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Jump on the next curve AQDFL 71th edition v2en

Jean-Marc De Jonghe
August 18, 2018

Jump on the next curve AQDFL 71th edition v2en

Change is today a continuous process, it is no longer a sequence of rare and punctual phenomena. Nothing escapes: Technology, your market, your customers, your competitors, your employees, etc.

To survive and succeed, your business need to adapt, learn, innovate and transform itself continuously. It will have to become "agile" from left to right, from top to bottom.

And to succeed in this transformation, the most important of all changes will likely be the evolution of your own leadership style and your ability to learn new skills.

This presentation is a sharing of experiences and discoveries I made during the titanic transformation of La Presse and the creation of the revolutionary La Presse + application.

Presentation made in August 2018 in La Malbaie as part of the 71st edition of the AQDFL conference

Jean-Marc De Jonghe

August 18, 2018

More Decks by Jean-Marc De Jonghe



  2. P r e s e n t C u r

    v e D y i n g M i l k i n g 
 t h e c o w ( M a n y f i r m s ) T r a j e c t o r y P a t h s 
 t o t h e N e x t C u r v e T i m e G r o w t h I n n o v a t i o n C u r v e
  3. L A P R E S S E + A

    P R I L 2 0 1 6 +1 Million Downloads on iOS & Android
  4. L A P R E S S E + 5

    Y E A R S L A T E R 22 000+ ratings on the App Store 4.79/5
  5. 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000 250 000

    300 000 Aug-13 Mar-14 Nov-14 Jul-15 Jul-16 Jul-17 Auj. 213,000 print copies at launch 275,000 
 daily unique devices 400,000
 weekly unique devices Still 300 new downloads everyday ! L A P R E S S E + D A I L Y U N I Q U E D E V I C E S
  6. Texte d’introduction 14 0 15 30 45 60 Average time

    per device per day - La Presse+ WEEK DAYS SATURDAY SUNDAY 40
  7. A F U L L O R G A N

    I Z A T I O N T R A N S F O R M A T I O N
  8. A F U L L O R G A N

    I Z A T I O N T R A N S F O R M A T I O N
  9. W H A T P E O P L E

    T H I N K W H A T R E A L L Y H A P P E N E D
  10. Ideas are common, ideas are easy Ideas are cheap Execution

    is all that matters It takes a team to make it real -Casey Neistat, Chris Sacca, John Doerr, George R. R. Martin
  11. 5 learnings to inspire you 1. Will before skills 2.

    To innovate you need to be a beginner again and again 3. Avoid control, embrace context 4. Stop trying to imagine the perfect idea, discover it! 5. Getting started is to quit talking and begin doing!
  12. - M O H A M E D A L

    I « Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them : a desire, a dream, a vision.
 They have to have
 the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.»
  13. C H A N G E I S N O

    W T R U L Y A C O N S T A N T P R O C E S S , N O T A N E V E N T
  14. « Disruptive innovation is a breakthrough innovation, as opposed to

    incremental innovation, which merely optimizes the existing» Source: Jean-Marie Dru, 15 approches disruptives de l’innovation" (Ed. Pearson) Disruption
  15. Five years from now, over one- third of skills (35%)

    that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed Source: World Economic Forum, Jan 2016 Disruption
  16. « Technology is transforming organizations, skills needs are changing rapidly

    and we know companies cannot find the talent they need. People with in-demand skills who can continually learn and adapt can call the shots. » Source: Skills Revolution 2.0 - ManpowerGroup We are in the midst of a Skills Revolution
  17. Unicorns No thank you ! Soft Skills Hard Skills S

    K I L L S W I L L When recruiting or building your team
  18. Unicorns No thank you ! Soft Skills Hard Skills S

    K I L L S W I L L When recruiting or building your team
  19. Unicorns No thank you ! Soft Skills Hard Skills S

    K I L L S W I L L When recruiting or building your team
  20. With time
 Relevant With time
 Obsolete S K I L

    L S W I L L Soft Skills Hard Skills When recruiting or building your team
  21. - P E T E R D R U C

    K E R « The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills. Everything else will become obsolete over time.. »
  22. - M A H A T M A G A

    N D H I « You must be the change you wish to see in the world. »
  23. P r e s e n t C u r

    v e I n n o v a t i o n C u r v e D y i n g M i l k i n g 
 t h e c o w ( M a n y f i r m s ) T r a j e c t o r y P a t h s 
 t o t h e N e x t C u r v e T i m e G r o w t h
  24. P r e s e n t C u r

    v e I n n o v a t i o n C u r v e D y i n g M i l k i n g 
 t h e c o w ( M a n y f i r m s ) T r a j e c t o r y P a t h s 
 t o t h e N e x t C u r v e T i m e G r o w t h STAY THE MASTER AND BECOME OBSOLETE
  25. P r e s e n t C u r

    v e I n n o v a t i o n C u r v e D y i n g M i l k i n g 
 t h e c o w ( M a n y f i r m s ) T r a j e c t o r y P a t h s 
 t o t h e N e x t C u r v e T i m e G r o w t h STAY THE MASTER AND BECOME OBSOLETE
  26. P r e s e n t C u r

    v e I n n o v a t i o n C u r v e D y i n g M i l k i n g 
 t h e c o w ( M a n y f i r m s ) T r a j e c t o r y P a t h s 
 t o t h e N e x t C u r v e T i m e G r o w t h BEGINNER'S VALLEY STAY THE MASTER AND BECOME OBSOLETE
  27. Learning is escalating an S-curve Mastery Time COMPETENCE Confidence Jedi

    Beginner Padawan Comfort zone Anakin Master Yoda
  28. Master 0 Confidence Master 0 Confidence SET OF COMPETENCES A

    SET OF COMPETENCES A To disrupt yourself… go ahead, jump ! Comfort zone
  29. Master 0 Confidence Master 0 Confidence SET OF COMPETENCES A

    SET OF COMPETENCES A To disrupt yourself… go ahead, jump ! Comfort zone Always look like a step backward !
  30. Master 0 Confidence Master 0 Confidence SET OF COMPETENCES A

    SET OF COMPETENCES A To disrupt yourself… go ahead, jump ! Comfort zone The beginner’s valley
  31. Hello, my name is Jean-Marc
 I was a complete control

 and master of all our business processes
  32. Mr. « Been there, done that ! » Not like

    this, let me show you how…
  33. Not useful at all if you want to innovate and

    solve new problems Yesterday Tomorrow
  34. Everything is about
 my ideas Mon 1er « paradigm shift

    » ? Identifying and being the protector of
 the best ideas Creator Curator to
  35. Change of posture facing my teams They are the pros

    They are closer to the problems They have great ideas They are in the best position
 to find the solutions I am in the best position
 to be the curator
  36. My new role: identify and
 put into action their (best)

    ideas Change of posture facing my teams
  37. Innovative leader: from creator to curator Top-Down Leadership Alignment and

    context leadership I decide I put into action Past To be
  38. « Great things in business are never done by one

    person. They're done by a team of people. » - S T E V E J O B S
  39. Innovative leader: from creator to curator Top-Down Leadership Alignment and

    context leadership I decide I put into action Before Now
  40. a.

  41. - A L B E R T E I N

    S T E I N « If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. »
  42. Before urging to find a solution, focus on understanding

    its core) what is the problem you’re trying to solve
  43. Problem Solution Fall in love with
 their own solution ❤

    Fall in love with the problem they’re trying to solve for their clients The good innovators
  44. b.

  45. - A N T O I N E D E

    S A I N T - E X U P É R Y « If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. »
  46. H I G H A U T O N O

    M Y L O W A U T O N O M Y Inspiration : Stephen Bungay, « Art of action » Alignment and autonomy L O W 
 A L I G N M E N T H I G H A L I G N M E N T
  47. Organization:
 Micro-Managed Culture:
 Indifference Organization:
 Start-ups Culture:
 Chaos H I

    G H A U T O N O M Y L O W A U T O N O M Y I hope someone is working on the problem! Inspiration : Stephen Bungay, « Art of action » Shut-up and follow orders! Alignment and autonomy L O W 
 A L I G N M E N T H I G H A L I G N M E N T
  48. Organization:
 Authoritarian Culture:
 Conformism Organization:
 Micro-Managed Culture:
 Indifference Organization:

 Chaos H I G H A U T O N O M Y L O W A U T O N O M Y I hope someone is working on the problem! Inspiration : Stephen Bungay, « Art of action » Shut-up and follow orders! Build me a sail ship ASAP ! We need to cross the ocean ⭐ Alignment and autonomy L O W 
 A L I G N M E N T H I G H A L I G N M E N T
  49. Organization:
 Authoritarian Culture:
 Conformism Organization:
 Innovative Culture:
 Collaboration Organization:

 Indifference Organization:
 Start-ups Culture:
 Chaos H I G H A U T O N O M Y L O W 
 A L I G N M E N T L O W A U T O N O M Y I hope someone is working on the problem! Inspiration : Stephen Bungay, « Art of action » Shut-up and follow orders! Build me a sail ship ASAP ! We need to cross the ocean Figure out how ! We need to cross the ocean ⭐ ⭐ Alignment and autonomy H I G H A L I G N M E N T
  50. H I G H A U T O N O

    M Y L O W A U T O N O M Y Inspiration : Stephen Bungay, « Art of action » Which team will do best ? ⭐ ⭐ L O W 
 A L I G N M E N T H I G H A L I G N M E N T
  51. Biggest difference ? Product/service built with control
 and your solution

    Product/service built with context and
 a team contribution
  52. – W I N S T O N C H

    U R C H I L L « Success consists of stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm »
  53. W H A T P E O P L E

    T H I N K W H A T R E A L L Y H A P P E N E D Innovation and success
  54. « …an incomplete and unfinished copy of what may be

    a product, service, experience or a final material object. » Source: Jean-Marie Dru, 15 approches disruptives de l’innovation" (Ed. Pearson) Prototype
  55. Save time and money building the right things 1. Test

    ideas Make the experience of your product better Learn and find new opportunities 2. Get new ideas Two reasons to prototype
  56. The biggest reward for prototyping « A shared understanding drives

    the micro-decisions that everyone makes every day whether writing code, creating positioning, deploying a build, designing an experience, and so on. » -Steven Sinofsky
  57. – W A L T D I S N E

    Y « The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. »
  58. Everyone has its own post-it moment Here is the problem

    we are trying to solve, any ideas ?
  59. Everyone has its own post-it moment Here is the problem

    we are trying to solve, any ideas ?
  60. L O W V A L U E E F

    F O R T O R C O S T H I G H V A L U E Sorting ideas
  61. Money pit Quick wins L O W V A L

    U E E F F O R T O R C O S T H I G H V A L U E Sorting ideas
  62. ROI = VAL / EFF * R O I =

    R E T U R N O N I N V E S T M E N T Sorting ideas
  63. ROI = VAL / EFF Step 1 : Determine The

    Value * R O I = R E T U R N O N I N V E S T M E N T Value
  64. x 1 x 2 x 2 x 2 F O

    R C E T H E M TO C H O O S E Pro tip M A K E S U R E T H E Y CA N ’ T S P L I T 
  65. ROI = VAL / EFF Step 2 : determining the

    effort Effort or costs * R O I = R E T U R N O N I N V E S T M E N T
  66. W H AT W I L L B E T

    H E E F F O RT TO R E A L I Z E 
 (O R T R Y) T H I S I D E A ? Ask the people who are going to get us there
  67. Money pit Quick wins L O W V A L

    U E E F F O R T O R C O S T H I G H V A L U E Sorting ideas
  68. 5 learnings to inspire you 1. Will before skills 2.

    To innovate you need to be a beginner again and again 3. Avoid control, embrace context 4. Stop trying to imagine the perfect idea, discover it! 5. Getting started is to quit talking and begin doing!
  69. d. Innovative leader: from creator to curator Top-to-bottom Leadership Alignment

    and context leadership I decide I put into action Past To be
  70. f. How to be an innovative leader Be the expert

    of giving context, alignment and autonomy
  71. h. Quit talking and begin doing! « What can we

    do quickly to test this assumption or idea? »
  72. References • Crossing the Chasm (1991, revised 1999 and 2014),

    Geoffrey A. Moore • TedTalk, Dan Pink sur la surprenante science de la motivation, Dan Pink
 https://www.ted.com/talks/ dan_pink_on_motivation? language=fr#t-1010302 • Why we plan – Part I – Failure to Rescue, Buridan’s Blog
 http://buridansblog12.rssing.com/ chan-20258046/all_p1.html • Complicated vs Complex and why it’s matters - Roland Wolfig
 https://beya.io/2016/03/complicated-vs- complex-and-why-it-matters/ • Complexity and Strategy https:// hackernoon.com/complexity-and- strategy-325cd7f59a92#.5h6wyrxvk • Prototyping: Fake It till you make it (WWDC 2014, Apple Developper, Apple Inc.), Get a glimpse of Apple's prototyping process and the range of tools and techniques they use, some of which might surprise you. https:// developer.apple.com/videos/play/design/ 12/ • The Future of Jobs : Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (World Economic Forum, Jan 2016)