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English for little ones

November 04, 2017

English for little ones

Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Валентины Скультэ


November 04, 2017


  1. УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2 Англ-9 Н63 Все прана защищены. Никакая

    часть данной книги не может переиздаваться или распространяться в любой форме и любыми средствами, электронными или механическими, включая фотокопирование, звукозапись, любые запоминающие устройства и системы поиска информации, без письменного разрешения правообладателя. Николенко, Т. Г. Н63 Английский для детей: сб. упражнений / Т. Г. Николенко, И. И. Кошманова. — М.: Айрис-пресс, 2010. — 288 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-8112-3950-4 Сборник упражнений авторов Т. Г. Николенко, И. И. Кошмановой является практическим пособием для изучения основ грамматики англий­ ского языка. Книга написана поурочно к курсу В. Скультэ «Английский для детей» и помогает отработать грамматический материал каждого урока, одновременно закрепляя лексику урока. Принцип сборника — от простого к сложному с постоянным повторением уже пройденного материала. В книгу включен указатель, который поможет преподавателю быстро найти задания по соответствующим разделам практической грамматики. ББК 81.2 Англ-9 УДК 811.111(075) © ООО «Издательство ISBN 978-5-8112-3950-4 «АЙРИС-пресс»,2002
  2. Грамматика - это скучно? Дорогие мальчики и девочки! Без знания

    ГРАММАТИКИ нельзя узнать иностранный язык, нельзя заговорить на нем так, чтобы вас без труда поняли. Эти упражнения помогут вам почувствовать себя в английском языке не скованно, как в гостях, а свободно - как дома. «Сборник» поведет вас в интересное путешествие по грамматике английского языка, во время которого вы научитесь хорошо справляться с трудными правилами и непривычными для нас конструкциями. И это путешествие не покажется вам скучным и сложным, если вы не будете лениться. Приступайте к каждому уроку сборника, узнав новые слова этого урока и новые грамматические правила. Внимательно прочитайте задание к упражнению, особенно если в нем что-то выделено жирным шрифтом. В начале упражнения вам поможет пример, выделенный курсивом. Старайтесь не только письменно выполнить упражнение, но и проговорить его вслух. В конце книги даны ответы, которые помогут вам убедиться в правильности выполнения задания или укажут на ошибку. Для вас придуманы специальные игры - “Chain game”, “Bridge game”, “Pyramid game”. В них вы можете играть даже на уроке. В конце книги есть «Указатель», который поможет быстро отыскать необходимые упражнения. Успехов вам в этой нескучной работе!
  3. LESSON SEVEN (7) 7.1 Скажите, кто у вас есть и

    кого нет. 1 (a bat / no) I have no bat. 2 (a dog / no / a pig) I have no dog, but I have a pig. 3 (a cat) 4 (a rat / no) 5 (a hen / a fox / no) 6 (a kitten / a zebra / no) 7 (a wolf / no / a squirrel) 7.2 Скажите, что есть и чего нет у вас на пись­ менном столе. Используйте данные слова. a book a copy-book a spoon a lamp a vase a pen a box jam a gun I have a book. I have no book. 7.3 Попросите своего друга показать или дать вам двух котят, собаку, три ручки, тетрадку, четыре книги и ложку. Show me two kittens! Give me two kittens! 7.4 Переведите на английский язык. 1 У меня есть чашка, но у меня нет ложки.
  4. 2 У меня есть пять ручек, но у меня нет

    тетрадки. 3 У меня нет собаки. 4 Покажи мне звезду! 5 Я вижу шляпу. 6. Дайте мне семь тетрадей. 7 Скажите: «Дайте мне котенка!» 8 Покажите мне шестой урок. LESSON EIGHT (8) 8.1 Скажите, какие животные есть у этого маль­ чика и какие предметы есть у того мальчика.
  5. 8.2 Составьте предложения. a lamp. I a book. Не have

    а cup. This boy has a spoon. That boy a pistol. a ball, a vase. This boy has a pistol. 8.3 Закончите предложения. Переведите на русский язык. 1 I have a stick. Не has a stick. 2 Не has no cup. I . . . 3 I have a pig. Не . . . 4 I have no pistol. Не . . . 5 Не has a gun. I . . . 6 Не has no star. I . . . 7 I have no vase. Не . . . 8 I have a copy-book. Не . . . 9 Не has no bat. I . . . 8.4 Переведите на английский язык. 1 У меня есть лампа. 2 У того мальчика есть собака, а у этого мальчика нет собаки. 3 Скажи: «Доброе утро!»
  6. 4 У него нет пистолета. 5 У этого мальчика есть

    лиса. 6 Дай мне этот мяч! 7 У того мальчика есть две палки. 8 У меня есть четыре котенка, а у этого мальчика нет котят. 9 У него нет кепки. 10 У этого мальчика есть крыса, и у меня тоже есть крыса. 11 Покажи мне это ружье! 12 У того мальчика есть ручка, но у него нет кни­ ги. 13 У меня есть шляпа, и у того мальчика тоже есть шляпа. 14 Скажи это слово! LESSON NINE (9) 9.1 Составьте предложения. Переведите их на русский язык. The gun the cup. The cake on the lake. The frog the hat. The snake is the log. The book the box. The rat in the dish. The spoon the bed. The frog is on the log.
  7. 9.2 Закончите предложения. Зачеркните лиш­ нее. 1 This girl have

    / has a book. 2 This boy have / has . . . . 3 I have / has no . . . . 4 This fish is on / in . . . . 5 This cake is in / on . . . . 6 This spoon is in / on . . . . 9.3 Вставьте, где необходимо, артикли а или the. 1 This girl has . . . doll. . . . doll is on . . . bed. 2 That boy has . . . pistol. . . . pistol is in . . . box. 3 He has . .. cat. . . . cat is on . . . log. 4 I have . . . ball. I like . . . balls and . . . dolls. I like . . . cakes too. 9.4 Добавьте, где необходимо, окончание -s. 1 This girl has one cat_ and two dog_, but I have no dog_ . 2 That boy has three pen_, but he has no book_ . 3 This boy has four cup_ and five spoon_ . 4 I like rat_, but I have no rat_ . 5 He has six star_ and she has seven star_ . 9.5 Расскажите, что вы любите и что вам нра­ вится. Используйте выражение I like.
  8. 9.6 Переведите на английский язык. 1 У этого мальчика есть

    одна крыса и две лету­ чих мыши. 2 Ложка на кровати. 3 Я люблю варенье. 4 Покажите мне этого мальчика! 5 Лиса на бревне. 6 У меня есть три змеи, а у той девочки есть одна лягушка. 7 Доброе утро! Дай мне пирожное! 8 Мне нравятся белки. 9 У меня нет ружья, а у этого мальчика нет пис­ толета. LESSON TEN (10) 10.1 Подберите подходящие пары и составьте предложения. Count good morning. Say this boy. Show me the dogs. Give me this kitten. Catch two cakes. Give me two cakes.
  9. 10.2 Составьте вопросы и дайте краткие от­ веты. a book

    a cat this boy a rat I has. Has a box Yes, have. you a squirrel she a pig a cup a spoon Have you a cat? - Yes, I have. 10.3 Переведите вопросы и ответьте на них. 1 У тебя есть кепка? 2 У этой девочки есть ружье? 3 У этого мальчика есть ваза? 4 У нее есть крыса? 5 У тебя есть собака? 6 У него есть кролик? 10.4 Переведите диалог. - Доброе утро! У тебя есть цыпленок? - Да, есть. У меня есть десять цыплят. - Сосчитай цыплят! that girl a fox ? he have not. Have a bed No, has not.
  10. - О нет! У меня девять цыплят. - Лови того

    цыпленка! 10.5 Назовите числа. 1,10, 2, 9,3, 8,4, 7, 5, 6, 1,4, 7,10,3,6, 9, 2, 5, 8, 5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 8,2, 9, 1, 10. LESSON ELEVEN (11) 11.1 У вашего друга дома есть много игрушек. Спросите, сколько у него есть котят, куро­ чек с цыплятами, утят, кроликов, кукол, пистолетов, мячей. How many kittens have you? 11.2 Заполните пропуски. 1 How many rabbits has that boy? He has eleven rabbits. 2 How many spoons have . . . ? . . . . . . six spoons. 3 How many . . . has the hen? . . . . . . two chickens. 4 How many pens . . . this girl? . . . . . . no pen. 5 How many balls . . . he? He . . . one ball. 6 How many . . . have . . . ? . . . . . . ten cups.
  11. 7 How many puppies . . . the dog? .

    . . . . . three puppies. 11.3 Напишите предложения, обращая внима­ ние на порядок слов. 1 (а / I / copy-book / have). I have a copy-book. 2 (many / the / how / has / girl / lamps)? 3 (that / has / a / boy / cat / seven / with / kittens). 4 (have / ten / we / vases). 5 (pigs / have / many / you / how)? 6 (me / three / give / cups)! 7 (in / the / is / the / snake / lake). 11.4 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Сколько у нее шляп? - У нее одна шляпа. 2 Сколько у тебя кроликов? - У меня много кро­ ликов. 3 Покажи мне змею! Мне нравятся змеи. 4 У того мальчика есть один пистолет. А сколько пистолетов у этого мальчика? 5 У вас много коров? - Да, у нас пять коров. 6 Сколько у вас книг? - У нас одиннадцать книг. 7 У девочки есть кукла? - Нет, у нее нет куклы. 8 Сколько у того мальчика звездочек? - У него семь звездочек, а я вижу шесть звездочек. 9 У него много белок? - Да, у него много белок. Сосчитай белок!
  12. 11.5 Составьте предложения. two pigs. three pens. I four rats.

    She me five cats. Give have six rabbits. Show has seven cows. eight ducks. nine balls. ten kittens. She has four pens. 11.6 Сосчитайте. 1 This boy has one ball and that boy has five balls. How many balls have the boys? 2 I have four ducks and you have seven ducklings. How many ducks and ducklings have we? 3 The girl has three books and the boy has three books too. How many books have the girl and the boy? 4 The rat has a hat and the bat has a hat. How many hats have the rat and the bat?
  13. LESSON TWELVE (12) 12.1 Составьте предложения. a chicken. a duck.

    a frog. a snake. big. This is a fox. It is white. a spoon. red. a vase. black. a lamp. a pen. This is a fox. It is red. 12.2 Заполните пропуски. 1 This is a goat. It is white. 2 He . . . a squirrel. . . . is red. 3 . . . has a ribbon. . . . is red. 4 You have . . . lemons. 5 You have a car. It is . . . the street. 6 We . . . a . . . too. 7 They have a duck . . . two . . . . 8 We . . . no copy-books. 9 Catch that. . . ! 10 Show . . . a book! 12.3 Скажите, у кого что есть и где находится.
  14. a frog. the dish. We a duck. in the box.

    They have a stick. It is the street. You a lemon. on the lake. a car. the log. a fish. We have a car. It is in the street 12.4 Постройте предложения, вычеркнув одно лишнее слово. 1 (have / he / has / pistol / no). He has no pistol 2 (has / have I I I cakes / three). 3 (this / a / squirrel / has / girl / have). 4 (boy / have / has / that / two / frogs). 5 (she / no / have / has / copy-book). 6 (count / the / me / kittens / give). 12.5 Переведите на английский язык. 1 У этой курицы восемь цыплят. 2 Сколько у вас котят? - У нас три котенка. 3 У них есть два кролика, утка и семь утят. 4 Сколько у них уроков? - У них пять уроков. 5 Это блюдо. Оно большое. 6 Я люблю лимоны. 7 Сосчитай кроликов! Сколько у нас кроликов? 8 У них есть торт? - Да, у них есть большой торт.
  15. LESSON THIRTEEN (13) 13.1 Вспомните и напишите слова, рифмующи­ еся

    с данными: cat - bat lake - . . . fox - . . . red - . . . rat - . . . car - . . . dish - . . . her - . . . frog - . . . with - . . . 13.2 “Bridge game”. В этой игре побеждает тот, кто построит самый длинный «Мост» от од­ ного слова до другого. 1 a hat / the table A hat A white hat. It is a white hat. Is it a hat? Yes, it is. Is it a red hat? No, it is not. Is it your hat? Yes, it is my hat. Is your hat under the bed? No, it is not. My hat is not under the bed. Where is your hat? My hat is on the table. 2 a snake / the log 3 a dog / the box 4 a stick / the tree 5 a kitten / the house 6 a car / the street 13.3 Задайте вопрос. 1 My goat is white. Is your goat white? 2 The girl is in the garden. 3 My car is good.
  16. 4 Your vase is on the table. 5 The frog

    is green. 6 Your pen is under the bed. 13.4 Задайте вопрос Где . ..? 1 The pig is in the garden. Where is the pig? 2 My car is in the street. 3 The snake is under the log. 4 The fish is in the lake. 5 Your hat is under the table. 6 My kitten is in the house. 13.5 Напишите предложения из упражнений 13.3 и 13.4 в отрицательной форме. 1 My goat is white. My goat is not white. 13.6 Переведите диалоги. 1 - У тебя есть красный карандаш? - Да, есть. - Где твой карандаш? - Он в вазе на столе. - Дай мне его! Спасибо. 2 - Твоя коза в саду? - Нет. - Твоя коза белая? - Да. - Она под деревом в саду. - Это не моя коза.
  17. - А где твоя коза? - Она на улице. LESSON

    FOURTEEN (14) 14.1 Составьте различные словосочетания, выбирая слова из колонок. Переведите. a room - a big room - this room - this big room - her room . . . one a the room flag dress tree goat cake fox boy your my his her big good black green white grey red blue that this 14.2 Выберите пары. a star - a red star, . . . A wolf, green, big, a horse, a hat, black, a room, white, a dish, a star, red, good, a box, grey, a girl, blue.
  18. 14.3 Составьте, напишите и переведите предло­ жения. house. Give me

    his ribbon. Show me her copy-book. Take your blue dress. red pencil. white kitten. big ball. Give me your ribbon. 14.4 Задайте вопрос Какого цвета. . . ? и ответь­ те на него. Используйте данные слова. 1 (your dog / black) What colour is your dog? - It is black. 2 (her kitten / white) 3 (this fox / red) 4 (your pencil / green) 5 (his rabbit / grey) 6 (my shirt / blue) 7 (that horse / black) 14.5 Переведите на английский язык. У меня есть котенок. Мой котенок серый. Он очень хороший. Я люблю моего котенка. Где он? Он в коробке под кроватью. А у вас есть котенок? Какого цвета ваш котенок? Покажите мне вашего котенка!
  19. 14.6 Составьте свой рассказ про щенка. LESSON FIFTEEN (15) 15.1

    Подберите пары. house ribbon gardens snake that frog this trees those logs these birds girls cage violets umbrella dress trousers that house these trees 15.2 Переведите словосочетания. эта книга эти собаки те карандаши та звезда этот сад это дерево тот флаг то пирожное 15.3 Вставьте пропущенные слова. 1 What is . . . ? - This . . . a tree. Is . . . green? - Yes, it. . . . 2 What is . . . ? - T h a t . . . a bird. Is . . . little? - No, it . . . . . . . 3 What are . . . ? - These . . . flowers. Are . . . red? - No, they . . . . . . . 23
  20. 4 What are . . . ? - Those .

    . . guns. Are . . . good? - Yes, they . . . very good. 15.4 Закончите предложения. Используйте this I that I these / those. Are these your Is . . . your Is . . . his trousers? . . . ? . . . ? I like . . . This ... is Count. . . . . . . white a n d . . . . . . . . . . is black. Show me . . . Catch . . . Take . . . . . . , please. .. . ! . . . .
  21. 15.5 “Bridge game”. В этой игре побеждает тот, кто построит

    самый длинный «Мост» от од­ ного слова до другого. 1 flowers / vase Look! What are these? These are flowers. Are these flowers? Yes, these are flowers. Are these blue flowers? No, they are not. What colour are these flowers? They are white. Are they your flowers? No, they are not my flowers, they are her flowers. Are they in the box? No, they are not. Where are her flowers? They are in the vase. 2 chickens / garden 3 birds / tree 4 pencils / box 5 squirrels / cage 6 cups / table 15.6 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Дайте мне ту белую розу! 2 Какого цвета эти брюки? - Они серые. 3 Что это такое? - Это змея. 4 Этот котенок белый, а тот котенок серый. 5 Эти книги на столе, а те книги под кроватью. 6 Эта птица в клетке, а те птицы на улице. 7 Покажите мне эту комнату. 8 Посмотрите! Что это такое? - Это фиалка. 9 Где та маленькая лягушка? - Она под брев­ ном.
  22. 10 Та птичка на этом дереве? - Да, она на

    этом де­ реве. LESSON SIXTEEN (16) 16.1 Напишите, чье это. Используйте her / his / their.
  23. 1 their umbrellas 4 . . . new car 7

    . . . kitten 2 . . . silver bell 5 . . . bird 8 . . . books 3 . . . grey shirt 6 . . . house 9 . . . doll 16.2 Составьте предложения. copy-book black. spoon white. Our sticks red. My cap good. Your kittens is green. Their dish are grey. Her doll blue. His ribbons yellow. dress silver. trousers new. car old. Her ribbons are new. 16.3 Задайте вопрос и подберите ответ. a new dress. you I a new shirt. have she She long sticks. What has he ? He have a silver bell. they We has good trousers. we They a big dog. yellow chickens. old ribbons. What have they? They have a big dog.
  24. 16.4 Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них. 1 (your mother

    / a new dress) What has your mother? - My mother has a new dress. 2 (our kittens / a blue ribbon) 3 (my rabbits / a big cage) 4 (those children / many violets) 5 (that white goat / a silver bell) 6 (you / a black umbrella) 16.5 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Твой ребенок (a child) дома? - Нет, его дома нет. 2 Ваши дети дома? - Да, они дома. 3 У тебя есть кот? - Да, есть. 4 У твоей мамы есть красная шляпа? - Да, есть. 5 Их кролики белые? - Нет, они серые. 6 У вас в саду есть цветы? - Да, у нас в саду мно­ го цветов. 7 У вашего отца есть новая рубашка и хорошие брюки? - Да, есть. У него новая серая рубашка и хорошие черные брюки. LESSON SEVENTEEN (17) 17.1 Вставьте my / our / your / his / her / its / their.
  25. 1 She has a bird. It is her bird. 2

    I have a pencil. It is . . . pencil. 3 You have a shirt. It is . . . shirt. 4 It has a cage. It is . . . cage. 5 We have a garden. It is . . . garden. 6 He has a snake. It is . . . snake. 7 They have a kitten. It is . . . kitten. 17.2 Переведите словосочетания. мои игрушки - ту toys твой котенок - . . . наш сад - . . . наша кошка - . . . ее брат - . . . его палка - . . . ваш цветок - . . . ваше блюдо - . . . твоя кукла - . . . наше дерево - . . . ваши брюки - . . . их машина - . . . мой кролик - . . . наши цыплята - . . . мое пирожное - . . . твое платье - . . . твои мячи - . . . ваша ваза - . . . 17.3 Составьте вопросы и ответьте на них. 1 (stick / your / long / is)? - Yes, . . . . Is your stick long? - Yes, it is. It is long. 2 (room / is / our / big)? - Yes, . . . . 3 (their / is / dog / black and white)? - No, . . . . 4 (new / her / dress / is)? - Yes, . . . . 5 (are / his / good / books)? - No, . . . . 6 (your / are / children / at home)? - No, . . . .
  26. 17.4 Подберите вопросы к ответам. animals flower this What colour

    is these ? flowers are that animal those colours 1 What flower is that? - That is a daisy. 2............. ? - This is silver. 3............. ? - Those are tigers. 4............. ? - These are green and grey. 5............. ? - This is a lion. 6............. ? - Those are violets. 7............. ? - That is yellow. 8............. ? - These are horses. 17.5 Сравните, используя выражения as ... as или not so ... as. 1 (my umbrella / your umbrella / new) My umbrella is as new as your umbrella. 2 (our kitten / their kitten / small) 3 (their house / his house / not old) 4 (her ribbon / my ribbon / long) 5 (the zebra / the horse / not strong) 6 (our chickens / her chickens / not weak) 17.6 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Шакал такой же серый, как и волк.
  27. 2 Какой это цветок? (Что это за цветок?) — Это

    маргаритка. 3 Что это за животные? (Какие это животные?) - Это зебры. 4 Дай мне свою книгу. 5 Покажите мне свои руки! 6 Где ваша кошка? — Она со своими котятами. 7 У нас в саду много цветов? 8 Роза, маргаритка и фиалка - это цветы? LESSON EIGHTEEN (18) 18.1 Составьте словосочетания и переведите на русский язык. mother umbrella brother cage eagle shirt jackal dress bird ’s tail Kate beak girl toys Kate’s toys. 18.2 Измените предложения. 1 The boy has a book. It is the boy's book. 2 My mother has a dress.
  28. 3 Her father has two hats. 4 This little girl

    has a kitten. 5 Ann has an umbrella. 6 Pete has four tame quails. 7 The bird has a cage. 8 His dog has many puppies. 18.3 Напишите по-английски словосочетания: папин зонтик - father’s umbrella клюв орла - . . . . хвост тигра - . . . . когти льва - . . . . игрушки сестры - . . . . мамино пальто - . . . . клетка птицы - . . . . 18.4 Вставьте пропущенные слова, прочитайте диалоги и переведите их. 1 - What animal . . . this? - . . . is a lion. - ... the lion’s claws sharp? - The lion’s claws . . . very sharp. The lion is a big and strong . . . . 2 - . . . bird is that? - T h a t . . . an eagle. - ... the eagle’s beak sharp? - Yes, the . . . beak is very sharp.
  29. - Is . . . tame? - No, it .

    . . not. 18.5 Переведите на английский язык. 1 - У Аниной мамы есть кольцо. - У ее мамы золотое кольцо? - Да. 2 - У брата Тома есть палка. - А палка брата длинная? - Нет. 3 - У Кати есть перепелка. - Катина перепелка ручная? - Да. 4 - Брат Тома силен, как лев. - А лев - сильное животное? - Да. LESSON NINETEEN (19) 19.1 Заполните пропуски местоимениями. Ис­ пользуйте his / her / your. 1 What is your name? - My name is Nina. 2 What is . . . name? - Her name is Kate. 3 What is . . . name? - His name is Nick.
  30. 4 What is . . . brother’s name? - Her

    brother’s name is Boris. 5 What is . . . mother’s name? - My mother’s name is Ann. 6 What is . . . father’s name? - His father’s name is Victor. 19.2 Спросите своего друга Как зовут . . . ? 1 его брата What is your brother’s name? 2 его сестру 3 сына мистера Дэвида 4 дочь мистера Брауна 5 их собаку 6 ее кошку 19.3 Составьте предложения. 1 (a ring / mother / Ann’s / has). Ann’s mother has a ring. 2 (mother’s / is / their / dress / yellow)? 3 (claws / sharp / tiger’s / very / are / the). 4 (Brown / who / Mr. / is)? 5 (weak / animal / what / is)? 6 (Brown / mother’s / your / brother / Mr. / is)? 7 (is / small / as / the fox / as / the jackal). 19.4 Переведите на английский язык. - Кто вы такой?
  31. - Я мистер Браун. Я врач. - А как вас

    зовут? - Меня зовут Пэн. Я сын вашего друга. - А кто этот человек? - Это мой брат. - Как его зовут? - Его зовут Большой Сэм. Он охотник. Он очень хороший охотник. У него есть собака и ружье. - А как зовут собаку Сэма? - Ее зовут Рекс. Его собака сильная и очень умная. - Она старая? - Нет, она не старая. Мне нравится его соба­ ка. - Где сейчас его собака? - Она дома. - Покажите мне собаку. LESSON TWENTY (20) 20.1 Заполните пропуски. Используйте is или are. 1 Where is my monkey? - It is on the chair. 2 Where . . . my shoes? - They . . . under the sofa. 3 Where . . . Nick’s friends? - They . . . in the street.
  32. 4 Where . . . Nick’s father? - He ...

    in the car. 5 Where . . . the gun? - It . . . in the room. 20.2 Задайте вопрос и ответьте на него. a) father’s shoes? my pencil? is your toys? Where are Jimmy’s puppy? mother’s umbrella? green stockings? Polly’s copy-book? b) the box. It is in the chair. They are on the table. under the sofa. the street. Where are your toys? They are in the box. 20.3 Заполните пропуски нужными предлога­ ми. 1 My father’s car is in the street. 2 Our friends are n o t . . . home now. 3 They are . . . the cinema with my brother. 4 Where are the cups? - They are . . . the cup­ board. 5 Polly’s quail is tame. It is . . . the cage.
  33. 6 Where are Mammy’s shoes? - They are . .

    . the chair. 7 And where is her umbrella? - It is . . . the sofa. 8 The squirrel is not . . . the cage. It is . . . the tree. 20.4 Задайте вопрос Где . . . ? и ответьте на него. 1 (those boys / at home) Where are those boys? - They are at home. 2 (Ann’s toys / in the box) 3 (Mammy’s cup / in the cupboard) 4 (Nick’s friends / in the street) 5 (that girl / at school) 6 (my pair of shoes / under the chair) 20.5 Переведите русские реплики на английский язык. 1 Где твой щенок? - It is in the street. 2 Are her brother’s toys in the box? - Да, они в ко­ робке. 3 Друзья Сэма дома? - No, they are not. 4 Where are they? - Они в кино. 5 Принеси мне, пожалуйста, мое платье. - It is on the sofa. 6 Дай маме мою новую тарелку. - It is on the table.
  34. 7 Are the birds in the tree? - Да, они

    в гнезде на дереве. 8 Где мои брюки? - Они на стуле. Take your trousers. LESSON TWENTY-ONE (21) 21.1 Заполните пропуски. Используйте is или are. Ответьте на вопросы. 1 What is your name? . . . you ten years old? How old . . . you? 2 Have you a brother? W h a t . . . his name? How old . . . your brother? 3 Have you good friends? . . . they ten or eleven? How old . . . they? 21.2 Спросите Сколько лет . . . ? и ответьте на вопрос. 1 (Tom’s sister / 8) How old is Tom’s sister? She is 8. 2 (Tom’s cat / 3) 3 (Tom’s mother / 29) 4 (Tom’s friends / 10) 5 (sister’s puppy / I)
  35. 21.3 Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1 Сколько лет твоему

    щенку? 2 Мой щенок очень забавный. 3 Где обезьянка Сэма? - Она на спине у своего друга. 4 Как зовут друга обезьянки? - Его зовут Кики. 5 Какого цвета Кики? - Кики серый. 6 Это очень старый ослик. Он очень слабый. 21.4 “Bridge game.” В этой игре побеждает тот, кто построит «Мост» от первого слова до последнего, используя при этом как можно больше данных слов. I, Nick, Pete, my friend(s), name, ten years old, a monkey, two years old, funny, brown, a quail, tame, grey, a cage, a tail, long, not long, a beak, not sharp. 21.5 Посчитайте. 1 How many is 5 and 7? Five and seven is twelve. 2 How many is 8 and 2? 3 How many is 3 and 6? 4 How many is 10 and 11 ? 5 How many is 9 and 4? 6 How many is 13 and 3? 7 How many is 14 and 4?
  36. 8 How many is 15 and 5? 9 How many

    is 16 and 6? LESSON TWENTY-TWO (22) 22.1 Напишите эти слова во множественном числе. a dish - dishes a tree - ... a dress - . . . a wolf - . . . a spoon - ... an eagle - . . . a bird - . . . a driver - ... a child - . . . a knife - . . . a duckling - ... a cow - . . . a lion - . . . a fork - ... a leaf - . . . 22.2 Заполните пропуски. Используйте данные глаголы. to go to write to put to take to look to count to give to catch to open to go to show to put 1 Jill, go to bed! 2 Ann, . . . the knife down! 3 Where is your new shirt? . . . it on! 4 . . . home! Your father is at home now. 5 Kate, . . . the forks, please. How many forks are there? 6 . . . at the flowers! What colour are they? 7 . . . this frog for me! I like it.
  37. 8 . . . me this silver bell! How nice

    it is! May I take it? 9 . . . your copy-books, children! . . . these new words! 10 . . . your dress and . . . it to me, please! 22.3 Составьте предложения. 1 (penknife / put / Jimmy / down / the)! Jimmy, put the penknife down! 2 (this / please / take / Jill / box / little). 3 (four / brown / she / pairs / has / of / stockings). 4 (Ann’s / how / brother / old / is)? 5 (see / nests / they / in / trees / many / those). 22.4 Вставьте предлоги to / with I down I on I up. 1 Sit . . . , children! Take your books! 2 Stand . . . , please! Come . . . me! 3 Go . . . the cupboard and open it! 4 Put your shoes . . . ! 5 Put the penknife . . . ! 6 Give his copy-book . . . me, please! 7 Go . . . the cinema . . . your friends! 22.5 Исполните роль учителя (говорите по-анг­ лийски). 1 Ребята! Откройте свои учебники! 2 Читайте урок 22!
  38. 3 Сэм, положи свой перочинный ножик! Читай текст (the text)!

    4 Садись, Сэм, спасибо! 5 Ребята, возьмите свои тетради, откройте их и пишите слова! 6 Положите ручки и карандаши! Спасибо! LESSON TWENTY-THREE (23)
  39. 23.1 Задайте шесть вопросов, используя глаго­ лы из таблицы. Ответьте

    на вопросы. 1 Can you read? - Yes, I can. (No, I cannot.) 23.2 Напишите о себе, своем друге и о своих друзьях, умеют ли они это делать. Исполь­ зуйте все глаголы из таблицы. 1 I can read very well. Не cannot read at all. They can read too. We can read and write. 23.3 Вставьте пропущенные слова. 1 The fox can run fast. 2 The lion . . . fly. 3 The . . . cannot count. 4 The snake . . . fly at all. 5 The . . . can fly very fast. 6 Ducks and ducklings can . . . and . . . . 7 . . . your father drive a car? - Yes, he . . . . 8 Can . . . swim? - Yes, . . . . . . very well. 9 Can the frog . . .? - No, it . . . . 10 . . . turkeys fly? - Yes, . . . can fly but not very well. 23.4 Составьте предложения с can и cannot. 1 (she / at all / swim). She cannot swim at all. 2 (you / my toys / take).
  40. 3 (he / very fast / read / now). 4

    (the door / you / open) ? 5 (my father / a car / too / drive). 6 (at all / children / little / count). 7 (fly / swim / but / frogs / they). 23.5 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Мой папа хорошо умеет водить машину. 2 Джимми совсем не умеет плавать. 3 У меня есть забавный щенок. Он умеет откры­ вать дверь. 4 Ты можешь показать мне свои игрушки? - Да. 5 Наши дети хорошо умеют читать и считать, но они совсем не умеют писать. 6 Ты можешь дать мне эту книгу? - Нет, не могу. Это книга моего брата. 7 Орел умеет летать, но не умеет плавать. 8 Умеет ли ослик быстро бегать? - Нет, он умеет быстро ходить, но не умеет быстро бегать. 9 Может ли Полли принести котятам рыбу? 10 Кто умеет летать? 11 Какие животные умеют плавать?
  41. LESSON TWENTY-FOUR (24) 24.1 Напишите, что вы должны делать и

    что вам запрещено. 1 (go to school) I must go to school. 2 (sit on the table) I must not sit on the table. 3 (drive a car) 4 (take father’s gun) 5 (put on mother’s dress) 6 (sit on the back of a chair) 7 (come from school too late) 8 (learn to read and to write) 24.2 Ответьте на вопросы. Переведите вопро­ сы и ответы на русский язык. 1 Can you give me a knife? 2 May my brother go with us? 3 Must we read lesson 20? 4 May I put this shirt on? 5 Can you count from 10 to 20? 6 Must you go to school now? 24.3 Попросите разрешения: 1 положить туфли в коробку. 2 открыть портфель и взять книгу. 3 сесть на диван. 4 надеть красное с белым платье. 5 посчитать тетради на столе.
  42. 24.4 Составьте предложения по таблице. I Kate our my friends

    puppy get up early can draw a camel cannot read these words must sit there must not come in may fly cannot count from 1 to 10 can run very fast may not open the door can Kate may come in. 24.5 Посмотрите на рисунок и напишите свои предложения. Mr. Smith Alice
  43. 1 Whose is this? This is Mr. Smith’s 2 Whose

    are these? These are Alice’s. 3 ... ... ... ... ? ... ... ... 4 ... ... ... ... ? ... ... ... 5 ... ... ... ... ? ... ... ... 6. . . . ? . . 7. . . . ? . . 8. . . . ? . . 9 . . . ? . . 10. . . ? . . 24.6 Переведите на английский язык. 1 - Ты можешь показать мне свои игрушки? - Да, они в маминой комнате. 2 - Можно мне почитать эту книгу? - Нет, нельзя. Ты еще маленький. 3 - Ты должна надеть это платье. 4 - Почему ты дома? Ты болен? - Да, я болен. - Можно мы придем навестить тебя? - Нет, вам нельзя приходить ко мне. 5 - Том, почему твоя рубашка на моей кровати? Ты должен забрать ее в свою комнату. 6 - Ваша школа далеко от дома? - Да.
  44. 7 - Чьи это дети во дворе? Почему они не

    в школе? - У них сейчас нет уроков. LESSON TWENTY-FIVE (25) 25.1 Задайте вопросы к ответам, данным ниже. 1 Yes, Polly can read, write, and count. Can Polly read, write, and count? Yes, Polly can read, write, and count. 2 Yes, you may take this book. 3 Yes, Jimmy must learn to read. 4 No, Mom cannot drive a car at all. 5 No, you may not. 6 No, you must not go there. 25.2 Составьте предложения и переведите. go to school. Dad can drive a car. I cannot read lesson 20. Polly and Kate may sit on the table. Mr. White may not put the dress on. You must go to the garden. must not come in. take my umbrella. Dad can drive a car.
  45. 25.3 Вставьте пропущенные слова. Jimmy is seven . . .

    old now. He must. . . to school. He . . . learn to write and to read. Jimmy . . . a lazy boy. He . . . get up early. . . . cannot sit with . . . book. He is . . . lazy. Jimmy’s sister Polly is not lazy at all. She is a very good . . . . She . . . read, write, and count. 25.4 Согласитесь или не согласитесь. 1 Pete and Nick must get up early. Yes, Pete and Nick must get up early. 2 Pete’s monkey must take Dad’s penknife. No, Pete’s monkey must not take Dad’s penknife. 3 His brother may not sit on the sofa. 4 We can write new words. 5 Children may draw with coloured pencils. 6 I may drive a car. I am too little. 7 Their mother cannot go to the cinema. 8 My sister must sit in the cage. 25.5 Переведите на английский язык письменно и устно. Ане семь лет. Она хорошо умеет читать и счи­ тать, но она совсем не умеет писать. Аня долж­ на пойти в школу. Она должна научиться пи­ сать. Она совсем не ленивая, она очень хоро­ шая девочка. Аня умеет рисовать птиц и жи­ вотных. Она может нарисовать лошадь и верб­ люда, кошку, собаку и даже индейца. Я не умею
  46. рисовать животных, но я могу нарисовать сосну и ель. Я

    люблю рисовать цветными карандаша­ ми. А ты? LESSON TWENTY-SIX (26) 26.1 Составьте рассказ по картинке. Используй­ те слова в скобках.
  47. 1 (a sofa / in the room) There is a

    sofa in the room. 2 (a table / in the room) 3 (a book / on the table) 4 (a pen / on the table) 5 (a pair of shoes / under the sofa) 6 (a chair / in the room) 7 (a cat / on the chair) 8 (a flower / in the vase) 9 (a cupboard / in the room) 26.2 Поставьте перед данными словами а / an или some. 1 some milk 8 ... jam 2 ... toy 9 ... eagle 3 ... apple 10 ... owl 4 ... copy-book 11 ... minute 5 ... pair of shoes 12 ... water 6 ... animal 13 ... umbrella 7 ... tea 14 ... eye 26.3 Вставьте в предложения слова some / а / an. 1 There is a sofa in my room. 2 There is . . . apple on the table. 3 There is . . . jam on the plate. 4 There is . . . little quail in the nest. 5 There is . . . ball under the bed. 6 There is . . . milk in the glass.
  48. 7 There is . . . frog on the log.

    8 There is . . . coloured pencil in her box. 9 There is . . . boiled water in the bottle. 10 There is . . . toy tiger under his chair. 26.4 Составьте предложения, переведите их на русский язык. pairs of shoes under the sofa. some nuts on the plate. many ducks in the yard. There are six brothers at home. four big trees in the street. two birds in the tree. tigers in the cage. There are two birds in the tree. 26.5 Вставьте is или are. 1 There are two girls at home. 2 There . . . a silver bell in the box. 3 There . . . many trees in the street. 4 Look! There . . . jam on your trousers. 5 There . . . a big apple-tree in their garden. 6 There . . . some new words in the book. 7 There . . . some water in the cup. 8 There . . . a duck under the pine-tree. 9 There . . . eight nuts on the blue saucer. 10 There . . . five boys in the yard.
  49. 26.6 Заполните пропуски. 1 There are two gold rings in

    Mammy’s box. 2 There is . . . toy monkey on the sofa. 3 There are . . . apples on the dish. 4 There . . . a mouse in the house. 5 There is . . . milk in the glass. 6 There are many . . . in the cupboard. 7 There is . . . owl in the tree. 8 There are . . . children in the car. 9 There . . . some boiled water in the bottle. 10 There are some . . . in the vase. 26.7 Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1 На яблоне много яблок. 2 Под деревом собака. 3 В бутылке есть немного кипяченой воды. 4 Во дворе есть мальчики. 5 В нашей клетке птица. 6 В этом ящике лежат игрушки. 7 На Анином столе лежит несколько книг. 8 В книге много новых слов. 9 На блюдце немного яблочного варенья. 10 В коробочке лежат два маленьких серебряных колокольчика.
  50. LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN (27) 27.1 Составьте предложения, используя оборот there is

    I there are. Добавьте much I many в значении «много». 1 (cakes / on the dish) There are many cakes on the dish. 2 (milk / in the cup) There is much milk in the cup. 3 (apples / on the apple-tree) 4 (jam / on the saucer) 5 (water / in the kettle) 6 (knives and forks / on the table) 7 (nuts and mushrooms / in the forest) 8 (butter / for tea) 9 (cups / in the cupboard) 10 (bread / for dinner) 27.2 Напишите предложения из предыдущего упражнения в отрицательной форме. Ис­ пользуйте not many I not much. There are not many cakes on the dish. 27.3 Вставьте is I are. Напишите отрицательные предложения с is no I are no. 1 There is a car in the street. There is no car in the street.
  51. 2 There . . . spoons in those cups. 3

    There . . . juice in that glass. 4 There . . . children in his yard. 5 There . . . a mouse under my bed. 6 There . . . fir-trees in the forest. 7 There . . . cheese for dinner. 8 There . . . a chair at the table. 27.4 Задайте вопросы к предложениям из уп­ ражнений 27.1 и 27.3. Are there many cakes on the dish? 27.5 Заполните пропуски, используя some I any. 1 Is there any milk in the glass? - Yes, there is some milk in the glass. 2 Give me . . . water, please. - But there is not . . . water in the kettle. 3 Are there . . . children in the class? - No, there are not . . . children in the class. 4 Is there . . . bread and butter for tea? - Yes, there is . . . bread and butter for tea. 5 Take . . . books from the table. - But there are not . . . books on the table. 6 Are there . . . flowers in the vase? - No, there are not . . . flowers in the vase.
  52. 27.6 Составьте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов английского предложения. 1 (animals

    / in / many / there / are / forest / the). There are many animals in the forest 2 (are / gold / there / two / rings / box / the / in)? . . . . . . ? - Yes, there are. 3 Is there a green ball under the bed? - (no / is / there / not) . . . . . . . 4 (is / much / jam / tea / for / there)? . . . . ? - Yes, there is much. 5 Are there many frogs in the lake? (not / are / there / no) . . . . . . . 6 (dish / the / a / fish / there / is / on)? . . . . . . ? - No, there is not. 27.7 Переведите на английский язык. 1 На столе много учебников? - Да, много. 2 Дома есть масло? - Нет, дома совсем нет мас­ ла. 3 Положи на тарелку немного сыра. 4 В стакане есть молоко? - Да, в стакане есть немного молока. 5 В этой чашке молоко? - Нет, в чашке чай с мо­ локом. 6 В вашем классе есть мальчики? - Да, есть. Но в нашем классе немного мальчиков.
  53. LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT (28) 28.1 Выпишите существительные с a / an

    в одну колонку, а существительные, перед кото­ рыми этот артикль не ставится, в другую. pig, box, jam, class, bread, bed, vase, star, cheese, lamp, wolf, squirrel, butter, spoon, stick, word, frog, tea, horse, animal, daisy, honey, tail, shoe, year, back, minute, milk, eye, jug, bee 28.2 Напишите существительные во множе­ ственном числе и прочитайте их. 1 a vase, a horse, a table, a cage, a bottle, an eye, a shoe 2 a lamp, a kitten, a lesson, a stick, a word, a shirt, a stocking 3 a fox, a box, a glass, a dress 4 a star, a car, a chair, a year, a swallow 5 a driver, a sister, a saucer 6 a boy, a toy, a turkey 7 a fly, a daisy, a puppy, a lorry, a berry, a butterfly 8 a wolf, a leaf, a knife, a penknife 28.3 Напишите, где это возможно, выделенные слова во множественном числе. Предло­ жения с ними переделайте. 1 The bee is on the rose. The bees are on the rose. 2 There is a mouse under the floor.
  54. 3 Where is the ladybird? 4 What colour is the

    leaf? 5 Is there much milk in the jug? 6 There is a frog on the log. 7 Whose lorry is this? 8 Is there any butter on the table? 9 Can you catch a fly? 28.4 Напишите отрицательные предложения. Используйте is not / are not / is no / are no. 1 There is much milk in the bottle. There is not much milk in the bottle. 2 There are some trees in the garden. 3 There are six flowers in the vase. 4 There is a cake for tea. 5 There are two funny frogs on the log. 6 There is a spoon on my plate. 28.5 Задайте вопрос, используя для этого сло­ ва в скобках. Ответ должен подходить по смыслу. 1 (bread / at home)? Is there any bread at home? Yes, there is some. 2 (much milk / for tea)? No, there is not much. 3 (an eagle / in the tree)? Yes, there is. 4 (many coloured pencils / in the box)? Yes, there arc many.
  55. 5 (many roses / in the vase)? No, there are

    not many. 28.6 Вставьте пропущенные слова. 1 How many flowers are there in the vase? - There are seven flowers in the vase. 2 There are many . . . and . . . in the forest. 3 Is there . . . milk in the glass? - No, there . . . not. 4 Are there . . . and . . . in your class? - Yes, there 5 Is . . . much . . . on the saucer? - No, there . . . not. 6 Are there many . . . on that bush? - Yes, there . . . . 28.7 Переведите на английский язык. 1 В нашем лесу много елей и сосен. Они большие и крепкие. 2 Какой большой гриб! Посмотрите на него. Там под елью много грибов. 3 В комнате много мух. Можешь поймать ту боль­ шую муху? 4 В саду много пчел. Несколько пчел на кухне. Одна пчела в блюдце с медом. 5 - Кто может нарисовать божью коровку на ли­ стике? - Сэм. Он очень хорошо умеет рисовать цвет­ ными карандашами. Он умеет рисовать птиц, деревья и животных.
  56. LESSON TWENTY-NINE (29) 29.1 Заполните пропуски. 1 Are there any

    toys for children at home? 2 There is . . . red car in the yard. 3 There are not . . . books for boys and girls at school. 4 . . . is not much milk in the bottle. 5 Is there . . . cheese on the plate? - Yes, there . . . some. 6 There are . . . many trees in the garden. 7 . . . there a spoon on the table? 8 There is . . . pencil in the pencil-box. Give me your pencil, please. 29.2 Подберите пары и составьте предложения. Используйте is / are. the stars white the clouds blue by day the night dark the sky hot the moon not hot the sun clever the puppy tame the frog funny the monkey green the quail grey silver The sky is very dark at night.
  57. 29.3 Составьте 6 предложений. 12 months 7 days a week.

    There are 4 weeks in a day. 30-31 days a year. 24 hours a month. 52 weeks 29.4 Задайте вопросы Сколько ... ? How many ... are there . . . . . . ? the room flies the table windows in the bush cups on the cupboard spoons under the sofa girls at the plate stockings the forest berries home children school How many flies are there in the room? 29.5 Задайте вопросы к ответам, данным ниже. 1 There are twelve months in a year. How many months are there in a year? flowers the vase mushrooms
  58. There are twelve months in a year. 2 Yes, there

    are twelve months in a year. 3 No, there are not. There are twelve months in a year. 4 The sky is blue by day. 5 Yes, it is dark at night. 6 There are seven days in a week. LESSON THIRTY (30) 30.1 Напишите предложения в будущем време­ ни (Future Indefinite). Делайте при необхо­ димости изменения в предложении. 1 Birds fly to Africa. Birds will fly to Africa. 2 They draw animals well. 3 These children help their mother. 4 We open the window in our room. 5 I come to see Mr. Dale. 6 Children read and write at school. 7 We eat apples every day. (tomorrow) 8 They take their dog to the street. 9 The day is hot. 30.2 Задайте вопросы к предложениям. 1 We shall go to school tomorrow. Shall we go to school tomorrow?
  59. 2 He will read this book quickly. 3 They will

    bring you some mushrooms. 4 She will put on her new dress. 5 I shall run to the lake. 6 The cat will catch a mouse. 7 The children will bring their mother some berries. 8 We shall go to the cinema tomorrow. 30.3 Напишите отрицательные предложения. 1 He will learn a rhyme. He will not learn a rhyme. He won't learn a rhyme. 2 Mrs. Dale will count the ducklings. 3 They will come to see Peter. 4 We shall write a letter to our grandmother. 5 She will get up early tomorrow. 6 Tommy will go to school tomorrow. 7 You will learn new English words at the next lesson. 30.4 Ответьте на вопросы о себе. 1 Will you get up early tomorrow? No, I shan't get up early tomorrow. 2 Will you go to school tomorrow? 3 Will you write a letter to your friend in London? 4 Will you take your dog to the street? 5 Will you eat any bread and butter?
  60. 6 Will you learn new English words at your English

    lesson? 7 Will you put your coat on tomorrow? 8 Will you eat an apple? 9 Will you count from one to thirty in English? 10 Will you take your umbrella with you tomor­ row? 11 Will you go to see your friend on Sunday? 30.5 Кате с Аней и Биллу задавали разные воп­ росы. Ответьте на эти вопросы, пользуясь табличкой. go to school tomorrow? yes no learn a new rhyme? no yes eat a cake? yes yes have a puppy? no yes draw a horse? yes no Ann and Kate will go to school tomorrow. Bill will not (won’t) go to school tomorrow. Will you _____________________Ann and Kate Bill
  61. LESSON THTRTY-ONE (31) 31.1 Образуйте сравнительную степень прила­ гательных. old

    - older strong - . . . new - . . . cold - . . . small - . . . dark - . . . short - . . . weak - . . . long - . . . sharp - . . . warm - . . . fast - . . . late - . . . high - . . . 31.2 Сравните Джека, его сестру Джил и их папу. Jack his sister Jill their Dad 1 (Jill / Jack / weak) Jill is weaker than Jack. 2 (Dad / Jack / strong)
  62. 3 (Dad / Jill / old) 4 (Jack / Jill

    / fast) 5 (Jill / Jack / short) 6 (Jack / Jill / old) 7 (Dad/Jill/tall) 8 (Jill’s coat / Jack’s coat / warm) 31.3 Вставьте as ... as или переделайте пред­ ложения, употребив so ... as. 1 My brother’s coat is newer than my coat. My coat is not so new as my brother’s coat. 2 The lion is . . . strong . . . the tiger. 3 The eagle is faster than the quail. 4 This cloud is darker than that cloud. 5 Those pine-trees are . . . high . . . these fir-trees. 6 May is longer than April. 7 London is older than New York. 31.4 Подберите пары. Who is this man? She is my sister. What is your brother? I am a schoolboy. Who is that girl? I am Mr. Steven’s son. What is your mother? They are doctors. Who are you? He is Jack’s father. What are you? She is a doctor. Who is that boy in a He is my son. black coat? My brother is a student. What are those two men? What is your brother? - My brother is a student.
  63. 31.5 Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными ниже. Поставьте их в нужную

    форму. to have to help to bring to come to run 1 I shall read the book if they bring it to me. 2 The cat will catch these mice if i t . . . fast. 3 She will draw a tiger if you . . . her. 4 I shall see my friends when they . . . . 5 They will give you coloured pencils if they . . . . LESSON THIRTY-TWO (32) 32.1 В каждую группу слов попало лишнее сло­ во, вычеркните его. 1 a day, a lorry, a minute, a year, a month, a week 2 a fly, a ladybird, a bird, a butterfly, a bee 3 at the cinema, at school, at home, in the forest, at night 4 a chair, a sofa, a friend, a bed, a cupboard, a table 5 a fork, a knife, a cup, a car, a glass, a spoon, a plate 6 milk, a nut, an apple, jam, water, a camel, bread, a lemon 7 a coat, trousers, stockings, a mouse, a hat, a dress, a pair of shoes, a shirt 8 a cat, a pig, a cow, a snake, a puppy, a dog, a hen 9 a puppy, a kitten, a chicken, a dog, a duckling
  64. 32.2 Составьте предложения. 1 (hungry / he / also /

    is). He is also hungry. 2 (bread / shall / and / eat / butter /I). 3 (school / go / to / will / tomorrow / they)? 4 (well / draw / they / butterflies / very). 5 (her / she / older / than / is / sister). 6 (as / he / his / as / is / strong / father). 7 (leave / I / room / your / won’t). 32.3 Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы. 1 Can you swim well? - Yes, I can. 2 Will he go to school tomorrow? 3 Is there a book on the table? 4 Is she also lazy? 5 Has the girl a balloon? 6 Can he read fast now? 7 Have you any coloured pencils? 8 Will you come in? 9 Has his puppy a long tail? 10 Are you hungry? 32.4 Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1 I (to run) run very fast. 2 He (to run) . . . very fast too. 3 We often (to sleep) . . . in the garden. 4 Her sister (to leave) . . . home early. 5 Sally (to open) . . . the window in her room when she is hot.
  65. 6 Mr. Bay often (to go) . . . to

    the cinema with his son. 7 My Mammy (to swim) . . . very well. 8 We (to swim) . . . well too. 32.5 Составьте предложения, обращая внима­ ние на форму глагола. has a car. always help their mother. Tom is always hungry. LESSON THIRTY-THREE (33) 33.1 Напишите пары слов или выражений с про­ тивоположными значениями. Early, big, fat, strong, bad, come out, yes, old, stand up, long, on the bed, by day, white, short, no, at night, late, little, weak, come in, black, under the bed, new, good, thin, sit down, tall. Tall - short, . . . Tom have a puppy. Тоm and his brother are very good children. Jimmy always gets up early. Tom’s Dad and Mom is always hungry. Tom’s Dad go to school. Tom’s Mom always sleep well.
  66. 33.2 Составьте предложения и переведите их на русский язык. to

    make French. to read her friends. Ann to drive songs. Ann’s mother like to help rhymes. Ann’s friends likes to sing a car. Ann’s brother to eat dresses. to buy cakes. to speak jam. Ann's friends like to sing songs. 33.3 Составьте всевозможные пары слов. Пере­ ведите словосочетания. a toy tiger - игрушечный тигр tiger apple juice lemon tea fruit tree toy soup bear monkey 33.4 Расскажите, кто из ваших друзей и род­ ных любит / умеет / не умеет делать сле­ дующее:
  67. 1 петь; My silly sister likes to sing, but she

    cannot sing at all. My Mammy can sing very well. 2 плавать; 3 ловить лягушек; 4 писать стихи; 5 считать воробьев; 6 печь пирожные (to make cakes); 7 говорить скороговорки. 33.5 Вставьте перед глаголами частицу to, где это необходимо. 1 Children like to eat apples and cakes. 2 You can . . . catch butterflies in the field. 3 Sparrows cannot . . . run very fast, but they can . . . fly rather high. 4 Sam likes . . . read and . . . learn rhymes. 5 My brother cannot . . . drive a car at all. 6 We m u s t . . . get up early tomorrow, we shall . . . help our mother. 7 We like . . . help our Mom. 8 Girls like . . . draw flowers.
  68. LESSON THIRTY-FOUR (34) 34.1 Составьте предложения. Bears, butterflies, hens, zebras,

    storks, camels, rabbits, turkeys, roses, tigers, chickens, foxes, birds. violets, lions, wolves, domestic animals. pigs, dogs, eagles, bees, are wild animals. donkeys, swallows, qua­ insects. ils, cows, horses, squir­ flowers. rels, ducks, monkeys, flies, goats, ladybirds, sparrows, ants, sheep Rabbits, cows, sheep are domestic animals. 34.2 Согласитесь или не согласитесь. 1 The tiger is a wild animal. Yes, it is. The tiger is a wild animal. 2 The fox is a domestic animal. No, it is not. It is not a domestic animal. The fox is a wild animal. 3 The lion is a wild animal. 4 The sheep is a wild animal. 5 The wolf is a wild animal. 6 The pig is a domestic animal. 7 The sparrow is an insect. 8 The ant is an insect.
  69. 9 The stork is a bird. 10 The bear is

    a bird. 34.3 В этих маленьких рассказах много ошибок. Составьте свои рассказы, исправляя напи­ санное. 1 The tiger is a bird. It is a wild bird. It is little. The tiger has a long beak and strong wings. It can swim very well, but it cannot run at all. It is black and white. It likes butterflies. 2 The cow is an insect. It is a domestic insect. It is white and brown. It likes grass and honey. It has two strong wings and six weak legs. It can fly from one flower to another. It gives children honey. 3 The sparrow is an animal. It is a wild animal. It is very big. It likes grains. It is green. It lives in trees and in bushes. It jumps and runs well, but cannot fly at all. It can catch a wolf and eat it. 34.4 Попробуйте самостоятельно составить рас­ сказы о животных, птицах, цветах, насеко­ мых. 34.5 Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. Many people (люди) like to go to the Black Sea or . . . the Baltic Sea. When the day is hot, they
  70. lie . . . the sun . . . the

    seashore. When it is too hot, some of them lie or sit . . . the shade or . . . the tree. If the water is warm, they swim ... the sea. Children play . . . the seashore . . . their toys. They like to run and to jump . . . the water. There are many people . . . the South even . . . winter. Days are rather warm. Some people swim . . . the sea even . . . winter. Plants are always green . . . the South. I also like to go . . . the Black Sea. LESSON THIRTY-FIVE (35) 35.1 Заполните пропуски. 1 In England they speak English. 2 In . . . they speak Chinese. 3 In Germany they speak . . . . 4 In . . . they speak French. 5 In Russia they speak . . . . 6 In the USA they speak . . . . 35.2 Дайте полный ответ. 1 Are the Urals between the Volga and the Lena? (Yes) Yes, the Urals are between the Volga and the Lena.
  71. 2 Where are the Urals? (Russia) 3 Are the Urals

    very high? (No) 4 Are the Pamirs higher than the Urals? (Yes) 5 Is the Black Sea in the South? (Yes) 6 Is the Lena as long as the Volga? (No) 7 Is France as large as Canada? (No) 8 Is Russia larger than France? (Yes) 9 Where is the deepest lake in the world? (Russia) 35.3 Найдите верный ответ. Who can speak French? Yes, I can. Who lives in Russia? The English and the Can the Chinese speak Americans can. Chinese? The Germans speak Can he read English German. books? The French can speak Who speaks German? French. Who can speak Yes, they can. English? The Russians live in Can the Russians speak Russia. Chinese? No, he cannot. Can you read Russian No, they cannot, books? 35.4 Догадайтесь, кто где живет. The Chinese live in China.
  72. The Canadians China. The French Russia. The Chinese the USA.

    The Greeks England. The Germans Japan. The Italians Italy. The Japanese Germany. The English Greece. The Americans Canada. The Russians France. 35.5 “Bridge game”. Победит тот, кто построит самый длинный «Мост» от одного слова до другого. 1 The Germans / China The Germans live in Germany. They speak German. I can speak German too though I am not German. Tom also can speak German. He likes to speak German. He speaks German well. He can read German books. Tom’s friend can speak German too. But he is not German. He is Chinese. He speaks Chinese. He lives in China. 2 Mr. Dale / France 3 England / the Russians 4 The French / Germany
  73. LESSON THIRTY-SIX (36) 36.1 Прочитайте ответ и задайте к нему

    вопрос. 1 Can she read English books? - Yes, she can read English books. 2 . . . . ? - Yes, they can swim well. 3 . . . . ? - Yes, he is from France. 4 . . . . ? - No, there are not many books here. 5 . . . . ? - No, he cannot speak German at all. 6 . . . . ? - Yes, they are from England. 7 . . . . ? - No, there is not much cheese for tea. 36.2 Составьте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов английского предложения. 1 (can / French / or / they / English / speak)? Can they speak English or French ? 2 (hungry / the / are / children). 3 (dinner / is / bread / for / any / there)? 4 (well / they / not / are). 5 (though / can / he / German / speak / from / is / France / he). 6 (mother / home / their / is / at / not). 7 (there / forest / birds / are / in / many / the)? 8 (go / must / tomorrow / they / school / to). 36.3 Заполните пропуски, используя can I must I may и один из глаголов. have speak eat pick say buy read go go
  74. 1 She is very clever. She can speak German, English

    and French. 2 . . . he . . . home? - Yes, he may. 3 He is eight. He . . . . . . fast. 4 . . . she . . . another cup of tea? 5 . . . you . . . that Peter is ill? 6 Tom is not well. He . . . . . . many apples. 7 He . . . . . . to the cinema after school. 8 Mary, you . . . . . . some honey for her granny because grandma likes it very much. 9 The apples are ripe and juicy. You . . . . . . the apples. 36.4 Составьте предложения и дополните их подходящими по смыслу фразами. You are ill. Mr. Smith am well. Your is hungry. friends am not angry. I are not hot. My sister is not full. She cannot go to school tomorrow. . . . with his little dog. It is so funny. I won’t cat, thank you. They will go to the lake to swim. Open the window, please. You must lie down.
  75. I shall take this apple with me. I am hot.

    Open the window, please. 36.5 Закончите предложения. 1 He looks at his hands. I look at my hands. They............................... We ................................. You ............................... 2 She is angry with her son. I .................................... He ................................. They............................... We ................................ 3 I sit at my table. We ................................ She................................ You............................... They.............................. 4 We often help our mother. You .............................. I ................................... She .............................. They............................. LESSON THIRTY-SEVEN (37) 37.1 Скажите про своего друга, что он любит делать и что он умеет делать хорошо. Используйте данные выражения.
  76. 1 to speak English My friend likes to speak English.

    My friend can speak English well 2 to drive a car 3 to swim and to run 4 to help his father 5 to read rhymes 6 to draw wild animals 7 to make toy cars 37.2 Предложите своим друзьям: 1 I like to speak French. Let us speak French! 2 I like to make cakes for tea. 3 I like to go to the cinema. 4 I like to see films about insects. 5 I like to draw cars. 6 I like to learn new English words. 7 I like to make bird-houses. 37.3 Ответьте на вопросы. Используйте my I our I his I her I its I their. 1 Where is your penknife, Tom? (table) My penknife is on the table. 2 Where are your dolls, girls? (box) 3 Where is your father, little boy? (at home) 4 Where is this boy’s dog? (yard) 5 Where are those men’s cars? (street) 6 Where is the little kitten’s ribbons? (chair) 7 Where is Jane’s picture? (wall)
  77. 37.4 Переделайте предложения. Используйте our / your / their. 1

    His cap and my cap are on the sofa. Our caps are on the sofa. 2 His book and her book are on the table. 3 Her umbrella and my umbrella are there. 4 Your dress and my dress are on the bed. 5 His cup and your cup are in the cupboard. 6 His car and her car are in the yard. 37.5 Вспомните, как образуется множественное число следующих существительных: a man - . . . a sheep - . . . a tooth - . . . a child - . . . a mouse - . . . a foot - . . . a goose - . . . a woman - . . . 37.6 Измените предложения так, чтобы суще­ ствительные стояли во множественном чис­ ле. 1 Look at that woman! She is an artist. Look at those women! They are artists. 2 Is your sheep in the field? Take it home. 3 Can you catch a mouse? It is under the sofa. 4 Where is your child? - He is in the yard. 5 One goose has one tooth. How many . . . have seven . . . ? 6 My foot is bigger than sister’s foot. 6-1934
  78. 7 (It is dark.) Who is that? Is that a

    man or a woman? LESSON THIRTY-EIGHT (38) 38.1 Какое слово лишнее? 1 deep, honey, ripe, clever, sly, large 2 a lake, a river, a sea, a wood, a pond 3 an insect, a butterfly, a bee, an ant, a fly 4 plums, peaches, grains, grapes, pears, oranges, apples 5 China, France, English, Russia, Germany, Ca­ nada 6 a stork, a bear, a sparrow, an owl, a quail 38.2 Составьте предложения. The ponds The forest The box is full of The room are The fields The gardens 38.3 Закончите предложения. 1 It is your money. It is yours. 2 It is my book. It is . . . . 3 It is our car. It is . . . . birds and animals. flowers. fish. fruit. butterflies. ribbons.
  79. 4 They are her shoes. They are . . .

    . 5 It is their house. It is . . . . 6 They are your trousers. They are . . . . 38.4 Какое слово здесь лишнее? Напишите пра­ вильные предложения. 1 Is this your/yours copy-book? Is this your copy-book? 2 No, it is not my/mine copy-book. It is her/hers. 3 That is not our/ours car. That is their/theirs. 4 His/him room is bigger than my/mine. 5 Are these your/yours trousers? 38.5 Соедините части предложений с помощью глаголов is / are и переведите предложения на русский язык. Your knife is not sharp at all. 38.6 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Давайте сорвем это яблоко! Оно довольно спе­ лое. Lake Baikal not sharp at all. The peaches on the tree rather high. The pond the deepest lake in the Your knife world. The windows in our very juicy. room full of frogs.
  80. 2 Почему он сердится на меня? - Он не сердится

    на тебя. Он голоден. 3 Нельзя плавать в этой реке. Вода очень холод­ ная. 4 Говорят, что у вашего брата на юге есть боль­ шой дом. 5 В вашем саду много фруктовых деревьев? - Нет, у нас только груши, яблони и сливы. LESSON THIRTY-NINE (39) 39.1 “Chain game”. Хорошо ли вы выучили сло­ ва? Каждое новое слово начинается с пос­ ледней буквы предыдущего слова. Эту игру можно начинать с любого слова.
  81. 39.2 Разделите перечисленные ниже слова на четыре группы. Объясните, почему

    вы их так разделили. A ring, a quail, a turkey, jam, to live, to try, money, a wood, to guess, lazy, a kettle, to drive, clever, fat, a stocking, tall, hungry, butter, a fork, a sofa, ripe, an eye, tame, to buy, water, an apple, cheese, to draw, silly, porridge, to write, milk, bread, to catch, honey, tea, to hear, to sing, funny, domestic. 39.3 Составьте вопросы и ответьте на них. meat (мясо) honey like milk What animals berries live mushrooms ? in the tree in the house in the forest What animals like milk? 39.4 Научились ли вы правильно задавать воп­ росы? 1 (your / can / brother / English / well / speak)? 2 ( I / read / lesson / this / must)? 3 (Tom’s / in / is / mother / the / kitchen)? 4 (any / flowers / in / garden / arc / your / there)?
  82. 5 (Mom’s / where / ring / is)? 6 (colour

    / is / what / car / your)? 7 (ducklings / on / there / are / whose / the lake)? 8 (I / put / may / the / new / dress / grey / on)? 9 (there / any / tea / is / bread / for)? 10 (what / like / honey / insects)? 11 (sing / a / will / lullaby / you / tomorrow)? 39.5 Кто напишет самое длинное предложение? Используйте данные слова. 1 to leave / a house My mother’s friends can leave our house early tomorrow. 2 to make / a cake 3 to learn / a rhyme 4 to put / a pillow 5 to pick / mushrooms
  83. 1.1 Напишите глагол в нужной форме. 1 I read -

    he reads 6 I play football - we . . . 2 we count - she . . . 7 he sings - you . . . 3 they jump - it . . . 8 they fly - it . . . 4 you go - she . . . 9 they say - she . . . 5 we smile - they . . . 10 she asks - we . . . 1.2 Ваш друг делает то же, что и вы. Скажите об этом. 1 I go to school. My friend goes to school too. 2 I get up at seven. ................................................... . 3 I come from school late. ....................................... . 4 I live not far from school. ..................................... . 5 I play football well. .............................................. . 6 I jump high. .......................................................... . 7 I do my homework on Sunday. ............................ . 1.3 Закончите предложения. 1 I like Polly. Polly likes me. 2 We like Polly. Polly likes . . . . 3 You like Polly. Polly likes . . . . 4 He likes Polly. Polly likes . . . . 5 She likes Polly. Polly likes . . . . 6 It likes Polly. Polly likes . . . . 7 They like Polly. Polly likes . . . .
  84. 1.4 Заполните пропуски. 1 Bring (ему) him (его) his new

    shirt. 2 Give (им) . . . (их) . . . coloured pencils. 3 Show (ей) . . . (ее) . . . gold ring. 4 Bring (нам) . . . (наши) . . . umbrellas. 5 Take (ваши) . . . trousers and put (их) . . . on. 6 Put (их) . . . copy-books on (мой) . . . table. 1.5 В предложениях допущены ошибки. Напишите предложения правильно. 1 We comes to see our friends on Sundays. We come to see our friends on Sundays. 2 Show they a new book, please. 3 Sometimes they play football with Mr. Brown’s childrens. 4 A fly fly into the room. 5 Give his his green pencil. 1.6 Нужно ли вставить with? 1 My brother likes to play . . . me. 2 Ann plays . . . the piano well. 3 Our baby likes to play . . . a ball. 4 Daddy likes to play . . . volley-ball. 5 He plays . . . his friends in the yard. 6 Little girls like to play . . . dolls, and little boys like to play . . . football. 7 They play . . . tennis on Sundays.
  85. THE SECOND LESSON 2.1 Составьте предложения. make few mistakes. I’ll

    make a lot of mistakes. he’ll learn a rhyme today. I think that we’ll get good marks. they’ll live not far from us. read a lot of books in winter. write a lot of rhymes. 2.2 Замените слова в скобках словами a few / few / а lot of. 1 Let us take (несколько) friends with us. 2 There are (много) fruit-trees in our garden. 3 We have very (мало) copy-books at home. 4 My sister has (много) toy animals. Let us take (несколько) of them. 5 Our children have very (мало) lessons today. They can go for a walk after school. 6 She always makes (массу) mistakes in her letters. 7 We have very (мало) friends in London, and we always come to see them. 8 There are (несколько) new words in the text, but it is not difficult for me to read it. 2.3 Какое слово лишнее? 1 I think he plays football (well, good).
  86. I think he plays football well. 2 Please say (some,

    few) words in French. 3 There are some (tall, high) trees near our house. 4 I have got a little kitten, it can jump (good, well). 5 He is a (high, tall) boy of fourteen. 6 It is a very (well, good) book. 7 Everest is the (highest, tallest) mountain in the world. 8 He is a (low, short) man of thirty-five. 9 There are several chairs and a (low, short) table in their room. 10 He is not a lazy boy. He is a very (well, good) pupil. 11 I cannot speak English, but Daddy speaks English (well, good). 2.4 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление that / what. вы хотите сказать. он будет делать завтра. I know what они любят есть на обед. моя мама купит брату ко дню рождения. мама любит выращивать в саду. он сейчас дома. его нет сегодня в школе. I think that мы пойдем завтра в кино. мама любит выращивать цветы. они поедут завтра к бабушке.
  87. 2.5 Переведите самостоятельно. 1 Я знаю, что он любит пить

    молоко. 2 Я знаю, что он любит есть на завтрак. 3 Мы знаем, что он хочет отдохнуть. 4 Мы знаем, что он хочет сейчас сделать. 2.6 Составьте предложения, используя слова: a friend, a brother, an elder sister, many mistakes, a “five”, a motor-car. I've got a friend. I haven’t got a friend. Have you got a friend? 2.7 “Bridge-game”. Составьте рассказ. В этой игре по­ бедит тот, кто построит самый длинный «Мост» от первого слова до последнего. Every, Tuesday, a teacher, pupils, a dictation, mark, a “three”, a few, mistakes, a lot of, diffi­ cult. THE THIRD LESSON 3.1 Закончите предложения. 1 I know English well. She knows English well. 2 He lives in an old house. We..................................
  88. 3 You play football on Sundays. He................................ 4 I make

    lots of mistakes in my dictations. She.............................. 5 Mr. Hay speaks German and English very well. They.............................. 6 We see him. He.............................. 7 My father likes a lot of milk in his tea. I....................... 3.2 Заполните пропуски глаголами to think и to know. 1 I think I know the answer. 2 We . . . we . . . the answer. 3 You . . . you . . . the answer. 4 He ... he ... the answer. 5 She . . . she . . . the answer. 6 They . . . they . . . the answer. 3.3 Напишите вопросительные предложения. 1 I often play with my little sister. Do you often play with your little sister? 2 We like big dogs. 3 You give us good marks. 4 He makes a lot of mistakes in words. 5 She plays the piano very well. 6 It jumps high. 7 Sometimes they go to the cinema. 8 Our children read a lot. 9 Rex lives in a doghouse. 10 Barbie is very clever. She speaks Chinese.
  89. 11 You drive your car too fast. 12 We come

    to see Granny on Wednesdays. 13 I often see Jane at school. 14 He gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 3.4 Все предложения из упражнения 3.3 напишите в отрицательной форме. 1 I often play with my little sister. I do not often play with my little sister. 3.5 Сделайте отрицательные предложения утверди­ тельными, а утвердительные предложения - отри­ цательными. 1 Polly does not like that boy. Polly likes that boy. 2 I do not want to be a teacher. 3 We go to bed at 10 o’clock. 4 You do not understand me at all. 5 Mr. Dale does not give his son any money. 6 Those boys play football in our yard every Mon­ day. 7 My little bird sings songs. 3.6 Задайте вопросы. 1 I swim well. And you? Do you swim well? 2 I go to the Black Sea every year. And Mrs. Dale? 3 I put my coat on when I am cold. And you? 4 I live in London. And your friends?
  90. 5 I play the piano. And your sister? 6 I

    like hot days. And you? 7 My dog does not like cats. And your dog? 8 I want to be a doctor. And Ann? THE FOURTH LESSON 4.1 He согласитесь. Измените время совершения дей­ ствия. 1 I usually have breakfast at 8.30. (9.00) I do not usually have breakfast at 8.30. I usually have breakfast at 9.00. 2 He often has lunch at 12.00. (12.30) 3 They always have dinner at 17.00. (16.00) 4 Every Monday we have English dictations. (Tues­ day) 5 My father has a rest after lunch. (dinner) 4.2 Задайте вопрос When ... ? для предложений из упражнения 4.1. I I usually have breakfast at 8.30. When do you usually have breakfast? 4.3 Переведите словосочетания. Составьте с ними свои предложения. supper - ужин to have supper - ужинать talk - разговор to have a talk - . . .
  91. walk - прогулка to have a walk - . .

    . smoke - курение to have a smoke - . . . cold - простуда to have a cold - . . . try - попытка to have a try - . . . tea - чай to have tea - . . . coffee - кофе to have coffee - . . . look - взгляд to have a look - . . . 4.4 Скажите, что вы делаете в случае, если: вы замерзли (I’m cold); вам жарко (I’m hot); вам хочется пить (I’m thirsty); вы голодны (I’m hungry); When I’m cold, I put on my warm coat. 4.5 Закончите предложения. 1 They can read this text themselves. She can read this text herself. 2 I will buy a new dress myself. She............................................... 3 My little friend often cuts himself. You............................................... 4 My sister likes to make dresses for her dolls her­ self. Little girls............................................... 5 You yourself will hear her songs. They...............................................
  92. 6 I cannot translate it myself. He............................................... 7 I’ll make

    coffee myself. They............................................... 8 He speaks to himself when he is alone. I............................................... THE FIFTH LESSON 5.1 Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме. 1 (to live) - I live in Moscow. - . . . your brother . . . in Moscow? - No, he...................He . . . in Kiev. 2 (to like / to read) - . . . you . . . reading books? - Yes, I . . . reading books. I . . . very much. - . . . you . . . books about animals? - No, I................... 3 (to open / to want) - . . . the shops . . . at 8 o’clock? - No, they.................. The shops . . . at 9 o’clock. - . . . you . . . to go shopping today? - Yes, I . . . to go shopping today.
  93. 5.2 Выберите подходящие по смыслу глаголы и под­ ставьте их

    в предложения. to like to drive to have lunch to go to play to get up to leave to close 1 I usually have lunch at home. 2 . . . Tom . . . at seven o’clock? 3 My friend . . . to the cinema a lot. 4 . . . his father . . . a car very fast? 5 . . . the shops . . . at 8 o’clock in the evening? 6 . . . you often . . . basketball? 7 We . . . classical music. 8 She . . . home early. 5.3 Хорошо ли вы знаете порядок слов английского предложения? 1 (teacher / am / new / your / I). I am your new teacher. 2 (very / our / speak / well / English / children). 3 (me / my / book / to / little / gives / read / a / brother). 4 (two / is / now / o’clock / it). 5 (Sundays / up / on / do / get / when / you)? 6 (you / with / angry / why / me / are)? 7 (dresses / does / herself / make / she / not). 8 (September / they / apples / do / in / pick)? 9 (have / every / we / coffee / morning). 10 (new / does / she / coat / not / her / like). 11 (little / know / boy / do / that / you)? 12 (likes / much / football / who / very)?
  94. 5.4 Напишите отрицательные предложения. 1 Ann can answer herself. Ann

    can’t answer herself. 2 You must go to bed at 9 o’clock. 3 I like to wash my car myself. 4 My friends are often late. 5 It is cold. 6 You may take my umbrella. 7 The ice is thin. 8 Tom makes a lot of mistakes. 9 I am a doctor. 10 She has lots of English books. 11 Bill and Barbie like playing the piano. 12 They can play the piano well. 13 I understand him. 14 He wants to be a lorry driver. 15 My Daddy has dinner at home. 16 He is from the USA. 17 They are asleep. 18 You can read the newspaper at supper. 19 We often walk in the fields. 5.5 Напишите вопросы к предложениям из предыду­ щего упражнения. 1 Ann can answer herself. Can Ann answer herself?
  95. 5.6 Составьте пары. It is cold. We must go home.

    It is hot. I can’t see you. It is difficult . . . You are sleepy. It is time to go to bed. Put your coat on. It is far from here to No, it is Thursday. the cinema. to understand him. It is very late. Let’s take a bus. It is Friday today. Open the window, please. It is dark in the room. 5.7 Составьте предложения в будущем времени. Упо­ требляйте глаголы в нужной форме. 1 (to promise / to leave) If you promise not to make so much noise, I shall leave you alone. 2 (to come / to ask) When they . . . , we . . . them to help us. 3 (to be / to find) If it . . . difficult for you, I . . . this word in the dictionary myself. 4 (to wash / to be cross) If she . . . the dishes after dinner, Mom ... with her. 5 (to like / to go) If he . . . it, he . . . there again. 6 (to be cold / to put on)
  96. If it ... cold, we . . . our coats.

    7 (to cry / not / to listen to) If you . . . , I . . . you. 8 (to be thirsty / to drink) If we . . . , we . . . cold juice. THE SIXTH LESSON 6.1 He согласитесь. Задайте вопросы. 1 It is cold in the South now. No, it isn't (is not) cold in the South now. Is it cold in the South now? Isn’t it cold in the South now? 2 It is Saturday today. 3 It’s five o’clock. 4 It’s time to go to school. 5 It’s time to begin our lesson. 6 It is difficult. 7 It’s winter. 8 It’s time to go to bed. 6.2 Образуйте наречия. Переведите их на русский язык. loud - loudly bad - . . . sly - . . . cold - . . . cross - . . . easy - . . . angry - . . . slow - . . .
  97. happy - . . . weak - . . .

    rude - . . . sweet - . . . 6.3 Придумайте словосочетания с прилагательными: lean, loud, sly, weak, cross, angry, own, right, silly, clever, hind. A lean dog, . . . 6.4 Зачеркните лишнее. Переведите. 1 I have not got some/any friends in Paris. 2 Please take some/any pencil you like. 3 Give me some/any milk, please. 4 Have you got some/any English books? - No, I have not got some/any. 5 I can’t see some/any new words in this text. 6 Is there some/any juice in the jug? 7 You may buy some/any bread you like. We will eat it up. 8 Please give me some/any fork. Don’t try to find mine. 6.5 Закончите предложения, заменив существительное словом one. 1 If you cannot find your copy-book take (эту тет­ радь). If you cannot find your copy-book take this one.
  98. 2 Give me your old shirt and take (эту рубашку).

    3 I don’t like these yellow flowers. Give me (несколь­ ко красных цветов). 4 This text is more difficult than (тот текст). 5 My shoes are old, I must buy (новые туфли). 6 Here is my left shoe. And where is (правый баш­ мак)? 7 I don’t like these new trousers. Where are (мои ста­ рые брюки)? 6.6 Вставьте глаголы to tell / to say / to speak. 1 I’ll . . . her about my plans tomorrow. 2 He . . . that he will go to the lake with us. 3 They like to ... to my mother. 4 He . . . that he cannot swim at all. 5 My friend . . . English and German, and he teaches his children to . . . English. 6 . . . me please about your dog. 7 Don’t . . . father that I shall go to the forest alone. THE SEVENTH LESSON 7.1 У Кати с Аней и у Тома есть расписание. Напиши­ те, что они делают в эти дни недели. Kate and Ann go to see Granny on Mondays. Tom gets up early on Thursdays.
  99. 7.2 Образуйте сравнительную степень прилагатель­ ных. Какие из прилагательных являются

    антони­ мами? old - older clever - . . . loud - . . . long - . . . strong - . . . thin - . . . young - . . . small - . . . weak - . . . sharp - . . . short - . . . hard - . . . new - . . . large - . . . dark - . . . warm - . . . deep - . . . tall - . . . lean - . . . high - . . . late - . . . Tuesday play the piano Wednesday go to school to the third lesson Thursday get up early Friday write a letter to have English lessons Kate and Ann Tom Saturday go to the cinema Grandma Saturday Sunday buy milk for the cat play football Sunday Monday go to see Granny go to the theatre Monday
  100. 7.3 Допишите предложения, употребив выделенные слова в сравнительной степени. 1

    My coat is not new. I want a newer one. 2 I work hard, but you work . . . . 3 This knife is not very sharp. Have you a . . . one? 4 The Volga is long, but the Nile is . . . . 5 England isn’t big. Russia is . . . . 6 My Granny is 67. She is old, but my Grandpa is ... . 7 You are not tall. Your brother is . . . . 8 Ann leaves home late, but her Dad leaves home ... . 9 Tom is strong, but his friend is ... . 7.4 Образуйте вопросительно-отрицательные пред­ ложения и переведите их на русский язык. 1 You know the answer. Don’t you know the answer? 2 It is cold. 3 They get up late. 4 He likes black coffee. 5 You are a pupil. 6 She is from Canada. 7 Daddy can drive a car well. 8 The children will go to bed. 9 Bill eats fish. 10 You like these shoes. 11 He will be at home tomorrow. 12 That is your car.
  101. 7.5 Образуйте существительные, прибавляя -ег. Пе­ реведите. to dance -

    a dancer - танцор to play - . . . - . . . to speak- . . . - . . . to drive- . . . - . . . to write - . . . - . . . to swim - . . . - . . . to jump - . . . - . . . to work - . . . - . . . to read - . . . - . . . to sleep - . . . - . . . to sing - . . . - . . . to help - . . . - . . . to teach - . . . - . . . to run - . . . - . . . 7.6 Вставьте слова. 1 She is late. (always) She is always late. 2 Ann plays tennis. (often) 3 Ann plays tennis. (very often) 4 I can grow tulips myself. (never) 5 Do you write letters? (ever) 6 They are at home. (already) 7 I begin work at half past nine. (usually) 8 He is ill. (never) 9 In winter it is very cold here. (often) 10 We go to work by car. (always) THE EIGHTH LESSON 8.1 Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных. Обратите внимание на их правописание. 1 warm - warmer - the warmest strong - . . . - . . .
  102. deep - . . . - . . . sharp

    - . . . - . . . old - . . . - . . . new - . . . - . . . 2 large -larger -the largest ripe - . . . - . . . late - . . . - . . . brave - . . . - . . . 3 big -bigger -the biggest hot - . . . - . . . thin - . . . - . . . fat - . . . - . . . 4 easy -easier -the easiest early - . . . - . . . dirty - . . . - . . . funny - . . . - . . . lazy - . . . - . . . happy - . . . - . . . 5 good - . . . - . . . bad - . . . - . . . little - . . . - . . . far - . . . - . . . 6 interesting - more interesting - the most interesting difficult - . . . - . . . beautiful - . . . - . . .
  103. expensive - . . . - . . . comfortable

    - . . . - . . . 8.2 Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и образуйте степени их сравнения: жирный, тонкий, горячий, теплый, холодный, умный, глубокий, хороший, плохой, маленький, высокий, короткий, новый, старый. 8.3 Вставьте прилагательные. Используйте сравни­ тельную или превосходную степень. 1 It is (happy) day of my life. It is the happiest day of my life. 2 The twenty-second of December is (short) day in a year. 3 The Neva is (deep) than the Moskva river. 4 It is (cold) day of the year. 5 The room is (small) of all the rooms in the house. 6 My rhymes are (bad) than yours. 7 Our school is (old) in our town. 8 This dictation is (easy) than that one. 9 Moscow is (large) city in Russia. 10 She is (tall) than her sister. 11 He is (tall) boy in our class. 8.4 Скажите по-английски. 1 15 января 1955 года the fifteenth of January nineteen fifty-five
  104. 2 4 февраля 1861 года 3 28 июля 1868 года

    4 22 мая 1903 года 5 31 марта 1854 года 6 15 июня 1846 года 7 5 апреля 1824 года 8 23 января 1933 года 8.5 Как перевести на английский язык двойное отри­ цание? 1 I / to win prizes Я никогда не получаю призов. I never win prizes. 2 Не / to be ready for the lesson Он никогда не готов к уроку. 3 They / to have money У них никогда нет денег. 4 My brother / to wait for us Мой брат никогда не ждет нас. 5 This cry-baby / can find her things Эта плакса никогда не может найти свои вещи. 6 My mother / to drink raw water Моя мама никогда не пьет сырую воду. 8.6 Составьте предложения. Переведите их на русский язык.
  105. go for a walk. have a cup of milk. us

    begin to read the rhyme. me do it himself. Let them rock the child. her help them. him cry. make a rhyme. alone. 8.7 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Давай споем кукле колыбельную. 2 Мама, пусть она расскажет свое стихотворение! 3 Мистер Браун, дайте им побегать и покричать! 4 Пусть войдут! 5 Девочки, разрешите мне сказать несколько слов! 8.8 Кто какие издает звуки? Найдите пары. cows bray donkeys mew (miaow) horses buzz cats quack dogs bark bees low (moo) ducks croak owls roar lions hoot frogs neigh
  106. 8.9 Ответьте на вопросы. 1 Do donkeys buzz? - No,

    donkeys don’t buzz. They bray. 2 Do cats bray? 3 Do bees croak? 4 Do owls roar? 5 Do lions neigh? 6 Do donkeys mew? 7 Do dogs hoot? THE NINTH LESSON 9.1 Сколько сейчас времени? What time is it now? It is a quarter past six.
  107. 9.2 Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1 We have coffee

    every morning. (What . . . ?) What do you have every morning? 2 Tom’s eyes are blue. (What colour . . . ?) 3 My little sister is five years old. (How old . . . ?) 4 There are six buttons on my coat. (How many . . . ?) 5 He gets up at 7 o’clock. (When . . . ?) 6 Daddy is at home now. (Where . . . ?) 7 Today is Wednesday. (What day . . . ?) 9.3 Составьте предложения. 1 (questions / never / silly / asks / he). 2 (always / she / children / thinks / her / about / only). 3 (home / him / take)! 4 (wash / I / myself / hair / my). 5 (six / past / is / quarter / it / a). 6 (pleased / is / Mammy / us / very / with). 7 (it / room / is / in / your / cold)?
  108. 9.4 Догадайтесь, как переводятся эти фразы. I see. С Новым

    годом! Thanks a lot. Спокойной ночи! You can count on me. Понятно. Just a minute. Удачи! See you on Monday! Все в порядке. That’s all right. Минуточку! Good luck! Большое спасибо! Good night! До понедельника! Happy New Year! Можете на меня рассчитывать. 9.5 “Pyramid game.” Кто сделает самое длинное пред­ ложение? Каждый раз можно добавить одно слово. 1 The chair is high. The brown chair is high. The large brown chair is high. The large brown chair is too high. The large brown chair is too high for my sister. The large brown chair is too high for my little sister. 2 The trousers are short. 3 Girls swim. 4 Boys play football. 5 Let us go.
  109. THE TENTH LESSON 10.1 Образуйте Participle 1, добавив -ing. 1

    to read - reading 2 to make - making to stand - . . . to give - . . . to grow - . . . to ride - . . . to jump - . . . to shine - . . . to point - . . . to drive - . . . 3 to sit - sitting 4 to fly - flying to get - . . . to play - . . . to cut - . . . to buy - . . . to run - . . . to try - . . . to swim - . . . to cry - . . . 10.2 Переведите на английский язык. хихикающий, дремлющая, квакающее, рыча­ щий, ревущий, гудящий, мычащая, строящий, катающийся, думающая, дрожащее 10.3 Заполните пропуски. Используйте am / is / are и данные слова. playing swimming shining standing reading riding running playing making 1 Look! Your dog is swimming in the river. 2 You . . . . . . on my foot. - Oh, I’m sorry. 3 Where are you? - In the room. I . . . . . . an interesting book.
  110. 4 The sun . . . . . . in

    the blue sky. 5 Where is Bob? - He . . . . . . his bicycle. 6 Where are the girls? - They . . . . . . with their dolls. 7 Listen! Dan and Pat . . . . . . the piano. 8 Do you want to go for a walk? - No, I . . . . . . rhymes. 9 I know where the children are. They . . . . . . in the yard. 10.4 Скажите, что происходит/не происходит в данный момент. Составьте предложения. 1 I / count / the crows I’m not counting the crows. 2 I / sit / on / the chair 3 I / ride / the / bicycle 4 I / read / this book 5 The sun / shine 6 It / rain 7 I / learn English 8 I / eat / an apple 9 I / sit / at / the table 10.5 Задайте вопросы к ответам. 1 No, they are not having dinner now. (Are . . . ?) Are they having dinner now? 2 We are playing tennis now. (What . . . ?) 3 Yes, my mother is doing the shopping now. (Is . . . ?)
  111. 4 No, it is not raining. (Is . . .

    ?) 5 Sam is building a house. (What . . . ?) 6 Ann is looking at him. (Who . . . ?) 7 The birds are flying to the South. (Where . . . ?) 8 Yes, I’m eating a cake. (Are . . . ?) 9 I’m reading a book. It is very interesting. (Why . . . ?) 10.6 Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1 My parents are not at home today. (Who . . . ?) Who is not at home today? 2 They are at the theatre. (Where . . . ?) 3 My sister is at home now. (Who . . . ?) 4 She is sitting at the table and is drawing a picture. (What . . . ? / Where . . . ? / What . . . ?) 5 She likes to draw birds and animals. (What . . . ?) 6 She can draw them very well. (Who . . . ?) 7 My grandma is not at home. (Whose . . . ?) 8 She is doing some shopping. (What . . . ?) 10.7 Вставьте too / either. 1 I don’t like to play football. My friend doesn’t like it either. 2 Mary cannot read well. Ann can’t read . . . . 3 Mom is pleased with her son. Dad is pleased . . . . 4 Michael doesn’t speak French. His parents can’t speak . . . .
  112. 5 I must write a letter to my friend. She

    must write to me . . . . 6 My mother is not a tall woman. My aunt is not tall . . . . 7 Honey is sweet. Chocolate is sweet . . . . 8 Soup is not sweet. Cheese is not sweet . . . . 9 Mr. Brown is a short man. My father is short . . . . 10 I like your climate, and I like English food . . . . 10.8 Вставьте some / any, где необходимо. 1 I have . . . cheese about me. 2 Is there . . . sugar in my tea? 3 Is there . . . tea in the cup? - No, there is not . . . . 4 There is not . . . ham on the plate. 5 Are there . . . pencils in the box? - No, there are not. There are . . . pens in it. 6 There are . . . eggs in the shed. 7 There are no . . . buttons on her dress. 8 I don’t drink . . . milk. I like tea or coffee. 9 Put . . . butter on the plate. 10.9 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Сколько у тебя с собой денег? 2 У него с собой много конфет. 3 У нас с собой совсем нет хлеба. 4 У нее подарок с собой?
  113. 5 У меня с собой полно орехов. 6 У вас

    есть с собой зонтик? THE ELEVENTH LESSON 11.1 Составьте словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык. dinner ring kitchen cake spring chocolate gold time pea flower milk jam orange table plum soup honey juice Milk chocolate - молочный шоколад, . . . 11.2 Добавьте un- и переведите на русский язык. happy - unhappy - несчастный friendly - . . . like - . . . clean - . . . ripe - . . . healthy - . . . pleasant - . . .
  114. to dress - to undress -раздеться to do - .

    . . to button - . . . to lock - . . . to chain - . . . to learn - . . . to make - . . . 11.3 Present Continuous или Present Indefinite? 1 Don’t put your coat on. The sun (to shine) is shining. 2 In summer the sun (to shine) brightly. 3 Run downstairs. Your sister (to wait for) you. 4 I usually (to wait for) Tom. He is always late. 5 We (to have) coffee every morning. 6 I like tea, but now I (to have) coffee. 7 Mary (to play) the piano every evening. 8 Where is John? - He (to play) the piano. 9 Our boys usually (to play) football in the yard. 10 Call them. They (to play) football in the yard. 11 My aunt (not to make) cakes on Mondays, but she (to make) one now. 12 Ann usually (to make) doll dresses herself. 13 She is in the kitchen. She (to make) tea for us. 14 What (you / to look at)? - I (to look at) that tree in the garden. I (to like) to look at it early in the morning. 15 I am busy. I (to make) my bed. 16 I always (to make) my bed before breakfast.
  115. 11.4 Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1 My brother takes

    me to the zoo every month. 2 Mary and Ann play tennis on Saturdays. 3 We like chocolate sweets. 4 We have porridge for breakfast today. 5 Lily washes her hair twice a week. (How often . . .?) 6 Little children go to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening. 11.5 Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. to work to look for to put on to rain to snow to quarrel 1 Look! It . .. now. 2 Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They . . . again. 3 Why . . . you . . . your coat? It is very warm. 4 Take this umbrella. It . . . outdoors. 5 Please don’t make so much noise. I . . . . 6 Excuse me, I . . . a bus stop. Is there one near by? THE TWELFTH LESSON 12.1 Вставьте is / am / are / do / don’t / does / doesn’t. 1 Our grandma doesn't live with us. She has her own little house.
  116. 2 What time . . . you usually wake up?

    3 Why . . . they looking at us? 4 I can’t talk to you now. I . . . working. 5 . . . your brother shave every morning? 6 We . . . want to move at all. 7 Sam . . . a good football player, but he . . . play very often. 8 . . . the sun shining? No, it . . . not. 12.2 Скажите, что из чего сделано. Составьте пары. vases milk jam glass ring cotton table silver wall wool shirt leather bell wood socks gold shoes stone houses bricks forks steel cheese pork ham apples Vases are made of glass. 12.3 Напишите предложения в Present Indefinite. Под­ черкните обычность, постоянство действий с по­ мощью usually, often, always, sometimes.
  117. 1 The boy is having a rest under the tree.

    The boy often has a rest under the tree. 2 The sheep are eating grass in the field. 3 The man is having breakfast at home. 4 The dog is barking at the cat. 5 The boys are playing football. 6 The girl is helping her Mom in the kitchen. 12.4 Present Indefinite или Present Continuous? 1 Listen! Somebody (to sing) is singing. 2 How often (you / to brush) your hair? 3 Where are you? - I (to be) in the room. I (to read). 4 They (to have dinner) now. 5 What (Mom / to do) in the kitchen? - She (to lay) the table for breakfast. 6 . . . (you / to speak) English or French? 7 Look! Tom (to come) to us. 8 . . . often (you / to ask) questions? 9 He (to live) not far from us, but we (not to see) him very often. 12.5 Вставьте something I anything. 1 There is . . . interesting in this text. 2 Is there . . . on the table? 3 Give me . . . to cat. I’m hungry. 4 We don’t have . . . for dinner. Let’s go shopping! 5 Can you see . . . on the wall? 6 Tell me . . . about him.
  118. 7 I don’t feel . . . . - .

    . . 8 I don’t know . . . , but he knows . . . interesting for us. THE THIRTEENTH LESSON 13.1 Where do they live? Кто где живет? При необхо­ димости пользуйтесь словарем. Bees live in hives. 13.2 Вставьте myself I ourselves / yourself / yourselves I himself / herself I themselves. 1 When I am alone, I talk to myself. 2 She never thinks about her friends. She only thinks about . . . . 3 You must not help him. He must answer my question . . . . 4 They go shopping . . . . 5 We try to read difficult texts . . . . dog sty horse hole mouse web pig kennel blackbird stable bee nest spider hive
  119. 6 She always guesses puzzle-rhymes . . . . 7

    Don’t let them do it . . . . 8 Take care of . . . , dear aunt! Don’t catch cold! 9 If you want some more coffee, help . . . . 13.3 Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1 My sister always lays the table for lunch. (Who. . . ?) 2 I want some more coffee. (What ... ?) 3 We usually have breakfast in the kitchen. (Where . . . ?) 4 My friend is from Germany. (Where ... from?) 5 It often rains here in autumn. (When . . . ?) 6 His pockets are full of sweets. (What ... ?) 7 We come back from school at 2 o’clock. (When . . . ? ) 13.4 Present Indefinite или Present Continuous? 1 What (she / usually / to do) in the evening? What does she usually do in the evening? - She usually (to watch) television. 2 What (you / to do) at the moment?- I (to watch) an interesting film on TV. 3 It (to rain) cats and dogs. Take your umbrella. 4 ... (it / often / to rain) in summer in London? 5 I can't give the newspaper to you. I (to read) it now. 6 . . . (you / to read) much? - Yes, I like reading and I (to read) very much.
  120. 7 Why (you / to walk) so fast today? You

    usually (to walk) slowly, don’t you? - My sister (to wait for) me. She (to be) angry with me when I am late. 13.5 Что вы скажете, если хотите: узнать время; сесть рядом на свободное место; попросить накрыть на стол к обеду; поздравить друга с днем рождения; войти, но вы опоздали; выразить радость по поводу встречи; поинтересоваться, как дела; пожелать удачи. Glad to see you! May I take this seat? Excuse me, may I come in? What time is it now? Happy Birthday! How are you? Good luck! Can you lay the table?
  121. THE FOURTEENTH LESSON 14.1 Образуйте Participle 1 и Participle 2

    от глаголов и переведите их. to stop - stopping - останавливающий stopped - остановленный to cut, to begin, to open, to play, to write, to give, to read, to grow, to print, to break 14.2 Переведите. a broken glass - разбитый стакан a raised hand - . . . a drawn picture - . . . a well-known writer - . . . well-done work - . . . a badly-made dress - . . . закрытая дверь - . . . накрытый стол - . . . оставленная тетрадь - . . . разбитая тарелка - . . . использованная чашка - . . . хорошо одетая кукла - . . . 14.3 Зачеркните лишнее. 1 The girl (playing / played) in the garden is my sister.
  122. 2 My younger brother doesn’t like to put away toys

    (scattering / scattered) all over the floor. 3 Leaves (lying / lain) on the ground always remind us about September. 4 Have you got any (cutting / cut) bread? 5 I will show you the animals (drawing / drawn) by my brother. 6 Show me the pupils (learning / learned) English. 7 The child (sleeping / slept) on the sofa is my grandson. 8 The man (sitting / sat) at the open window is looking at the children (playing / played) in the yard. 14.4 He согласитесь. Составьте два отрицательных предложения. 1 I can buy something. I can’t buy anything. I can buy nothing. 2 I can do something. 3 I must see somebody. 4 I must meet somebody. 5 I can find somebody. 6 I must learn something. 14.5 Вставьте anybody I somebody I nobody I anything I something / nothing. 1 Is there . . . new? 2 There is . . . in the room. He wants to speak to you.
  123. 3 I shall not give the book to . .

    . else. 4 . . . knows his name. 5 He never writes . . . to me about it. 6 There is . . . at home now. 7 We can see . . . in the room. 8 It is 7 o’clock. There is . . . at school now. 9 He wants to say . . . to me. 10 He doesn’t want to say . . . . 11 He puts . . . into his bag. THE FIFTEENTH LESSON 15.1 Напишите правильные глаголы в Past Indefinite. to visit - visited to jump - . . . to invite - . . . to look - . . . to love - . . . to want - . . . to recite - . . . to talk - . . . to open - . . . to work - . . . to dance - . . . to live - . . . to rain - . . . to like - . . . to listen - . . . to ask - . . . to need - . . . to push - . . . 15.2 Напишите неправильные глаголы в Past Indefinite. to do - did to begin - . . . to go - . . . to forget - . . . to see - . . . to run - . . .
  124. to be - . . . to know - .

    . . to hear - . . . to find - . . . 15.3 Напишите предложения в Past Indefinite. Сде­ лайте необходимые изменения в предложениях. 1 We shall go to the cinema tomorrow. (the day before yesterday) We went to the cinema the day before yesterday. 2 I work hard. (last week) 3 The boy writes to his pen friend twice a month. (a month ago) 4 The weather is nice today. (yesterday) 5 The concert begins at 7.30 in the evening. (yesterday evening) 6 I want to be an actor. (When I was a child) 7 Daddy usually reads newspapers at breakfast. (yesterday morning) 15.4 Напишите предложения о себе. Что вы делали вчера или что происходило вчера. Используйте данные глаголы. to rain to invite to visit to forget to begin to dance to listen to to walk to talk 15.5 Напишите отрицательные предложения. 1 Last summer we went to the Crimea. Last summer we didn't go to the Crimea.
  125. 2 My aunt did her shopping on Friday. 3 I

    was pleased to hear that. 4 They saw Mary last Monday. 5 You worked hard last week. 6 Yesterday he went to bed before 10.30 p.m. 7 It was cold yesterday. So I put my coat on. 8 The Smiths came on time. 15.6 Задайте вопросы к предложениям из упражнения 15.5. 1 Last summer we went to the Crimea. Did you go to the Crimea last summer? 15.7 Заполните пропуски данными глаголами. Исполь­ зуйте нужное время. to wash to begin to get up to watch to play to go 1 Daddy always goes to work by car, but yesterday he went to work on foot. 2 Tom usually . . . at seven o’clock in the morning, but yesterday he . . . later. 3 My friends are good tennis players. They often . . . tennis. Yesterday they . . . tennis too. 4 Jane . . . her hair twice a week. Her hair is clean. She . . . it yesterday. 5 We like . . . TV very much. A week ago we . . . a new programme. It was great!
  126. 6 Our lessons . . . at 8.30 in the

    morning, but yester­ day the teacher was ill, and they . . . at 10 o’clock. THE SIXTEENTH LESSON 16.1 Напишите неправильные глаголы в Past Indefi­ nite. to eat - ate to be - . . . to give - . . . to sit - . . . to tell - . . . to put - . . . to run - . . . to have - . . . to take - . . . to begin - . . . 16.2 Объедините предложения, используя if. 1 Don’t eat too many sweets. You will have a tooth­ ache. If you eat too many sweets, you will have a toothache. 2 Don’t drink too much milk. You’ll have a stom­ achache. 3 Don’t shout loudly. Your mother will have a headache. 4 Eat up your dinner. You’ll be hungry. 5 Tell me the truth. I’ll never speak to you again. 6 Don’t tease your sister. Father will be angry with you.
  127. 16.3 Составьте предложения, используя as if. 1 Не speaks French

    / a French teacher. He speaks French, as if he were a French teacher. 2 They love him / their son. 3 You talk about him / an old man. 4 They met / good friends. 5 They ran / late. 6 You talk to me / a child. 7 He looked at me / angry with me. 8 She smiled at him / pleased with him. 16.4 Добавьте необходимые предлоги и наречия. Пе­ реведите. съесть to eat убежать to run подпрыгнуть to jump возвращаться to come выходить to go on снимать to take after присматривать to look off разбудить to wake away подходить to come back подтащить to pull up отрезать to cut out подбодрить to cheer down записать to write убирать to put надевать to put Съесть - to eat up, . . .
  128. 16.5 Вставьте слова between I among. 1 Lots of birds

    build their nests among the leaves. 2 . . . the children there is a boy who can speak English very well. 3 It is difficult to see him . . . the trees. 4 There is a fence . . . our two gardens. 5 There is no bridge . . . two banks of the river. 16.6 Употребите глаголы в нужной форме. 1 The children (to play) in the garden yesterday. The children played in the garden yesterday. 2 You (to see) me again next week. 3 We (to see) those pictures yesterday morning. 4 He (not to write) usually with his left hand. 5 They (to wait for) their friends last Sunday. 6 I always (to write) a birthday card to him. 7 We (not to be) at home last week. 8 They usually (to have) coffee, but they (to have) tea now. 9 She (to want) to talk to them yesterday. 10 Ann (to cook) for her family tomorrow. 17.1 Напишите глаголы в Past Indefinite. to come - came to cut - . . .
  129. to see - . . . to get - .

    . . to write - . . . to win - . . . to say - . . . to shut - . . . to find - . . . to let - . . . 17.2 Составьте фразы и переведите их. talking! chattering! teasing the dog! Stop reading the text! Go on listening to him! Avoid smoking here! speaking English! asking him questions! making mistakes! Stop smoking here! Перестаньте здесь ку­ рить! 17.3 Вставьте глагольную форму с -ing (Gerund). learning boasting reading stirring looking making smoking chattering dressing 1 Shall I go on reading? 2 Could you stop . . . so much noise? 3 When did you begin . . . English? 4 Stop . . . ! It is not nice. 5 He continued . . . and . . . his coffee with a tea­ spoon.
  130. 6 Ann avoided . . . at the teacher. She

    was afraid of her. 7 When will you finish . . . ? We can’t wait for you any longer. 8 Why can’t you stop . . . ? You are talking too much. 17.4 Какое слово здесь лишнее? 1 The lesson isn’t over. Stop (to talk / talking)! 2 I want (to go / going) to the country this week­ end. 3 It is hot in the room. Do you mind (to open / my opening) the window? 4 I finished (to work / working) an hour ago. 5 It is autumn already, but she goes on (to swim / swimming). 6 Avoid (to overeat / overeating). You’ll have a stomachache. 7 It was late. We decided (to take / taking) a taxi. 8 I don’t mind (to walk / walking). 9 I am tired. I want (to go / going) to bed. 17.5 Составьте предложения и переведите их. 1 If / I / eat / too much / I / grow fat. If I eat too much, I grow fat. Когда я много ем, я толстею. If I eat too much, I'll grow fat. Если я буду есть слишком много, я растол­ стею.
  131. If I ate too much, I grew fat. Когда я

    ел слишком много, я толстел. 2 If / the sun / shine / we / go for a walk. 3 If / we / have time / we / visit our friends / in London. 4 If / you / eat / lots of sweets / you / have a tooth­ ache. 5 If / they / invite / their best friends / they / cheer them up. 17.6 Образуйте прилагательные, добавив -ful, -less. Переведите их, затем уточните значение в сло­ варе. help - помощь helpful - полезный helpless -беспомощный use - польза fruit - плод саге - забота harm - вред fear - страх 17.7 Найдите прилагательные. building wonderfully Russian homeless beautiful shameless France careful quickly hardly Chinese coldly deeper deepest runner speaker
  132. THE EIGHTEENTH LESSON 18.1 Напишите глаголы в Past Indefinite. to

    see - saw to hurt -. . . to break - . . . to cost - . . . to become - . . . to cut - . . . to hit - . . . to shut - . . . to put out - . . . to hide - . . . 18.2 Скажите, кто чем занимался вчера в 3 часа. 1 Jane / to chatter / with her friends At 3 о ’clock Jane was chattering with her friends. 2 Bob / to write / a letter 3 Ann / to listen to / classical music 4 Jim / to build / the house 5 John / to wait for / his mother 6 Kate / to wash / dishes 18.3 Составьте предложения о том, кто чем занимал­ ся / не занимался вчера в 3 часа. 1 Jane / not / to read / to chatter Jane was not reading a book; she was chattering with her friends. 2 Bob / not / to chatter / to write / a letter 3 Ann / not / to write / to listen to / classical music 4 Jim / not / to listen to / to build / the house 5 John / not / to build / to wait for / his mother 6 Kate / not / to wait for / to wash / dishes
  133. 18.4 Задайте вопросы. Используйте Past Continuous. 1 (what / Tom

    / do / when you met him)? What was Tom doing when you met him? 2 (what / you / read / at 12 o’clock)? 3 (it / rain / when they went out)? 4 (where / the boy / go / when we saw him)? 5 (you / sleep / when I came to you)? 6 (what song / the girls / sing / when we came into the room)? 7 (they / wait for / parents / at 8 o’clock)? 18.5 Past Indefinite или Past Continuous? 1 We (to have dinner) when you (to come) to us. We were having dinner when you came to us. 2 Our friends (to smoke) in the corridor when we (to see) them. 3 I’m very hungry. I (not / to eat) anything. 4 The boys (to break) the window when they (to play) football. 5 I (to get up) early. The sun (to shine) brightly, so I (to go) for a walk. 6 What (you / to do) on Saturday evening? - I (to go) to the cinema. 7 What (you / to do) at 9.30 on Monday evening? - I (to sit and to read) an interesting book. 8 My friend (to fall down) and (to break) his leg while he (to play) football.
  134. 18.6 Переведите словосочетания. to be cruel - быть жестоким to

    be cross - сердиться to be angry - . . . to be ill - . . . to be still - . . . to be pleased - . . . to be well - . . . to be cold - . . . to be glad - . . . to be hungry - . . . to be excited - . . . to be greedy - . . . to be at a loss - . . . to be nasty - . . . to be stupid - . . . to be thirsty - . . . to be happy - . . . to be afraid - . . . 18.7 Вспомните phrasal verbs. надеть платье встать с кровати отложить встречу влезть на лошадь снять пальто выйти из автобуса вынуть из кармана вернуться домой принять за учителя войти в комнату искать книгу выйти из дома присмотреть за ребенком подойти к реке
  135. THE NINETEENTH LESSON 19.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to

    forget - forgot -forgotten to feed - . . . - . . . to be - . . . - . . . to feel - . . . - . . . to have - . . . - . . . to give - . . . - . . . to come - . . . - . . . to go - . . . - . . . to do - . . . - . . . to buy - . . . - . . . to break - . . . - . . . to take - . . . - . . . to read - . . . - . . . 19.2 Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы в Present Perfect. 1 We have a new car. We (to buy) have bought a new car. 2 - Are they still having lunch? - No, they (already / to finish). 3 Her shoes are clean. She (to clean) her shoes. 4 They are in bed now. They (just / to go) to bed. 5 I (to be) to Paris twice. 6 He (to do) some shopping. 7 Somebody (to break) the shop window. 8 Tim (to take) my umbrella.
  136. 9 - Do you want to read this newspaper? -

    No, thanks. I (already / to read) it. 19.3 Задайте вопросы. 1 Carol has bought a new camera. Has Carol bought a new camera? 2 They have been to St. Petersburg several times. 3 He has gone to London. 4 I have met that man before. 5 I have already seen this film. 6 He has helped me a lot. 7 The Browns have moved to a new flat. 8 Somebody has taken my textbook by mistake. 9 I have been to the zoo before. 19.4 Напишите предложения из предыдущего упражне­ ния в отрицательной форме. 1 Carol has bought a new camera. Carol has not bought a new camera. 19.5 Past Indefinite или Present Perfect? 1 (to break) - Have you ever broken your leg? - Yes, I broke my leg when I was a child. 2 (to read) - . . . (you) this book? - Yes, I . . . (already) it.
  137. - When . . . (you) it? - I .

    . . two months ago. 3 (to stop) - . . . (it) raining yet? - Yes, it . . . raining an hour ago. 4 (to see) - . . . (you / ever) Tom’s bag? - No, I . . . (not) it. I . . . Tom on Friday, but I . . . (not) his bag. 5 (to write) . . . (he) anything about his summer plans? 6 (to have dinner) - . . . (you) yet? - Yes, we . . . at 3 o’clock. 19.6 Выберите правильный вариант и задайте разде­ лительный вопрос. 1 Не likes reading, doesn’t he? . . . , does he? . . . , isn’t he? . . . , doesn’t he? . . . , is he? 2 They aren’t hungry, . . . ? . . . , aren’t they? . . . , are they? . . . , don’t they? . . . , do they?
  138. 3 You can’t speak English, . . . ? .

    . . , can’t you? . . . , and you? . . . , are you? . . . , don’t you? 4 She has already cleaned her shoes, . . . ? . . . , doesn’t she? . . . , didn’t she? . . . , has she? . . . , hasn’t she? 5 You are cold, . . . ? . . . , aren’t you? . . . , don’t you? . . . , do you? . . . , are you? 6 It was a nice day, . . . ? . . . , isn’t it? . . . , was it? . . . , didn’t it? . . . , wasn’t it? 7 You won’t go to school tomorrow, . . . ? . . . , don’t you? . . . , won’t you? . . . , aren’t you? . . . , will you? 8 The Smiths bought a car last week, . . . ? . . . , haven’t they? . . . , did they? . . . , didn’t they? . . . , do they?
  139. 9 There are a lot of butterflies in the fields,

    . . . ? . . . , aren’t there? . . . , are there? . . . , are they? . . . , aren’t they? 19.7 Задайте альтернативный вопрос. 1 Are you tired or ill ? 2 Do you like roses or ... ? 3 Were you at the theatre or ... yesterday? 4 Can you speak English or ... ? 5 Did they buy peaches or ... ? 6 Was it cold or ... in Moscow? 7 Is she seven or ... years old? 8 Are you a doctor or ... ? 9 Is she your aunt or your . .. ? 19.8 Задайте общий, несколько специальных, альтер­ нативный и разделительный вопросы к предложе­ нию. She gave me that interesting book yesterday. Did . . . ? Who . . . ? When . . . ? What . . . ? Whom . . . ? She gave me that interesting book yesterday, . . . ? Did she give me that interesting book yesterday or . . . ?
  140. THE TWENTIETH LESSON 20.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to

    know - knew - known to send - . . . - . . . to write - . . . - . . . to tell - . . . - . . . to take - . . . - . . . to see - . . . - . . . to say - . . . - . . . to read - . . . - . . . to come - . . . - . . . to run - . . . - . . . 20.2 Поставьте глагол в Past Perfect. 1 She was a stranger to me. I (never / to see) her before. I had never seen her before. 2 We came to the cinema late. The film (already / to begin). 3 She had a stomachache. She (to eat up) a box of chocolate. 4 They were not hungry. They (just / to have lunch). 5 The house was very quiet when I came back home. Everybody (to go to bed). 6 My friend was very happy. He (to get) a “five” for the last dictation.
  141. 20.3 Переделайте предложения в косвенную речь. 1 Не said, “I’m

    hungry.” Не said (that) he was hungry. 2 He said, “She has gone to Paris.” 3 He said, “They will be at home at 5 o’clock.” 4 He said, “She was at school.” 5 He said, “We received a letter.” 6 He said, “They made a lot of mistakes.” 7 He said, “She is thirsty.” 8 He said, “Ann has read the book twice.” 9 He said, “My parents have never been to London.” 20.4 Составьте предложения, начиная с I knew . . . . 1 Jack will win the prize. I knew that Jack would win the prize. 2 They will like her present. 3 Mom will not work tomorrow. 4 My uncle will buy a new car. 5 Dad will be busy tomorrow morning. 6 We will not receive a letter from him. 7 Grandma will go shopping. 20.5 Составьте сложные предложения. 1 They cut down the tree. (We knew . . .) We knew that they had cut down the tree. 2 She will write a thrilling story. (Jane told us . . . ) 3 We wrote lots of dictations. (They knew . . .)
  142. 4 My uncle invited my parents to dinner. (My cousin

    told me . . .) 5 His father will punish him for the broken window. (I was sure . . .) 6 Sam didn’t feed his dog in the morning. (I knew . . .) 7 Jim scattered his copy-books all over the table. (We didn’t like . . .) 20.6 Зачеркните лишнее. 1 My oldest / eldest brother doesn’t live with us. 2 He didn’t speak about his farther / further plans. 3 We found him in the farthest / furthest comer of the park. 4 Our school is farther / further than yours. 5 Whose mother is older / elder? 6 My older / elder sister always helps Mom about the house. 7 Do you know the last / latest news? 8 It isn’t our last / latest lesson. 20.7 Ответьте на вопросы, начиная со слов I don’t know . . . . Используйте союз whether. 1 Does he want to see me? I don’t know whether he wants to see him. 2 Does her friend live far from school? 3 Will they go with us or will they stay at home? 4 Does his brother like to ride a bicycle?
  143. 5 Do they like to listen to thrilling stories or

    fairy tales? 6 Can we do this work tomorrow? THE TWENTY-FIRST LESSON 21.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to sit - sat - sat to begin - . . . - . . . to meet - . . . - . . . to cut - . . . - . . . to speak - . . . - . . . to lay - . . . - . . . to become - . . . - . . . to strike - . . . - . . . to get - . . . - . . . to grow - . . . - . . . 21.2 Задайте разделительные вопросы. 1 Your father wasn’t angry with me, was he? 2 It is raining, . . . ? 3 That little boy didn’t break the window yesterday, . . . ? 4 She lives in London, . . . ? 5 Tim won’t come back tomorrow, . . . ? 6 They will do that, . . . ? 7 The clock is working, . . . ? 8 They are on holiday, . . . ? 9 He helped you with the book, . . . ?
  144. 10 He was not at home, . . . ?

    11 There were no stars in the sky, . . . ? 21.3 Задайте общий, несколько специальных, альтерна­ тивный и разделительный вопросы к предложению A policeman stopped me on my way home last night. 21.4 Напишите письмо своему другу и сообщите, что нового произошло с тех пор, как вы ему писали в последний раз. Обратите внимание на то, что вы не уточняете, когда именно произошли эти собы­ тия. Употребите Present Perfect. Dear Tom, a lot of things have happened since I last wrote to you. 1 (I / to read / “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll) I have read “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. 2 (we / to build / a new house / in the country) 3 (I / to learn / a lot of new English words) 4 (I / to read / five books) 5 My little brother doesn’t go to school now. (he / to break / his leg) 6 (I / to see / a new film about the USA) 7 My Dad is a writer, (he / to write / a new book) Bye, John.
  145. 21.5 Составьте предложения, употребляя to have to. Дополните предложения объяснениями,

    почему пришлось / придется так поступить. Переведите на русский язык. get up at 6 o’clock. speak loudly. work hard on Saturdays. walk home. She will have to do that himself. Mrs. McDonald have to call for a doctor. We has to learn a lot of new Mr. Johnson had to words. Our children lay the table. go shopping on Monday. put coats on. leave earlier to catch the train. There was no bus, so we had to walk home. 21.6 Переведите предложения, используя Present Perfect или Past Indefinite. 1 Я закончила письмо. Взгляни на него, пожалуй­ ста. 2 - Когда ты окончила работу? - Я еще ее не окончила. 3 - Ты поговорил уже с Мэри об этом?
  146. - Да, я поговорил с ней вчера. 4 Полли сильно

    порезала палец. 5 Моя тетушка побывала во многих странах. В прошлом году она ездила в Китай. 6 Вы уже съели именинный пирог? 7 Вы нашли что-нибудь почитать? 8 Мы получили много денег. 9 Аня уже вымыла голову. 10 Папа уже прочитал эту газету. THE TWENTY-SECOND LESSON 22.1 Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1 Santa Claus saw me. Who saw me? I saw Santa Claus. Who / Whom did I see? 2 My friends meet me every day. I meet my friends every day. 3 Henry showed me the road. I showed Henry the road. 4 Ann’s mother is writing a note to her. Ann is writing a note to her mother. 5 Bob’s brother has helped him to repair a bicycle. Bob has helped his brother to repair a bicycle.
  147. 22.2 Переделайте предложения, используя asked if. 1 Mike asked, “Are

    you going with us?” Mike asked if we were going with them. 2 Ann asked, “Will you copy the text?” 3 Jill asked, “Is it worth buying?” 4 Nick asked, “Have they made any bet?” 5 Andrew asked, “Have they forbidden their son to play with us?” 6 Mark asked, “Can you slide down the roof?” 22.3 Составьте предложения. Используйте can и could. Переведите. 1 My kitten / to climb up the table / now / last month My kitten can climb up the table now, but it could not do it last month. 2 My younger sister / to stay alone / now / last year 3 My best friend / to play tennis / now / a month ago 4 Your dog / to open the door itself / now / last week 5 I / to sing very well / now / when I was a child 6 He / to cross the river / now / when he was younger 7 She / to run very fast / now / two years ago 22.4 Закончите предложения, используя выражение to be able to в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени. 1 (he / to meet us at the station) He was very busy, but he was able to meet us at the station.
  148. 2 (she / to understand them) It was difficult, but

    she . . . . 3 (they / to find the house) It took them a long time, but they . . . . 4 (I / to walk again) When the doctor takes the plaster off my leg, I . . . . 5 (she / to go to school in a few days) Our daughter can’t go to school nowadays, she has caught cold. But she . . . . 6 (I / to go for a walk soon) I am busy now, but I . . . . 7 (I / already / to speak to an Englishman) I know English only a little, but I . . . . 8 (I / not / to eat at the new Chinese restaurant / yet) I . . . , but I would love to. 22.5 Выразите сожаление, что вам не удастся сделать это. 1 Will you come to see us? Sony, I'т not sure I'll be able to come to see you. 2 Will you do this work? 3 Will you celebrate Christmas with your parents? 4 Will you write the dictation without any mistakes? 5 Will you make a cake yourself? 22.6 Используя выражение Would you mind doing ... ?, вежливо попросите: передать соль;
  149. Would you mind passing me the salt? подать вам сахар;

    закрыть окно; включить свет; повторить вопрос; остаться и помочь вам. THE TWENTY-THIRD LESSON 23.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to make - made - made to drive - . . . - . . . to leave - . . . - . . . to see - . . . - . . . to do - . . . - . . . to be - . . . - . . . to go - . . . - . . . to put - . . . - . . . to hide - . . . - . . . 23.2 Напишите краткие формы. I am - I'т does not - . . . I have - . . . are not - . . . it is - . . . is not - . . . she will - . . . will not - . . . he has - . . . shall not - . . .
  150. he is - . . . I shall - .

    . . do not - . . . they will - . . . they have- . . . we are - . . . was not - . . . cannot - . . . must not - . . . were not - . . . did not - . . . we have - . . . 23.3 Составьте предложения. Обратите внимание на отсутствие частицы to. Переведите. get up earlier. do it. That made me happy. Nothing will make him write a letter to him. You make her angry. This makes them do the work themselves. They phone Tom. help that old man. go there. Nothing will make him go there. 23.4 Напишите предложения о себе, используя Nei­ ther . . . . 1 My friend hasn’t got a cat. Neither have I. 2 He can’t run fast. 3 The Frasers didn’t watch TV yesterday evening.
  151. 4 My sister never brushes her clothes herself. 5 They

    don’t like ballroom dancing. 6 My brother doesn’t go to the theatre very often. 7 He wrote nothing about his plans. 8 He isn’t tired. 9 You have never been to Canada. 23.5 Напишите два отрицательных предложения, ис­ пользуя neither и either. 1 I am not happy. (he) He is not happy either. Neither is he. 2 He can’t drive a car. (his wife) 3 Pete won’t go to school tomorrow. (his little sister) 4 My aunt doesn’t like making cakes. (I) 5 These people are not from Spain. (those people) 6 I didn’t sleep well last night. (my husband) 7 They don’t mind smoking in the room. (we) 23.6 Задайте общий, несколько специальных, альтер­ нативный и разделительный вопросы к предложе­ нию. I hope to visit my friends in New York next week.
  152. THE TWENTY-FOURTH LESSON 24.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to

    draw - drew - drawn to do - . . . - . . . to go - . . . - . . . to be - . . . - . . . to have - . . . - . . . to make - . . . - . . . to know - . . . - . . . to buy - . . . - . . . to eat - . . . - . . . to put - . . . - . . . 24.2 Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1 I usually go for a walk with my friends. Who do you usually go for a walk with? 2 Yesterday we received a letter from our uncle. 3 He didn’t open the door to a stranger. 4 I have always wanted to see Santa Claus. 5 Sometimes we speak to our parents on the phone. 6 I gave that magazine to my aunt. 7 He is from Canada. 8 I’m afraid of cold. 9 We are talking about Christmas. 10 Mrs. Wilson was delighted with the present we gave her.
  153. 24.3 Переведите на английский язык. 1 О чем вы все

    время болтаете? 2 С кем твой брат ходил вчера в театр? 3 Кого ты любишь больше всех? 4 Что ты любишь больше всего? 5 От кого вы вчера получили подарок? 6 С кем ты завтра встречаешься? 7 Чем он причесывает волосы? 8 С кем вы ездили в Париж? 9 Кому он вчера звонил? 24.4 Past Perfect или Past Indefinite? 1 The sun (already / to rise) when I (to wake up). The sun had already risen when I woke up. 2 We (to come back) home after it (to get dark). 3 He (hardly / to go to bed) when the telephone (to ring). 4 I (to learn) English well before I (to go) to Eng­ land. 5 We (already / to pack) our things when you (to come). 6 The rain (not to stop) when we (to come out). 7 The meeting (not to begin) when we (to arrive). 8 Mary (not to finish / yet) her homework when her father (to come) home. 9 He (to put away) the magazine after he (just / to read) it.
  154. 24.5 Выберите правильный вариант. 1 Когда я бывал в Москве,

    я часто ходил в театр. If I . . . in Moscow, I often . . . to the theatre. were went had been had gone was go 2 Когда я бываю в Москве, я хожу в театр. If I . . . in Moscow, I . . . to the theatre. am went have been shall go was go 3 Если я буду в Москве, я схожу в театр. If I . . . in Moscow, I . . . to the theatre. am go shall be shall go were would go 4 Когда мы много работали, мы забывали об обеде. If we . . . hard, we . . . to have dinner. worked forgot have worked shall forget had worked have forgotten 5 Когда мы много работаем, мы забываем об обеде. If we . . . hard, we . . . to have dinner. work have forgotten will work forgot worked forget
  155. 6 Если они вернутся, они помогут нам. If they .

    . . back, they . . . us. came help will come will help come would help 7 Я позвоню тебе, когда буду готова. I . . . you when I . . . ready. call am have called shall be shall call have been 24.6 Выберите правильное слово. 1 Your money (is / are) on the table. Take (it / them). 2 - (Is / are) (this / these) your slippers? - Oh no, (it / they) (is / are) not mine. 3 (This / these) news (is / are) very interesting. 4 Her hair (is / are) quite dark. (It / they) (is / are) very beautiful. 5 Who (do / does) (this / these) money belong to? 6 Your spectacles (is / are) under the chair. Pick (it / them) up. 24.7 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Какая интересная книга! What an interesting book! 2 Такая интересная книга! Such an interesting hook!
  156. 3 Какая непослушная девочка! 4 Такая дорогая ваза! 5 Какие

    красивые гвоздики! 6 Такие спелые сливы! 7 Какой забавный попугай! 8 Какое тихое место! THE TWENTY-FIFTH LESSON 25.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to leave - left - left to feel - . . . - . . . to sit - . . . - . . . to run - . . . - . . . to spill - . . . - . . . to kneel - . . . - . . . to let - . . . - . . . to see - . . . - . . . to draw - . . . - . . . to become - . . . - . . . 25.2 Поставьте глаголы в Passive Voice. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1 Mrs. Claydon came to say that the table (to lay). Mrs. Claydon came to say that the table was laid. 2 I can’t take photos because my camera (to repair) now.
  157. 3 We didn’t go to the party though we (to

    invite). 4 The house (to look after) carefully. 5 The game (to play) well by both teams last Sunday. 6 When we arrived, a good dinner (to cook) for us. 7 I sat down for a rest while the shoes (to repair). 8 - Do you live in the same house? - No, we (to give) a new flat a month ago. 9 I think my leg (to break). 25.3 Переделайте предложения в Passive Voice. 1 We will close the window. The window will be closed. 2 They write letters every week. 3 Bob has just spilt all the milk. 4 Ann let in the dog. 5 They suspect nobody. 6 We’ll keep the secret. 7 I frightened my sister. 8 Pete will meet Ann in the park. 9 The teacher told the pupils to sit down. 10 They didn’t repair the bicycle. 11 We won’t take money. 12 They didn’t leave him alone. 25.4 Задайте разделительный вопрос. 1 The pin wasn’t found under the chair. The pin wasn't found under the chair, was it? 2 The sausages have already been eaten up.
  158. 3 The refrigerator is being repaired at the moment. 4

    The wardrobe was not closed. 5 We were warned. 6 He was seen with Jane. 7 The parrot will be caught. 8 A tree is known by its fruit. 25.5 Задайте общий и специальный вопросы к предло­ жениям из упражнения 25.4. 1 The pin wasn’t found under the chair. (Why . . . ?) Was the pin found under the chair? Why wasn’t the pin found under the chair? 2 What . . . ? 3 Whom . . . by ? 4 Why . . . ? 5 When . . . ? 6 Who . . . with ? 7 Where . . . ? 8 What . . . by ? 25.6 Переделайте предложения в Active Voice. 1 Many mistakes were made by the pupils in the last dictation. The pupils made many mistakes in the last dictation 2 The story was written by a well-known writer. 3 The house will be built by workers in 3 months. 4 At the zoo animals are fed by zoo-keepers twice a day.
  159. 5 The magazine has been read by all the pupils

    of our class. 6 We were frightened by a stranger. 7 This book was left (by somebody). 8 That present has been made by my brother himself. 9 She was shown the shortest way. 10 By the time the teacher came, the exercise had been done. 11 They went home after the work had been finished. 25.7 Вставьте в предложения глагол to cook в нужной форме. 1 Mom . . . dinner herself almost every day. 2 She . . . it tomorrow as usual. 3 Ann . . . dinner yesterday. 4 Ann . . . dinner at 3 o’clock yesterday. 5 Dinner . . . every day. 6 Yesterday it . . . on time as usual. 7 Tomorrow it . . . earlier than usual. 8 Mom is in the kitchen. She . . . a turkey now. 9 She likes . . . . 10 She knows how . . . it. 11 She is busy . . . . 25.8 Объедините предложения в одно. 1 Не crossed the road. I saw it. I saw him cross the road. 2 Jane called me. I heard it. 3 Somebody came into the room. I heard it.
  160. 4 My legs shook with fear. I felt it. 5

    John played the piano. I heard it. 6 He went up to them and said something. I saw it. 25.9 Переведите предложения на английский язык. Об­ ратите внимание на завершенность или незавер­ шенность действия. 1 Мы видели, как он подходил к дому. We saw him approaching the house. 2 Мы видели, как он подошел к дому. We saw him approach the house. 3 Она видела, как я открывал окно. 4 Она видела, как я открыл окно. 5 Он слышал, как Мэри рассказывала ему об этом. 6 Он слышал, как Мэри сказала ему об этом. 7 Я видел, как Джим что-то искал в своем порт­ феле. 8 Я почувствовал, как кто-то следит за мной. 9 Вы слышали, что они постучали в дверь? 10 Вы слышите, как кто-то стучит в дверь? 11 Отец видел, что дочь закрыла окно и вышла из комнаты. 12 Отец видел, как дочь закрывала окно. 13 Я никогда не видел, как он ремонтирует свою машину. 25.10 Переведите выражения на английский язык. Со­ ставьте предложения, используя их. приходить вовремя домой
  161. помогать им по дому хорошо учиться не лениться не курить

    не грубить слушаться не упрямиться понять их оставить в покое давать побольше денег помогать, когда они в этом нуждаются Parents want their children Children ask their parents . . . like Parents want their children to come home in time. THE TWENTY-SIXTH LESSON 26.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to blow - blew - blown to pay - . . . - . . . to sink - . . . - . . . to bring - . . . - . . . to say - . . . - . . . to tell - . . . - . . . to read - . . . - . . .
  162. to write - . . . - . . .

    to go - . . . - . . . to do - . . . - . . . 26.2 Переведите выражения на английский язык. Со­ ставьте предложения, начиная со слов Не was told . . . . 1 пойти домой Не was told to go home. 2 не ходить домой 3 остаться в школе 4 не оставаться в школе 5 навестить друга 6 поискать книгу на полке 7 отнести в мастерскую свои ботинки 26.3 Переделайте предложения. 1 We can open the window. The window can be opened. The window can V be opened. 2 He may invent this story. 3 The girl may lose her ribbons. 4 The pupils could repeat these words. 5 They must forget this day. 26.4 Составьте вопросы, используя глаголы в Passive Voice. to be done, to be forgotten, to be finished, to be left, to be shown, to be swept, to be talked about, to be listened to, to be returned, to be used
  163. Has the work been done yet? Why has not the

    work been done? 26.5 Напишите предложения в Passive Voice и пере­ ведите их. 1 The wind blew off my hat. My hat was blown off by the wind. 2 Many people told that story. 3 Her friends didn’t forget about her birthday. 4 Grandparents often spoil their grandchildren. 5 The student has read the text. 6 The teacher will correct their mistakes. 7 I shall post the letter tomorrow. 8 She has dusted the room carefully. 9 We keep his papers in order. 10 They speak about the film very much. 26.6 Ответьте на вопросы, используя a few / a little. 1 Do you speak French? - A little. 2 Do you have any questions? 3 Have they left any fingerprints? 4 Do you know any repair shops? 5 Have they got any cards about them? 6 Have you got any money about you? 7 Do you know him well? 8 Are you afraid of him? 9 Are there any new streets in the town?
  164. 26.7 Вставьте a few I few I a little /

    little. 1 He is too lazy. He always does little work. 2 Jack is not rich, but he has got . . . money. You can borrow some from him. 3 I can’t find it now. I need . . . time to search it for. 4 When did you see John? - . . . weeks ago. 5 I don’t like to write letters, but yesterday I wrote . . . letters to my friends. 6 They are not well-known. . . . people heard of them. 7 He wrote dictations rather well. He made very . . . mistakes in them. THE TWENTY-SEVENTH LESSON 27.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to spit - spat - spat to get - . . . - . . . to draw - . . . - . . . to take - . . . - . . . to begin - . . . - . . . to be - . . . - . . . to do - . . . - . . . to put - . . . - . . . to sit - . . . - . . . to think - . . . - . . .
  165. 27.2 Перефразируйте предложения. Сообщите, что это вам позволено. Используйте выражение

    to be allowed to. 1 You may take any book you like. I am allowed to take any book I like. 2 You may go home. 3 You may read this book. 4 You may put on these trousers. 5 You may turn on the gas-stove. 6 You may leave your bag at home. 7 You may use the car whenever you like. 27.3 Перестройте предложения в Past Indefinite, а за­ тем во Future Indefinite. 1 For the first time I am allowed to make a cake myself. For the first time I was allowed to make a cake myself. For the first time I'll be allowed to make a cake myself. 2 He is allowed to stay with his friends. 3 You are allowed to buy a bar of chocolate. 4 We are allowed to join them. 5 They are allowed to finish up their compositions. 6 She was allowed to paint all the walls in the room herself. 7 We are allowed to visit Tim at the hospital twice a week.
  166. 27.4 Ответьте на вопросы, высказав предположение. Используйте may. Переведите. 1

    Is he at home? - I don’t know. He may be at home. 2 Is he ill? 3 Is he telling the truth? 4 Are they ready for the lesson? 5 Are they looking for the kitten? 6 Are they having lunch? 27.5 Ответьте на вопросы. Выскажите сомнение, ис­ пользуя may not. Переведите. 1 Do you think they will wait for us? - I'т not sure. They may not wait for us. 2 Do you think we will go to the zoo today? 3 Do you think he will take them with him? 4 Do you think he will pay attention to my new skirt? 5 Do you think they will notice any change in our flat? 6 Do you think she will search for her umbrella? 7 Do you think they will boil the water? 8 Do you think he will change his plans?
  167. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LESSON 28.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to

    break - broke - broken to say - . . . - . . . to give - . . . - . . . to go - . . . - . . . to have - . . . - . . . to run - . . . - . . . to hang - . . . - . . . to tell - . . . - . . . to come - . . . - . . . to know - . . . - . . . 28.2 Переделайте предложения в Passive Voice. 1 They asked me my address. I was asked my address. 2 Someone told us a thrilling story. 3 Our uncle showed us some interesting pictures. 4 He told me nothing. 5 They have not asked us any questions. 6 They have never told him about their life. 7 The teacher didn’t give me enough time to get ready for the answer. 8 She won’t tell us the truth. 9 They never ask the age. 10 He let the dog in. 11 They will change the date of the meeting.
  168. 28.3 Закончите предложения. 1 I want them to . .

    . . I want them to keep my secret. 2 My Granny asked me to . . . . 3 We didn’t hear her . . . . 4 They felt the old man . . . . 5 Let me . . . . 6 My friends saw them . . . . 7 It made Mr. Tailor . . . . 28.4 Подберите пары и составьте предложения, соеди­ нив их союзами so / because. I opened the window she is honest and friendly. The door was opened we have not got the key. I like Jane don’t wait for me. He got nervous they stayed at home. We can’t get into the it was hot there. house we could come into the It was raining house. I want to be at home he was not sure, this evening 28.5 Direct Speech и Reported Speech. said - said that said to somebody - told somebody 1 Jack / his friends / “I have never been there.”
  169. Jack said, “I have never been there. ” Jack said

    that he had never been there. Jack said to his friends, “I have never been there. ” Jack told his friends that he had never been there. 2 I/ my mother / “I’ll take him with me.” 3 Mary / us / “I have already had lunch.” 4 John / Mike / “I won’t go there without you.” 5 She / him / “I don’t want to stay in the city any longer.” 6 Jane / the teacher / “I’m ready to answer your questions.” 7 The child / his mother / “I’m cold.” 8 Bob / Jane / “I met John when I was in the park.” 28.6 Задайте вопрос и ответьте на него. Would you ... i f . . . ? 1 cry / scald your hand / No - Would you cry if you scalded your hand? - No, I would not. 2 rush to save a kitten / see in the pond / Yes 3 help your friends / ask / Yes 4 keep a secret / tell / Yes 5 go to see Jane / be not so late / Yes 6 buy a car / have money / No 7 buy the book / be not so expensive / Yes
  170. THE TWENTY-NINTH LESSON 29.1 Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы? to

    lie - lay - lain to make - . . . - . . . to shut - . . . - . . . to catch - . . . - . . . to understand - . . . - . . . to see - . . . - . . . to be - . . . - . . . to bite - . . . - . . . to get - . . . - . . . to read - . . . - . . . 29.2 Вставьте глаголы в Passive Voice. 1 Come in and have your milk. It (to keep) hot for you long. It has been kept hot for you long. 2 This room (not to use) last year. 3 The children are very excited this morning. They (to take) to the theatre tonight. 4 My keys (to return) to me. They (to pick up) in the street. 5 Bicycles must not (to leave) in the hall. 6 He (to take) to hospital tomorrow and (to operate on) the day after tomorrow. 7 There was nobody on the road, but the girl was afraid. She thought she (to follow). 8 Your dress is dirty. It must (to clean).
  171. 29.3 Закончите предложения в Reported Speech. 1 “Was your Mom

    pleased with you?” He asked me whether my Mom had been pleased with me. 2 “Are you seeking for a new job?” I wanted to know . . . 3 “Did you hear what he said?” They asked me . . . 4 “Is he bitten by a mad dog?” He asked them . . . 5 “Is the doctor at home?” Can you find out . . . 6 “Were you nervous taking your test?” I wondered . . . 7 “Have you fetched the doctor yet?” She cried excitedly . . . 8 “Do they wear fur coats in England?” It was interesting to know . . . 29.4 Составьте предложения, объединив правую и ле­ вую части. Переведите на русский язык. She is too young to invite me to the theatre. They were too tired to go farther. He is still too weak to go on a voyage. It’s too cold today to do such things herself. He is clever enough to understand it. They came to us to sleep with an open win­ dow.
  172. 29.5 Переведите на английский язык. Используйте вы­ ражение to ring

    smb up. 1 Позвони Ане сегодня вечером, пожалуйста. 2 Ты уже звонил маме? 3 Да, я звонил маме час назад. 4 Когда ты позвонишь доктору? 5 Можно я сама позвоню ему и приглашу его на день рождения? 6 Ты должен позвонить Смитам и сообщить эту новость. 7 Я часто звоню своей тете. Она живет одна. 8 Сейчас не поздно. Ты можешь позвонить Сэму. 9 Не звони ему, уже поздно. 10 Я не люблю звонить Джону. 11 Разве ты не позвонил им? 12 Ты позвонил им вчера, да? 13 Позвони же ей! 14 Извини, но я уже позвонил Джеку к тому мо­ менту, когда ты попросил этого не делать. 15 Он спросил, позвонил ли я Джону. THE THIRTIETH LESSON 30.1 Составьте предложения и переведите их в Reported Speech. 1 “Close the window” / she / him. “Close the window, ” she said to him. She asked him to close the window.
  173. 2 “Eat more fruit” / the doctor / the patient.

    3 “Shut the door” / she / us. 4 “Don’t lock the house” / he / them. 5 “Come at five o’clock” / Mom / her daughter. 6 “Don’t be late” / the boy / his friends. 7 “Don’t offend him” / the little girl / the fellows. 30.2 Вставьте like / as. 1 She looks beautiful - like a princess. 2 He is working as a driver. 3 There are a lot of interesting things in our room. It’s . . . a museum. 4 The bad news came . . . a great shock. 5 Sometimes he behaves . . . a child. 6 Jane has worked . . . a secretary at my school for several years. 7 Everybody is ill at home. Our house is . . . a hospital. 8 We use our living-room . . . a bedroom. 9 Jack doesn’t want to work . . . the head of the school, he will work . . . a teacher. 10 It’s August, but it has rained a lot lately. It’s . . . an autumn. 11 He ran away . . . a frightened rabbit. 30.3 Вставьте as / when / because. 1 . . . winter approached, the days became shorter. 2 . . . I got home, I had a rest. 3 . . . I was coming here, I met your parents.
  174. 4 . . . I have not read the book,

    I can’t tell you anything about it. 5 I can’t do it . . . I am very busy. 6 . . . they live next door, we can see them very often. 7 Just . . . I sat down, the phone rang. 8 Jane burnt herself . . . she was taking the cakes out of the oven. 9 We were shocked . . . we saw him. 10 She began to cry . . . she was listening to his sad story. 11 My aunt began to scold her son . . . he sat at the table with dirty hands. 12 . . . I was younger I went in for sports. 30.4 Задайте вопросы, начиная с выражений Tell me please . . . , I wonder . . . . 1 Where are you going? I wonder where you are going. 2 Where have you been? 3 What will they do? 4 Why didn’t they come to us? 5 Where does she live? 6 What languages can she speak? 7 Where did he take that string? 8 Why arc you doing this task? 9 What does it mean? 10 What do you want to say?
  175. 30.5 Образуйте глаголы, добавив -en. Догадайтесь об их значении. Уточните

    в словаре. soft - мягкий to soften - смягчать dark - . . . straight - . . . weak - . . . black - . . . wide - . . . short - . . . quick - . . . fast - . . . 30.6 Примите участие в интервью. With us here in the studio this morning is Mike Johnson, an English teacher. - Good morning, Mike. - . . . . We know that you are a teacher, aren’t you? - . . . ? - I live in Bristol. - . . . ? -Yes, I’ve got a family and I’ve got two sons. - How old are they? - . . . . - Do they study at - . . . . school? - . . . ? - A little. - Were you good at - . . . . English when you were a schoolboy?
  176. - And what about your - . . . .

    children? - . . . . - Yes, I’ve been to Russia twice. - When were you there - . . . . last? - How did you like - . . . . Moscow? - . . . . - Oh, yes! I’m going to see my friends there. - Thank you for your - . . . . coming, Mike. Good luck! Bye. THE THIRTY-FIRST LESSON 31.1 Заполните пропуски. to be - was/were - been - быть -... -... - done -... -... -went -... -... to have -... -... -... -... -said -... -... -... -... -... -видеть -... -... -come -... to get -... -... -... -... -... -... -читать -... -gave -... -...
  177. 31.2 Вставьте словосочетания с глаголом to get. to get out

    of to get cold to get rich to get rid of to get late to get to to get off to get into to get to get tired to get together 1 It’s . . . . Put on your coat. 2 Where shall we . . . the bus and change it? 3 We can’t . . . the idea that we’ve lost our way. 4 The hole was so deep that the fox couldn’t . . . it. 5 It’s . . . . Let’s go home. 6 The house was locked. Nobody could . . . it. 7 We have walked a long way. We . . . . 8 Is it easy to . . . that place? 9 She usually . . . a lot of presents on her birthday. 10 When we . . . we’ll buy a larger house. 11 Every year we . . . at our Granny’s. 31.3 Задайте вопросы. 1 There was a strange rustle under the bush. Where was there a strange rustle? 2 There is something interesting in this envelope. Where . . . ? 3 There is no free medical assistance in England. Where . . . ? 4 There will be a spot on the table. Where . . . ? What . . . ? 5 There were 15 boys and 20 girls in our class last year.
  178. When . . . ? How many . . .

    ? 6 There was no wind when she opened the window. When . . . ? 31.4 Составьте предложения из двух частей. Переве­ дите на русский язык. If I were you we will get there on If I knew his phone num- time. ber go home immediately. If he had time ice always melts. If we leave now he would have no poc- If George took my bicy- ket money. cle without permission I would phone him. If I weren’t so hungry I wouldn’t buy that skirt. If John didn’t work I would never eat this. If the weather tempera- I would be angry with ture is warm enough him. If you don’t want to be he would come and scolded help. 31.5 Попробуйте сами провести интервью с Биллом Томасом. Bill Thomas a manager 32 years old has got a family has got two children (5 and 3 years old)
  179. goes to work by bus a good football player likes

    to watch TV dreams to be rich and to see the world THE THIRTY-SECOND LESSON 32.1 Составьте предложения с выражением to be going to. 1 I / to phone my uncle tomorrow evening I am going to phone my uncle tomorrow evening. 2 He / to study French next year 3 We / to have a dictation next Monday 4 They / to speak to the teacher in a week 5 His son / to repair his bicycle tomorrow 6 It / to rain 7 He / to be a dentist when he grows up 32.2 Ответьте на вопросы. 1 Have you bought a new car? (next month) Not yet. I'm going to buy it next month. 2 Has your Mom made coffee? (just) 3 Has your brother phoned Nick? (after school) 4 Have they had dinner? (soon) 5 Have you played tennis today? (after lunch) 6 Has Tom done his work yet? (next week)
  180. 32.3 Задайте вопросы, используя to be going to. 1 He

    has won a prize. (What / do with it) What is he going to do with it? 2 My parents have decided to have a party. (Who / invite) 3 My father has just bought a picture. (Where / hang it) 4 I’ve read his book. (When / return it) 5 Jack has caught a squirrel in the forest. (Where / let it out) 6 We’ve decided to cut the grass around our house. (When / cut it) 7 He has got a new job. (When / start) 32.4 Переведите слова в значении существительного / прилагательного и глагола. answer - ответ - to answer - отвечать change - . . . fear - . . . clean - . . . class - . . . work - . . . dirty - . . . hand - . . . light - . . . empty - . . . order - . . . excuse - . . . free - . . . place - . . . use - . . . light - . . . snow - . . . rain - . . . end - . . .
  181. 32.5 Вставьте выделенные слова. Переведите предло­ жения на русский язык.

    answer light use end place 1 Your . . . is not correct. 2 Can you see the . . . in the distance? 3 When did you . . . the cake in the oven? 4 In the . . . I got the job I wanted. 5 It is better to . . . the question giving your reasons. 6 Do you think this is that very . . . we are looking for? 7 I like the room. It is . . . and big. 8 Is there any . . . in translating the text? You don’t know any new words. 9 It’s dark. I’d like you to . . . me up so that we could search for a path. 10 We don’t . . . dictionaries at the lessons very often. 11 We . . . our dinner with a nice pudding. 32.6 Вставьте some / a / any, где необходимо. 1 Do you collect . . . postcards or stamps? 2 I’ve managed to buy . . . flowers though it was late. 3 Jim has got . . . very long legs, so he’s . . . fast runner. 4 When they reached the city . . . shops were still open, but most of them were closed.
  182. 5 Give me . . . money. I’m going to

    buy . . . en­ velopes. 6 . . . birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly. 7 Suddenly he heard . . . terrible noise. He turned round and saw . . . tree lying across the road. 8 I love . . . bananas! Give me . . . bananas. THE THIRTY-THIRD LESSON 33.1 Заполните пропуски to feel -... -... -... -... -became -... -... -... -... -... -.слышать -... -... -spoken -... to think -... -... -... -... -wrote -... -... -... -... -... -понимать -... -... -begun -... to put -... -... -... -... -made -... -... 33.2 Вставьте owing to / thanks to. 1 They were not late thanks to his help. 2 We couldn’t get there on time . . . heavy snow­ fall. 3 We were let into the overcrowded hall . . . our charming companion.
  183. 4 Everybody was saved . . . the lifeboats fastened

    to the side of the ship. 5 . . . his rudeness he has very few friends. 6 . . . her kindness she attracts many people. 7 . . . his warning they didn’t get into a scrape. 33.3 Закончите предложения. 1 If I had more time, I would visit all the markets in our city. 2 If I were rich, I would . . . . 3 If I were you, . . . . 4 If I had my own car, . . . . 5 If I had a rich relative in the USA, . . . . 6 If I were a painter, . . . . 7 If I could write poems, . . . . 33.4 Direct Speech и Reported Speech. 1 (said) Bessie: I can’t understand what he is talking about. Bessie said, “I can’t understand what he is talking about.” Bessie said that she couldn't understand what he was talking about. 2 (asked) Ann: Where are they? 3 (said) Stella: I liked the book very much. 4 (say) Paul and Mary: We will come to see you. 5 (promised) Helen: I’ll make a new dress for Mary myself.
  184. 6 (answered) Tom : I’m translating a novel. 7 (promised)

    He: I’ll be back in ten minutes. 8 (said) They : We shan’t do that. 9 (explained) Mr. Bay : I’m waiting for Mrs. Bay. She will be here very soon. 10 (answered) Dad : I’m hanging the picture on the wall. 33.5 Образуйте существительные от выделенных гла­ голов и вставьте их в предложения. to play to sleep to read to write to dance to drive to help to teach 1 Ann is a good tennis . . . . She plays tennis twice a week. 2 He is a big . . . .He goes to bed at 10 o’clock in the evening and gets up at 10 o’clock in the morning. 3 My aunt is a well-known . . . . She has already written five novels. 4 John likes to read. He is a good . . . . 5 They are . . . . They go to ballroom dancing on Tuesdays and Saturdays. 6 Mrs. Anderson is a . . . . She works at our school. 7 Frank’s father is a . . . . He drives a bus. 8 Julia is a good . . . . She helps her mother about the house.
  185. 33.6 Переведите слова в скобках. При переводе обра­ тите внимание

    на отсутствие предлога. to pass to approach to enter to watch to reach to watch to speak to answer 1 We sat on the beach and (наблюдали за) the sun on the horizon. 2 He (приблизился к) the table and sat down opposite me. 3 When the car (доехала до) the comer, it stopped. 4 Neither of my parents (говорит по-) English. 5 They couldn’t (ответить на) these questions cor­ rectly. 6 When a smart girl (вошла в) the room, everyone gazed at her. 7 He sat (наблюдая за) planes taking off. 8 Ten minutes later we (прошли мимо) an old church and found ourselves on the bank of a beautiful river. THE THIRTY-FOURTH LESSON 34.1 Напишите предложения в Reported Speech. Пе­ реведите. 1 Where are your parents? (My friends wanted to know . . .) My friends wanted to know where my parents were 2 Where were you? (Mother asked me . . .)
  186. 3 Why are you waiting for them? (Jane wondered .

    . .) 4 Where do you usually buy flowers? (Jim asked Bob . . .) 5 Where did he hurt his leg? (Father asked me angrily . . .) 6 Why have not you done your homework yet? (My sister asked me slyly . . . ) 7 Why won’t you help the Wilsons? (Bill asked his parents . . .) 34.2 Скажите, к чему вы привыкли / не привыкли. Ис­ пользуйте выражение to get used to (doing) some­ thing. 1 cold weather I didn’t get used to cold weather. 2 the noise in the class 3 hot water 4 getting up early 5 going to bed late 6 wearing spectacles (glasses) 7 studying at night 8 sleeping on the floor 9 swimming every day 10 eating tasty things 34.3 Составьте предложения. 1 (eating / less / I / getting used to / am). I'm getting used to eating less.
  187. 2 (very early / can’t get used to / he

    / being waked up). 3 (getting used to / you / everything / are / doing / yourself)? 4 (they / going to school / did not / by themselves / get used to). 5 (won’t / such a noise / in the street / I’m afraid / we / get used to). 6 (speaking / I / get used to / loudly / didn’t). 7 (porridge / got used to / we / have / eating / for breakfast). 34.4 Past Indefinite или Present Perfect? 1 I (to buy) a new dress last week, but I (not / to wear) it yet. I bought a new dress last week, but I have not worn it yet. 2 He (already / to see) that film. 3 He (to see) it when he was in London. 4 - When (you / to meet) Harry? - I (to meet) him the day before yesterday. 5 - . . . (you / to speak) to him? - Yes, I (to speak) to him before the party. 6 I (never / to play) rugby in my life, but I (to play) football when I was at school. 7 I (to buy) the tape-recorder just a week ago, on the 12th of March. 8 . . . (you / ever / to see) a giant butterfly? 9 In the afternoon I (to meet) him in the hotel and we (to go) to the beach. 10 The accident (to happen) ten years ago.
  188. 11 I think my English (to improve) a bit. 12

    He is the most charming man I (ever / to know). 34.5 Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо. 1 We came . . . London . . . the 25th . . . Sep­ tember and left for Oxford only . . . October. 2 They went out . . . a quarter . . . seven and arrived just . . . time. 3 We like to play . . . football . . . summer and . . . hockey . . . winter. 4 She plays . . . the violin well. 5 He always leaves home early . . . the morning and comes back late . . . night. 6 Count . . . ten . . . hundred . . . English. 7 I was working . . . 7 o’clock . . . Friday evening. THE THIRTY-FIFTH LESSON 35.1 Используя выражение Would you like . . . ?, при­ гласите или предложите. поиграть в футбол; Would you like to play football? выпить чашку кофе; пообедать вместе; пойти с вами завтра в театр; пройтись с вами по магазинам; прогуляться с вами; покататься на вашем велосипеде.
  189. 35.2 Выразите сожаление о том, что вам не удалось. Используйте

    выражение I would like to have done . . . . 1 It’s a pity. I didn’t visit John. I would like to have visited him. 2 It’s a pity. I didn’t see the film. 3 It’s a pity. I didn’t buy that bicycle. 4 We didn’t have lunch together. It’s a pity. 5 I didn’t learn any foreign language. It’s a pity. 6 I didn’t read any stories about Sherlock Holmes. 35.3 Скажите, что стоит / не стоит делать. 1 this book / to read This book is worth reading. 2 that film / to see 3 these shoes / not / to repair 4 these rhymes / to learn by heart 5 these things / to buy 6 this text / not / to translate 7 the talk / not / to go on 8 this thrilling story / not / to read 35.4 Измените предложения. Используйте конструкцию усиления It was . . . who (that) . . . . 1 I met his sisters in the park yesterday. It was his sisters who I met in the park yesterday. It was in the park that I met his sisters yesterday. It was yesterday that I met his sisters in the park.
  190. 2 His brother brought me the letter the day before

    yesterday. 3 My parents heard a strange noise from outside. 4 Pete saw a child in the river and saved him. 5 Children found a little kitten in the yard. 6 I told him the news after we had returned home. 7 The autumn rains destroyed the bridge. 35.5 Вы не довольны тем, что сделано / не сделано. Скажите об этом. Используйте конструкцию should (not) have done. Переведите. 1 to come to the party You should have come to the party. 2 not / to eat so much chocolate 3 not / to walk without a warm coat 4 to take something to eat with you 5 not / to read thrilling stories tonight 6 not / to chatter so much 7 to make a bet THE THIRTY-SIXTH LESSON 36.1 Заполните пропуски. -... -slept -... -... to keep -... -kept -... -... -... -... -... -... -ate -... -...
  191. 36.2 Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1 If I (to

    know) that you were in hospital, I would (to visit) you. But I knew nothing. If I had known that you were in hospital, I would have visited you. 2 If I (not / to see) it with my eyes, I would (not / to believe) it. But I saw it myself. 3 If the engine (not / to be started), we would (to be late) to the station. But we were in time there. 4 If she (to know) the whole story, she would (not / to be) so angry. But she became angry. 5 You would (to get into trouble) if you (not / to obey) me. But you didn’t. 6 If the fire brigade (to arrive) earlier, the house would (not / to be burnt) to the ground. But it was too late. 36.3 Ответьте на вопрос Why didn’t you . . . ? 1 wait for me - Why didn’t you wait for me? - You didn’t tell me to. If you had told me, I would have waited for you. to stand - . . . - . . . - . . . - . . . - . . . - met - . . . - . . . - . . . - . . . - бежать to ring - . . . - . . . - . . . - . . . - told - . . . - . . . - . . . - . . . - worn - . . .
  192. 2 thank Jim 3 warn his parents 4 invite their

    friends 5 stop the car 6 remind me 36.4 Задайте вопросы. 1 He didn’t ask me to go. - Would you have gone if he had asked you? 2 He didn’t ask me to help him with Maths. 3 He didn’t ask me to pay for the broken window. 4 He didn’t ask me to explain the rule to others. 5 He didn’t ask me to write a message to him. 6 He didn’t ask me to phone him later. 36.5 Переведите на русский язык. 1 I’ve not got a car. I’d like to buy one. 2 My dress is too long. I want a shorter one. 3 Mr. Dale has lost his umbrella. He has to buy another one. 4 I don’t like cold days. I prefer warm ones. 5 There is no dictionary here. Bring me one, please. 6 - Can you show me some flowers? - Which ones would you like? - Those, please. 7 Don’t take this cup. It is dirty. Take that one. 8 Have you got a pen? I need one.
  193. 9 January is the first month of the year. December

    is the last one. 36.6 Спросите Сколько . . . ? Используйте How many . . . ? / How much . . . ? 1 I made a lot of mistakes in my dictation. How many mistakes did you make? 2 I’ve got some orange juice in the refrigerator. 3 He has got some money about him. 4 I bought some postcards. 5 There isn’t enough jam for tea at home. 6 I don’t know many football players. 7 I have read a lot of English books. 8 I’ve been to Europe several times. THE THIRTY-SEVENTH LESSON 37.1 К словам из левого столбца подберите антонимы из правого столбца. after, lean, tall, bad, dark, first, late, good, begin, high, go out, win, short, come in, wrong, well, light, leave, small, goodbye, fast, before, hello, early, fall, answer, yes, low, fat, ask, come, no, take, last, right, slow, give, finish, ill, thick, thin lose, rise, large
  194. 37.2 Образуйте существительные, добавляя -ness. До­ гадайтесь об их значении.

    Уточните перевод в словаре. cold - холодный coldness - холодность dark - . . . kind - . . . weak - . . . bitter - . . . happy - . . . sudden - . . . ready - . . . 37.3 Переведите на русский язык. 1 One never knows what his answer may be. 2 One must always keep one’s word. 3 One should never put off till tomorrow what one can do today. 4 One can never know what he can do. 5 One should always answer letters immediately. 6 Now one can speak by telephone over any distance. 37.4 Допишите предложения, используя one / ones и данную информацию. 1 (The jeans are to the left of the shop-girl.) - Can you show me the jeans? - Which ones? - Those to the left of you, please.
  195. 37.5 Past Indefinite или Past Continuous? 1 The doorbell (to

    ring) when he (to be about to leave) the house. 2 (The dress is on the tall woman.) - That dress is very nice. - ... ? - ... . 3 (The son is the tallest boy in the photo.) - Look at the photo. This is my son. - ... ? - ... . 4 (The house is between the bank and the shop.) - The house is very old. - ... ? - ... . 5 (The shoes are under the sofa.) - Are those your shoes? - ... ? - ... . 6 (The man wears a black coat.) - Do you know that man? - ... ? - ... . 7 (The kitten is dark grey.) - Do you like this kitten? - ... ? - ... .
  196. 2 While he (to learn) to drive, he (to have)

    some accidents. 3 He (to hurt) his leg while he (to climb) the tree. 4 A lot of people (to watch) the accident while they (to wait for) a bus. 5 The pupils (to talk) excitedly when the teacher (to come in). 6 While the teacher (to write) on the blackboard, the pupils (to take out) their pens and textbooks. 7 When the bell (to ring), the pupils (still / to write). 8 The teacher (to tell) them to stop working and (to collect) their answer papers. 37.6 Поставьте глаголы в Future Continuous. Переде­ лайте их в Past Continuous, сделав необходимые замены. 1 This time next Monday I (to sit) on a beach. This time next Monday I'll be sitting on a beach. This time last Monday I was sitting on a beach. 2 Mary (to practise) the piano from two till three tomorrow. 3 When you (to see) me next time, I (to wear) a new dress. 4 When I (to get) home, my dog (to sit) at the door waiting for me. 5 I think he (still / to work) when we (to be back). 6 She (to speak) for not less than two hours. 7 They (not / to wait) for you more than an hour. 8 I (still / to sleep) at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.
  197. 38.2 Образуйте цепочку существительное - прилага­ тельное-существительное, добавляя -less, -ness.

    Догадайтесь об их значении. Уточните перевод в словаре. aim - цель —> aimless - бесцельный —> aimlessness - бесцельность fear - . . . use - . . . help - . . . law - . . . care - . . . harm - . . . 9 I (to have dinner) when you (to ring) me up tomorrow. THE THIRTY-EIGHTH LESSON 38.1 Заполните пропуски. to break -... -... -... -... -caught -... -... -... -... -flown -... -... -... -... -... to take -... -... -... -... -... -swum -... to burst -... -... -... -... -cut -... -... -... -drove -... -... -... -... -... -оставлять покидать
  198. 38.3 Замените выделенные слова личными место­ имениями. 1 Mother allowed

    her son to play in the garden. She allowed him to play in it. 2 The old man gave the books to the boys. 3 Your room is better than mine. 4 Tell Tom not to forget about the tickets. 5 The weather is cold today. 6 The teacher knows their address. 7 Mary wanted to buy new shoes. 8 Peter is always ready to help his little sister. 9 Mr. Swan made his dog jump over the fence. 38.4 Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо. 1 Ann is ill. She has gone . . . the doctor. 2 - Where were you this morning? - I was . . . work. 3 What time are you going . . . home? 4 The boy jumped . . . the river and swam . . . the other side. 5 - Why don’t you like him? - Because I’m afraid . . . him. 6 He went . . . France . . . train. 7 - How can I get to this address? - I think . . . bus, but you can go . . . foot. 8 They arrived . . . the station just in time. 9 Don’t worry about our holiday. I’ll take care . . . that.
  199. 10 What happened . . . that gold ring I

    gave you? 11 I look stupid . . . this coat. Everyone will laugh . . . me. 12 Why are you looking . . . me like that? 13 Don’t listen . . . what he says. He’s wrong. 14 He shouted . . . me from the other side of the street. 15 It’s raining outdoors. I’m waiting . . . it to stop. 16 She felt nervous as she entered . . . the room. 17 I don’t have enough money . . . me. 18 I want to borrow some . . . the friend of mine. 19 My parents are in Italy now, but the other day they are leaving . . . France. 20 She left . . . the shop without buying anything. 21 We’ve searched everywhere . . . Jane, but we were unable to find her. 22 Sorry, I haven’t written . . . you for such a long time. 23 We reached . . . the town late at night. 38.5 Вставьте глагол to look с предлогами. look after look for look at look out look in look through look over 1 I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me . . . them? 2 My granny is very old. She needs someone to . . . her. 3 When I . . . my watch I realized that I was late. 4 “ . . . next time when you are in our place!” my aunt exclaimed parting with her guests.
  200. 5 They . . . a magazine, but couldn’t find

    any interesting articles. 6 “You should . . . the house before you decide to buy it,” said the agent. 7 “ . . . for the cars turning in your direction,” taught us the instructor. THE THIRTY-NINTH LESSON 39.1 Измените значение глаголов на противоположное, добавив dis-. Переведите. to like - любить dislike - не любить to obey - . . . to trust - . . . to approve - . . . to appear - . . . to arm - . . . to connect - . . . to cover - . . . to join - . . . to organize - . . . to satisfy - . . . 39.2 Выделенные слова напишите во множественном числе. Сделайте изменения в предложениях, если это потребуется. 1 Do you know that woman? Do you know those women? 2 Will you help me? 3 This plate is clean. 4 Whose knife is this? 5 Catch the mouse, please!
  201. 6 Are you a doctor? 7 My elder son has

    hurt his foot. 8 The child asked his mother to buy him a new toy. 39.3 Ответьте на вопросы. Переведите на русский язык. 1 Do you wash your car yourself? No, I have my car washed. 2 Do they cut the grass in the garden themselves? 3 Is your mother going to shorten your trousers herself? 4 Did you repair your watch yourself? 5 Has your granny swept the floor herself? 6 Did you draw this nice picture yourself? 7 Has she cut her hair herself? 8 Are you going to clean the windows yourself? 9 Have the Quirks painted the ceiling themselves? 39.4 Задайте общий и специальный вопросы. 1 I have my hair cut. at this hairdresser’s / Where . . . ? - Do you have your hair cut at this hairdresser’s? - No, I don't - Where do you usually have your hair cut? 2 We had a new garage built last year. far from the house / When . . . ? 3 I have had the piano tuned. well / Why . . . ? 4 I want to have my car repaired. quickly / When . . . ?
  202. 5 He had his nose broken. in fight / Where

    . . . ? 39.5 Какие русские пословицы и поговорки соответст­ вуют английским? Переведите, а потом дайте рус­ ский эквивалент. 1 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2 A good beginning makes a good ending. 3 Better late than never. 4 Doing is better than saying. 5 East or West, home is best. 6 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 7 No sweet without sweat. 8 Score twice before you cut once. 9 Slow but sure. 10 The cat would eat fish and would not wet her paws. 11 When pigs fly. 12 A bird is known by its song. THE FORTIETH LESSON 40.1 Запомнили ли вы эти слова ? иногда - sometimes никогда - . . . всегда -. . . конечно - . . . уже -. . . только что - . . . еще -. . . сейчас - . . . часто -. . . только - . . .
  203. опять - . . . совершенно - . . .

    почти - . . . действительно - . . . итак - . . . потому что - . . . хотя - . . . напрасно - . . . обычно - . . . едва ли - . . . однажды - . . . достаточно - . . . 40.2 Переведите на английский язык. 1 Если в воскресенье будет дождь, мне не удастся поиграть в теннис. 2 Если бы у нее был покороче нос, она была бы симпатичной. 3 Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы повидал мир. 4 Что бы ты сделал, если бы увидел на улице драку? 5 Лед растает, если его нагреть. 6 Будь я в Англии, я пошел бы на Трафальгарскую площадь. 7 Если бы он вернулся вовремя, мы бы встрети­ лись. Но он опоздал. 8 Если цветы не поливать, они завянут. 9 Если бы у тебя было время, я бы показал тебе свои рисунки. Я покажу их тебе в следующий раз. 10 Если бы ты написал тест без ошибок, ты бы вы­ играл спор. Но ты проиграл. 11 Если бы он выиграл спор, он бы сказал нам. 12 Если она серьезно заболеет, нам будет трудно без нее.
  204. 40.3 Вставьте а / the, где необходимо. to be at

    a loss to play . . . piano to play . . . tennis to be . . . cross to have . . . toothache in . . . loud voice it’s . . . pleasure in . . . morning at . . . night to tell . . . truth to tell . . . lie to tell . . . time at . . . work it’s . . . pity at . . . school at . . . cinema all of . . . sudden it’s . . . shame it’s out of . . . question to mean . . . well 40.4 Вставьте выделенные глаголы в нужном времени. to open to be to see to run after to catch to run away to shut to see to hear to try to see to jump off to be to read to look out to get into to climb over
  205. Jill’s father . . . a book last night when

    he . . . a noise in the garden. He . . . the window and . . . . It . . . dark and at first he could ... nothing. But just as he . . . the window, he ... a man. The man . . . to . . . the garden wall. He was a thief. When he . . . Jill’s father at the window, he . . . the wall and . . . . Jill’s father . . . him. There . . . a car at the end of the street. The thief . . . the car, but Jill’s father . . . him. 40.5 Переведите предложения с двойным отрицанием на английский язык. 1 Никто не знал правильного ответа. 2 Он никогда не бывал здесь раньше. 3 Мы ничего не сказали ему. 4 Мама не дала мне никаких денег. 5 Никто не приходил сюда. 6 Я никого не видела во дворе. 7 Никого не было дома, когда я проснулся. THE FORTY-FIRST LESSON 41.1 Заполните пропуски to forget -... -... -... -... -built -... -... -... -... -... -посылать -... -fell -... -...
  206. 41.2 Знаете ли вы эти известные английские высказы­ вания? Выберите

    правильное слово. A man’s best friend is his . . . . wife son dog An Englishman’s home is his . . . . castle church house . . . makes the world go round. love gravity money I’m so happy - I’m over the . . . . moon sun stars I’m so hungry I could cat a . . . . mountain horse whale -... -... -known -... -... -let -... -... to teach -... -... -... -... -... -... -сидеть to buy -... -... -... -... -... -drunk -...
  207. 41.3 Переделайте предложения, используя выражение to be to в нужной

    форме. 1 Parents left for Bristol and told Kate to have dinner alone. Kate was to have dinner alone. 2 Mrs. Walter asked her husband to speak to their son. Mr. Walter . . . speak to his son. 3 My friend often asks me to walk her dog. Today I . . . walk my friend’s dog. 4 My little brother is a naughty boy. He can’t stay at home alone. Mom is out today. I . . . keep an eye on him. 5 We agreed to meet at the station at 7 p.m. We . . . meet at the station at 7 p.m. 6 The teacher asked us to repeat the rules. We . . . repeat the rules. 7 My doctor gives me some medicine. I . . . take it. 8 The Prime Minister said, “The Queen is going to visit China next year.” The Queen . . . visit China next year. 9 He parted with his friend. He thought they wouldn’t meet again, b u t . . . They . . . meet again. 10 The waiter brought a bottle of wine and asked, “Where shall I put it, sir?” He asked where he . . . put the bottle.
  208. 41.4 Вставьте been / gone. 1 - Have you ever

    . . . to Australia? - No, I have never . . . to Australia. 2 Dan isn’t at home at the moment. He has . . . to the stadium. 3 - Have the Mitchells . . . to London? - Yes, they have . . . there many times. 4 Look! I’ve just . . . to the market. I have bought a lot of tasty things. 5 - Where is Michael? - He has . . . to his grandmother. 41.5 Перепишите предложения, используя said that. 1 Erin said, “I’m going to write a reply to him.” Erin said that she was going to write a reply to him. 2 Dan said, “I like learning rhymes.” 3 Kate said, “I’m going to borrow a copy-book from my sister.” 4 Jim said, “We have had a good day at school.” 5 Jane said, “It is pleasant to be well-known.” 6 Bob said, “It’s difficult for me to spell English words.” 7 Tom said, “I don’t like to be obliged to anybody.” 8 Ann said, “I can’t remember where I have seen him before.”
  209. 41.6 “Chain game.” Заполните пропуски. Постройте «Цепочку» из этих слов,

    убедившись, что каждое новое слово начинается с последней буквы пре­ дыдущего. 1 Mary has a bow of . . . in her hair. 2 A son of a brother or a sister is a . . . . 3 The . . . met Little Red Riding Hood in the woods. 4 Cats like to eat . . . . 5 A . . . looks like a rabbit, but it’s larger. 6 Mary’s . . . are wide open. 7 Dad comes back from his work at 7 o’clock in the . . . . 8 The ... is an animal. It has horns and a little beard. 9 Mr. Hobbs is a good . . . . He has made a smart suit for my Dad.
  210. THE FORTY-SECOND LESSON 42.1 Расскажите о планах ваших друзей на

    каникулы. Используйте to be going to do something. 1 Jane / to re-read “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe Jane is going to re-read “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. 2 Bob / to have some practice in spoken English 3 Dan / to go to the scientific expedition with his parents 4 Nick / to cross the Black Sea in a boat with his elder brother 5 Linda / to sail down the Volga with me 6 Jill / to earn some money for the trip to the Urals 7 Kate / to stay in the city and visit all the museums 42.2 Джейн приглашает Джека в гости, но он отказы­ вается. Он очень занят. Он договорился о том, что . . . . Используйте Present Continuous. 1 on Monday / to meet Grandma at the station On Monday he is meeting his Grandma at the station. 2 on Tuesday / to work till night 3 on Wednesday / to repair his car 4 on Thursday / to go to the cinema with his girl­ friend 5 on Friday / to start a new job 6 on Saturday / to see his Grandma off 7 on Sunday / to take his sister to the ballet
  211. 42.3 Ответьте на вопросы. Скажите, какое вы приняли решение. Have

    you decided when . . . ? 1 вы играете в теннис с Диком / во вторник после полудня - Have you decided when to play tennis with Dick? - Yes, we are playing tennis on Tuesday after­ noon. 2 вы идете в бассейн / в среду утром 3 вы уезжаете в Лондон / на следующей неделе 4 вы возвращаетесь оттуда / через две недели 5 вы покупаете машину / после возвращения из Лондона 42.4 Вставьте will / to be going to. 1 - Why are you buying so much food? - Because I . . . cook for ten people. 2 - Jack is very angry with you. - Is he? I didn’t realize. I . . . ring him up. 3 - I haven’t got any money about me. - Well, I . . . lend you some. 4 - What’s Jane’s telephone number? - Just a minute. I . . . look it up in my notebook. 5 - I’ve lost my dog. - Don’t worry, I . . . help you find it. 6 - Did you post the letters for me? - Sorry, I forgot. I . . . do it. 7 - What shall we have for dinner today?
  212. - We . . . have chicken and potatoes. 8

    - We’ve decided to paint the fence. - Oh! Have you? What colour . . . (you) paint it? 9 - This room is very cold. - You are right. I know it. I . . . buy a heater. 42.5 Решите кроссворд.
  213. Across Down 1 пересекать 8 начинать 2 время после полудня

    13 голова 3 спасать 17 правда 4 спрашивать 20 свободный 5 занятый 21 наблюдать 6 небо 23 играть 7 знать 25 тело 8 сверкать 28 автобус 9 тигр 29 человек, мужчина 10 крыло 30 говорить 11 карман 31 брать 12 жизнь 32 море 13 твердый, жесткий 33 дом 14 смотреть 34 мир 15 ложь 35 счет 16 никто 36 случаться 17 трогать 37 сердитый 18 папочка 38 глаз 19 никогда 39 ступня 20 чувствовать 40 кричать 21 вода 41 мед 22 сумасшедший 42 ветреный 23 боль 43 холодный 24 белый 44 огонь 25 колокольчик 45 достаточно 26 яйцо 46 идти 27 держать 47 королева 28 оба
  214. 42.6 Измените выделенные слова так, чтобы предло­ жения имели противоположный

    смысл. 1 I’ll meet you behind the school. I’ll meet you in front of the school. 2 Turn the gas on, please! 3 Mary got off the bus at the end of Everton Street. 4 Keep walking for about a hundred metres, go over the bridge. His house is on the left. 5 We went for a meal before the football match. 6 Harris came back lately last night. I heard the door shut. 7 We can stop at a hotel on the way to Hampton. 8 The man ran into the shop. 9 The cat jumped off the wall. THE FORTY-THIRD LESSON 43.1 Знаете ли вы полную форму этих английских имен? Kate - Katherine Bob - . . . Liz - . . . Mike - . . . Bill - . . . Chris- . . . Pete - . . . Tony - . . . Dan - . . . Tom - . . . Bab -. . . Mag - . . . Sam - . . . Bess - . . . Pat - . . .
  215. 43.2 Переведите предложения на русский язык. Выде­ ленные слова являются

    здесь «ложными дру­ зьями переводчика». Не ошибитесь в переводе! 1 This magazine comes out twice a month. It is about computers and their effects on our lives. 2 The conductor raised the baton, and the overture began. 3 The chemist took a matrass from a shelf and poured some water in it. 4 The walls are covered with plaster. 5 I’ve already eaten ten biscuits. 6 They left their dirty boots on the perron and entered the house. 7 Major Brown lit a match, but couldn’t see anything. 8 Where is the master of this clever dog? 9 I sent the letter by post a week ago. Has the post come yet? 10 - Would you like a hot dog? - I’d love to. 43.3 Заполните пропуски. 1 this / that / these / . . . 2 winter / spring / summer / . . . 3 day / evening / night / . . . 4 Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / . . . 5 a / e / i / o / . . . 6 granddaughter / daughter / mother / . . . 7 breakfast / . . . / high tea / dinner
  216. 8 always / often / sometimes /. . . 9

    Russia - Moscow / France - Paris / Great Britain - . . . 10 England / Northern Ireland / Wales / . . . 11 Moscow - the Moskva river / Paris - the Seine / London - . . . 12 Russia - roubles / the USA - dollars / Great Britain - . . . 13 When it’s noon in Moscow, it’s 4 a.m. in New York, and it’s . . . in London. 43.4 “Bridge game.” В этой игре побеждает тот, кто по­ строит самый длинный «Мост» от первого слово­ сочетания до последнего. It was so pleasant to, to find oneself, on the contrary, for my sake, to get stuck, to cry over the spilt milk, to cross my mind, to burst into laughter, in the end. 43.5 Решите кроссворд.
  217. Across 1 We eat it every day. 6 number 7

    We drive it. 9 We buy it to go by bus. 11 an animal 13 We sit at it. Down 2 a hard try 3 hard to do or to understand 4 an insect 5 an English coin 7 Good cats do this with bad mice. 8 In England there is a special time to have it. 10 We see with it. 12 pronoun
  218. PART ONE LESSON SEVEN 7.1 1 I have no bat.

    2 I have no dog, but I have a pig. 3 I have a cat. 4 I have no rat. 5 I have a hen, but I have no fox. 6 I have a kitten, but I have no zebra. 7 I have no wolf, but I have a squirrel. 7.4 1 I have a cup, but I have no spoon. 2 I have five pens, but I have no copy-book. 3 I have no dog. 4 Show me a star! 5 I see a hat. 6 Give me seven copy-books. 7 Say, “Give me a kitten!” 8 Show me Lesson Six. LESSON EIGHT 8.l This boy has a cat, a dog, a pig, a hen, a squirrel. That boy has a book, a copy-book, a pen, a pistol, a ball, a stick. 8.3 1 I have a stick. He has a stick. 2 He has no cup. I have no cup. 3 I have a pig. He has a pig. 4 I have no pistol. He has no pis­ tol. 5 He has a gun. I have a gun. 6 He has no star. I have no star. 7 I have no vase. He has no vase. 8 I have a copy-book. He has a copy-book. 9 He has no bat. I have no bat. 8.4 1 I have a lamp. 2 That boy has a dog, and this boy has no dog. 3 Say, “Good morning!” 4 He has no pistol. 5 This boy has a fox. 6 Give me this ball! 7 That boy has two sticks. 8 I have four kittens, and this boy has no kittens. 9 He has no cap. 10 This boy has a rat, and I have a rat too. 11 Show me this gun! 12 That boy has a pen, but he has no book. 13 I have a hat, and that boy has a hat too. 14 Say this word! LESSON NINE 9.2 1 This girl has . . . . 2 This boy has ... . 3 I have no ... .
  219. 4 This fish is on the dish / in the

    lake. 5 This cake is in the box / on the dish. 6 This spoon is in the cup / on the dish. 9.3 1 This girl has a doll. The doll is on the bed. 2 That boy has a pistol. The pis­ tol is in the box. 3 He has a cat. The cat is on the log. 4 I have a ball. I like balls and dolls. I like cakes too. 9.4 1 This girl has one cat and two dogs, but I have no dog. 2 That boy has three pens, but he has no book(s). 3 This boy has four cups and five spoons. 4 I like rats, but I have no rat(s). 5 He has six stars and she has seven stars. 9.6 1 This boy has a rat and two bats. 2 The spoon is on the bed. 3 I like jam. 4 Show me this boy! 5 The fox is on the log. 6 I have three snakes, and that girl has a frog. 7 (Good morning! Give me a cake! 8 I like squirrels. 9 I have no gun, and this boy has no pistol. 10.3 1 Have you a cap? 2 Has this girl a gun? 3 Has this boy a vase? 4 Has she a bat? 5 Have you a dog? 6 Has he a rabbit? 10.4 - Good morning! Have you a chicken? - Yes, I have. I have ten chick­ ens. - Count the chickens! - Oh, no! I have nine chickens. - Catch that chicken! 11.2 1 many, he 2 you, I, have / you, we, have 3 chickens, it, has 4 has, she, has 5 has, has 6 cups, you, I, have / cups, you, we, have 7 has, it, has 11.3 1 I have a copy-book. 2 How many lamps has the girl?
  220. 3 That boy has a cat with seven kittens. 4

    We have ten vases. 5 How many pigs have you? 6 Give me three cups! 7 The snake is in the lake. 11.4 1 How many hats has she? - She has one hat. 2 How many rabbits have you? -1 have many rabbits. 3 Show me the snake! I like snakes. 4 That boy has one gun. And how many guns has this boy? 5 Have you many cows? - Yes, we have five cows. 6 How many books have you? - We have eleven books. 7 Has the girl a doll? - No, she has no doll. 8 How many stars has that boy? - He has seven stars, but I see six stars. 9 Has he many squirrels? - Yes, he has many squirrels. Count the squirrels! 11.6 1 The boys have six balls. 2 We have eleven ducks and ducklings. 3 The girl and the boy have six books. 4 The rat and the bat have two hats. LESSON TWELVE 12.2 1 a, is 2 has, it 3 She, it 4 no / six / many /. . . 5 in 6 have, car 7 and, ducklings 8 have 9 rabbit /... 10 me 12.4 1 He has no pistol. 2 I have three cakes. 3 This girl has a squirrel. 4 That boy has two frogs. 5 She has no copy-book. 6 Give me the kittens. 12.5 1 This hen has eight chickens. 2 How many kittens have you? - We have three kittens. 3 They have two rabbits, a duck, and seven ducklings. 4 How many lessons have they? - They have five lessons. 5 This is a dish. It is big. 6 I like lemons. 7 Count the rabbits! How many rabbits have we? 8 Have they a cake? - Yes, they have a big cake.
  221. LESSON THIRTEEN 13.1 cat - bat fox - box rat

    - cat dish - fish frog - log lake - cake red - bed car - star her - your with - his 13.3 1 Is my / your goat white? 2 Is the girl in the garden? 3 Is my / your car good? 4 Is my / your vase on the table? 5 Is the frog green? 6 Is my / your pen under the bed? 13.4 1 Where is the pig? 2 Where is my / your car? 3 Where is the snake? 4 Where is the fish? 5 Where is my / your hat? 6 Where is my / your kitten? 13.5 1 My goat is not white. 2 The girl is not in the garden. 3 My car is not good. 4 Your vase is not on the table. 5 The frog is not green. 6 Your pen is not under the bed. 1 The pig is not in the garden. 2 My car is not in the street. 3 The snake is not under the log. 4 The fish is not in the lake. 5 Your hat is not under the table. 6 My kitten is not in the house. 13.6 1 - Have you a red pencil? - Yes, I have. - Where is your pencil? - It is in the vase on the table. - Give me it! Thank you. 2 - Is your goat in the garden? - No, it is not. - Is your goat white? - Yes, it is. - It is under the tree in the gar­ den. - This is not my goat. - And where is your goat? - It is in the street. 14.4 1 What colour is your dog? - It is black. 2 What colour is her kitten? - It is white. 3 What colour is this fox? - It is red. 4 What colour is your pencil? - It is green. 5 What colour is his rabbit? - It is grey. 6 What colour is my shirt? - It is blue. 7 What colour is that horse? - It is black. 14.5 I have a kitten. My kitten is grey.
  222. It is very good. I like my kitten. Where is

    it? It is in the box under the bed. And have you a kitten? What colour is your kitten? Show me your kitten! LESSON FIFTEEN 15.2 this book these dogs those pencils that star this garden this tree that flag that cake 15.3 1 this, is, it, is 2 that, is, it, is, not 3 these, are, they, are, not 4 those, are, they, are 15.4 Are these your trousers? Is that your umbrella? Is this his book? I like those birds. This hat is white and that hat is black. Count those ducks. Show me that vase, please! Catch that stick! Take these dishes. 15.6 1 Give me that white rose! 2 What colour arc these trousers? - They arc grey. 3 What is this? - It is a snake. 4 This kitten is white, and that kitten is grey. 5 These books are on the table, and those books are under the bed. 6 This bird is in the cage, and those birds are in the street. 7 Show me this room. 8 Look! What is this? - It is a violet. 9 Where is that little frog? - It is under the log. 10 Is that bird in this tree? - Yes, it is in this tree. 16.1 1 their umbrellas 2 her silver bell 3 his grey shirt 4 their new car 5 his bird 6 their house 7 her kitten 8 his books 9 her doll 16.4 1 What has your mother? - My mother has a new dress. 2 What have our kittens? - Our kittens have a blue rib­ bon. 3 What have my rabbits? - Your rabbits have a big cage.
  223. 4 What have those children? - Those children have many

    violets. 5 What has that white goat? - That white goat has a silver bell. 6 What have you? -I / we have a black umbrella. 16.5 1 Is your child at home? - No, my child is not at home. 2 Are your children at home? - Yes, they are at home. 3 Have you a cat? - Yes, I have. 4 Has your Mammy a red hat? - Yes, she has. 5 Are their rabbits white? - No, they are grey. 6 Have you flowers in your gar­ den? - Yes, we have many flowers in our garden. 7 Has your Daddy a new shirt and good trousers? - Yes, he has. He has a new grey shirt and good black trou­ sers. LESSON SEVENTEEN 17.1 1 her 2 my 3 your 4 its 5 our 6 his 7 their 17.2 my toys your kitten our garden our cat her brother his stick your flower your dish your doll our tree your trousers their car my rabbit our chickens my cake your dress your balls your vase 17 .3 1 Is your stick long? - Yes, it is. It is long. 2 Is our room big? - Yes, it is. It is big. 3 Is their dog black and white? - No, it is not. It is not black and white. 4 Is her dress new? - Yes, it is. It is new. 5 Are his books good? - No, they are not. They are not good. 6 Are your children at home? - No, they are not. They are not at home. 17.4 1 What flower is that? 2 What colour is this?
  224. 3 What animals are those? 4 What colours are these?

    5 What animal is this? 6 What flowers are those? 7 What colour is that? 8 What animals are these? 17.5 1 My umbrella is as new as your umbrella. 2 Our kitten is as small as their kitten. 3 Their house is not so old as his house. 4 Her ribbon is as long as my rib­ bon. 5 The zebra is not so strong as the horse. 6 Our chickens are not so weak as her chickens. 17.6 1 The jackal is as grey as the wolf. 2 What flower is this? - This is a daisy. 3 What animals are these? - These are zebras. 4 Give me your book. 5 Show me your hands! 6 Where is your cat? - It is with its kittens. 7 Have we many flowers in our garden? 8 Are the rose, the daisy, and the violet flowers? LESSON EIGHTEEN 18.2 1 It is the boy’s book. 2 It is my mother’s dress. 3 They are her father’s hats. 4 It is this little girl’s kitten. 5 It is Ann’s umbrella. 6 They are Pete’s quails. 7 It is the bird’s cage. 8 They are his dog’s puppies. 18.3 father’s umbrella the eagle’s beak the tiger’s tail the lion’s claws sister’s toys mother’s coat the bird’s cage 18.4 1 is, this, are, are, animal 2 what, is, is, eagle’s, it, is 18.5 1 - Ann’s Mom has a ring. - Is her Mom’s ring gold? -Yes, it is. 2 - Tom’s brother has a stick. - Is brother’s stick long? - No, it is not. 3 - Kate has a quail. - Is Kate’s quail tame? - Yes, it is. 4 - Tom’s brother is as strong as a lion.
  225. - Is the lion a strong animal? - Yes, it

    is. LESSON NINETEEN 19.1 1 your 2 her 3 his 4 her 5 your 6 his 19.2 1 . . . your brother’s name? 2 . . . your sister’s name? 3 . . . Mr. David son’s name? 4 . . . Mr. Brown daughter’s name? 5 . . . your dog’s name? 6 . . . her cat’s name? 19.3 1 Ann’s mother has a ring. 2 Is their mother’s dress yellow? 3 The tiger’s claws are very sharp. 4 Who is Mr. Brown? 5 What animal is weak? 6 Is Mr. Brown your mother’s brother? 7 The jackal is as small as the fox. 19.4 - Who arc you? - I am Mr. Brown. I am a doctor. - What is your name? - My name is Pan. I am your friend’s son. - And who is that man? - He is my brother. - What is his name? - His name is Big Sam. He is a hunter. He is a very good hunter. He has a dog and a gun. - And what is Sam dog’s name? - Its name is Rex. His dog is strong and very clever. - Is it old? -No, it is not. I like his dog. - Where is his dog now? - It is at home. - Show me the dog. 20.1 1 is, is 2 are, are 3 are, are 4 is, is 5 is, is 20.3 1 in 2 at 3 at 4 in 5 in 6 under 7 on 8 in,in
  226. 20.5 1 Where is your puppy? - . . .

    2 . . . - Yes, they are in the box. 3 Are Sam’s friends at home? - 4 ... - They are at the cinema. 5 Bring me my dress, please. - 6 Give Mom my new plate. -. . . 7 . . . - Yes, they are in the nest in the tree. 8 Where are my trousers? - They are on the chair. . . . LESSON TWENTY-ONE 21.1 1 is 2 are 3 are 4 -, is 5 is 6 -, are 7 are 21.3 1 How old is your puppy? 2 My puppy is very funny. 3 Where is Sam’s monkey? - It is on its friend’s back, (on the back of its friend) 4 What is the name of the mon­ key’s friend? - Its name is Kicky. 5 What colour is Kicky? Kicky is grey. 6 It is a very old donkey. It is very weak. LESSON TWENTY-TWO 22.1 a dish - dishes a wolf - wolves a bird - birds a knife - knives a lion - lions a tree - trees a spoon - spoons a driver - drivers a duckling - ducklings a fork - forks a dress - dresses an eagle - eagles a child - children a cow - cows a leaf - leaves 22.2 1 go 2 put 3 put 4 go 5 count 6 look 7 catch 8 show 9 open, write 10 take, give 22.3 1 Jimmy, put the penknife down! 2 Jill, take this little box, please.
  227. 3 She has four pairs of brown stockings. 4 How

    old is Ann’s brother? 5 They see many nests in those trees. 22.4 1 down 2 up, to 3 to 4 on 5 down 6 to 7 to, with 22.5 1 Children, open your textbooks! 2 Read lesson twenty-two! 3 Sam, put your penknife down! Read the text! 4 Sit down, Sam. Thank you! 5 Children, take your copybooks, open them, and write the words. 6 Put your pens and pencils down! Thank you! LESSON TWENTY-THREE 23.3 1 run 2 cannot 3 child /. . . 4 cannot 5 eagle /. . . 6 swim, fly 7 can,can 8 you /... , I /.. . , can 9 fly /... , cannot 10 can,they 23.4 1 She cannot swim at all. 2 You can take my toys. 3 He can read very fast now. 4 Can you open the door? 5 My father can drive a car too. 6 Little children cannot count at all. 7 Frogs can swim, but they can­ not fly. 23.5 1 Daddy can drive a car well. 2 Jimmy cannot swim at all. 3 I have a funny puppy. It can open the door. 4 Can you show me your toys? - Yes, I can. 5 Our children can read and count well, but they cannot write at all. 6 Can you give me this book? - No, I cannot. It is my broth­ er’s book. 7 The eagle can fly, but it cannot swim. 8 Can the donkey run fast? - No, it can go fast, but it can­ not run fast. 9 Can Polly bring fish to the kit­ tens? 10 Who can fly? 11 What animals can swim?
  228. LESSON TWENTY-FOUR 24.3 1 May I put the shoes into

    the box? 2 May I open the bag and take the book? 3 May I sit on the sofa? 4 May I put my red and white dress on? 5 May I count the copy-books on the table? 24.6 1 - Can you show me your toys? - Yes, they are in Mom’s room. 2 - May I read this book? - No, you must not. You are too small. 3 - You must put this dress on. 4 - Why are you at home? Are you ill? - Yes, 1 am ill. - May we come to see you? - No, you may not / must not. 5 - Tom, why is your shirt on my bed? You must take it to your room. 6 - Is your school far from your house? - Yes, it is. 7 - Whose children are there in the yard? Why aren’t they at school? - They have no lessons now. 25.3 Jimmy is seven years old now. He must go to school. He must learn to write and to read. Jimmy is a lazy boy. He cannot get up early. He cannot sit with a book. He is very lazy. Jimmy’s sister Polly is not lazy at all. She is a very good girl. She can read, write, and count. 25.5 Ann is seven. She can read and count well, but she cannot write at all. Ann must go to school. She must learn to write. She is not lazy at all. She is a very good girl. Ann can draw birds and animals. She can draw a horse and a camel, a cat, a dog and even an Indian. I cannot draw animals, but I can draw a pine-tree and a fir-tree. I like to draw with coloured pencils. And you? LESSON TWENTY-SIX 26.2 1 some milk 8 some jam 2 a toy 9 an eagle 3 an apple 10 an owl 4 a copy-book 11 a minute 5 a pair of shoes 12 some water 6 an animal 13 an umbrella 7 some tea 14 an eye LESSON TWENTY-FIVE
  229. 26.3 1 a 6 some 2 an 7 a 3

    some 8 a 4 a 9 some 5 a 10 a 26.5 1 are 6 are 2 is 7 is 3 are 8 is 4 is 9 are 5 is 10 are 26.6 1 are 2 a 3 some / many / two /. . . 4 is 8 There are many new words in the book. 9 There is some apple jam on the saucer. 10 There are two little silver bells in the box. LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN 27.1 1 are many 6 are many 2 is much 7 are many 3 are many 8 is much 4 is much 9 are many 5 is much 10 is much 27.2 1 are not many 2 is not much 3 are not many 4 is not much 5 is not much 6 are not many 7 are not many 8 is not much 9 are not many 10 is not much 27.3 1 There is a car in the street. 2 There are spoons in those cups. 3 There is juice in that glass. 4 There are children in his yard. 5 There is a mouse under my bed. 6 There arc fir-trees in the forest. 7 There is cheese for dinner. 8 There is a chair at the tabic. 5 some / - 6 cups/ . . . 7 an 8 many / . . . 9 is 10 flowers /. . . 26.7 1 There are many apples on the apple-tree. 2 There is a dog under the tree. 3 There is some boiled water in the bottle. 4 There are some boys in the yard. 5 There is a bird in our cage. 6 There are toys in this box. 7 There are some books on Ann’s table.
  230. 27.5 1 any, some 4 any, some 2 some, any

    5 some, any 3 any, any 6 any, any 27.6 1 There are many animals in the forest. 2 Are there two gold rings in the box? - . . . 3 ... - No, there is not. 4 Is there much jam for tea? - 5 ... - No, there are not. 6 Is there a fish on the dish? - 27.7 1 Are there many textbooks on the table? - Yes, there are many. 2 Is there any butter at home? - No, there is not any butter at home. 3 Put some cheese on the plate. 4 Is there any milk in the glass? - Yes, there is some milk in the glass. 5 Is there milk in this cup? - No, there is tea with milk in the cup. 6 Are there any boys in your class? - Yes, there are. But there are not many boys in our class. LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT 28.3 1 The bees are on the rose. 2 There are mice under the floor. 3 Where are the ladybirds? 4 What colour are the leaves? 5 Is there much milk in the jug? 6 There are frogs on the log. 7 Whose lorries are these? 8 Is there any butter on the ta­ ble? 9 Can you catch flies? 28.7 1 There are many fir-trees and pine-trees in our forest. They are big and strong. 2 What a big mushroom! Look at it. There are many mushrooms there under the fir-tree. 3 There are many flies in the room. Can you catch that big fly? 4 There are many bees in the gar­ den. Some bees are in the kitchen. One bee is in the sau­ cer with honey. 5 - Who can draw a ladybird on a leaf? - Sam can. He can draw with coloured pencils very well. He can draw birds, trees, and ani­ mals.
  231. LESSON TWENTY-NINE 29.1 1 are 5 any, is 2 a

    6 - / not 3 any / many 7 is 4 there 8 no 29.5 1 How many months are there in a year? 2 Are there twelve months in a year? 3 Are there ten months in a year? 4 What colour is the sky by day? 5 Is it dark at night? 6 How many days are there in a week? LESSON THIRTY 30.1 1 Birds will fly to Africa. 2 They will draw animals tomor­ row. 3 These children will help their mother. 4 We shall open the window in our room. 5 I shall come to see Mr. Dale. 6 Children will read and write at school. 7 We shall cat apples tomorrow. 8 They will take their dog to the street. 9 The day will be hot. 30.2 1 Shall we go ... ? 2 Will he read . . . ? 3 Will they bring . . . ? 4 Will she put. . . ? 5 Will you run . . . ? 6 Will the cat catch ... ? 7 Will the children bring. .. ? 8 Will you go ... ? LESSON THIRTY-ONE 31.1 old older new - newer small - smaller short - shorter long longer warm - warmer late - later strong - stronger cold colder dark - darker weak - weaker sharp - sharper fast - faster high higher 31.2 1 Jill is weaker than Jack. 2 Dad is stronger than Jack. 3 Dad is older than Jill. 4 Jack is faster than Jill. 5 Jill is shorter than Jack. 6 Jack is older than Jill. 7 Dad is taller than Jill.
  232. 8 Jill’s coat is warmer than Jack’s coat. 31.3 1

    My coat is not so new as my brother’s coat. 2 The lion is as strong as the ti­ ger. 3 The quail is not so fast as the eagle. 4 That cloud is not so dark as this cloud. 5 Those pine-trees are as high as these fir-trees. 6 April is not so long as May. 7 New York is not so old as Lon­ don. 31.5 1 bring 2 runs 3 help 4 come 5 have LESSON THIRTY-TWO 32.1 1 a lorry 6 a camel 2 a bird 7 a mouse 3 at night 8 a snake 4 a friend 9 a dog 5 a car 32.2 1 He is also hungry. 2 I shall eat bread and butter. 3 Will they go to school tomor­ row? 4 They draw butterflies very well. 5 She is older than her sister. 6 He is as strong as his father. 7 I won’t leave your room. 32.3 1 Yes, I can. 6 Yes, he can. 2 Yes, he will. 7 Yes, I have. 3 Yes, there is. 8 Yes, I shall. 4 Yes, she is. 9 Yes, it has. 5 Yes, she has. 10 Yes, I am. 32.4 1 run 5 opens 2 runs 6 goes 3 sleep 7 swims 4 leaves 8 swim LESSON THIRTY-THREE 33.4 1 to sing 2 to swim 3 to catch frogs 4 to write rhymes 5 to count sparrows 6 to make cakes 7 to say patters 33.5 1 to 5 - 2 - 6 -,- 3 -,- 7 to 4 to, to 8 to
  233. LESSON THIRTY-FOUR 34.5 Many people like to go to the

    Black Sea or to the Baltic Sea. When the day is hot, they lie in the sun on the seashore. When it is too hot, some of them lie or sit in the shade or under the tree. If the water is warm, they swim in the sea. Children play on the sea­ shore with their toys. They like to run and to jump in the water. There are many people in the South even in winter. Days are rather warm. Some people swim in the sea even in winter. Plants are always green in the South. I also like to go to the Black Sea. LESSON THIRTY-FIVE 35.1 1 In England they speak English. 2 In China they speak Chinese. 3 In Germany they speak Ger­ man. 4 In France they speak French. 5 In Russia they speak Russian. 6 In the USA they speak English. 35.2 1 Yes, the Urals are between the Volga and the Lena. 2 The Urals are in Russia. 3 No, the Urals are not very high. 4 Yes, the Pamirs are higher than the Urals. 5 Yes, the Black Sea is in the South. 6 No, the Lena is not so long as the Volga. 7 No, France is not so large as Canada. 8 Yes, Russia is larger than France. 9 The deepest lake in the world is in Russia. LESSON THIRTY-SIX 36.1 1 Can she read English books? 2 Can they swim well? 3 Is he from France? 4 Are there many books here? 5 Can he speak German? 6 Are they from England? 7 Is there much cheese for tea? 36.2 1 Can they speak English or French? 2 The children are hungry. 3 Is there any bread for dinner? 4 They are not well. 5 Though he is from France, he can speak German. 6 Their mother is not at home. 7 Are there many birds in the for­ est? 8 They must go to school tomor­ row.
  234. 36.3 37.2 1 can speak 2 may ... go 3

    can read / must read 4 may . .. have / can . . . have 5 can . . . say 6 must eat 7 may go / can go 8 must buy 9 can pick / may pick LESSON THIRTY-SEVEN 37.1 1 My friend likes to speak Eng­ lish. My friend can speak Eng­ lish well. 2 My friend likes to drive a car. My friend can drive a car well. 3 My friend likes to swim and to run. My friend can swim and run well. 4 My friend likes to help his fa­ ther. My friend can help his fa­ ther. 5 My friend likes to read rhymes. My friend can read rhymes very well. 4 My friend likes to draw wild animals. My friend can draw wild animals very well. 5 My friend likes to make toy cars. My friend can make toy cars very well. 1 Let us speak French! 2 Let us make a cake for tea! 3 Let’s go to the cinema! 4 Let’s see this film about insects! 5 Let’s draw a car! 6 Let’s learn some new English words! 7 Let’s make a bird-house! 37.3 1 My penknife is on the table. 2 Our dolls are in the box. 3 My father is at home. 4 His dog is in the yard. 5 Their cars are in the street. 6 Its ribbons are under the chair. 7 Her picture is on the wall. 37.4 1 Our caps are on the sofa. 2 Their books are on the table. 3 Our umbrellas are there. 4 Our dresses are on the bed. 5 Your cups are in the cupboard. 6 Their cars are in the yard. 37.5 a man - men a tooth - teeth a mouse - mice a goose - geese a sheep - sheep a child - children a foot - feet a woman - women
  235. 37.6 1 Look at those women! They are artists. 2

    Are your sheep in the field? Take them home. 3 Can you catch mice? They are under the sofa. 4 Where are your children? - They are in the yard. 5 How many teeth have seven geese? 6 My feet are bigger than sister’s feet. 7 Who are those? Are those men or women? LESSON THIRTY-EIGHT 38.1 1 honey 2 a wood 3 an insect 4 grains 5 English 6 a bear 38.3 1 It is yours. 2 It is mine. 3 It is ours. 4 They are hers. 5 It is theirs. 6 They are yours. 38.4 1 Is this your copy-book? 2 No, it is not my copy-book. It is hers. 3 That is not our car. That is theirs. 4 His room is bigger than mine. 5 Are these your trousers? 38.5 Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. The peaches on the tree are very juicy. The pond is full of frogs. Your knife is not sharp at all. The windows in our room are rather high. 38.6 1 Let us pick this apple! It is rather ripe. 2 Why is he cross with me? - He is not cross with you. He is hungry. 3 You must not swim in this river. The water is very cold. 4 They say that your brother has a big house in the South. 5 Are there many fruit-trees in your garden? - Not many. We only have pear-trees, apple-trees and plum-trees. LESSON THIRTY-NINE 39.1 Rabbit - table - eagle - eye - elephant - tree - eight - tiger. 39.4 1 Can your brother speak English well? 2 Must I read this lesson?
  236. 3 Is Tom’s mother in the kitchen? 4 Are there

    any flowers in your garden? 5 Where is Mom’s ring? 6 What colour is your car? 7 Whose ducklings are there on the lake? 8 May I put on the new grey dress? 9 Is there any bread for tea? 10 What insects like honey? 11 Will you sing a lullaby tomor­ row? PART TWO THE FIRST LESSON 1.1 1 he reads 2 she counts 3 it jumps 4 she goes 5 they smile 6 we play football 7 you sing 8 it flies 9 she says 10 we ask 1.2 1 My friend goes . . . too. 2 My friend gets up . . . too. 3 My friend comes . .. too. 4 My friend lives . . . too. 5 My friend plays . . . too. 6 My friend jumps ... too. 7 My friend does . . . too. 1.3 1 me 2 us 3 you 4 him 5 her 6 it 7 them 1.4 1 him, his 2 them, their 3 her, her 4 us, our 5 your, them 6 their, my 1.5 1 We come . . . . 2 Show them . . . . 3 . . . children. 4 A fly flies . . . . 5 Give him his . . . .
  237. 1.6 1 with 2 - 3 with 4 - 5

    with 6 with, - 7 - THE SECOND LESSON 2.2 1 a few 2 a lot of 3 few 4 a lot of, a few 5 few 6 a lot of 7 few 8 a few 2.3 1 I think he plays football well. 2 Please say some words in French. 3 There are some tall trees near our house. 4 I have got a little kitten, it can jump well. 5 He is a tall boy of fourteen. 6 It is a very good book. 7 Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 8 He is a short man of thirty-five. 9 There are several chairs and a low table in their room. 10 He is not a lazy boy. He is a very good pupil. 11 I cannot speak English, but Daddy speaks English well. 2.4 . . . you want to say. . . . he will do tomorrow. . . . they like to have for dinner. .. . Mom will buy to my brother for his birthday. . . . Mom likes to grow in the gar­ den. ... he is at home now. ... he is not at school today. . . . we’ll go to the cinema tomor­ row. . . . Mom likes to grow flowers. .. . they’ll go to Granny tomor­ row. 2.5 1 I know that he likes to drink milk. 2 I know what he likes to have for breakfast. 3 We know that he wants to have a rest. 4 We know what he wants to do now. 3.1 1 She knows . . . . 2 We live . . . . 3 He plays . . . . 4 She makes . . . . 5 They speak . . . . 6 He sees . . . . 7 I like . . . . 3.2 1 think, know 2 think, know
  238. 3 think, know 4 thinks, knows 5 thinks, knows 6

    think, know 3.3 1 Do you often play . . . ? 2 Do you like . . . ? 3 Do you give . . . ? 4 Does he make . . . ? 5 Does she play . . . ? 6 Does it jump . . . ? 7 Do they go ... ? 8 Do our children read . . . ? 9 Does Rex live . . . ? 10 Is she clever? Does she speak . . . ? 11 Do you drive . . . ? 12 Do you come . . . ? 13 Do you often see ... ? 14 Does he get up ... ? 3.4 1 I do not often play . . . . 2 We do not like . . . . 3 You do not give . . . . 4 He does not make . . . . 5 She does not play . . . . 6 It does not jump . . . . 7 They do not go . . . . 8 Our children do not read . . . . 9 Rex does not live . . . . 10 Barbie is not.... She does not speak . . . . 11 You do not drive . . . . 12 We do not come . . . . 13 1 do not often sec . . . . 14 lie does not get up . . . . 3.5 1 Polly likes.... 2 I want to be . . . . 3 We do not go to bed . . . . 4 You understand me well. 5 Mr. Dale gives . . . . 6 Those boys do not play . . . . 7 My little bird does not sing 3.6 1 Do you swim well? 2 Does Mrs. Dale go ... ? 3 Do you put your coat on ... ? 4 Do your friends live . . . ? 5 Does your sister play . . . ? 6 Do you like . . . ? 7 Does your dog like . . . ? 8 Does Ann want. . . ? THE FOURTH LESSON 4.2 1 When do you usually have . . . ? 2 When does he often have . . . ? 3 When do they always have... ? 4 When do you have . . . ? 5 When does your father have . . . ? 4.3 to have supper - ужинать to have a talk - разговаривать to have a walk - прогуляться to have a smoke курить to have a cold простудиться to have a try попытаться
  239. to have tea - пить чай to have coffee -

    пить кофе to have a look - взглянуть 4.5 1 She can read this text herself. 2 She will buy a new dress her­ self. 3 You often cut yourself. 4 Little girls like to make dresses for their dolls themselves. 5 They themselves will hear her songs. 6 He cannot translate it himself. 7 They’ll make coffee them­ selves. 8 I speak to myself when I am alone. THE FIFTH LESSON 5.1 1 live does.. . live does not, lives 2 Do . .. like like, read Do . .. read do not 3 Do . . . open do not, open Do . . . want want 5.2 1 have lunch 2 Does ... get up 3 goes 4 Does ... drive 5 Do . . . close 6 Do ... play 7 like 8 leaves 5.3 1 I am your new teacher. 2 Our children speak English very well. 3 My little brother gives me a book to read. 4 It is two o’clock now. 5 When do you get up on Sun­ days? 6 Why are you angry with me? 7 She does not make dresses her­ self. 8 Do they pick apples in Septem­ ber? 9 We have coffee every morn­ ing. 10 She does not like her new coat. 11 Do you know that little boy? 12 Who likes football very much? 5.4 1 Ann can’t answer . . . . 2 You must not go . . . . 3 I do not like . . . . 4 My friends are not often late. 5 It is not cold. 6 You may not take . . . . 7 The ice is not thin. 8 Tom does not make . . . . 9 I am not a doctor.
  240. 10 She does not have many . . . .

    11 Bill and Barbie do not like.... 12 They cannot play . . . . 13 I do not understand him. 14 He does not want.... 15 My Daddy does not have . . . . 16 He is not from the USA. 17 They are not asleep. 18 You cannot read . . . . 19 We do not often walk . . . . 5.5 1 Can Ann answer herself? 2 Must you go ... ? 3 Do you like . . . ? 4 Are your friends often late? 5 Is it cold? 6 May I take your umbrella? 7 Is the ice thin? 8 Does Tom make . . . ? 9 Are you a doctor? 10 Does she have . . . ? / Has she . . . ? 11 Do Bill and Barbie like . .. ? 12 Can they play .. . ? 13 Do you understand him? 14 Does he want. .. ? 15 Does your Daddy have dinner at home? 16 Is he from the USA? 17 Are they asleep? 18 Can I read ... ? 19 Do you often walk ... ? 5.6 It is cold. Put your coat on. It is hot. Open the window, please. It is difficult to understand him. It is time to go to bed. You are sleepy. It is far from here to the cinema. Let’s take a bus. It is very late. We must go home. It is Friday today. No, it is Thurs­ day. It is dark in the room. I can’t see you. 5.7 1 promise, shall leave 2 come, shall ask 3 is, shall find 4 washes, won’t be cross 5 likes, will go 6 is cold, shall put on 7 cry, shall not listen to 8 are thirsty, shall drink THE SIXTH LESSON 6.2 loudly badly slyly coldly crossly easily angrily slowly happily weakly rudely sweetly 6.4 1 I have not got any friends . . . . 2 Please take any pencil you like. 3 Give me some milk, please. 4 Have you got any English books? - No, I have not got any. 5 I can’t see any new words... .
  241. 6 Is there any juice in the jug? 7 You

    may buy any bread you like. 8 Please give me any fork. 6.5 1 this one 2 this one 3 some red ones 4 that one 5 new ones 6 the right one 7 the old ones 6.6 1 tell 5 speaks, speak 2 says 6 tell 3 speak 7 say 4 says THE SEVENTH LESSON 7.2 older cleverer louder longer stronger thinner younger smaller weaker sharper shorter harder newer larger darker warmer deeper taller leaner higher later 7.4 1 Don’t you know . . . ? 2 Isn’t it cold? 3 Don’t they get up .. . ? 4 Doesn’t he like . . . ? 5 Aren’t you ... ? 6 Isn’t she . . . ? 7 Can’t Daddy drive . . . ? 8 Won’t the children go ... ? 9 Doesn’t Bill eat... ? 10 Don’t you like . . . ? 11 Won’t he be ... ? 12 Isn’t that. . . ? 7.6 1 She is always late. 2 Ann often plays tennis. 3 Ann plays tennis very often. 4 I can never grow tulips myself. 5 Do you ever write letters? 6 They are already at home. 7 I usually begin work at half past nine. 8 He is never ill. 9 In winter it is often very cold here. 10 We always go to work by car. THE EIGHTH LESSON 8.2 fat - fatter - the fattest thin - thinner - the thinnest hot - hotter - the hottest warm - warmer - the warmest cold - colder - the coldest clever - cleverer - the cleverest deep - deeper - the deepest good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst little - less the least / small - smaller - the smallest tall - taller the tallest/
  242. high - higher - the highest short - shorter -

    the shortest new - newer - the newest old - older - the oldest / old - elder - the eldest 8.3 1 the happiest 2 the shortest 3 deeper 4 the coldest 5 the smallest 6 worse 7 the oldest 8 easier 9 the largest 10 taller 11 the tallest 8.5 1 I never win . . . . 2 He is never ready . . . . 3 They never have . . . . 4 My brother never waits . . . . 5 This cry-baby can never find... . 6 My mother never drinks . . . . 8.7 1 Let us sing a lullaby to the doll. 2 Mom, let her recite her rhyme! 3 Mr. Brown, let them run and shout! 4 Let them come in! 5 Girls, let me say some words! 8.8 Cows low (moo). Donkeys bray. Horses neigh. Cats mewl (miaow). Dogs bark. Bees buzz. Ducks quack. Owls hoot. Lions roar. Frogs croak. 8.9 1 No, donkeys don’t buzz. They bray. 2 No, cats do not bray. They mewl. 3 No, bees do not croak. They buzz. 4 No, owls do not roar. They hoot. 5 No, lions do not neigh. They roar. 6 No, donkeys do not mewl. They bray. 7 No, dogs do not hoot. They bark. THE NINTH LESSON 9.1 It’s a quarter past six. It’s nine o’clock. It’s half past ten. It’s a quarter to two. It’s twenty past two. It’s five to twelve. It’s six sharp. It’s three past three.
  243. It’s twenty-five to one. p.m. (post meridiem) - после полудня

    a.m. (ante meridiem) - до по­ лудня 9.2 1 What do you have every morn­ ing? 2 What colour are Tom’s eyes? 3 How old is your little sister? 4 How many buttons are there on your coat? 5 When does he get up? 6 Where is Daddy now? 7 What day is today? 9.3 1 He never asks silly questions. 2 She always thinks only about her children. 3 Take him home! 4 I wash my hair myself. 5 It is a quarter past six. 6 Mammy is very pleased with us. 7 Is it cold in your room? 9.4 I see. - Понятно. Thanks a lot. - Большое спасибо! You can count on me. - Можете на меня рассчитывать. Just a minute. - Минуточку! See you on Monday! - До поне­ дельника! That’s all right. - Все в поряд­ ке. Good luck! - Удачи! Good night! - Спокойной ночи! Happy New Year! - С Новым годом! THE TENTH LESSON 10.2 giggling, dozing, croaking, roaring, braying, hooting, lowing, building, riding, thinking, trembling 10.3 1 is swimming 2 are standing 3 am reading 4 is shining 5 is riding 6 are playing 7 are playing 8 am making 9 are running 10.5 1 Are they having dinner now? 2 What are you doing now? 3 Is your mother doing the shop­ ping now? 4 Is it raining? 5 What is Sam building? 6 Who is looking at him? 7 Where are the birds flying to? 8 Are you eating a cake? 9 Why are you reading a book? 10.6 1 Who is not at home today?
  244. 2 Where are they? 3 Who is at home now?

    4 What is she doing? Where is she sitting? What is she drawing? 5 What does she like to draw? 7 Whose grandma is not at home? 6 Who can draw them very well? 8 What is she doing? 10.7 1 either 2 either 3 too 4 either 5 too 6 either 7 too 8 either 9 too 10 too 10.8 1 some 2 any 3 any, any 4 any 5 any, some 6 some 7 - 8 - 9 some 10.9 1 How much money have you got about you? 2 He has got a lot of sweets about him. 3 We have no bread about us. 4 Has she got the present about her? 5 I’ve got a lot of nuts about me. 6 Have you got an umbrella about you? THE ELEVENTH LESSON 11.3 1 is shining 2 shines 3 is waiting for 4 wait for 5 have coffee 6 am having coffee 7 plays 8 is playing 9 play 10 are playing 11 does not make, is making 12 makes 13 is making tea 14 What are you looking at? am looking at like 15 am making 16 make 11.4 1 Where does your brother take you every month? 2 When do Mary and Ann play tennis? 3 What do you like? 4 What do you have for break­ fast today? 5 How often does Lily wash her hair? 6 When do little children go to bed? 11.5 1 is snowing 2 are quarrelling 3 are you putting on 4 is raining
  245. 5 am working 6 am looking for THE TWELFTH LESSON

    12.1 1 doesn’t 2 do 3 are 4 am 12.3 5 does 6 don’t 7 is, doesn’t 8 is, is 1 The boy often has a rest under the tree. 2 The sheep always eat grass in the field. 3 The man usually has breakfast at home. 4 The dog always barks at the cat. 5 The boys often play football. 6 Sometimes the girl helps her Mom in the kitchen. 12.4 1 is singing 2 do you brush 3 am, am reading 4 are having dinner 5 is Mom doing, is laying 6 Do you speak . . . 7 is coming 8 Do you often ask ... 9 lives, don’t see 12.5 1 something 2 anything 3 something 4 anything 5 anything 6 something 7 anything 8 anything, something THE THIRTEENTH LESSON 13.1 Dogs live in kennels. Horses live in stables. Mice live in holes. Pigs live in sties. Blackbirds live in nests. Bees live in hives. Spiders live in webs. 13.2 1 myself 2 herself 3 himself 4 themselves 5 ourselves 6 herself 7 themselves 8 yourself 9 yourself / yourselves 13.3 1 Who lays the table for lunch? 2 What do you want? 3 Where do you have breakfast? 4 Where is your friend from? 5 When does it often rain here? 6 What are his pockets full of?
  246. 7 When do you come back from school? 13.4 1

    does she usually do, watches 2 are you doing, am watching 3 is raining 4 Does it often rain 5 am reading 6 Do you read, read 7 are you walking, walk, is wait­ ing for, is THE FOURTEENTH LESSON 14.2 разбитый стакан поднятая рука нарисованная картина известный писатель хорошо сделанная работа плохо сшитое платье a closed door a laid table a left copy-book a broken plate a used cup a well-dressed doll 14.3 1 The girl playing in the garden is my sister. 2 My younger brother doesn’t like to put away toys scattered all over the floor. 3 Leaves lying on the ground al­ ways remind us about Septem­ ber. 4 Have you got any cut bread? 5 I will show you the animals drawn by my brother. 6 Show me the pupils learning English. 7 The child sleeping on the sofa is my grandson. 8 The man sitting at the open win­ dow is looking at the children playing in the yard. 14.5 1 anything 2 somebody 3 anybody 4 nobody / somebody 5 anything 6 nobody / somebody 7 nothing / something 8 nobody 9 something 10 anything 11 something THE FIFTEENTH LESSON 15.3 1 We went to the cinema the day before yesterday. 2 I worked hard last week. 3 The boy wrote to his pen friend a month ago. 4 The weather was nice yester­ day.
  247. 5 The concert began at 7.30 yes­ terday evening. 6

    When I was a child, I wanted to be an actor. 7 Yesterday morning Daddy read newspapers at breakfast. 15.5 1 Last summer we didn’t go. . . . 2 My aunt didn’t do ... . 3 I was not pleased . . . . 4 They didn’t see .. . . 5 You didn’t work . . . . 6 Yesterday he didn’t go . . . . 7 It was not. . . . So I didn’t put 8 The Smiths didn’t come . . . . 15.6 1 Did you go . . . ? 2 Did your aunt do ... ? 3 Were you pleased . .. ? 4 Did they see ... ? 5 Did you work . . . ? 6 Did he go ... ? 7 Was i t . . . ? Did you put. . . ? 8 Did the Smiths come ... ? 15.7 1 goes, went 2 gets up, got up 3 play, played 4 washes, washed 5 to watch, watched 6 begin, began THE SIXTEENTH LESSON 16.3 1 ... as if he were a French teacher. 2 ... as if he were their son. 3 ... as if he were an old man. 4 ... as if they were good friends. 5 ... as if it were late. 6 ... as if I were a child. 7 ... as if he were angry with me. 8 ... as if she were pleased with him. 16.4 to eat up to run away to jump up to come back to go out to take off to look after to wake up to come up to pull up to cut off to cheer up to write down to put down to put on 16.5 1 among 4 between 2 among 5 between 3 among 16.6 1 played
  248. 2 will see 3 saw 4 doesn’t write 5 waited

    for 6 write 7 were not 8 have coffee, are having tea 9 wanted 10 will cook THE SEVENTEENTH LESSON 17.3 1 reading 2 making 3 learning 4 boasting 5 smoking, stirring 6 looking 7 dressing 8 chattering 17.4 1 Stop talking! 2 I want to go to the country this weekend. 3 Do you mind my opening the window? 4 I finished working an hour ago. 5 ... but she goes on swimming. 6 Avoid overeating. 7 We decided to take a taxi. 8 I don’t mind walking. 9 I want to go to bed. 17.7 homeless beautiful careful deeper Russian shameless Chinese deepest THE EIGHTEENTH LESSON 18.2 1 was chattering 2 was writing 3 was listening to 4 was building 5 was waiting for 6 was washing 18.4 1 What was Tom doing ... ? 2 What were you reading ... ? 3 Was it raining ... ? 4 Where was the boy going... ? 5 Were you sleeping ... ? 6 What song were the girls sing­ ing ... ? 7 Were they waiting for ... ? 18.5 1 were having dinner, came 2 were smoking, saw 3 didn’t eat 4 broke, were playing 5 got up, was shining, went 6 did you do, went 7 were you doing, was sitting and reading
  249. 8 fell down, broke, was playing 18.7 надеть платье -

    put on the dress отложить встречу - put off the meeting снять пальто - take off the coat вынуть из кармана - take out of the pocket принять за учителя - take for the teacher искать книгу - look for the book присмотреть за ребенком - look after the child встать с кровати - get up влезть на лошадь - get on the horse выйти из автобуса - get off the bus вернуться домой - come back home войти в комнату - come into the room выйти из дома - come out of the house подойти к реке - come up to the river THE NINETEENTH LESSON 19.2 1 have bought 2 have already finished 3 has cleaned 4 have just gone 5 have been 6 has done 7 has broken 8 has taken 9 have already read 19.3 1 Has Carol bought. . . ? 2 Have they been . .. ? 3 Has he gone . . . ? 4 Have you met... ? 5 Have you seen . . . yet? 6 Has he helped you . . . ? 7 Have the Browns moved .. . ? 8 Has anybody taken . .. ? 9 Have you been ... ? 19.4 1 Carol has not bought.... 2 They have not been . . . . 3 He has not gone . . . . 4 I have not met.... 5 I have not seen . . . yet. 6 He has not helped . . . . 7 The Browns have not moved 8 Nobody has taken . . . . 9 1 have not been . . . . 19.5 1 - Have you ever broken your leg? - Yes, I broke my leg when 1 was a child. 2 - Have you read this book? - Yes, I have already read it. - When did you read it? - I read two months ago. 3 - Has it stopped raining yet?
  250. - Yes, it stopped raining an hour ago. 4 -

    Have you ever seen Tom’s bag? - No, I haven’t seen it. I saw Tom on Friday, but I didn’t see his bag. 5 Has he written anything about his summer plans? 6 - Have you had dinner yet? - Yes, we had dinner at 3 o’clock. 19.6 1 ... , doesn’t he? 2 ... , are they? 3 ... , can you? 4 ... , hasn’t she? 5 ... , aren’t you? 6 ... , wasn’t it? 7 ... , will you? 8 ... , didn’t they? 9 ... , aren’t there? 19.8 She gave me that interesting book yesterday. Did she give you that interesting book yesterday? Who gave you that interesting book yesterday? When did she give you that inter­ esting book? What did she give you yesterday? Whom did she give that interest­ ing book yesterday? She gave me that interesting book yesterday, didn’t she? Did she give me that interesting book yesterday or last week? THE TWENTIETH LESSON 20.2 1 had never seen 2 had already begun 3 had eaten up 4 hadjust had lunch 5 had gone to bed 6 had got 20.3 1 He said (that) he was hungry. 2 He said she had gone to Paris. 3 He said they would be at home at 5 o’clock. 4 He said she had been at school. 5 He said they had received a let­ ter. 6 He said they had made a lot of mistakes. 7 He said she was thirsty. 8 He said Ann had read the book twice. 9 He said his parents had never been to London. 20.4 1 I knew that Jack would win the prize. 2 ... they would like her present. 3 ... Mom would not work the next day.
  251. 4 . . . my uncle would buy a new

    car. 5 .. . Dad would be busy the next morning. 6 ... we would not receive a let­ ter from him. 7 . . . Grandma would go shop­ ping. 20.5 1 We knew that they had cut down the tree. 2 . .. she would write a thrilling story. 3 ... we had written lots of dictations. 4 . . . my uncle had invited my parents to dinner. 5 ... his father would punish him for the broken window. 6 .. . Sam hadn’t fed his dog in the morning. 7 ... Jim had scattered his copy­ books all over the table. 20.6 1 My eldest brother doesn’t live with us. 2 He didn’t speak about his fur­ ther plans. 3 We found him in the farthest comer of the park. 4 Our school is farther than yours. 5 Whose mother is older? 6 My elder sister always helps Mom about the house. 7 Do you know the latest news? 8 It isn’t our last lesson. 20.7 1 I don’t know whether he wants to see him. 2 . .. whether her friend lives far from school. 3 . . . whether they will go with us or they will stay at home. 4 . . . whether his brother likes to ride a bicycle. 5 . . . whether they like to listen to thrilling stories or fairy tales. 6 . . . whether we can do this work tomorrow. THE TWENTY-FIRST LESSON 21.2 1 .. . , was he? 2 . . . , isn’t it? 3 .. . , did he? 4 . . . , doesn’t she? 5 .. ., will he? 6 .. ., won’t they? 7 .. ., isn’t it? 8 .. . , aren’t they? 9 . . . , didn’t he? 10 . . , was he? 11 . . , were there? 21.3 A policeman stopped me on my way home last night. Did a policeman stop me ... ? Who stopped me ... ? When did a policeman stop me... ?
  252. Where did he stop me ... ? Whom did he

    stop . . . ? A policeman stopped me on my way home last night, didn’t he? Did he stop me last night or a fort­ night ago? 21.4 1 I have read . . . . 2 We have built.... 3 I’ve learnt.... 4 I’ve read . . . . 5 He has broken . . . . 6 I have seen . . . . 7 He has written . . . . 21.6 1 I’ve finished the letter. Have a look at it, please. 2 When did you finish your work? -1 haven’t finished it yet. 3 Have you spoken to Mary about it? - Yes, I spoke to her yesterday. 4 Polly has cut her finger badly. 5 My aunt has been to many countries. Last year she visited China. 6 Have you eaten the birthday cake up? 7 Have you found anything to read? 8 We’ve got a lot of money. 9 Ann has already washed her hair. 10 Dad has already read this news­ paper. THE TWENTY-SECOND LESSON 22.1 1 Who saw me? Who / whom did I see? 2 Who meets me every day? Who / whom do I meet every day? 3 Who showed me the road? Who / whom did I show the road? 4 Who is writing a note? Who / whom is Ann writing a note to? 5 Who has helped him to repair a bicycle? Who / whom has Bob helped to repair a bicycle? 22.2 1 ... if we were going with them. 2 ... if we / she / he / they would copy . . . . 3 . . . if it was worth buying. 4 ... if they had made any bet. 5 ... if they had forbidden their son . . . . 6 . . . if we / he / she / they could slide down . . . . 22.4 1 ... he was able to meet us ... . 2 ... she was able to understand them. 3 ... they were able to find the house. 4 ... I’ll be able to walk again.
  253. 5 . . . she’ll be able to go .

    . . . 6 . . . I’ll be able to go for a walk soon. 7 ... I have already been able to speak . . . . 8 I have not been able to eat. . . yet, but ... . 22.6 1 Would you mind passing me the salt? 2 Would you mind passing me the sugar? 3 Would you mind closing the window? 4 Would you mind turning on the light? 5 Would you mind repeating the question? 6 Would you mind staying and helping us? THE TWENTY-THIRD LESSON 23.2 I am - I’m I have - I’ve it is - it’s she will - she’ll he has - he’s he is - he’s do not - don’t they have - they’ve was not - wasn’t must not - mustn’t did not - didn’t does not — doesn’t are not- aren’t is not - isn’t will not - won’t shall not - shan’t I shall - I’ll they will - they’ll we are - we’re cannot- can’t were not - weren’t we have - we’ve 23.4 1 Neither have I. 2 Neither can I. 3 Neither did I. 4 Neither do I. 5 Neither do I. 6 Neither do I. 7 Neither did I. 8 Neither am I. 9 Neither have I. 23.5 1 He is not happy either. Neither is he. 2 His wife can’t drive a car ei­ ther. Neither can his wife. 3 His little sister won’t go to school tomorrow either. Neither will his little sister. 4 I don’t like making cakes either. Neither do I. 5 Those people arc not from Spain either. Neither are those people. 6 My husband didn’t sleep well last night either. Neither did my husband.
  254. 7 We don’t mind smoking in {he room either. Neither

    do we. 23.6 I hope to visit my friends in New York next week. Do you hope to visit your friends in New York next week? Who hopes to visit his / her friends in New York next week? Who do you hope to visit in New York next week? Where do you hope to visit your friends next week? When do you hope to visit your friends in New York? What do you hope to do in New York next week? Whose friends do you hope to visit in New York next week? I hope to visit my friends in New York next week, don’t I? Do you hope to visit your friends in New York or in Chicago next week? THE TWENTY-FOURTH LESSON 24.2 1 Who/w hom do you usually go for a walk with? 2 Who / whom did we receive a letter from yesterday? 3 Who/w hom didn’t he open the door to? 4 Who / whom have you always wanted to see? 5 Who / whom do we sometimes speak on the phone to? 6 Who / whom did I give that magazine to? 7 Where is he from? 8 What are you afraid of? 9 What are you talking about? 10 What was Mrs. Wilson de­ lighted with? 24.3 1 What are you always / con­ stantly chattering about? 2 With who did your brother go to the theatre yesterday? 3 Who do you like best? 4 What do you like best of all? 5 Who did you get the present from yesterday? 6 Who are you going to meet with tomorrow? 7 What does he brush his hair with? 8 Who did you go to Paris with? 9 Who did he ring up yesterday? 24.4 1 had already risen, woke up 2 came back, had got dark 3 had hardly gone to bed, rang 4 had learnt, went 5 had already packed, came 6 hadn’t stopped, came out 7 had not begun, arrived 8 had not finished ... yet, came 9 put away, just after... had read
  255. 24.5 1 If I were in Moscow, I often went

    to the theatre. 2 If I am in Moscow, I go to the theatre. 3 If I am in Moscow, I shall go to the theatre. 4 If we worked hard, we forgot to have dinner. 5 If we work hard, we forget to have dinner. 6 If they come back, they will help us. 7 I’ll call you when I am ready. 24.6 1 Your money is on the table. Take it. 2 - Are these your slippers? - Oh no, they are not mine. 3 This news is very interesting. 4 Her hair is quite dark. It is very beautiful. 5 Who does this money belong to? 6 Your spectacles are under the chair. Pick them up. 24.7 1 What an interesting book! 2 Such an interesting book! 3 What a naughty girl! 4 Such an expensive vase! 5 What beautiful pinks! 6 Such ripe plums! 7 What a funny parrot! 8 What a quiet place! THE TWENTY-FIFTH LESSON 25.2 1 ... the table was laid. 2 .. . my camera is being repaired now. 3 ... we were invited. 4 The house is / was looked after 5 The game was played well.... 6 . . . dinner had been cooked for us. 7 ... the shoes were being re­ paired. 8 ... we were given . . . . 9 . . . my leg has been broken. 25.3 1 The window will be closed. 2 Letters are written every week. 3 All the milk has just been spilt (by Bob). 4 The dog was let in (by Ann). 5 Nobody is suspected. 6 The secret will be kept (by us). 7 My sister was frightened (by me). 8 Ann will be met in the park (by Pete). 9 The pupils were told to sit down (by the teacher). 10 The bicycle wasn’t repaired. 11 Money won’t be taken (by us). 12 He wasn’t left alone. 25.4 1 . . . . w a s i t ?
  256. 2 ... , have not they? 3 ... , isn’t

    it? 4 ... , was it? 5 ... , weren’t we? 6 ... , wasn’t he? 7 ... , won’t it? 8 ... , isn’t it? 25.5 6 A stranger frightened us. 7 Somebody left this book. 8 My brother has made that present himself. 9 They showed her the shortest way. 10 . . . she had done the exercise. 11 ... after they had finished the work. 1 Was the pin found .. . ? Why wasn’t the pin found . . . ? 2 Have the sausages been eaten up yet? What has been eaten up? 3 Is the refrigerator being repaired ... ? Whom is it being repaired by? 4 Was the wardrobe closed? Why wasn’t it closed? 5 Were you warned? When were you warned? 6 Was he seen with Jane? Who was he seen with? 7 Will the parrot be caught? Where will it be caught? 8 Is a tree known by its fruit? What is it known by? 25.6 1 The pupils made many mistakes 2 A well-known writer wrote the story. 3 Workers will build the house 4 Zoo-keepers feed animals.... 5 All the pupils of our class have read the magazine. 25.7 cooks will cook cooked was cooking is cooked was cooked 8 is cooking 9 to cook 10 to cook 11 cooking 7 will be cooked 25.8 1 I saw him cross the road. 2 I heard Jane call me. 3 I heard somebody come into the room. 4 I felt my legs shake with fear. 5 I heard John play the piano. 6 I saw him go up to them and say something. 25.9 1 We saw him approaching the house. 2 We saw him approach the house. 3 She saw me opening the win­ dow. 4 She saw me open the window. 5 He heard Mary telling him about that.
  257. 6 He heard Mary tell him about that. 7 I

    saw Jim looking for something in his bag. 8 I felt somebody following me. 9 Did you hear them knock at the door? 10 Do you hear somebody knock­ ing at the door? 11 Father saw his daughter close the window and leave the room. 12 Father saw his daughter closing the window. 13 I have never seen him repairing his car. 25.10 приходить вовремя домой - to come home in time помогать им по дому - to help them about the house хорошо учиться - to study well не лениться - not to be lazy не курить - not to smoke не грубить - not to be rude слушаться их - to obey them не упрямиться - not to be stub­ born понять их - to understand them оставить в покое - to let them alone давать побольше денег - to give more money помогать, когда они в этом нуждаются - to help them when they need THE TWENTY-SIXTH LESSON 26.2 1 ... to go home. 2 . . . not to go home. 3 ... to stay at school. 4 . . . not to stay at school. 5 ... to go to see his friend. 6 ... to look for the book on the shelf. 7 ... to take his shoes to a repair shop. 26.3 1 The window can be opened. The window can’t be opened. 2 The story may be invented. The story may not be invented. 3 Her ribbons may be lost. Her ribbons may not be lost. 4 These words could be repeated. These words couldn’t be re­ peated. 5 This day must be forgotten. This day mustn’t be forgotten. 26.5 1 My hat was blown off by the wind. 2 That story was told by many people. 3 Her birthday wasn’t forgotten by her friends. 4 Grandchildren are often spoilt by their grandparents. 5 The text has been read by the student.
  258. 6 Their mistakes will be corrected by the teacher. 7

    The letter will be posted tomor­ row (by me). 8 The room has been dusted care­ fully (by her). 9 His papers are kept in order (by us). 10 The film is spoken about very much. 26.6 1 A little. 6 A little. 2 A few. 7 A little. 3 A few. 8 A little. 4 A few. 9 A few. 5 A few. 26.7 1 little 5 a few 2 a little 6 few 3 a little 7 few 4 a few THE TWENTY-SEVENTH LESSON 27.4 1 He may be at home. 2 He may be ill. 3 He may be telling the truth. 4 They may be ready for the les­ son. 5 They may be looking for the kitten. 6 They may be having lunch. 27.5 1 They may not wait for us. 2 We may not go to the zoo today. 3 He may not take them with him. 4 He may not pay attention to my new skirt. 5 They may not notice any change in our flat. 6 She may not search for her umbrella. 7 They may not boil the water. 8 He may not change his plans. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LESSON 28.2 1 I was asked . . . . 2 A thrilling story was t o l d . . . . 3 Some interesting pictures were shown . . . . 4 Nothing was told . . . . 5 No questions have been asked 6 He has never been told . . . . 7 1 wasn’t given . . . . 8 We won’t be told . . . . 9 The age is never asked. 10 The dog was let in. 11 The date of the meeting will be changed. 28.4 I opened the window because it was hot there. The door was opened, so we could come into the house.
  259. I like Jane because she is honest and friendly. He

    got nervous because he was not sure. We can’t get into the house be­ cause we have not got the key. It was raining, so they stayed at home. I want to be at home this evening, so don’t wait for me. 28.6 1 Would you cry if you scalded your hand? 2 Would you rush to save a kit­ ten if you saw it in the pond? 3 Would you help your friends if they asked you? 4 Would you keep a secret if it were told you? 5 Would you go to see Jane if it were not so late? 6 Would you buy a car if you had money? 7 Would you buy the book if it were not so expensive? THE TWENTY-NINTH LESSON 29.2 1 has been kept 2 was not used 3 will be taken 4 have been returned, were picked up 5 be left 6 will be taken, will be operated on 7 was followed 8 be cleaned 29.3 1 . . . whether my Mom had been pleased with me. 2 .. . whether he was seeking for a new job. 3 .. . whether I had heard what he had said. 4 . . . whether he was bitten by a mad dog. 5 . . . whether the doctor is at home? 6 . . . whether she had been nerv­ ous taking her test. 7 . . . whether they had already fetched the doctor. 8 .. . whether they wore fur coats in England. 29.4 She is too young to do such things herself. They were too tired to go farther. He is still too weak to go on a voy­ age. It’s too cold today to sleep with an open window. He is clever enough to understand it. They came to us to invite me to the theatre. 29.5 1 Ring Ann up tonight, please.
  260. 2 Have you rung Mom up yet? 3 Yes, I

    rang Mom up an hour ago. 4 When will you ring the doctor up? 5 May I myself ring him up to in­ vite him to the birthday party? 6 You must / should ring the Smiths up and tell them the news. 7 I often ring my aunt up. She lives alone. 8 It’s not late. You can ring Sam up. 9 Don’t ring him up. It’s late. 10 I don’t like to ring John up. 11 Haven’t you rung them up? 12 You rang them up yesterday, didn’t you? 13 Do ring her up! 14 Sorry, but I had rung Jack up when you asked not to do this. 15 He asked whether I had rung John up. THE THIRTIETH LESSON 30.1 1 “Close the window,” she said to him. She asked him to close the win­ dow. 2 “Eat more fruit,” the doctor said to the patient. The doctor told the patient to eat more fruit. 3 “Shut the door,” she said to us. She ordered us to shut the door. 4 “Don’t lock the house,” he said to them. He asked them not to lock the house. 5 “Come at five o’clock,” Mom said to her daughter. Mom asked her daughter to come at five o’clock. 6 “Don’t be late,” the boy said to his friends. The boy asked his friends not to be late. 7 “Don’t offend him,” the little girl said to the fellows. The little girl asked the fellows not to offend him. 30.2 1 like 7 like 2 as 8 as 3 like 9 as, as 4 as 10 like 5 like 11 like 6 as 30.3 1 as 7 as 2 when 8 as 3 as 9 when 4 as 10 as 5 because 11 because 6 as 12 when 30.4 1 . . . where you are going. 2 . . . where you have been. 3 . . . what they will do. 4 . . . why they didn’t come to us. 5 . . . where she lives. 6 . . . what languages she can speak.
  261. 7 . . . where he took that string. 8

    . .. why you are doing this task. 9 . . . what it means. 10 . . . what you want to say. THE THIRTY-FIRST LESSON 31.2 1 getting cold 7 got tired 2 get off 8 get to 3 get rid of 9 gets 4 get out of 10 get rich 5 getting late 11 get together 6 get into 31.3 1 Where was there a strange rus­ tle? 2 Where is there anything inter­ esting? 3 Where is there no free medical assistance? 4 Where will there be a spot? What will there be on the ta­ ble? 5 When were there 15 boys and 20 girls in our class? How many boys and girls were there in our class last year? 6 When was there no wind? 31.4 If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that skirt. If I knew his phone number, I would phone him. If he had time, he would come and help. If we leave now, we will get there on time. If George took my bicycle with­ out permission, I would be angry with him. If I weren’t so hungry, I would never eat this. If John didn’t work, he would have no pocket money. If the weather temperature is warm enough, ice always melts. If you don’t want to be scolded, go home immediately. THE THIRTY-SECOND LESSON 32.1 1 I am going to phone ... . 2 He is going to study French.... 3 We are going to have a dicta­ tion . . . . 4 They are going to speak . . . . 5 His son is going to repair.... 6 It is going to rain. 7 He is going to be a dentist. . . . 32.2 1 I’m going to buy it next month. 2 She is just going to make cof­ fee. 3 He is going to phone Nick after school. 4 They are going to have dinner soon.
  262. 5 I am going to play tennis after lunch. 6

    He is going to do his work next week. 32.3 1 What is he going to do with it? 2 Who are they going to invite? 3 Where is he going to hang it? 4 When are you going to return it? 5 Where is he going to let it out? 6 When are you going to cut it? 7 When is he going to start a new job? 32.5 1 answer 7 light 2 light 8 use 3 place 9 light 4 end 10 use 5 answer 11 end / ended 6 place 32.6 1 - 5 some, some / - 2 some 6 some 3 -.a 7 a, a 4 some 8 -, some THE THIRTY-THIRD LESSON 33.2 1 thanks to 5 owing to 2 owing to 6 thanks to 3 thanks to 7 thanks to 4 thanks to 33.4 1 Bessie said that she couldn’t understand what he was talking about. 2 Ann asked where they were. 3 Stella said that she had liked the book very much. 4 Paul and Mary say that they will come to see her / him / . . . . 5 Helen promised that she would make a new dress for Mary her­ self. 6 Tom answered that he was translating a novel. 7 He promised that he would be back in ten minutes. 8 They said that they would not do that. 9 Mr. Bay explained that he was waiting for Mrs. Bay. She would be there very soon. 10 Dad answered that he was hanging the picture on the wall. 33.5 1 player 5 dancers 2 sleeper 6 teacher 3 writer 7 driver 4 reader 8 helper 33.6 1 watched the sun 2 approached the table 3 reached the corner 4 speaks English 5 answer these questions 6 entered the room 7 watching planes
  263. 8 passed an old church THE THIRTY-FOURTH LESSON 34.1 1

    . . . where my parents were. 2 . . . where I had been. 3 . . . why he / she /. .. was wait­ ing for them. 4 . . . where he / she / . . . usu­ ally bought flowers. 5 .. . where he had hurt his leg. 6 . . . why I had not done my homework. 7 . .. why they wouldn’t help the Wilsons. 34.3 1 I’m getting used to eating less. 2 He can’t get used to being waked up very early. 3 Are you getting used to doing everything yourself? 4 They didn’t get used to going to school by themselves. 5 I’m afraid we won’t get used to such a noise in the street. 6 I didn’t get used to speaking loudly. 7 We have got used to eating por­ ridge for breakfast. 34.4 1 bought, haven’t worn 2 has already seen 3 saw 4 did you meet, met 5 have you spoken, spoke 6 have never played, played 7 bought 8 have you ever seen 9 met, went 10 happened 11 has improved 12 have ever known 34.5 1 to, on, of, in 2 at, past / to, in 3 -, in, -, in 4 - 5 in, at 6 from, to, in 7 at, on THE THIRTY-FIFTH LESSON 35.1 1 Would you like to play football? 2 Would you like to have a cup of coffee? 3 Would you like to have dinner together? 4 Would you like to go to the theatre with me tomorrow? 5 Would you like to go shopping? 6 Would you like to have a walk? 7 Would you like to ride my bi­ cycle? 35.2 1 I would like to have visited him. 2 I would like to have seen the film. 3 I would like to have bought that bicycle.
  264. 4 I would like to have had lunch together. 5

    I would like to have learnt a for­ eign language. 6 I would like to have read sto­ ries about Sherlock Holmes. 35.3 1 This book is worth reading. 2 That film is worth seeing. 3 These shoes aren’t worth repair­ ing. 4 These rhymes are worth learn­ ing by heart. 5 These things are worth buying. 6 This text isn’t worth translating. 7 The talk isn’t worth going on. 8 This thrilling story isn’t worth reading. 35.4 1 It was his sisters who I met in the park yesterday. It was in the park that I met his sisters yesterday. It was yesterday that I met his sisters in the park. 2 It was his brother who brought me the letter the day before yes­ terday. 3 It was my parents who heard a strange noise from outside. It was a strange noise that my par­ ents heard from outside. 4 It was a child who Pete saw in the river and saved. 5 It was children who found a lit­ tle kitten in the yard. 6 It was after we had returned home that I told him the news. 7 It was the autumn rains that destroyed the bridge. 35.5 1 You should have come to the party. 2 You should not have eaten so much chocolate. 3 You should not have walked without a warm coat. 4 You should have taken some­ thing to eat with you. 5 You shouldn’t have read thrill­ ing stories tonight. 6 You shouldn’t have chattered so much. 7 You should have made a bet. THE THIRTY-SIXTH LESSON 36.2 1 had known, have visited 2 hadn’t seen, wouldn’t have be­ lieved 3 had not been started, have been late 4 had known, wouldn’t have been 5 have got into trouble, had not obeyed 6 had arrived, wouldn’t have been burnt 36.3 1 ... I would have waited for you.
  265. 2 ... I would have thanked Jim. 3 ... I

    would have warned his parents. 4 ... I would have invited their friends. 5 ... I would have stopped the car. 6 ... I would have reminded you. 36.4 1 Would you have gone if he had asked you? 2 Would you have helped him with Maths if he had asked you? 3 Would you have paid for the broken window if he had asked you? 4 Would you have explained the rule to others if he had asked you? 5 Would you have written a mes­ sage to him if he had asked you? 6 Would you have phoned him later if he had asked you? 36.6 1 How many mistakes did you make? 2 How much orange juice have you got in the refrigerator? 3 How much money has he got about him? 4 How many postcards did you buy? 5 How much jam for tea is there at home? 6 How many football players do you know? 7 How many English books have you read? 8 How many times have you been to Europe? THE THIRTY-SEVENTH LESSON 37.3 1 Никогда не знаешь, что он ответит. 2 Нужно всегда держать свое слово. 3 Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня. 4 Никогда не знаешь, что от него ждать. 5 На письма надо отвечать сразу. 6 Теперь можно разговаривать по телефону на любые рассто­ яния. 37.4 1 - Which ones? - Those to the left of you, please. 2 - Which one? - That one on the tall woman. 3 - Which one? - The tallest one. 4 - Which one? - That one between the bank and the shop. 5 - Which ones? - Those under the sofa. 6 - Which one?
  266. - That one in a black coat. 7 - Which

    one? - That dark grey one. 37.5 1 rang, was about to leave 2 was learning, had 3 hurt, was climbing 4 were watching, were waiting for 5 were talking, came in 6 was writing, took out / were taking out 7 rang, were still writing 8 told, collected 37.6 1 This time next Monday I’ll be sitting on a beach. This time last Monday I was sit­ ting on a beach. 2 Mary’ll be practising the piano from two till three tomorrow. Mary was practising the piano from two till three yesterday. 3 When you see me next time, I ’ 11 be wearing a new dress. When you saw me last, I was wearing a new dress. 4 When I get home, my dog will be sitting at the door waiting for me. When I got home, my dog was sitting at the door waiting for me. 5 I think he’ll be still working when we are back. He was still working when we were back. 6 She’ll be speaking for not less than two hours. She was speaking for not less than two hours. 7 They won’t be waiting for you more than an hour. They weren’t waiting for you more than an hour. 8 I’ll still be sleeping at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. I was still sleeping at 10 o’clock yesterday morning. 9 I’ll be having dinner when you ring me up tomorrow. I was having dinner when you rang me up yesterday. THE THIRTY-EIGHTH LESSON 38.3 1 She allowed him to play in it. 2 He gave them to the boys. 3 It is better than mine. 4 Tell him not to forget about them. 5 It is cold today. 6 She / he knows it. 7 She wanted to buy them. 8 He is always ready to help her. 9 He made it jump over the fence. 38.4 1 to 5 of 2 at 6 to, by 3 - 7 by, on 4 in /into,to 8 at
  267. 9 of 10 to 11 in, at 12 at 13

    to 14 to 15 for 16 - 17 about 18 from 19 for 20 - 21 for 22 to 23 - 38.5 1 look for 2 look after 3 looked at 4 look in 5 looked through 6 look over 7 lookout THE THIRTY-NINTH LESSON 39.2 1 Do you know those women? 2 Will you help us? 3 These plates are clean. 4 Whose knives are these? 5 Catch the mice, please! 6 Are you doctors? 7 My elder son has hurt his feet. 8 The children asked their mother to buy them new toys. 39.3 1 I have my car washed. 2 They have the grass cut. 3 She is going to have my trou­ sers shortened. 4 I had my watch repaired. 5 She has had the floor swept. 6 I had this nice picture drawn. 7 She has had her hair cut. 8 1 am going to have the windows cleaned. 9 The Quirks have had the ceil­ ing painted. 39.4 1 Do you have your hair cut at this hairdresser’s? No, I don’t. Where do you usually have your hair cut? 2 Did you have a new garage built far from the house? No, not far. When did you have a new ga­ rage built? 3 Have you had the piano tuned well? No, I haven’t. Why have you had the piano tuned? 4 Do you want to have your car repaired quickly? No, 1 don’t. When do you want to have your car repaired? 5 Did he have his nose broken in fight? No, he didn’t. Where did he have his nose broken? 39.5 1 Друг познается в беде.
  268. 2 Лиха беда начало. 3 Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 4

    Не спеши языком, торопись делом. 5 В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 6 Не учи ученого. 7 Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда. 8 Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь. 9 Медленно да верно. 10 И хочется, и колется. 11 После дождичка в четверг. 12 Видна птица по полету. THE FORTIETH LESSON 40.1 иногда - sometimes никогда - never всегда - always конечно - of course / certainly уже - already только что - just now еще - yet / still сейчас - now / at the moment часто - often только - only опять - again совершенно - quite почти - almost действительно -really итак - so потому что because хотя though напрасно - in vain обычно - usually едва ли - hardly однажды - once достаточно - enough 40.2 1 If it rains on Sunday, I won’t be able to play tennis. 2 If her nose were shorter, she would be pretty. 3 If had a lot of money, I would see the world. 4 What would you do if you saw a fight in the street? 5 Ice will melt if you heat it. 6 If I were in England, I would go to Trafalgar Square. 7 If he had come back in time, we would have met. But he was late. 8 If you don’t water the flowers, they will die. 9 If you had had time, I would have shown my drawings to you. I’ll show them to you next time. 10 If you had written the test without mistakes, you would have won the bet. But you’ve lost it. 11 If he had won the bet, he would have told us. 12 If she is seriously ill, it will be difficult without her. 40.3 to be at a loss to play the piano
  269. to play tennis to be cross to have a toothache

    in a loud voice it’s a pleasure in the morning at night to tell the truth to tell a lie to tell the time at work it’s a pity at school at the cinema all of a sudden it’s a shame it’s out of the question to mean well 40.4 Jill’s father was reading a book last night when he heard a noise in the garden. He opened the window and looked out. It was dark and at first he could see nothing. But just as he was shutting the window, he saw a man. The man tried to climb over the garden wall. He was a thief. When he saw Jill’s father at the window, he jumped off the wall and ran away. Jill’s father ran after him. There was a car at the end of the street. The thief got into the car, but Jill’s father caught him. 40.5 1 Nobody knew the correct an­ swer. 2 He has never been here before. 3 We told him nothing. 4 Mom gave me no money. 5 Nobody came here. 6 I saw nobody in the yard. 7 There was nobody at home when I woke up. THE FORTY-FIRST LESSON 41.2 A man’s best friend is his dog. An Englishman’s home is his castle. Money makes the world go round. I’m so happy - I’m over the moon. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. 41.3 1 Kate was to have dinner alone. 2 Mr. Walter was to speak to his son. 3 Today I am to walk my friend’s dog. 4 I am to keep an eye on him. 5 We were to meet at the station at 7 p.m. 6 We were to repeat the rules. 7 I am to take it. 8 The Queen is to visit China next year. 9 They were to meet again. 10 He asked where he was to put the bottle. 41.4 1 been, been
  270. 2 gone 3 been, been 4 been 5 gone 41.5

    1 Erin said that she was going to write . . . . 2 Dan said that he liked learning rhymes. 3 Kate said that she was going to borrow . . . . 4 Jim said that they had had a good day . . . . 5 Jane said that it was pleasant 6 Bob said that it was difficult for him . . . . 7 Tom said that he didn’t like 8 Ann said that she couldn’t re­ member where she had seen 41.6 1 ribbon 2 nephew 3 wolf 4 fish 5 hare 6 eye(s) 7 evening 8 goat 9 tailor THE FORTY-SECOND LESSON 42.2 1 On Monday he is meeting his Grandma at the station. 2 On Tuesday he is working till night. 3 On Wednesday he is repairing his car. 4 On Thursday he is going to the cinema with his girl-friend. 5 On Friday he is starting a new job. 6 On Saturday he is seeing his Grandma off. 7 On Sunday he is taking his sis­ ter to the ballet. 42.3 1 . . . when to play tennis with Dick? Yes, we are playing tennis on Tuesday afternoon. 2 . . . when to go to the swim­ ming-pool? Yes, I am going to the swimming- pool on Wednesday morning. 3 . . . when to leave for London? Yes, I’m leaving for London next week. 4 . . . when to come back? Yes, I’m coming back in two weeks. 5 . . . when to buy a car? Yes, we are buying a car after coming back from London. 42.4 1 am going to 6 will 2 will 7 arc going to 3 will 8 are going to 4 will 9 am going to 5 will
  271. 42.5 Across 1 cross, 2 afternoon, 3 save, 4 ask,

    5 busy, 6 sky, 7 know, 8 blaze, 9 tiger, 10 wing, 11 pocket, 12 life, 13 hard, 14 look, 15 lie, 16 nobody, 17 touch, 18 Daddy, 19 never, 20 feel, 21 water, 22 crazy, 23 pain, 24 white, 25 bell, 26 egg, 27 hold, 28 both Down 8 begin, 13 head, 17 truth, 20 free, 21 watch, 23 play, 25 body, 28 bus, 29 man, 30 say, 31 take, 32 sea, 33 house, 34 world, 35 score, 36 happen, 37 angry, 38 eye, 39 foot, 40 shout, 41 honey, 42 windy, 43 cold, 44 fire, 45 enough, 46 go, 47 queen 42.6 1 in front of 2 off 3 on 4 under 5 after 6 out 7 from 8 out of 9 on / onto THE FORTY-THIRD LESSON 43.1 Mike - Michael Pete - Peter Tom - Thomas Liz - Elizabeth Chris Christian Dan - Daniel Sam - Samuel Bob - Robert Bill-William Tony - Antony Bab - Barbara Bess-Elizabeth Mag-Margaret Pat - Patricia 43.2 1 magazine - журнал 2 conductor - дирижер baton - дирижерская палочка 3 matrass - колба 4 plaster - штукатурка 5 biscuit-печенье 6 perron - наружная лестница 7 match - спичка 8 master - хозяин 9 post - почта 10 hot dog-бутерброд с горячей сосиской 43.3 1 those 2 autumn 3 morning 4 Saturday 5 u 6 grandmother 7 lunch 8 never 9 London 10 Scotland 11 the Thames 12 pounds 13 it’s 9 a.m. in London 43.5 Across 1 bread 6 fifteen 7 car 9 ticket 11 camel 13 table Down 2 effort 3 difficult 4 bee 5 penny 7 catch 8 tea 10 eye 12 me / my
  272. INDEX ARTICLES 9.3(I); 26.2(I); 26.3(I); 28.1(I); 35.2(I); 32.6(II); 40.3(II); as

    / when / because 30.3(II); as if 16.3(II); because / so 28.4(II); COMPARISON as ... as / not so ... as 17.5(I); 31.3(I); as / like 30.2(II); degrees of comparison (adj.) 31(I); 7.2(II); 7.3(II); 8.1-3(II); 20.6(II); COMPLEX OBJECT 25.8-10(II); 28.3(II) CONDITIONALS if (present / future) 31.5(I); 5.7(II); 16.2(II); if (present / past) 28.6(II); 31.4(II); 33.3(II); 36.2(II); 36.3(II); 36.4(II) if (mixture) 17.5(II); 24.5(II); 40.2(II); double negative 8.5(II); 14.4(II); 40.5(II); either / neither 23.5(II); few /a few /... 2.2(II); 26.6(II); 26.7(II) GAMES “Bridge” 13.2(I); 15.5(I); 21.4(I); 35.5(I); 2.7(II) 43.4(II); “Chain” 39.1(I); 41.6(II); “Crossword” 42.5(II); 43.5(II); “Interview” 30.6(II); 31.5(II); “Pyramid” 9.5(II); GERUND 17.3(II); 17.4(II); 22.6(II); 35.3(II); IMPERATIVE MOOD 10.1(I); 14.3(I); 22.2(I); 22.4(I); 22.5(I); 17.2(II); let 37.2(I); 8.6-7(II); It was ... who ... 35.4(II);
  273. MODAL VERBS be able to 22.4-5(II); can 23(I); 36.1(I); can

    / could 22.3(II); can do / like to do 33.2(I); 33.4(I); 33.5(I); 37.1(I); can / may / must 24.2(I); 24.4(I); 24.6(I); 25(I); 36.3(I); 14.4(II); have to 21.5(II); may 24.3(I); 27.4(II); 27.5(II); must 24.1(I); should (have done) 35.5(II); would like to 35.1(II); 35.2(II) much/many 27(I); 36.6(II); neither 23.4(II); neither / either 23.5(II); NOUNS Plural 9.4(I); 22.1(I); 28.2(I); 28.3(I); 37.5(I); 37.6(I); 24.6(II); 39.2(II); possessive case (‘s / s’) 18(I); 19.2(I); 20.2(I); 24.5(I); NUMERALS 10.5(I); 11.6(I); 21.5(I); 8.4(II); owing to/thanks to 33.2(II); PARTICIPLE I, II 10.1-2(II); 14.1-3(II); PREPOSITIONS 20.3(I); 22.4(I); 34.5(I); 1.6(II); 34.5(II); 38.4(II); 42.6(II); among / between 16.5(II) verb + preposition 22.4(I); 16.4(II); 18.7(II); 31.2(II); 33.6(II); 38.5(II); PRONOUNS me / us / you /... 1.3(II); 1.4(II); 38.3(I); mine / ours / yours /... 38.3(I); 38.4(I); my/our/your/... 16(I); 17.1(I); 17.2(I); 19.1(I); 36.5(I); 37.3(I); 37.4(I); 1.4(II); myself / ourselves /... 13.2(II); one / ones 6.5(II); 36.5(II); 37.3-4(II); some /any 27.5(I); 6.4(II); 10.8(II); 32.6(II); somebody / anybody / nobody 14.5(II); something / anything / nothing 12.5(II); 14.5(II);
  274. this/that / these / those 8.1(I); 14.1(I); 15(I); 17.4(I); 24.5(I);

    QUESTIONS 19.8(II); 21.3(II); 23.6(II); 26.4(II); alternative 19.7(II); disjunctive (tag) 19.6(II); 21.2(II); 25.4(II); general 13.3(I); 17.3(I); 23.1(I); 25.1(I); 28.5(I); 29.5(I); 36.1(I); 39.4(I); 3.3(II); 3.6(II 6.1(II); 7.4(II); 8.9 (II); 10.5(II); 19.3(II); 25.5(II); 26.6(II); 39.4(II); indirect 20.7 (II); 30.4 (II) neg.-inter. 7.4 (II); special 11.2(I); 13.4(I); 14.4(I); 16.4(I); 17.4(I); 19.2(I); 20.4(I); 21.2(I); 24.5(I); 29.4(I); 29.5(I); 39.4(I); 4.2(II); 9.2(II); 10.6(II); 11.4(II); 13.3(II); 15.6(II); 22.1(II); 24.2(II); 24.3(II); 25.5(II); 31.3(II); 36.6(II); 39.4(II); short forms 23.2; so / because 28.4(II); TENSES Future Continuous 37.6(II); Future Indefinite 30(I); 2.1(II); 27.3(II); 42.4(II); mixture of tenses 16.6(II); 25.7(II); 29.5(II); 40.4(II); Passive Voice 25.3(II); 25.6(II); 26.2-5(II); 28.2(II); 27.2(II);29.2(II); Past Continuous 18(II); 37.6(II); 40.4(II); Past Cont. / Past Indef. 18.5(II); 37.5(II); Past Indefinite 15(II); 27.3(II); 40.4(II); Past Perfect 20.2(II); Past Perf. / Past Indef. 24.4(II); Present Continuous 10.3-6(II); 11.5(II); 42.2(II); 42.3(II) to be going to 32.1-3(II); 42.1(II); 42.4(II); Pres.Cont. / Pres.Indef. 11.3(II); 12.4(II); 13.4(II); Present Indefinite 32(I); 1.1(II); 1.2(II); 3(II); 4(II); 5(II); 7.1(II); 7.6(II); 8.5(II); 8.9(II); 12.1(II); 12.3(II); to be 9.1(I); 13(I); 16.2(I); 18.4(I); 20.1(I); 21.1(I); 29.2(I); 36.4(I); 38.2(I); 38.5(I); 6.1(II); have/have got 7(I)-12(I); 16.3(I); 16.4(I); 2.6(II);
  275. there is / there are 26-29(I); Present Perfect 19.2-4(II); 21.4(II);

    41.4(II); Present Perf./Past Indef. 19.5(II); 21.6(II); 34.4(II); Reported speech 20.3(II); 22.2(II); 28.5(II); 29.3(II); 33.4(II); 34.1(II); 41.5(II); Sequence of tenses 20.4-5(II); 20.7(II); that/what 2.4(II); 2.5(II); THERE IS / THERE ARE 26-29(I); 31.3(II); to be able to 22.4-5(II); to be allowed to 27.2(II); 27.3(II); to be to do smth 41.3(II); to be going to 32.1 -3(II); 42.1 (II); 42.4(II); to get used to 34.2(II); 34.3(II); to have smth done 39.3(II); 39.4(II); to make smb do smth 23.3(II); too / either 10.7(II); VERBS irregular verbs 15.2(II); 16.1(II); 17.1(II); 18.1(II); 19.1(II); 20.1(II); 21.1(II); 23.1(II); 24.1(II); 25.1(II); 26.1(II); 27.1(II); 28.1(II); 29.1(II); 31.1(II); 33.1(II); 36.1(II); 38.1(II); 41.1(II); tell / say / speak 6.6(II); verb + preposition 22.4(I); 16.4(II); 18.7(II); 31.2(II); 33.6(II); 38.5(II); what / such 24.7(II); WORD-FORMATION 6.2(I); 7.5(II); 11.2(II); 17.6(II); 30.5(II); 32.4(II); 33.5(II); 37.2(II); 38.2(II); 39.1(II); WORD ORDER 11.3(I); 12.4(I); 17.3(I); 19.3(I); 22.3(I); 27.6(I); 23.4(I); 32.2(I); 36.2(I); 39.4(I); 5.3(II); 7.6(II); 9.3(II); 34.3(II); would like to 35.1(II); 35.2(II)
  276. Contents PART ONE.........................................................................................5 LESSON SEVEN (7).................................................................................. 7 LESSON EIGHT (8)...................................................................................

    8 LESSON NINE (9) ................................................................................... 10 LESSON TEN (10).................................................................................... 12 LESSON ELEVEN (11)............................................................................ 14 LESSON TWELVE (12)............................................................................17 LESSON THIRTEEN (13).........................................................................19 LESSON FOURTEEN (14)....................................................................... 21 LESSON FIFTEEN (15)............................................................................23 LESSON SIXTEEN (16)........................................................................... 26 LESSON SEVENTEEN (17).....................................................................29 LESSON EIGHTEEN (18)........................................................................ 31 LESSON NINETEEN (19)........................................................................ 33 LESSON TWENTY (20)...........................................................................35 LESSON TWENTY-ONE (21)..................................................................38 LESSON TWENTY-TWO (22).................................................................40 LESSON TWENTY-THREE (23).............................................................42 LESSON TWENTY-FOUR (24)...............................................................45 LESSON TWENTY-FIVE (25).................................................................48 LESSON TWENTY-SIX (26)................................................................... 50 LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN (27).............................................................54 LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT (28)..............................................................57 LESSON TWENTY-NINE (29)................................................................ 60 LESSON THIRTY (30)............................................................................. 62 LESSON THIRTY-ONE (31)....................................................................65 LESSON THIRTY-TWO (32)...................................................................67 LESSON THIRTY-THREE (33)...............................................................69 LESSON THIRTY-FOUR (34)................................................................. 72 LESSON THIRTY-FIVE (35)...................................................................74 LESSON THIRTY-SIX (36)..................................................................... 77 LESSON THIRTY-SEVEN (37)...............................................................79 LESSON THIRTY-EIGHT (38)................................................................82 LESSON THIRTY-NINE (39).................................................................. 84 PART TWO......................................................................................87 THE FIRST LESSON................................................................................89 THE SECOND LESSON...........................................................................91 THE THIRD LESSON...............................................................................93 THE FOURTH LESSON...........................................................................96
  277. THE FIFTH LESSON................................................................................98 THE SIXTH LESSON............................................................................ 102 THE SEVENTH LESSON......................................................................

    104 THE EIGHTH LESSON......................................................................... 107 THE NINTH LESSON ........................................................................... 112 THE TENTH LESSON............................................................................115 THE ELEVENTH LESSON....................................................................119 THE TWELFTH LESSON..................................................................... 121 THE THIRTEENTH LESSON............................................................... 124 THE FOURTEENTH LESSON.............................................................. 127 THE FIFTEENTH LESSON.................................................................. 129 THE SIXTEENTH LESSON.................................................................. 132 THE SEVENTEENTH LESSON........................................................... 135 THE EIGHTEENTH LESSON............................................................... 138 THE NINETEENTH LESSON............................................................... 141 THE TWENTIETH LESSON................................................................. 146 THE TWENTY-FIRST LESSON........................................................... 149 THE TWENTY-SECOND LESSON...................................................... 152 THE TWENTY-THIRD LESSON......................................................... 155 THE TWENTY-FOURTH LESSON...................................................... 158 THE TWENTY-FIFTH LESSON.......................................................... 162 THE TWENTY-SIXTH LESSON.......................................................... 167 THE TWENTY-SEVENTH LESSON................................................... 170 THE TWENTY-EIGHTH LESSON...................................................... 173 THE TWENTY-NINTH LESSON......................................................... 176 THE THIRTIETH LESSON................................................................... 178 THE THIRTY-FIRST LESSON............................................................. 182 THE THIRTY-SECOND LESSON........................................................ 185 THE THIRTY-THIRD LESSON............................................................ 188 THE THIRTY-FOURTH LESSON........................................................ 191 THE THIRTY-FIFTH LESSON............................................................. 194 THE THIRTY-SIXTH LESSON............................................................ 196 THE THIRTY-SEVENTH LESSON...................................................... 199 THE THIRTY-EIGHTH LESSON.........................................................203 THE THIRTY-NINTH LESSON........................................................... 206 THE FORTIETH LESSON.................................................................... 208 THE FORTY-FIRST LESSON............................................................... 211 THE FORTY-SECOND LESSON......................................................... 2 16 THE FORTY-THIRD LESSON............................................................. 220 KEYS................................................. .......................................................225 INDEX.......................................................................................................281
  278. По вопросам оптовых закупок обращаться: тел./факс: (495) 785-15-30, e-mail: [email protected]

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