this slide deck is unique to this business and confiden4al. Therefore, anyone reading this plan agrees not to disclose any of the informa4on in this business plan without the express wri?en permission of Joris Swinnen. It is also acknowledged by the reader that unauthorized dissemina4on of the informa4on furnished in this business plan, other than informa4on that is in the public domain, may cause serious harm or damage to Joris Swinnen, and will be kept in the strictest confidence. This is personally shared with you, so I appreciate with gra4tude your feedback. By wri4ng this as an honest early stage startup story, I take my personal experience as a star4ng point and try to visualize my vision with some to be validated assump4ons, rather than to confine to a presupposed clean model of proven trac4on, growth and development. I have become more aware of my own personal competences and piEalls. Awareness is important for personal development. From here, I can proceed to strengthen my weaknesses and build forth on my strengths. In other words, before wri4ng this actual story, I already “know” that the result is a growing awareness of and reflec4on on my personal development and feedback feeds my learning curve. My challenge hereby is to crack the code of pitch success & produc4ze models that result in analysis preceding reflec4on. Disclaimer
Live broadcasted presenta4on of informa4on, categorised for archive, VideoOnDemand Why This? Cracking the code / puzzle on how can we make the advantages of our solu4on most meaningful & compelling to any investor / VC? STEP 2 Q&A Step 2 Interac4ve Real Time assessment What? A pla6orm for Elevator Pitch Analy4cs where we enrich the engagement / context from the conversa4on and visualize the output dynamicly in a personalized dashboard STEP 3 documenta4on Step 3 Due Dilligence Why Me? Passionate & visionary about Real Time Assessment, 3 years pivo4ng & prototyping contextual data formats, community managing & networking STEP 4 dashboard Step 4 Visualiza4on of decision making Benchmarking all the parameters Why Now? Working MVP & Customer development Growing need & ini4a4ves for Crowdfunding
Reten4on Audio Speech to Text Live broadcast What? From Software as a Service (SaaS) to Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Real Time Video – Data annota4on Service / PlaEorm / Business Process TeleAssessment
distribution channel Personalized Dashboard Real Time SWOT Analytics Broadcast Crowdfunding Personalized Pitch Live Q&A videochat Market opportunity Need for integrated solution of - Contextual Communication - Interactive Video & Big Data Purpose
crowdfunding • takes the Real Time connec4on between entrepreneurs & investors to the next level • streamlines the elevator pitch • makes inves4ng in companies & startups faster, simpler and more data driven than anything in the market by crea4ng a more effec4ve connec4on through broadcas4ng video, live Q&A between investors and entrepreneurs and a personalized SWOT dashboard for follow up.
authen4ca4on Q&A Keyword sp2txt Assessment Feedback loop Search VideoOnDemand Personalised dashboard Dynamic report Bitchain cryptocurrency Modular interoperability features X X X X X X X x x
too static, ask a fee, have basic functionalities. Need to stand out, to start a real personal 2 directional - face2face dialogue. On the lookout to crack the code of decision making, criteria of jury, mind reading the investor. Investor POV Overseeing the overload of chunks of pitches and filtering the relevant interest and consecutive stages. Need to shrink the costs of time, transport & effort,.. Incubators & Accelerators have an offline pitch finale and need to take it online to continue the journey of their alumni. Enterpreneur + Investor POV Traveling to big events all over the world and spending on hotels, travel, food, etc. including the events fees which cost too much! Our challenge is get all interesting investors (VC, incubators, accelerators), gather & analyse their behavioral data to identify characteristics with predictive relationship to virality personalized publication of feeds/tips with quantitative and descriptive variables… trying to fathom their human subconscious by looking at who clicks what, when and why.
market opportuni4es: 1. the es4mated $64 BN total crowdfunding market & 2. The VC industry where we broadcast pitch, personalize Q&A and SWOTanaly4cs of behavioral database of granular audiences (Talent/demand & Funding/supply) Crowdfunding $34.4 Billion VC industry $30 Billion Challenge International Crowdfunding industry statistics: ü 2014 closed with $24 Billion with equity funding mixed in. ü 2015 is getting to an estimated $34.4 Billion. ü 2025 is getting to an estimated $95 Billion by the World Bank. Up until now powerful engagement & personalized data flow are still missing from Crowdfunding & investment platforms ! GoToMarket In Belgium there are 4 platforms; We’ll first focus on Bolero: meeting place for enterpreneurs & investors. Belgium has been on the forefront of rewards based platforms, although by now other EU countries (especially the UK) have developed much bigger rewards based Crowdfunding platforms. Next step steps are (UK), Angellist & OneVest (US) + all individual incubators/ accelerators. Addressable market
/ poten4al partners: Major Compe44on Synopsis: • how they get data • what data • how to use it • how to make it ac4onable – Concrete proof of concept Our Defensibility: • Crowdfunding, Real Time streaming video & live big data analy4cs are exponen4ally growing industries. What would happen if we combined these rapidly growing markets with focus on investor / jury service? • We’re the only company to combine RT swot analysis, with performance and usage data. • By using our app analy4cs tool, making learning set of decision making / vekng opens a whole new world …. Mobile inspira4on Minor Compe44on Synopsis: • 500 new projects launching every day • 99% of all campaigns fail to stand out • Provide informa4on , not interac4on • Sta4c connec4on entrepreneurs and investors • Lack of a dynamic connec4vity and authen4c informa4on that can't be displayed through text.
>100MN visitors/month. Dedicated to live broadcasted videogames, like YouTube, but with live conversa4ons. It’s a global phenomenon with worldwide viewership growing to 12 BN in 2014 ! statistics: • From 2011 they double year ater year • Dona4ons go from $1 to $41K + • Seriously Venture backed: $35M • In 2014 acquired by the company Amazon for $970 million Part of this is because of the rapport and bonding that's created from these social interac4ons from a show. This interac4ve informa4on would never show through text. Live video is faster, more effec4ve and more entertaining. Inspiration
money does it take to get to the right pitch, analyse, evaluate, organise notes, make a Swit & Sound investment deal & keep all relevant data reten4on at your finger4ps in 1 click? Metrics
make calculated / data based investment decisions in real time? All it takes: logging in, watch & interact, Q&A, rate & annotate, and filter your personalized output @ our video assessment platform. best business model executable team scalability authen4city
12 months user analysis with Flemish universties, integration centres, VDAB, OCMW 2014 Winning hackathon Madrid @ 8 months prototyping & preparation for user analysis in HR, selection, recruitment, headhunters, multinationals, expert interviews and business modeling 2015 Winning hackathon London which led to fintech – instant Evaluation €20K prototyping (own skin in the game) + 12 months extensive market research in several verticals and visited leaders in • HR industry Screening & Selection – Talent Dev, • Language education - Testing, • Healthcare & Pharma with focus on clinical trial experts, • Automotive, oil & gas, • Multinationals / Fortune 5000 Current status, accomplishments Why now? Big interest => Strategic partnerships – half way past long sale funnel, pilot negotiation • Frequent visited, guest panel discusions & presentations @ webRTC summits London to learn sectorial evolutions • Organised meetup to learn & connect with specialized developers • Showcased at websummit Dublin and interviewed 24 investors • 2 trips to Middle East (Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Qatar) prospecting leads ) during Royal Trade Mission (Hamad & QOC) to pitch the idea and listen to their feedback, learned a lot and pivoted around the customers needs. We’re pivoting on a flexible demoplatform while validating/preselling usecases: • Recruitment, Education, Health, Care & PM
& resonance • € 500,000.00 Seed funding_convertible note for 18 months of runway Capex €25K 5% Launching the company, Legal & Accounting €25K 5% Investments Opex €50K 10% (Pre)Sales & Business Development €75K 15% Wages €300K 60% Development €100K Q4 2015 • Producing a V1, building further on the demo MVP, pilot test in BE • User Analysis & Mapping out customer journeys • Beta testing & evaluate with costumers, prove the concept works €100K Q1 2016 • Iterating further and perfect to V2 • Soft launch • BE + NL Crowdfundingplatform pilot €50K Q2 2016 • Start Crowdfunding + invest platforms UK pilots €25K Q3 2016 • Start Crowdfunding + invest platforms US pilots €25K Q4 2016 • Start Crowdfunding + invest platforms GE - FR pilots Go To Market €25K 5% 2016-2017 • Marketing & external Sales Customer Development incubators & accelerators Why we like you onboard?
Effec4ve network Mature stage of bizDev Ac4ve presales for pilots working MVP 85% Strength 30% IP Faster movers Threat 25% Financial exper4se Early stage CusDev Weakness Big Market Modular growth model Scalability to # ver4cals From SaaS to BPaaS 70% Opportunity
augmen4ng, capture & reten4on Analy4cs of SWOT -‐ data visualiza4on Con4nuous learning – predic4on Cracking the code of decision making Text & video pos4ng Pledge counter Rarely interac4ve forum
level with potential business partners and investors with a personalized dashboard. All impressions will be tweaked into data driven decision making as the information will be at their finger tips. Keeping record of recorded gut feeling / input when viewing the pitch and adding data to make the decision well documented. From the behavioral data we acquire, an actionable report can be finetuned. Entrepreneur can pitch in a public or privately held online event, hosted by incubator or accelerator. Differentiator vs Crowdfunding alternatives Investors check out live or recorded pitches, companies profiles for information, look at the previous made remarks and scoring of favorites and could generate a fully informed investment decision in real time. Differentiator