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Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

Insight in how we are running Elasticsearch as a mission critical production system on Kubernetes, processing 10k queries per hour.

Jörg Henning

January 16, 2018

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Elasticsearch [is] a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an

    HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents [based on Lucene] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elasticsearch)
  2. Elasticsearch at Honestbee • Used as backend for product search

    function on Honestbee.com • Mission critical part of production setup • Downtime will cause major service disruption • Stats: ◦ Product index: ~3,300,000 documents ◦ Query latency: ~30ms ◦ Queries per hr: 15-20k • ES v2.3, 5.3 • Kubernetes v1.5, v1.7
  3. Concepts • Cluster ◦ Collection of nodes that holds entire

    dataset • Node ◦ Instance of elasticsearch taking part in indexing, search ◦ Will join a cluster by name ◦ Single node clusters are possible • Index, Alias ◦ Collection of document that are somewhat similar (much like NoSQL collections) • Document: ◦ Piece of data, expressed as JSON • Shard, Replica ◦ Subdivision of an index ◦ Scalability, HA ◦ Each shard is a Lucene index in itself Cluster Node Shard Shard Shard Node Shard Shard Shard
  4. Index, Alias, Shard products_201801 16123456 products 0 1 2 •

    Horizontal scalability • # primary shards cannot be changed later!
  5. Replication 0 1 3 2 0 1 3 2 1

    Index, 3 shards x 1 replica = 6 shards
  6. Node Roles • Master (eligible) Node ◦ Discovery, shard allocation,

    etc. ◦ Only one active at a time (election) • Data Node ◦ Holds the actual shards ◦ Does CRUD, search • Client Node ◦ REST API ◦ Aggregation • Controlled in elasticsearch.yml • A node can have multiple roles Client Client Client Data Data Data LB *Master Master Master
  7. es-master es-data es-clients Kubernetes Client Client Client Data Data Data

    *Master Master Master api (svc) ing disc. (svc) https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/incubator/elasticsearch
  8. Kubernetes • One deployment per node role ◦ Scaling ◦

    Resources ◦ Config • E.g. 3 masters, >= 3 data nodes, clients as needed • Discovery plugin* (needs access to kube API, RBAC) • Services: ◦ Discovery ◦ API ◦ STS (later) • Optional: Ingress, CM, CronJob, SA, CM *https://github.com/fabric8io/elasticsearch-cloud-kubernetes
  9. Stateless 0 1 2 3 3 0 1 2 3

    2 • No persistent state • Multiple node failures? • Cluster upgrades?
  10. Safety Net - Snapshots • Repository - metadata defining snapshot

    storage • Supported: FS, S3, HDFS, Azure, GCS • Can be used to restore or replicate cluster (beware version compat*) • Works well in with CronJobs (batch/v1beta) • Snapper: honestbee/snapper • Window of data loss when indexing in real time → RPO • Helm hooks - causes timeout issues https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-snapshots.html
  11. Manual Upgrade 0 1 3 2 0 1 3 2

    0 1 3 disc. (svc) Production Rollover
  12. StatefulSet (STS) • Kubernetes approach to stateful applications (i.e. Databases)

    • Very similar to a deployment • But some extra properties: ◦ Pods have a defined order ◦ Different naming pattern ◦ Will be launched and terminated in sequence ◦ Etc. (check reference docs) ◦ Support for PVC template
  13. es-master (deploy) es-data (sts) es-clients (deploy) Stateful Client Client Client

    Data Data *Master Master Master api (svc) ing disc. (svc) Data pv pv pv head- less
  14. StatefulSet and PVCs Deployment: • Pods in a deployment are

    unrelated to each other • Identity not maintained across restarts • Indiv. Pods can have PVC • Multiple pods - how to? • Association PVC to pod when rescheduled? StatefulSet: • Pods are ordered, maintain identity across restart • PVCs are ordered • STS pods ‘remember’ PVs • volumeClaimTemplates • Even survives `helm delete --purge` (by design?)
  15. apiVersion: apps/v1beta1 kind: StatefulSet # ... spec: serviceName: {{ template

    "elasticsearch.data-service" . }} # ... podManagementPolicy: Parallel # quicker updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate # default: onDelete template: # Pod spec, like deployment Statefulset vs. Deployment # ... volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: "es-staging-pvc" labels: # ... spec: accessModes: [ReadWriteOnce] storageClassName: ”gp2” resources: requests: storage: ”35Gi”
  16. Resource Limits • Follow ES docs, discussions online, monitoring •

    JVM does not regard cgroups properly!* ◦ Sees ALL memory of the host, ignores container limits ◦ Adjust JVM limits (Xmx, Xms) according to limits for container ◦ Otherwise: OOMKilled • Data nodes: ◦ 50% of available memory as Heap ◦ The rest for OS and Lucene caches • Master/client nodes: ◦ No Lucene caches ◦ ~75% mem as heap, rest for OS • CPU: track actual usage, set limits so scheduler can make decisions *https://banzaicloud.com/blog/java-resource-limits/
  17. Anti Affinity # ... metadata: labels: app: es-demo-elasticsearch role: data

    spec: affinity: podAntiAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname labelSelector: matchLabels: app: es-demo-elasticsearch role: data
  18. Config Tweaks What Where Why Cluster Name elasticsearch.yml Discovery is

    done via service, but important for monitoring JVM env Important. Utilize memory properly and avoid OOMKill Node name = $HOSTNAME elasticsearch.yml Random Marvel characters or UUIDs are tricky to troubleshoot at 3 am Node counts, recovery delay elasticsearch.yml Avoid triggering recovery when cluster isn’t ready or for temp. downtime
  19. Monitoring • We’re using Datadog (no endorsement) • Pod annotations,

    kube state metrics • There are a lot of metrics... • Kubernetes metrics: ◦ Memory usage per pod ◦ Memory usage per k8s host ◦ CPU usage per pod ◦ Healthy k8s hosts (via ELB) • ES Metrics ◦ Cluster state ◦ JVM metrics ◦ Search queue size ◦ Storage size • ES will test your memory reserves and cluster autoscaler!
  20. Troubleshooting • Introspection via API • _cat APIs ◦ Human

    readable, watchable ◦ Health state, index health ◦ Shard allocation ◦ Recovery jobs ◦ Thread pool (search queue size!) • _cluster/_node APIs ◦ Consumed by e.g. Datadog ◦ Node stats: JVM state, resource usage ◦ Cluster stats
  21. Example: Shard Allocation $ curl $ES_URL/_cat/shards?v index shard prirep state

    docs store ip node products_20171010034124200 2 r STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-2 products_20171010034124200 2 p STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-1 products_20171010034124200 3 p STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-2 products_20171010034124200 3 r STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-1 products_20171010034124200 4 p STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-2 products_20171010034124200 4 r STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-0 products_20171010034124200 1 p STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-1 products_20171010034124200 1 r STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-0 products_20171010034124200 0 p STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-1 products_20171010034124200 0 r STARTED 100000 1gb es-data-0
  22. Example: JVM heap usage curl $ES_URL/_nodes/<node_name> | jq '.nodes[].jvm.mem' {

    "heap_init_in_bytes": 1073741824, # 1 GB "heap_max_in_bytes": 1038876672, # ~1 GB "non_heap_init_in_bytes": 2555904, "non_heap_max_in_bytes": 0, "direct_max_in_bytes": 1038876672 }
  23. Dynamic Settings • Set cluster wide settings as runtime •

    Endpoints: ◦ curl $ES_URL/_cluster/settings ◦ curl -XPUT $ES_URL/_cluster/settings -d '{"persistent": {"discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes" : 2}} • Transient vs. persistent (not sure that matters in k8s) • E.g.: ◦ Cluster level shard allocation: disable allocation before restarts (lifecycle hooks, helm hooks?) ◦ Shard allocation filtering: “cordon off” nodes
  24. Advanced (TODO) • Shard allocation awareness (host, rack, AZ, …)

    • Shard allocation filtering (cordoning off nodes, ...)
  25. Pitfalls: Scripting • Scripting: ◦ Disabled by default ◦ Scripts

    run with same permissions as the ES cluster • If you really have to: ◦ Prefer sandboxed (mustache, expressions) ◦ Use parameterised scripts! ◦ Test impact on your cluster carefully, mem, cpu usage ◦ Sanitise input, ensure cluster is not public, don’t run as root
  26. Elasticsearch Operator • https://github.com/upmc-enterprises/elasticsearch-operator • CustomResourceDefinition, higher level abstraction ◦

    Domain specific configuration ◦ Snapshots ◦ Certificates • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/upmc-enterprises/elasticsearch-operator/m aster/example/example-es-cluster-minikube.yaml • Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HnV7NfgP6A