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IPB Talk

Parlinggoman Hasibuan
February 14, 2014

IPB Talk

Parlinggoman Hasibuan

February 14, 2014


  1. Key Factor • TV Viewing Environment – Text Legibility based

    on Viewing Distance – Possession of devices by individuals or families – TV viewing hours and patterns of each user • Control Environment – The remote control that is necessary to control the TV channels and apps – The four directional arrow keys, together with ENTER, RETURN, and EXIT are the main buttons for navigation
  2. The Actual Purpose of the Application Consider how useful the

    application is to the user, and how enjoyable it should be to use.
  3. Good idea to create new user experiences by linking applications

    to the normal TV experience, taking into account the environment in which people may watch TV.
  4. Clarify • Clear and Accurate Navigation • If ambiguous user

    will confused and insecure. • Consequence ? They will exit the apps. • Worst Consequence ? Your apps will be uninstalled.
  5. User Control • Remote Control is not same as Mouse

    & Keyboard • Remote Function is User Expectation
  6. Consistency • Every icon must have same action • When

    user (PLAY, PAUSE, FF/REW, STOP) it must directly access to video • Consistent interaction such as : Popup, Modal, style of messages
  7. Feedback • Show tooltip after focus on an view(show info

    about the view) • When focus on a view, make it different from another • When first load is taking time. Give some loading animation
  8. Aesthetic Considerations • Aesthetic make application looks easier • Design

    in Mobile is not same in Web and is not same in TV => color, resolution, and screen composition