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HeroConf2024 - Making Google Ads and Looker Stu...

November 19, 2024

HeroConf2024 - Making Google Ads and Looker Studio Work for You - Joshua Slodki

Looker Studio is the best dashboarding platform that no money can buy. While it makes data visualization accessible, getting it to tell your story can be challenging.

In this session, Josh guides you through the process of developing your own Google Ads insights platform aligned with your business and campaign objectives.
• Getting started with Google Ads and Looker Studio
• Enhancing the data to tell your story
• Designing your dashboards to deliver actionable insights


November 19, 2024


  1. Making Google Ads and Looker Studio Work for You Joshua

    Slodki B U O Y D i g i t a l G r o u p https://speakerdeck.com/joshuaslodki @joshuaslodki @JoshuaSlodki
  2. Remember why the good Lord made your eyes… Plagiarize, plagiarize,

    plagiarize …Only be sure always to call it "Research“ ~ Tom Lehrer
  3. CPC (calc): Cost / Clicks CTR (calc): Click / Impressions

    Conversion Rate (calc): Conversions / Clicks CPA (calc): Cost / Conversions CPM (calc): Cost / (Impressions / 1000) Step 3: Re-Calculate Standard Metrics
  4. CASE WHEN this THEN that CASE WHEN Campaign = ‘Name

    1’ THEN ‘Group 1’ ELSE ‘Catchall’ END The CASE for Classification
  5. CASE WHEN Campaign = 'Brand Campaign' THEN 'Brand’ WHEN Campaign

    = ‘NonBrand Campaign' THEN ‘NonBrand’ ELSE ‘Other' END The Basics
  6. CASE WHEN Campaign = 'Brand Campaign' THEN 'Brand’ WHEN Campaign

    = ‘NonBrand Campaign' THEN ‘NonBrand’ ELSE ‘Other' END The Basics
  7. CASE WHEN REGEXP_MATCH (Search term, "((?i)bouy)") THEN 'Core Brand' WHEN

    REGEXP_MATCH (Search term, "((?i).*buoy).*") THEN 'Brand' ELSE 'OTHER' END Exact Match vs. Contains
  8. CPC: SUM (Cost) / SUM (Clicks) CTR: SUM (Clicks) /

    SUM (Impressions) Conv%: SUM (Conversion 1) / SUM (Clicks) ROAS: SUM (Conversion 1 Value) / SUM (Cost) Basic Table Calculations
  9. CPC: SUM (Cost) / SUM (Clicks) CTR: SUM (Clicks) /

    SUM (Impressions) Conv%: SUM (Conversion 1) / SUM (Clicks) ROAS: SUM (Conversion 1 Value) / SUM (Cost) Basic Table Calculations
  10. IFNULL(input_expression, null_result) Summary: Returns null_result value if input is null

    CPC: SUM(ifnull(Cost,0))/SUM(ifnull(Clicks,0)) The Ifnull Table Calculations