ] ; then echo "Usage

    $0 [centos|ubuntu]" exit 1; fi echo $1 > .vagrant_os vagrant up
  14. Vagrant::configure("2") do |config| os = File.read '.vagrant_os' case os.strip when

    "ubuntu" config.vm.box = 'UbuntuServer12.04amd64-nox' config.vm.box_url = 'https://..../UbuntuServer12.04amd64-nox.box?dl=1' when "centos" config.vm.box = "centos6.4-64bit" config.vm.box_url = "http://.../CentOS-6.4-x86_64-v20130427.box" else abort("incorrect info in .vagrant_os. Use ./vagrant.sh script to start.") end .... end Again: Vagrantfile is ruby!
  15. • There are other ways to send over arguments. But

    don’t use it. Vagrant does not really support arguments. :(
  16. #!/bin/sh MAX_PROCS=3 if [ -z $2 ] ; then echo

    "Usage $0 [single|multi|enterprise] [centos|ubuntu]" exit 1; fi parallel_provision() { while read box; do echo "Provisioning '$box'. Output will be in: $box.out.txt" 1>&2 echo $box done | xargs -P $MAX_PROCS -I"BOXNAME" \ sh -c 'vagrant provision BOXNAME >BOXNAME.out.txt 2>&1 || echo "Error Occurred: BOXNAME"' } ln -sf support/Vagrantfile.$1 Vagrantfile echo $2 > .vagrant_os vagrant up --no-provision vagrant status | grep '^\w*.*(\w*)$' | grep -o '^\w*' | parallel_provision
  17. • We setup the boxes (without any provisioning) • We

    “find” the number of boxes that are available. • We “run” the provisioners in the background. • Does not work with windows obviously.
  18. Vagrant::configure("2") do |config| # Define our virtual machine settings config.vm.define

    :symfony2 do |symfony2| # Provision through puppet symfony2.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "support/puppet/manifests" puppet.module_path = "support/puppet/modules" puppet.manifest_file = "symfony2.pp" puppet.options = [ '--verbose' ] # Add --debug for more info end end end
  19. Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.facter = {

    "vagrant" => "1" } end end Supply facts directly from vagrantfile if ($vagrant) { ... }
  20. • Puppet • 3.0 or up • No really.. 3.0

    or up • Ok.. 2.7 is still acceptable for our purpose • But don’t. Use 3.x
  21. • Speeeeeeed • Hiera is included • No more dynamic

    scoping (LSB’ish) • No more puppetd, puppetca, etc etc
  22. • We use puppet apply for our development machines. •

    We can use puppet client/server for our production environments (or use puppet apply as well).
  23. • Don’t run a puppet master without DECENT knowledge of

    infrastructure and administration (aka: system admin) • By default: developers are NOT system administrators. • Puppet does not magically turns you into a sysadmin.
  24. The trifecta Package/file/service: Learn it, live it, love it. If

    you can only do this, you can still do a lot.
  25. package { 'openssh-server': ensure => installed, } file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':

    source => 'puppet:///modules/sshd/sshd_config', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '640', notify => Service['sshd'], require => Package['openssh-server'], } service { 'sshd': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, }
  26. class jaystuff { package { “mc” : ensure => installed,

    } } include jaystuff Defining (does not evaluate) Declare (execute it)
  27. • include evaluates once, like: php’s include_once() • class declaration

    will fail when declared twice, BUT you can use class parameters. class { “jaystuff” : some_var => true, all_of_it => “yes please”, }
  28. • class can inherit other classes • But don’t do

    this (too often) • Normally, only for parameters class techademy::webserver inherits techademy::webserver::params { # useful stuff here }
  29. package { '...': } -> file { '...': } ->

    file { '...': } -> service { '...': } -> ..... Don’t require everything
  30. • Don’t require everything. • Only require what you need.

    • Changing my.cnf settings doesn’t need mysql-server, it needs my.cnf!
  31. • symfony2 requires (lots) of manual handling. • Does not

    work well with virtual machines (yet). • For instance: app_dev.php, config.php etc • Wants / needs decent user/web permissions
  32. • Best option: move them to the directories where they

    belong (/var/cache, and /var/log) • Sometimes: readonly filesystems for webroots
  33. # Not 100% sure if this works! parameters.yml: kernel.logs_dir: /var/log/webapp

    kernel.cache_dir: /var/cache/webapp # app/AppKernel.php public function getCacheDir() { return ‘/var/cache/webapp/' . $this->environment; } public function getLogDir() { return '/var/log/webapp'; }
  34. • Add your custom facts to create better (and more

    robust) modules • ZendServer fact • “Environment” fact • Add to your manifests and autoload!
  35. • class dependencies: • tomcat depends on java • activemq

    depends on java • don’t hardcode java into tomcat or activemq • can’t run both otherwise! (or, use include)
  36. class tomcat { package { “openjdk-7” : ensure => installed,

    } } class activemq { package { “openjdk-7” : ensure => installed, } } node default { class { “activemq” : } class { “tomcat” : } # Nope! }
  37. class tomcat { Class[‘java’] -> Class[‘activemq’] } class java {

    package { “openjdk-7” : ensure => installed, } } node default { class { “java” : } class { “activemq” : } class { “tomcat” : } # yes! } class activemq { Class[‘java’] -> Class[‘activemq’] }
  38. • apt-get update before packages • Do we need to

    run this ALL the time? • Run, if not already ran in the last hour.
  39. class techademy::repo::debian { Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| |> # This

    will only execute apt-get update every day once. exec { "apt-update": command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update touch /tmp/.aptgetupdate ", onlyif => "sh -c 'filemtime=`stat -c %Y /tmp/.aptgetupdate` currtime=`date +%s` diff=$(( currtime - filemtime )) test \$diff -gt 86400'" } } /modules/techademy/manifests/repo/debian.pp
  40. • Puppet stages • Not fond of them. But can

    be used. • Correct usage of dependencies will work better
  41. stage { ‘pre’ : before => Stage[‘main’], } stage {

    ‘post’ : } Stage[‘main’] -> Stage[‘last’]; class { “important-stuff-to-do-first” : stage => pre, } class { “cleanup-or-something” : stage => post, }
  42. • augeas can do lots of neat stuff. • but

    not for everything out of the box, sadly • Don’t copy complete configuration files • Let augeas update what you need
  43. augeas { 'set-xdebug-ini-values': context => '/files/etc/php.d/xdebug.ini', changes => [ 'set

    Xdebug/xdebug.remote_enable On', 'set Xdebug/xdebug.remote_connect_back On', 'set Xdebug/xdebug.remote_port 9000', 'set Xdebug/xdebug.remote_handler dbgp', 'set Xdebug/xdebug.remote_autostart On', 'set Xdebug/xdebug.remote_log /vagrant/xdebug.log', ], require => Package['php'], notify => Service['apache'], }
  44. augeas { 'set-php-ini-values': context => '/files/etc/php.ini', changes => [ 'set

    PHP/error_reporting "E_ALL | E_STRICT"', 'set PHP/display_errors On', 'set PHP/display_startup_errors On', 'set PHP/html_errors On', 'set Date/date.timezone Europe/Amsterdam', ], require => Package['php'], notify => Service['apache'], }
  45. $ puppet module generate techademy-webserver Notice: Generating module at /home/jthijssen/techademy-webserver

    techademy-webserver techademy-webserver/spec techademy-webserver/spec/spec_helper.rb techademy-webserver/Modulefile techademy-webserver/README techademy-webserver/manifests techademy-webserver/manifests/init.pp techademy-webserver/tests techademy-webserver/tests/init.pp $
  46. • Hiera makes sense. • Separate data from code. •

    Separate configuration data from configuration code (hierarchical)
  47. # hiera.yaml --- :backends: - yaml - json :yaml: :datadir:

    /etc/puppet/hieradata :json: :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata :hierarchy: - “%{::clientcert}” - “%{::environment}” - common
  48. • Defaults: json and yaml • Write your own backend

    (or use existing ones) • http://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/1/ custom_backends.html
  49. # hiera.yml --- :backends: - yaml - json :hierarchy: -

    one - two - three Search order: one.yaml, two.yaml, three.yaml, one.json, two.json, three.json
  50. # hiera.yaml --- :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata :hierarchy:

    - “%{::clientcert}” - “%{::environment}” - common
  51. --- # web01.techademy.dev.yaml: webserver: nginx memcached: memory: 128M pooled: no

    services: - webserver - memcached db01.techademy.dev.yaml production.dev.yaml common.yaml --- # common.yaml: services: - ssh --- # db01.techademy.dev.yaml: mysql: port: 3306 services: - mysql --- # production.yaml: selinux: type: enforcing services: - selinux
  52. web01.techademy.dev: webserver: nginx # web01 memcached: # web01 memory: 128M

    # web01 pooled: no # web01 services: - webserver # web01 - memcached # web01 - selinux # production - ssh # common selinux: type: enforcing # production
  53. class foo::bar($ip = “”, $somethingelse = “default”) { ... }

    Use them as parameters in your parameterized classes Looks for “::foo::bar::ip” and “::foo::bar::somethingelse”
  54. • Only uses “priority”, ie: hiera() • Cannot do hiera_array()

    or hiera_hash() • Need to do manually inside class
  55. • hiera(key, default, override) • key = key to search

    • default = value when key is not found • override = hierarchy file to seek first
  56. • hiera(“foo”, “bar”, “importantdata”) • Search for “foo”, if not

    found, return “bar” • Seek: importantdata.yaml -> then the rest of hierarchy.
  57. config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "base.pp"

    puppet.module_path = "modules" puppet.options = "--hiera_config hiera.yaml" end Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera defaults