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Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food

Megan Grocki
May 14, 2014

Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food

What has happened to our food, how it affects our health, and how we can fix it

Megan Grocki

May 14, 2014


  1. Let Food Be thy Medicine & Medicine Be thy Food

    Megan  Grocki,     Experience  Strategy  Director   #HxR2014          @megangrocki  
  2. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) “Organisms in which the genetic material

    (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.” -World Health Organization
  3. We Are Sicker & Die Younger Than Others In Wealthy

    Nations Source:  NaHonal  Research  Council  and  InsHtute  of  Medicine.  U.S.  Health  in  InternaHonal  PerspecHve:   Shorter  Lives,  Poorer  Health.  Washington,  DC:  The  NaHonal  Academies  Press,  2013.  
  4. American  Diabetes  AssociaHon.     American children born each year

    since 2000, will develop Type 2 diabetes 1 in 3
  5. 2,615 4,135 9,537 1998-2000 2001-2003 2004-2006 Food allergy related hospitalizations

    for children under 18 Center  for  Disease  Control.  Na2onal  Health  Interview  Survey    
  6. Centers  for  Disease  Control   CANCER is the leading cause

    of death by disease in children under 15
  7. We spend more on health care and disease management than

    any other country on the planet. Source:  NaHonal  Research  Council  and  InsHtute  of  Medicine.  U.S.  Health  in  InternaHonal  PerspecHve:   Shorter  Lives,  Poorer  Health.  Washington,  DC:  The  NaHonal  Academies  Press,  2013.  
  8. Source:  American  Journal  of  Medicine  (hWp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/244405 Nearly 1 in 3

    adults with a chronic disease has problems paying for food, medicine, or both.
  9. We as individuals can … Cut Artificial Colors Count chemicals,

    not calories Eat Less Fake Food Seek out yummy ways to consume superfoods Learn more about GMOs and support labeling Support producers who don’t use antibiotics, or pesticides
  10. We as healthcare professionals can … Consider nutrition in our

    content Build awareness around the food/health connection Integrate nutrition information into our interfaces Getting the facts and doing research is key – study food consumption patterns alongside other work