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Google Cloud SQL Service

Google Cloud SQL Service

What is Google Cloud SQL ? Advantages, disadvantages and what are the areas of use ?

Miraç Satıç

June 25, 2015

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  1. Who Am I ? Studying at Bilkent University Computer Technology

    & Information Systems (CTIS) Java and Scala developer His team's took first prize in Startup Weekend ‘13 Eskisehir Supporter of open source, Firefox Student Ambassador GNU/Linux user
  2. What is Google Cloud SQL ? Google Cloud is a

    web service that allows you to create, configure, and use relational databases that live in Google's cloud. It is a fully-managed service that maintains, manages, and administers your databases, allowing you to focus on your applications and services.
  3. How does it work ? By offering the capabilities of

    a familiar MySQL database, the service enables you to easily move your data, applications, and services in and out of the cloud. This enables high data portability and helps you achieve faster time-to-market because you can quickly leverage your existing database.
  4. Pricing There is a range of configurations from small instances

    costing just $0.025 per hour up to high end instances with 16GB of RAM and 100GB of data storage. The per use billing option means you only pay for your instance while it is being accessed. The package option has lower and more predictable costs for instances that are frequently accessed. Google offers two billing plans for Google Cloud SQL: Packages and Per Use.
  5. Packages Billing Plan Notice: Payments made ​​by credit card. Tier

    RAM Included Storage Included I/O per Day Charge per Day D0 0.125GB 0.5GB 200K $0.36 D1 0.5GB 1GB 850K $1.46 D2 1GB 2GB 1.7M $2.93 D4 2GB 5GB 4M $5.86 D8 4GB 10GB 8M $11.71 D16 8GB 10GB 16M $23.42 D32 16GB 10GB 32M $46.84
  6. Per Use Billing Plan Resource Charge D0 Database Instance (0.125GB

    RAM) $0.025 per hour D1 Database Instance (0.5GB RAM) $0.10 per hour D2 Database Instance (1GB RAM) $0.19 per hour D4 Database Instance (2GB RAM) $0.38 per hour D8 Database Instance (4GB RAM) $0.77 per hour D16 Database Instance (8GB RAM) $1.54 per hour D32 Database Instance (16GB RAM) $3.08 per hour 1GB Storage $0.24 per month I/O $0.10 per Million