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Angular 2.0 - What to Expect?

Angular 2.0 - What to Expect?

A talk from a GDG meeting at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Allan Marques Baptista

January 15, 2015

More Decks by Allan Marques Baptista

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Mobile Developer Hotel Urbano Participated on the latest desktop’s home

    re-design Currently working on the 2.0 App for WP. M. Site’s Creator //WhoisAllanBaptista?
  2. import {Component} from 'angular'; import {Server} from './server'; @Component({selector: 'foo'})

    export class MyComponent { constructor(server:Server) { this.server = server; } } import * as rtts from 'rtts'; import {Component} from 'angular'; import {Server} from './server'; export class MyComponent { constructor(server) { rtts.types(server, Server); this.server = server; } } MyComponent.parameters = [{is:Server}]; MyComponent.annotate = [ new Component({selector: 'foo'}) ]; ATSCRIPT AFTERCOMPILED //WTFisatScript?
  3. scope management (all instances are singleton) someModule.controller('MyController', function($scope, greeter) {

    // ... }); // or... angular.module('myModule', []) .factory('serviceId', ['depService', function(depService) { // ... }]) .directive('directiveName', ['depService', function(depService) { // ... }]) .filter('filterName', ['depService', function(depService) { // ... }]); // or... var MyController = function($scope, greeter) { // ... } MyController.$inject = ['$scope', 'greeter']; someModule.controller('MyController', MyController); //DependencyInjection PRESENT KNOWNPROBLEM
  4. Enables a unique instance for every injection Providers, Lazy Injection,

    Async Injections import {Component} from 'angular'; import {Server} from './server'; @Component({selector: 'foo'}) export class MyComponent { constructor(server:Server) { this.server = server; } } @TransientScope export class MyClass { ... } //DependencyInjection FUTURE ANDMORE
  5. The Directive Definition Object (DDO) is awfully confusing and hard

    to learn. angular.module('docsTabsExample', []) .directive('myPane', function() { return { require: ['^myTabs', '^ngModel'], restrict: 'E', transclude: true, scope: { title: '@' }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, controllers) { var tabsCtrl = controllers[0], modelCtrl = controllers[1]; tabsCtrl.addPane(scope); }, templateUrl: 'my-pane.html' }; }); <my-pane></my-pane> //Components&Databinding PRESENT KNOWNPROBLEM
  6. //Components&Databinding FUTURE @ComponentDirective Creates a custom component composed of a

    view and a controller. @DecoratorDirective Decorates an existing HTML element with additional behavior. @TemplateDirective Transforms HTML into a reusable template.
  7. @ComponentDirective({ selector:'tab-container', directives:[NgRepeat] }) export class TabContainer { constructor(panes:Query<Pane>) {

    this.panes = panes; } select(selectedPane:Pane) { //... } } <template> <div class="border"> <div class="tabs"> <div [ng-repeat|pane]="panes" class="tab" (^click)="select(pane)"> <img [src]=“pane.icon"> <span>${pane.name}</span> </div> </div> <content></content> </div> </template> //Components&Databinding @ComponentDirective
  8. @DecoratorDirective({ selector:'[ng-show]', bind: { 'ngShow': 'ngShow' }, observe: {'ngShow': 'ngShowChanged'}

    }) export class NgShow { constructor(element:Element) { this.element = element; } ngShowChanged(newValue){ if(newValue){ this.element.style.display = 'block'; }else{ this.element.style.display = 'none'; } } } //Components&Databinding @DecoratorDirective
  9. @TemplateDirective({ selector: '[ng-if]', bind: {'ngIf': 'ngIf'}, observe: {'ngIf': 'ngIfChanged'} })

    export class NgIf { constructor(viewFactory:BoundViewFactory, viewPort:ViewPort) { this.viewFactory = viewFactory; this.viewPort = viewPort; this.view = null; } ngIfChanged(value) { if (!value && this.view) { this.view.remove(); this.view = null; } if (value) { this.view = this.viewFactory.createView(); this.view.appendTo(this.viewPort); } } } //Components&Databinding @TemplateDirective
  10. No flexibility. phonecatApp.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider. when('/phones', { templateUrl: 'partials/phone-list.html',

    controller: 'PhoneListCtrl' }). when('/phones/:phoneId', { templateUrl: 'partials/phone-detail.html', controller: 'PhoneDetailCtrl' }). otherwise({ redirectTo: '/phones' }); }]); //TheRouter PRESENT KNOWNPROBLEM
  11. ? • Configuration/Conventions • 404 Handling • History Manipulation •

    Navigation Model • Document Title Updates • hashChange/pushState • Dynamic Loading • Child Apps • Screen Activation ◦TO: canActivate => activate ◦FROM: canDeactivate => deactivate //TheRouter PRESENT IMPLEMENTEDFEATURES