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Security Best Practice

Security Best Practice

Basic Security Best practice for developer - presented at Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan

Yahya Fadhlulloh Al-Fatih

November 17, 2017

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  1. Hello! Saya Yahya F. Al Fatih 7 years experience in

    bank infrastructure pentest 5 years experience in government infrastructure pentest Wawadukan community Security Researcher at ID SIRTII Development Operation at Crowde 2
  2. 4

  3. - Security itu Sulit - Tech Proffesional sulit memahaminya -

    Terlalu banyak informasi yang memusingkan - The tools we have are broken Masalah 5
  4. 7

  5. 8

  6. 9

  7. 10

  8. 11

  9. 12

  10. 13

  11. 14

  12. 16 What we need in cyber security is not a

    firewall, not a motte and palisade to keep our bailey inviolate, but an immune system
  13. 19

  14. 22

  15. 31

  16. - Buffer Overflow dan memory safety issue - Broken and

    unpatched software - Programmer mistake Hal hal yang membuat developer pusing 33
  17. 35

  18. - OS and driver patch - Server Software (apache, mysql,

    dll) - Run times (PHP, Ruby, dll) - Tooling ( Curl, IDE ) - Libraries (Rail, react, django) - semuanya Make a policy about update 36
  19. 37 Cara aman menyimpan secret key ke dalam aplikasi adalah

    dengan cara tidak menyimpan secret key ke dalam aplikasi
  20. - Man in the middle attack - XSS, CSRF, JS

    Based - Server Side (SQL Injection, dll) - Fraud (phising account, enumeration attack) - Denial of Service Risk facing Web Developer 38
  21. 39

  22. 43

  23. 44

  24. - Do not set arbitary length limit (NIST standar is

    256 character) - Never prohibit any special character - Allow paste and password manager - Always [salted] hash. Never store password using 2 way encryption - Offer two-factor authentication Handling Password 48
  25. “ People cannot create strong, unique password accross all their

    service using only their brain to remember 49
  26. - Jangan menggunakan password yang kadaluarsa - Jangan pake rule

    aneh aneh - Jangan pake password hint New NIST Recommendation 50
  27. 59 Thanks! Any questions? Find me at yahya.kimochi@gmail.com and k1m0ch1.github.io

    Credit Presentation Simon Sturmer - How to Integrate Information Security into your Software Development Life Cycle