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Tricks that Rails didn't tell you.

Tricks that Rails didn't tell you.

Some Rails tricks to help your productivity.

Kassio Borges

October 18, 2014

Other Decks in Programming


  1. change column null class ChangeNameToNotNullOnAuthors < ActiveRecord::Migration def up change_column

    :authors, :name, :string, null: false end ! def down change_column :authors, :name, :string, null: true end end
  2. change column null class ChangeNameToNotNullOnAuthors < ActiveRecord::Migration def up change_column_null

    :authors, :name, false end ! def down change_column_null :authors, :name, true end end
  3. change column null class ChangeNameToNotNullOnAuthors < ActiveRecord::Migration def change change_column_null

    :authors, :name, false end end ! class ChangeNameToNotNullOnAuthors < ActiveRecord::Migration def change change_column :authors, :name, :string, null: false end end # => ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
  4. change column default class ChangeStatusDefaultOnArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration def up change_column

    :articles, :status, :string, default: 'draft' end ! def down change_column :articles, :status, :string, default: 'published' end end
  5. change column default class ChangeStatusDefaultOnArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration def change change_column_default

    :articles, :status, 'draft' end end # => ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration ! class ChangeStatusDefaultOnArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration def change change_column :articles, :status, :string, default: 'draft' end end # => ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
  6. where.not class Article < ActiveRecord::Base scope :not_draft, -> { where

    'status <> draft' } end ! >> Article.not_draft.to_sql SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (status != 'draft')
  7. where.not class Article < ActiveRecord::Base scope :not_draft, -> { where.not

    status: 'draft' } end ! >> Article.not_draft.to_sql SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE ("articles"."status" != 'draft')
  8. order: :asc/:desc class Article < ActiveRecord::Base scope :recent, -> {

    order 'created_at DESC' } end ! >> Article.recent SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" ORDER BY created_at DESC
  9. order: :asc/:desc class Article < ActiveRecord::Base scope :recent, -> {

    order created_at: :desc } end ! >> Article.recent SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" ORDER BY "articles"."created_at" DESC
  10. benchmark class Article < ActiveRecord::Base def self.expensive_operation sleep 2 'did

    something very expensive' end end ! >> start = Time.now; Article.expensive_operation; Time.now - start => 2.001179
  11. benchmark class Article < ActiveRecord::Base def self.expensive_operation benchmark 'SUPER EXPENSIVE

    OPERATION' do sleep 2 'did something very expensive' end end end ! >> Article.expensive SUPER EXPENSIVE OPERATION (2001.2ms)
  12. validates strict class Comment include ActiveModel::Validations ! attr_accessor :message !

    validates :message, presence: true, strict: true end ! >> Comment.new.valid? # ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed: Message can't be blank
  13. validates strict class Comment include ActiveModel::Validations ! attr_accessor :message validate

    do |comment| if message.blank? errors.add(:base, 'You need a message!') end end end ! >> Comment.new.valid? # false
  14. validates strict class Comment include ActiveModel::Validations ! attr_accessor :message validate

    do |comment| if message.blank? errors.add(:base, 'You need a message!', strict: true) end end end ! > Comment.new.valid? # ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed: You need a message!
  15. menu links <li> <%= link_to 'posts', posts_path, class: active?(posts_path) %>

    </li> <li> <%= link_to 'new post', new_post_path, class: active?(new_post_path) %> </li>
  16. menu links <li> <%= link_to 'posts', posts_path, class: active?(posts_path) %>

    </li> <li> <%= link_to 'new post', new_post_path, class: active?(new_post_path) %> </li>
  17. menu links <li> <%= link_to_unless current_path?(posts_path), 'posts', posts_path %> </li>

    <li> <%= link_to_unless current_path?(new_post_path), 'new post', new_post_path %> </li>
  18. I18n + html <%= link_to t('read_more'), article %> ! <a

    href="/articles/281110143-rails-4-2-0-is"> read more </a> en: read_more: 'read more'
  19. I18n + html <%= link_to t('read_more'), article %> ! <a

    href="/articles/281110143-rails-4-2-0-is"> read &lt;b&gt;more&lt;/b&gt; </a> en: read_more: 'read <b>more</b>'
  20. I18n + html en: read_more: 'read <b>more</b>' <%= link_to raw(t('read_more')),

    article %> ! <a href="/articles/281110143-rails-4-2-0-is"> read <b>more</b> </a>
  21. I18n + html en: read_more_html: 'read <b>more</b>' <%= link_to t('read_more_html'),

    article %> ! <a href="/articles/281110143-rails-4-2-0-is"> read <b>more</b> </a>
  22. benchmark <% start = Time.now %> <%= sleep(2); render 'form'

    %> <% Rails.logger.info("EXPENSIVE VIEW #{Time.now - start}") %> ! ! # logger # Rendered posts/_form.html.erb (2.5ms) # EXPENSIVE VIEW 2.003919
  23. benchmark <% benchmark 'EXPENSIVE VIEW' do %> <%= sleep(2); render

    'form' %> <% end %> ! ! # logger # Rendered posts/_form.html.erb (2.3ms) # EXPENSIVE VIEW (2004.5ms)
  24. I18n subject class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base default from: "[email protected]" !

    # Subject can be set in your I18n file at config/locales/en.yml # with the following lookup: # # en.notifier.new_article.subject # def new_article @greeting = "Hi" ! mail to: "[email protected]" end end
  25. I18n subject class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base default from: "[email protected]" !

    # Subject can be set in your I18n file at config/locales/en.yml # with the following lookup: # # en.notifier.new_article.subject # def new_article @greeting = "Hi" ! mail to: "[email protected]" end end
  26. I18n subject class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base default from: "[email protected]" !

    def new_article @greeting = "Hi" ! mail to: "[email protected]", subject: I18n.t('subjects.new_article') end end en: subjects: new_article: 'New article just published.'
  27. I18n subject class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base default from: "[email protected]" !

    def new_article @greeting = "Hi" ! mail to: "[email protected]" end end en: notifier: new_article: subject: 'New article just published.'
  28. I18n subject en: subjects: new_article: 'New article: %{title}.' def new_article

    @greeting = "Hi" ! mail to: "[email protected]", subject: I18n.t('subjects.new_article', title: 'Clarity is king') end
  29. I18n subject class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base default from: "[email protected]" !

    def new_article @greeting = "Hi" ! mail to: "[email protected]", subject: default_i18n_subject(title: 'Clarity is king') end end en: notifier: new_article: subject: 'New article: %{title}.'
  30. exceptions handling # config/application.rb ! # Use the app's own

    router to display error pages. config.exceptions_app = self.routes
  31. exceptions handling # config/routes.rb ! get "/404", to: "errors#not_found" get

    "/422", to: "errors#unprocessable_entity" get "/500", to: "errors#server_error"
  32. index_by /authors /posts [ { "id": 1, "name": "d4rth_v4der" },

    { "id": 2, "name": "luke_skywalk3r" }, { "id": 3, "name": "han_solo" } ] [ { "text": "@luke, I am your father!", "author": 1 }, { "text": "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻", "author": 2 }, { "text": "@luke “ ƅϪƅ“)", "author": 3 } ]
  33. index_by @luke, I am your father!! d4rth_v4der! ---! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (╯°□°)╯︵

    ┻━┻! luke_skywalk3r! ---! @luke “ ƅϪƅ“)! han_solo! ---
  34. index_by posts.each do |post| author = authors.select do |a| a.id

    == post.author end.first ! puts post.text puts author.name puts '---' end
  35. index_by posts.each do |post| author = indexed_authors[post.author] ! puts post.text

    puts author.name puts '---' end indexed_author = { 1=>#<Author id=1, name="Kassio Borges">, 2=>#<Author id=2, name="Boring">, }