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Infrastructure Lifecycle Management

Infrastructure Lifecycle Management

In this talk, I dive into the three stages of Infrastructure Lifecycle Management and how HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) can be used to lower cost, and risk and increase speed.

This version of the talk was given at the London and Munich editions of HashiDays 2024, in June 2024.

Kerim Satirli

June 12, 2024

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  1. ©2024 HASHICORP Maximize infrastructure investments Infrastructure Nomad Scheduling and orchestration

    Automated developer services Waypoint Packer Build and manage images as code Terraform Infrastructure as code provisioning WORKFLOW AUTOMATION SYSTEM OF RECORD LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT Infrastructure as code to build, deploy and manage the lifecycle of infrastructure and applications.
  2. ©2024 HASHICORP Optimize infrastructure on Day 1 Build Author infrastructure

    and images as code Create and share reusable modules Collaborate safely via version control
  3. ©2024 HASHICORP Optimize infrastructure on Day 1, Day 2 Deploy

    Enforce security and compliance Standardize provisioning workflows Enable self-service patterns
  4. ©2024 HASHICORP Optimize infrastructure on Day 1, Day 2, and

    beyond Manage Gain organization-wide visibility Monitor infrastructure health and drift Auto-destroy temporary resources
  5. ©2024 HASHICORP Blueprint for cloud success Security Infrastructure Compose Collaborate

    Publish and discover Enforce policy Enable self-service Observe and respond Manage all secrets Enforce policy Ensure continuity Automate and observe Remediate Encrypt seamlessly Stage 1: Adopting Stage 2: Standardizing Stage 3: Scaling
  6. ©2024 HASHICORP Team goals People Tools Process Platform teams Standardize

    and automate Enable app and service teams Reduce cross-team friction AppDev teams Accelerate app delivery Get infrastructure quickly Reduce context switching
  7. ©2024 HASHICORP HCP Terraform private registry Packer template HCP Packer

    artifact registry Terraform module Platform team Container registry VCS Infrastructure lifecycle
  8. ©2024 HASHICORP HCP Terraform private registry HCP Waypoint templates/add-ons App

    developers Actions HCP Packer artifact registry Terraform module Application Add-ons Packer template Platform team Container registry VCS Infrastructure lifecycle
  9. ©2024 HASHICORP data "hcp-packer-artifact" "nodejs-base" { bucket_name = var.base_image_bucket channel_name

    = var.base_image_channel platform = "docker" region = "docker" } Images as code • Repeatable and automated builds with Packer • Common syntax and workflow for AMIs, VM templates, and containers • Publish artifact metadata to HCP Packer registry source "docker" "store-frontend" { image = data.hcp-packer-artifact.nodejs-base.labels["ImageDigest"] commit = true platform = "linux/arm64" changes = [ "WORKDIR /app", "ENTRYPOINT [\"/app/entrypoint.sh\"]", "CMD [\"node_modules/.bin/next\", \"start\"]", "USER nextjs", "EXPOSE 3000", ] } store-frontend.pkr.hcl
  10. ©2024 HASHICORP build { hcp_packer_registry { bucket_name = "hashicafe-store-frontend" description

    = "HashiCafe store frontend Node.js app container." bucket_labels = { "owner" = var.owner "department" = var.department } } sources = ["source.docker.store-frontend"] provisioner "shell" { script = "build-app.sh" } post-processor "docker-tag" { repository = "${var.registry_host}/hashicafe-store-frontend" tags = [ local.timestamp, "latest" ] } post-processor "docker-push" { } } store-frontend.pkr.hcl • Repeatable and automated builds with Packer • Common syntax and workflow for AMIs, VM templates, and containers • Publish artifact metadata to HCP Packer registry Images as code
  11. ©2024 HASHICORP • Promote for deployment using specific channels •

    Incrementally update channels as new builds are approved and tested Images as code
  12. ©2024 HASHICORP Standardize with modules main.tf data "hcp_packer_artifact" "frontend" {

    bucket_name = var.hcp_packer_bucket_name channel_name = var.hcp_packer_channel platform = "docker" region = "docker" } resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "app" { container_definitions = jsonencode( [ { name : "frontend" image : data.hcp_packer_artifact.frontend.labels["ImageDigest"] essential : true portMappings = [{ containerPort = 3000 }] } ] ) } • Design for reusability
  13. ©2024 HASHICORP run "unit_test" { command = plan assert {

    condition = local.base_name == "hashicafe-frontend-demo-app" error_message = "Interpolated resource name doesn't match expected." } assert { condition = length(data.aws_subnets.private.ids) >= 2 error_message = "Expected at least 2 private subnets." } } run "input_validation" { command = plan variables { task_cpu = 100 # Min is 256 task_memory = 256 # Min is 512 } expect_failures = [ var.task_cpu, var.task_memory ] } Standardize with modules tests/unit-tests.tftest.hcl • Design for reusability • Bake-in compliance rules and approved practices • Extend with tests and functional health checks
  14. ©2024 HASHICORP check "service_health" { assert { condition = aws_ecs_service.app.task_definition

    == aws_ecs_task_definition.app.arn error_message = "The service is not using the latest task definition.” } } check "web_health" { data "http" "service" { url = "https://${local.dns_name}" } assert { condition = data.http.service.status_code == 200 error_message = "${data.http.service.url} returned an unhealthy status.” } } Standardize with modules checks.tf • Design for reusability • Bake-in compliance rules and approved practices • Extend with tests and functional health checks
  15. ©2024 HASHICORP • Private registry with integrated publishing, versioning, and

    testing • Enable module for easy no-code provisioning Publish and discover
  16. ©2024 HASHICORP • Platform teams curate a catalog of golden

    patterns • Templates and add-ons use Terraform no-code modules • Consistent governance with policy as code and run tasks Beta + Pave a golden path
  17. ©2024 HASHICORP Risk Standardized, modular deployment patterns Approved and hardened

    images and modules Build People Cost Best practices directly codified in modules Less duplicated effort for overcommitted teams Speed Automation through codification Reusability - stop reinventing the wheel
  18. ©2024 HASHICORP 4,200+ providers Workspaces VCS/CLI/API Kubernetes Operator No-code provisioning

    Plan Apply Run tasks OPA Sentinel Policy Developer platform Dynamic provider credentials (OIDC) Service catalogs Standardized provisioning workflow
  19. ©2024 HASHICORP Self-service flow • App devs get a push-button

    consumption experience • Module inputs and outputs synced with HCP Terraform • Add-ons for optional app and infra dependencies Beta
  20. ©2024 HASHICORP Beta Self-service flow • Platform teams curate a

    catalog of golden patterns • Templates and add-ons use Terraform no-code modules • Consistent governance with policy as code and run tasks
  21. ©2024 HASHICORP Deploy Risk Proactive, consistent policy enforcement Keep cloud

    credentials dynamic and safe Speed Eliminate slow ticket- driven process Developers enabled to innovate on apps Cost Eliminate deployment and over-provisioning errors Reduce burden on app and platform teams Eliminate blockers and reduce frustration People
  22. ©2024 HASHICORP Platform teams expose common tasks for Day 2

    operations: • Trigger CI/CD action • Build promotion and rollback • Toggle a feature flag Beta Day 2 actions
  23. ©2024 HASHICORP Day 2 visibility • Explorer provides views into

    workspace details • Sort and filter, export to CSV • API access for programmatic reporting and processing
  24. ©2024 HASHICORP Clean-up • Self-service: delete HCP Waypoint app, workspace

    gets destroyed • Terraform ephemeral workspaces: auto-destroy temporary resources
  25. ©2024 HASHICORP Manage Risk Detect and remediate drift and health

    risks Speed Golden patterns for app developers Shared service available to all teams Cost Clean up temporary resources Avoid costly health issues and outages People Reduce friction between app, platform, and security teams
  26. ©2024 HASHICORP Infrastructure Compose Collaborate Publish and discover Enforce policy

    Enable self-service Observe and respond Private registry Dynamic image usage No-code provisioning Standardize application delivery Policy as code Integrate security tooling Continuous validation Auto-destroy temporary resources Infrastructure as code Provision cloud resources Version control integration Role-based access Stage 1: Adopting Stage 2: Standardizing Stage 3: Scaling Blueprints for cloud success