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LINE Developers Taiwan
November 27, 2023


Speaker: Chris Shih
Event: 台大x輔大x北醫 GDSC 企業參訪

LINE Developers Taiwan

November 27, 2023


  1. Chris Shin l MIS @NCCU l BA @CCU l 2023

    | LINE TECH FRESH @LY Corp l 2023 | Technical Architecture Intern @Cathy Financial Holding
  2. How did I prepare the internship? Resume: Personal Information •

    Full Name, Contact Information ,and preferably links to LinkedIn or GitHub profiles. Education Technical Skills and Experience • Such as programming languages , software , tools. • The role and responsibility you played in teamwork. • Side project. Self Promotion(<500) • All you want to tell.
  3. How to interview? P roject : Outline a task or

    project. A ction : Detail your actions. R esult : Highlight the outcomes. A ftermath : Describe the impact. D ecision : Share your decisions. Source:網路