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Peeling back your Network Layers with Security ...

Mark Hillick
November 23, 2012

Peeling back your Network Layers with Security Onion

Presentation on how Security Onion provides clarity and vision into the ongoings of your Network. We walk through the set-up, available tools and then show how we can troubleshoot a real attack.

Mark Hillick

November 23, 2012


  1. > db.whoam.findOne() { "contact": { "email": "mark@kybeire.com", "web": "www.hackeire.net", "twitter":

    "markofu" }, "work" : { "10gen" : "MongoDB" }, "cert" : { "GIAC GSE" : true }, "state" : { "Nervous" : true, "Relaxed" : false }, "tags" : [ { "securityonion" : 1}, {"tcp" : 1} , {"ids" : 1}, {"packet analysis" : 1}, {"defensive fun" : 1}, {"nsm" : 1} ], "try-to-help" : [ { "IrissCert" : "not very well"} , {"Security Onion" : "not well enough"} ] } Friday 23 November 12
  2. Last Presentation - need humour!!! Or at least an attempt

    at it :) SO @ IrissCon Friday 23 November 12
  3. Four Things This talk is NOT an IDS talk! This

    talk will be fairly technical :) And fast :) If you don’t like Lego or Star Wars, you might want to leave Friday 23 November 12
  4. Creator Doug Burks - the guy is incredible, he does

    not sleep :) Grew out of SANS Gold Paper Wanted to help make Sguil & NSM “easier” to deploy! Friday 23 November 12
  5. Security Onion is a Linux distro for IDS (Intrusion Detection)

    & NSM (Network Security Monitoring). New version => all Ubuntu-type 12.04 distros [LTS], 32 & 64 bit Old version => Xubuntu 10.04 [LTS], 32 bit only Contains many security tools. The easy-to-use Setup wizard allows you to build an army of distributed sensors for your enterprise in minutes! Open-Source : so it’s all there!!!! So, what is it? Friday 23 November 12
  6. Traditionally DEFENCE-IN-DEPTH Layers, layers & more layers: Firewalls; IDS/IPS; WAF

    Restrict inbound, allow all outbound Different FW tech ACLs on Routers But what is going on? Friday 23 November 12

    inc ebx NOOP"; content:"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC"; fast_pattern:only; classtype:shellcode-detect; sid: 2101390; rev:7;) IDS Alert, what now? Friday 23 November 12
  8. NSM, Old-Style :( WTF??????? Ah man, this sucks! grep this,

    awk that, sed this, pipe to cvs, scp & open excel :( Then make pretty for mgmt :) Friday 23 November 12
  9. NSM != IDS Clarity!!! “the collection, analysis, and escalation of

    indications and warnings (I&W) to detect and respond to intrusions” Richard Bejtlich, TaoSecurity Blog http://taosecurity.blogspot.com/2007/04/networksecurity- monitoring-history.html NSM Friday 23 November 12
  10. Deploy, Build & Use Aggregate or Tap Use Cases: Production

    - traditional DCs on VM Cloud Infrastructure Personally: HackEire & @ home ETC Admin - aptitude & upstart :) Friday 23 November 12
  11. Bro: powerful network analysis framework with amazingly detailed logs Haz

    Tools 2 OSSEC monitors local logs, file integrity & rootkits Can receive logs from OSSEC Agents and standard Syslog Friday 23 November 12
  12. Directory Structure Data : /nsm backup, bro, server data &sensor

    data By sensor name “$hostname-$interface” Config : /etc/nsm ossec, pulledpork, securityonion $hostname-$interface pads, snort, suricata, barnyard etc Logs: /var/log/nsm Friday 23 November 12
  13. NSM sudo service nsm restart bro ossec sguil sudo service

    nsm- server restart sudo service nsm- sensor restart Friday 23 November 12
  14. Sit Back, Relax & Enjoy Upcoming Demo of Client-side attack

    User clicks on link Channel is created back to attacker Friday 23 November 12
  15. CS Attack: Network Miner $ ls -lart | grep 4444

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 nsmadmin nsmadmin 1291079 Nov 4 21:22 Friday 23 November 12
  16. CS Attack: Network Miner $ ls -lart | grep 4444

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 nsmadmin nsmadmin 1291079 Nov 4 21:22 Friday 23 November 12
  17. Ah, yeah, now....... How many clicks does it take you

    to get from an alert to the packet???? Can you pivot? Could you take a Windows Administrator off the street??? Friday 23 November 12
  18. All Wrapped Up Thanks to Doug & the team No

    more compiling messing with installations sorting out pre-requisites Significantly reduced testing Point & Click Friday 23 November 12
  19. Conclusion Easy Peasy Powerful - haz tools Nice pictures, GUIs

    & graphs for management ;-) Open-Source is possible & SO viable Commodity H/W Support - mixture! Friday 23 November 12
  20. Want to join? Security Onion needs: Documentation & Artwork Web

    Interface Package Maintainers Performance Benchmarks Me -> “GetOpts -> sosetup & Chef” http://code.google.com/p/security-onion/wiki/TeamMembers Friday 23 November 12
  21. Further Reading!!! Project Home: https://code.google.com/p/ security-onion/ Blog: http://securityonion.blogspot.com GG: https://groups.google.com/forum/?

    fromgroups#!forum/security-onion Wiki: http://code.google.com/p/security- onion/w/list Mailing Lists: http://code.google.com/p/ security-onion/wiki/MailingLists IRC: #securityonion on irc.freenode.net The Future: https://code.google.com/p/ security-onion/wiki/Roadmap Friday 23 November 12
  22. Pics Links Onion: https://secure.flickr.com/ photos/7157427@N03/3248129452/ Star Wars Lego: http://imgur.com/a/ 0XvKw

    (Huge thanks to Mike Stimpson -> www.mikestimpson.com:) ) Book -> “Stormtroopers, we love you” Friday 23 November 12