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Developer Experience in Ruby

Maicol Bentancor
July 19, 2023

Developer Experience in Ruby

Maicol Bentancor

July 19, 2023


  1. —ChatGPT “Developer experience is the sum of all interactions that

    developers have with the tools, technologies, and processes they use to build software. It aims to make these interactions enjoyable and efficient, empowering developers to turn their ideas into high-quality code with ease.”
  2. What is DX • A great developer experience gets out

    of the way, leaving the developer in a flow state. DX allows developers to be more effective • Developers who find good DX are happier, promote more, and use their product longer • Usually provided by DevOps, platform teams, managers and/or even you if you don’t have those resources
  3. Editors (sorry vim & friends) OSS Pricing Plugins and customizati

    on Performan ce/Memory consumpti on Git Copilot Debugger Popularity Shortcuts Code navigati on/Code search ✅ 😎 💯 🔋 👍 👍 👎 43% 👎 👎 ⛔ 💵 👍 🪫 👍 💯 19% 👍 💯
  4. Tools Runners Meta Metrics flay flog reek pronto Codacy CodeClimate

    Danger rubrycritic CodeClimate Codacy Maintainability rubocop packwerk Hound
  5. AI tools recommendations • Don’t use business data or sensitive

    information • Use generated code with caution ◦ In one study, researchers produced 1,689 programs with Copilot, of which 40% were vulnerable to attack. • If you disagree with Copilot or fear the copyleft pollution in your codebase ◦ There are tools that blocks services/extensions like Kolide ◦ You can also disable sending my code snippets
  6. Conclusions and last thoughts Save $$$ and keep devs happy

    Nice to have in small teams, mandatory in bigger ones Now IA plays a big role in DX Ruby focuses on DX and has a great ecosystem