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Introduction to Git and GitHub

Introduction to Git and GitHub

This presentation aims at introducing the concept of "Version Control" and "Open Source" to attendees by teaching them how to use Git and GitHub.

Mayokun Adeniyi

October 19, 2019

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  1. Talk/Workshop Flow My first git: What is Git and GitHub?

    git good: Git Fundamentals 101 git explore: Explore the GitHub Universe Let’s get busy: Create your first pull request <Hacktoberfest>
  2. What is Git? Git could be an acronym for... "Global

    Information Tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually works for you, your code works and all test cases were passed. "Goddamn Idiotic Tool": when it breaks.
  3. So, What is Git? A Distributed Version Control System. Version

    Control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.
  4. History: Know exactly which files changed, who made those changes,

    and when those changes occured. Backup: Ability to have different versions of the code in different places. Collaboration: Collaborate easily with other people on the same project by uploading and receiving changes
  5. What is GitHub? GitHub is a website that allows us

    to use git and create repositories online. It can also store all your projects online for free. It provides a Web-based graphical interface.
  6. What is a repository? A repository is a container that

    houses your project and its’ history. If your project folder contains the “.git” folder you’re working with a repository!
  7. Let’s get Started! If you are on windows, open Git-Bash.

    If you are on linux or Mac, fire up a terminal.
  8. Let git know who you are GitHub uses the email

    address set in your local Git configuration to associate commits pushed from the command line with your GitHub account.
  9. Commits Also known as “revision”... is an individual change to

    a file. Checkpoints/Snapshot of the state of your repository (project) at a particular time.
  10. Pushing to an existing repository The `git remote add` command

    takes two arguments: • A remote name, for example `origin` • A remote URL, for example “https://github.com/mayokunthefirst/Tech-meets-LMU.git”