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OCI Image Format Specification v1

Josh Wood
September 21, 2017

OCI Image Format Specification v1

DevOpsDays Kansas City, Uptown Theater, Kansas City, MO: https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2017-kansascity/welcome/

Josh Wood

September 21, 2017

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  1. CoreOS runs the world’s containers We’re hiring: careers@coreos.com sales@coreos.com 90+

    Projects on GitHub, 1,000+ Contributors coreos.com Support plans, training and more OPEN SOURCE ENTERPRISE
  2. !Define fundamentals around which consensus can form !Are not a

    complete platform for production !Example: HTML Standards
  3. !Writing an HTML doc: by hand, generating with a CMS,

    or compiling with a static engine like Hugo !Rendering (executing) that doc: Browsers implement the standard HTML as a Standard
  4. !Different ways to create HTML - tools compete on that

    experience, not what they produce !Browsers compete on: render speed, UI features, upgrades/security, … !They agree on the standard Competing above standards
  5. !Discrete artifact containing everything an app needs to run !Dependencies,

    libraries, executable Containers: What even are they?
  6. The OCI Container Image standard is like HTML in our

    analogy: !Tools to build containers (actool, Docker (client), …) !Runtimes to execute them: OCI runtime (runc): Specifically: Docker, rkt, CRIO, et al Standards for containers
  7. Diverging implementations could: !Fragment communities and efforts !Do redundant work

    !Lock users into implementation and vendor Why we need standards for containers
  8. !Execution environment choice, features: rkt has some features for bootstap-level

    software packaged in containers. !Kubernetes has an interface, CRI, designed to make the runtime modular, replaceable !Migration among environments enables economic decisions about where things run Why you need standards for containers
  9. c.2014 Docker, obvs, and Docker v1 and v2 image formats

    Rkt and AppC, `.aci` images Tools, runtime, and image format: All different History: Before the OCI Image standard
  10. A CLI for running app containers on Linux. Focuses on:

    ! Security ! Modularity ! Standards/Compatibility
  11. A CLI for running app containers on Linux. Modularity: Internal

    ! Stages of execution ! Fly, cgroups/ns, KVM vm ◦SAME CONTAINER
  12. !The OCI brings together CoreOS, Docker, Red Hat, Google, Microsoft

    and others to define standards for software containers !April 2016: Efforts begin on OCI Container Image Format Specification !Based on Docker v2.2 image structure Open Container Initiative
  13. !Resize/Upgrade - coordination for availability !Layout - inherits Docker v2.2

    layers !Distribution - out of OCI scope !Sign/Verify - Optional OCI Container Image Specification
  14. OCI Container Image ancestry Docker v1 appc Docker v2 OCI

    Image Spec Content-addr No Yes Yes Yes Signable No Yes Yes, optional Yes, optional* Federated namespace Yes Yes Yes Yes Introduced 2013 2014 April 2015 July 2017
  15. j@coreos.com @joshixisjosh9 joshix.com QUESTIONS? Thanks! We’re hiring: coreos.com/careers Let’s talk!

    CoreOS-User google group More events: coreos.com/ community LONGER CHAT?