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Raspberry PID

John B. Hall
June 18, 2015

Raspberry PID

Building a Real-Time Metro Arrival Board with Raspberry Pi and LEDs.

More explanation can be found at this blog post: http://johnbhall.com/raspberry-pid

John B. Hall

June 18, 2015


  1. Supplies and Cost Raspberry Pi $45 4 7-Segment Displays $44

    MicroSD Card $13 WiFi Adapter $12 Power Cord $12 Picture Frame $12 Breadboard $6 Foam Board $3 Total $147 Soldering Station $38 Wires $14 Solder $9 Diagonal Cutters $7 Pliers $3 Total $71
  2. segment0 = SevenSegment(address=0x70) segment1 = SevenSegment(address=0x71) segment2 = SevenSegment(address=0x72) segment3

    = SevenSegment(address=0x73) update_segment(segment0, customink_str[0:4]) update_segment(segment1, customink_str[4:8]) update_segment(segment2, downtown_str[0:4]) update_segment(segment3, downtown_str[4:8]) [3, 12] —> [“_3”, “12”] —> “_3_12” —> “_3_12_ _ _”