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March 27, 2019



March 27, 2019


  1. LWCの開発ワークフロー 1.Dev Hub and Scratch Orgs ・Salesforce Command Line Interface

    (CLI) ・Visual Studio Code Extension ・GitHub 2.Non-Scratch Orgs 開発ワーク フロー 関連ツール
  2. 最小限のjsコード 修飾子 Decorators ・@api: Marks a property as public for

    use in your template or other components. ・@track: Marks a property for internal monitoring. ・@wire: Gives you a way to get and bind data. This implementation simplifies getting data from a Salesforce org. LWCのJSファイル ・モジュールlwc ・クラスLighiningElemnt
  3. イベント通信 Create and Dispatch Events ・CustomEvent() ・EventTarget.dispatchEvent() Communicate Between Components

    ・publish-subscribe pattern Aura application events https://github.com/trailheadapps/lwc-recipes/tree/master/force-app/main/default/lwc/pubsub
  4. Lightning Web Componentsのテスト Write Jest tests to: ・Test a component

    in isolation ・Test a component’s public API (@api properties and methods, events) ・Test basic user interaction (clicks) ・Verify the DOM output of a component ・Verify that events fire when expected Jest tests work in: LWC Aura How to write Jest Tests ・folder named __tests__ ・Update .forceignore with **/__tests__/** ・@salesforce/wire-service-jest-util ・registerLdsTestWireAdapter(wireAdapter)